has your fucked up vision ever hindered your vidya experience?
Has your fucked up vision ever hindered your vidya experience?
I have a huge black floater in my left eye, it's annoying but not hindering
I thought this was from doing too much drugs, you virgin nerds see this crap too?
>Both images have floaties
What did they mean by this?
you're a faggot
Is it normal to sometimes see bright flashes of light in strange ways? Like maybe it’s like someone flashes a camera in the peripheral and it lights up the room, or strange star bursts
since its how my vision has always been, i thought it was normal and hasnt affected me
Those are clouds user
>just found out i have visual snow
>normal people can't see clouds
Good to know OP
I have floaters but nothing serious. I don't notice them at all unless i really focus on them.
>retard friend shined a laser in my eye when I was a kid
feels bad
Isn't that usually the result of a tumor on the optic nerve causing it to misfire?
The arrows are pointed at them. They are floaties
my vision is fine, but my hands are starting to hurt from too much video games and work.
Having floaters is normal though?
Did anyone else get kicks when they were a kid by closing their eyes and rolling them while slightly pressing down on the sides, and see those black and white bullseyes?
no but I once got a sciotoma I think from high blood pressure
it went away within 10-15 minutes but I didn't know what was happening and it was scary
Floaters. They fuck with me every day and make me think my monitor is filthy. Pisses me the fuck off.
I only have tiny spherical floaters that are usually only visible against a bright sky, none of this crazy huge worm shit.
I used to have floaters when I was young, never had visual snow.
But I am legally blind if I take off my glasses.
>shined a laser in my eye and looked at the sun on purpose just to see what would happen
my vision seems surprisingly okay but it amazes me the kind of weird self destructive shit i could casually do as a kid for no apparent reason
Yeah probably. That used to happen to me occasionally.
this desu. good thing i've had my fill of fps in my childhood so i dont need to play them anymore
Anyone else here with visual snow have a faint spot in the center of their vision? My macula and retina seem to be in tip top shape, but I'll be seeing a retinologist to confirm this. Though, the spot came with the sudden onset of visual snow. Also
Aren't floaters just proteins on your eye or something? I thought that was normal for everyone.
Not to the extent of visual snow. Anything white and bright gives you spaghetti vision.
I can only see floaties sometimes like after a really big yawn. What does this mean Yea Forums?
they go away when ever i focus, so no
>sitting at home minding my own business
>trying to read something but for some reason it’s like the words are blocked by something when I try to focus on them
>floater forms stuck in my vision
>gets bigger
>turns into spiral brain snake
>suddenly feels like head is in a vice and eyes are popping out for the next 6 hours
Fuck well I guess I’m going to need to deal with migraines for the rest of my life
it is normal, it's just a meme to make people paranoid about their eyesight. same thing about ringing in your ears = tinnitus, everyone experiences some slight ringing in complete silence but if you don't know better you'll think you have fucked up ears. welcome to Yea Forums(nel) btw
>Visual Snow
I thought everyone could see the static of the universe. Is it not normal?
A-are you really not supposed to see negative afterimages?
When I was bored in class I would always stare at the fluro lights and then close my eyes and let the floater form, and then open my eyes and watch it fly around
I didn't have any migraine that came with mine which made it even weirder
That's your ki, user. But don't fucking tell anyone. Don't be a retard.
I know for certain it's not the majority norm. I never had it before until I was 25 years old.
I get a very bad case of floaters whenever I bike to work
my vision is otherwise completely normal
should I be worried?
Had this too. It was the sketchiest moment of my life. I legit thought I was going to go blind in the coming days. Thank fuck it was a year ago and nothing happened since. Went to an eye "doctor" and the guy basically said "yeah you're fine now pay me and get out of my office." Thanks Goldberg.
I got two migraines as a kid, both in the middle of class, and both times these things popped up before my head started fucking pounding so badly I had to go home and lay down for hours. What the fuck is this and what causes them? I'm 22 now, shit happened when I was in 5th/6th grade and it hasn't happened since then. Are they a normal occurrence or do I have brain aliens?
What the fuck does "negative afterimage" mean? Is it like one of those visual processing tricks our brain uses? I've seen the other shit before but I don't think I've ever seen that one.
i had floaters for a short while a few years ago, never since. I think they were caused by stress, it was a pretty stressful time for me.
the snow thing looks horrifying, who the hell has that?
Ask a doc. You'll get more mileage; hilariously enough, though, Yea Forums is the one place in the whole of the internet I've gotten more clarity about weird shit going on with me.
I've got pretty heavy visual snow, and the focus point of my left eye has a 'tear' so to speak, it looks like just really dense snow with no detail. I never notice it until I think about it, but if I close my right eye and look at something it's really obvious. The tear is about a centimeter wide.
I caused it by staring into the sun for long periods of time during a bout of psychosis
>high blood pressure
how old are you?
im asking because I just turned 22 and I found out that I had a bp of 160/100
im on medication now but fuck me lol
Used to see floaters when I was a kid. I don't anymore.
This, I always thought everyone had this crusty shit in their eyes.
i've had visual snow all my life, its like having a shitty grain filter on that you can't turn off. too bad they'll never find a cure for it.
dang 2: return to castle danginstein
It's like when they try to show off 4K footage in a 1080p video.
Stage 5 cancer, I'm sorry user.
At that young age it could as well have been growth issues. Headaches from growth spurts are not too rare.
no but when i was younger i thought i maybe got visual snow by staring too much at screens lol
that was before i even knew it is called visual snow
Ever stared at a light, looked away, and still saw said light? It's kinda like that. I've had the reflection of the sun get stuck in my vision for a whole fucking month. All because I glanced at a floor soaking in the sun's 8am glorious incandescence.
It’s something about blood pressure in the skull changing and the sinuses, and it’s just how some people are, no way around it, the only way I’ve found out how to deal with them is to either smoke weed and ride it out or go to sleep, sleep is the better one but you can’t always just drop your shit and lie down because all of a sudden your orbital bones start imploding in the middle of the day
i've had this since i was 5
nice try
What are those points of light from? I learned in a psych class that it's one of the symptoms of schizophrenia, but there has to be other causes if they're this prevalent.
>tfw the visual snow is just blood cells
Real scary shit is seeing a magnification of your eye cells when wearing glasses
Not him but I come from a family of high blood pressure and extremely stressful people with heart problems. I'm constantly wondering how the hell my blood pressure is perfect all the time.
This is a fucking nightmare when you're driving
dang 3: dang with a vengeance
I did alot of mushrooms acid and dmt in the span of a year in high school and I think it gave me permanent schizophrenia, especially when I'm high. Anything in my peripheral vision becomes distorted nightmares if I'm not careful
>tfw no visual snow
This is why my friend didn't understand me when I said the floaters are annoying.
I dunno, but I get something kind of like that sometimes as well as little spots or lines at the edge of my vision that even move some times but disappear when I try to look at them. Saw an eye doctor and got a bunch of tests done but they said nothing was wrong so who knows.
I'm just glad they have a name for it, I thought it was raining indoors when I was 6
It’s the blue light effect, everyone gets those, it’s white blood cells moving through the capillaries in your eyes that you can see against the light of the sky
As for visual snow, it isn’t properly understood other than it is going on in the brain and not the eye or optical nerve
mine is a little bit high so the doctor suggested for me to take like 5 mg of beta blocker daily or 10-20 if I'm anxious
I only had the sciotoma once and never since even though I don't actually take medication every day.
unless it was an industrial laser it didnt do permanent damage
wtf thats some donnie darko shit. Do you just follow it around?
They don't even know what's causing it. That's a long way from finding a cure. At least it's starting to get acknowledged. Still most people have no idea what I'm talking about when I tell them what I see.
>report shitposter
>he gets banned
we /jannies/ now
>you virgin nerds
Boy you sure are a cool guy aren't you? idiot
You only get that with strong lights though, how does it apply to the landscape in the image?
There were like 5 times in my life where it seemed like the sun turned off and back on again for a split second
Hell. My optometrist didn't know what I was talking about. I gotta get to a city or something.
People who suffer from specific forms of migranes usually experience a "halo" before hand which can be anything from your visual distortions to partial blindness to full blown synthesesia.
It’s more like it’s on a film in front of your eyes, but like visual snow it kind of sticks to the environment while still scraggilingly off into itself
struck a nerve did he
>Put on friend's glasses as a joke
>Realize I see much better with them
Who /audiohallucinations/ here?
yeah, i was a bit pissed when an eye doctor didn't know what the fuck i was talking about.
Don't samefag, it's embarassing
Ah, that's pretty interesting, thanks.
You are probably just getting dust in your eyes. I have flaoters all the time but everyone has them occasionally.
Another user, but I also get like little sparkler looking shit in my eyes after a big sneeze
You confuse the snow with the dancing white spots. The latter is blood cells you can see when staring at the blue sky. The former is like the snow from a cheap webcam or night vision cameras.
Why do y'all act like this is impeding your life. I've seen snow my whole life, and had tinnitus since I was 7. You live with it.
>Left eye vision has a blue hue
>Right eye vision has red
Is this normal?
>I thought this was from doing too much drugs
You thought that poor vision was caused by drugs? Man, the idiot kids on this board these days.
literally me
>being mad that someone calls you a virgin indirectly
You are aware that you are on Yea Forums, right? Were the populace used to be called Yea Forumsirgin, before you stupid fucking redditors came here?
>Went to an eye "doctor" and the guy basically said "yeah you're fine now pay me and get out of my office." Thanks Goldberg.
Were you expecting the visit to be free if he didn't find anything wrong?
Jesus man calm down
these freak me out, they're rare for me but sometimes I hear stuff like a female voice whispering while I'm trying to fall asleep
it's hard to really explain
it feels like you can still see but your eyes can't really focus on anything, like you still see the scene but it would be hard to read text
as a kid I looked directly into a laser pointer for like five straight minutes just to see what would happen. it made my vision very purple in that eye for several minutes, but it didn't permanently damage anything. got 20-20 vision
It's all still technically light according to our eyes and brain. It's like ghost images that disappear after a milisecond or second or even a minute or two. I was playing STALKER the other day taking long range shots through a scope, and saw the ring of the scope everywhere I looked for a minute. I'll get that same effect from driving down a straight road bordered by trees, which is what the picture is trying to convey.
Only a couple of times when I was younger when I thought someone said my name very clearly near me, and once when I came home and heard my mom talking to my brother upstairs but when she came down and I asked she said he wasn’t home and she wasn’t talking to anyone
Also if I’m eavesdropping and can’t quit hear it my mind fills the blanks and I think I sometimes hear rather paranoid things
whatever helps you sleep
Permanent snow and other visual effects can definitely result from heavy psychedelic usage
I can see the floaters if I concentrate on it but not normally
>calm down
Funny advice, coming from a man who got his jimmies rustled because of words.
cool story bro
Mine are more like hearing voices/conversations in buzzing noises and running water. It's pretty easy to tune out, and I can almost always tell what's real and what's not, but it's still freaky.
So that's what that was, i kind of freaked out a bit for a moment, luckily it went away. Internet says it can happen due to basically super shit diet which fits me to a tee so yeah..
Is that what it is? My family has always talked about hearing old radios in the house at night.
user you've had those 3D glasses on for years, we've been trying to tell you about it but you refuse to listen
I only notice it when i look at bright things. Sky, clouds, walls, etc. But I've always had it so it is normal for me.
>tfw hear indistinct voices when I try to sleep
life would be so much better if i weren't autistic
Shit son. I still remember some ASMR-tier chick whispering "You know?" into my ear just as I was about to fall asleep after reading about demons.
According to you lol
Just take off the retro 3D glasses
My lazy eye (strabismus) gives me a wider field of vision.
No one is actually affected by it we just want to talk about it because we don’t go and talk about things normally like properly adjusted people and instead do it anonymously on a Hong Kong fridge building forum
Oh damn fuck this place i really thought i had tinnitus
Your whole family? If they're hallucinating, then you probably have issues too. Do you hear them too?
I hear whispering right in my ear, buzzing and my name called randomly. I'm grateful it's only like 3 times a month.
Reminds me of the time I heard birds in the middle of the night in winter. Then I found out it's just some noise in my ears that my brain interpreted as tweeting. Stupid thing.
Honestly they just charge too much for everything. Consultation is getting expensive.
I went to a doctor because I'd get dizzy, have a pain in my chest and feel like my heart was in a vice when I did strenuous activity like heavy lifting or sex.
They told me I was a ok. That I was actually in great health and sent me a bill for 300.
Kinda tangential but anyone else get small headaches when it's bright outside and you walk a distance on the sidewalk? I guess it's because I have light-colored eyes, I'm really considering sunglasses because it's annoying.
Very funny, anons, very funny.
>in the hot sun in 90°+ for a few hours
>start seeing fast small concentric semi circles at the very center of my vision that move quickly outward and disappear
Is this normal? It only last am hour or so
Reminds me when my phone was vibrating in my pocket. I was walking around whole fucking house trying to find it and coulnd't pin point its location because it was as loud in every place. took me like 1 min to realize it was in my fucking pocket.
What wait I thought eye floaters were a normal thing that everyone has? What the fuck.
>completely ignore the actual question of said user
>instead passive-aggressively focus a single word
>keep on trying to deflect the whole affair
Oh yeah, as much as I disliked the mass (miss)usage faggots did years ago, but in this case it fits perfectly: u mad.
ive had a single scintilating scotoma in my life
it was kind of strange but i knew what it was from the random stuff id read on the internet so i didnt panic. I only got a mild headache after
Kind of wish one would happen again just so i could enjoy it. It was like looking at a pool of agitated liquid mercury reflecting a rainbow, just silvery colors flashing everywhere
Wow you are really mad someone saw through your bullshit huh?
>Internet says it can happen due to basically super shit diet which fits me to a tee so yeah..
I've started drinking a lot in my mid twenties...
While the slight tinnitus he described is normal, visual snow isn't. It's nothing to be too concerned about, unless you enjoy your outdoor activities.
>go outside
Stare at the sky long enough and you'll think you're time warping.
RIP user
People on here are acting like this affects them though. Like it makes them worse people. I have this really high sharp tone in my right ear but at the same time my hearing is way better than my friends.
>close eyes
>point face towards the sun
>wait a minute
>look away
>open eyes
>everything is blue now
The silly things your vision does.
god i hate that
>tfw migraine from weather and pressure changes
Reminds me of looking for a quarter that was in my hand all along or glasses that were on my face all along.
>unless you enjoy your outdoor activities.
I wish I could go out into dense woods or landscapes without going into a daze because I forgot my sunglasses and now everything is covered in a huge wriggling blinding web
>all the people in this thread discovering their vision problems for the first time
There's no evidence that confirms that in any way. The strongest proven correlation is between visual snow and migraines.
Even if poor vision could be caused by psychadelics, there's a difference between "psychadelics can cause visual effects" and "visual effects are from doing too much drugs", because the latter implies that the only thing that causes visual snow and floaters is drugs, which is retarded nonsense.
I used to do that as a kid. I thought it "cleaned" my eyes.
>see an attractive woman
>weiner gets full of blood
Do you guys ever get this?
Had them pretty bad back before my insomnia was being managed. They weren't constant or unaccountable; they usually occurred when I was startled or spacing out. Sudden noises would seem impossibly loud and things I didn't hear clearly would sound 'sinister.'
Reflexively decked my sister when she jumped out around a corner to spook me. Flattened the bridge of her nose and still feel fucking awful about it ten years later.
I have a shitload of floaters, but my mind just tunes them out unless I start focusing on them.
I get migraines from looking at bright lights after drinking coffee for a while, they hurt like hell but at least drinking just half a cup makes them much less likely to happen.
>close eyes
>look at sun
>wave hand in front of face rapidly
Seek sunlight
>almost 30
>still have 20/20 vision
I'm scared for when my vision finally starts to go
Man, I used to love gazing out at landscapes and watch clouds drift. Now it's just pain and spaghetti vision.
no never
My right eye doesn’t see correctly and does a kind of mini double vision, sometimes I just close my right eye if I’m reading and not focusing because it just adds a shit blur.
>Night blindness
>Visual snow
>Closed-angle glaucoma
Just fuck my eyesight up
Floaters are normal though
You're Gay
It doesn’t cause it like he said but it doesn’t make people aware of it, most people who have it never even realize unless someone tells them, because it’s so easy to assume everyone sees the same way
Don't do this it makes mustard gas
Oh yeah, there are other causes for it. I guess my "definitely" was a bit strong because studies on psychedelics are rare, but with all the anecdotes I'd be surprised if there was no connection
Nah that sounds weird
it might be cancer
*does make them aware fuck
>be young
>have completely perfect vision in every way
>be around 22
>seemingly overnight have a shit ton of floaters and things in the distance are blurry as hell
I'm 24 now and pretty much need glasses all the time. Nobody told me this would happen.
Jesus Christ user. I pray they'll fix you up one of these days.
I have snow when I close my eyes, then it looks like millions of little black dots with red cores i can barely see. Can't see them with eyes open unless I fixate on a very simple surface. With eyes open they just look transparent with bright centers and slightly darker rings. I don't even see them unless I try to.
What, no witty "I'M NOT MAD YOU'RE MAD" comeback, fag? Am I not responding the way your friends told you I'd respond?
I am shortsightet and therefore had a shitload of floaters, never thought I could learn to live with them but apparently they get smaller over the years or dissolve or shit. I have barely any floaters left but it took 3-6 years for them to disappear fully.
What's funny is that doctors are still paying off their student loans well into their 50s even with those prices
well keep checking your bp regularly
there are some signs like you feel extremely hot , get real fucking angry etc
atleast that's what happened with me
This happens to me like every few weeks but never outside, always thought it was just a power flicker or more likely a spasm of the eyelid
Headache with aura is one of the worst things. You cant see shit and can't feel your arms and when it fades, the pain arrives like a fucking rocket.
I have gotten this, I think this is very normal, sometimes I think I see my cat in my peripheral, or rather a shape that when I go to look at it, it looks like my cat in the way that it vanishes, very strange to explain
Just found out I went from 20/20 to 20/15
Standing there taking the test, everything going well until she asks to read with just the right eye, suddenly the bottom row is completely blurred.
Turned 22 this year, now realizing my body will slowly start to wither. It's a depressing thought.
I ejaculated blood for like a month when I was nineteen. I don't mean there was blood IN my ejaculate, I mean I straight up shot a tablespoon or two of blood from my dick whenever I came. It didn't hurt at all and went away of its own accord.
I've ejaculated normally since but I still wonder what the fuck that was all about.
This would have gotten me good back in the day
Anyone have gotten the laser eye surgery?
Two of my family members got it and have enjoyed no glasses for +10 years, but heard that you can suffer from dry eye and fucked eyes when you get older.
I remember I once bled out of my ass (dark blood) for like 2 days. I stuck some toilet paper up my ass crack with some neosporin and left it in there. Stopped after a while but I'm the same with you, like what the fuck was that shit about?
You're probably sterile you mongoloid, that's the kind of shit you should get checked out
I did LSD twice in college and still see wood grain wiggle around sometimes
Yeah but glasses are fine. Just get a nice pair with the fancy lenses n shit.
I heard the opposite in regards to age. You're not supposed to get laser eye surgery until 30+ because your eyes are still changing. You have to update it every 10-15 years, but if you get it young you have to update it more frequently than that.
>tfw there wont be cybereyes invention during your lifetime
for less then a frame
urethral laceration via stone maybe
Plenty of tiny children have worse eye sight than you do, calm down with the exaggeration.
On 2 different occasions when I was a teenager I was whacking off when I poked down and saw there was blood on my dick, and for both I am still not sure if it was blood in my precum or if I pulled on it too hard and ripped the skin hmmmmmh
>Go to a (((doctor)))
>Oy vey! You're fine lad! That'll be $350!
fucking hell user, I came with just a little bit of blood and freaked out and immediately saw a doctor, how could you not do anything about that
or they wont make it public cuz everybody wants to be spehsul
I used to have blood in my ejaculate back when I was probably around 16-17 or so, but I found out that it wasn't because of any internal problems, but just that I would whack off so hard that I would rip the skin of my dick
video games
Meant looked down
If it were haemorrhoids the blood would be bright red. Dark red blood from ass indicated internal bleeding.
>go to doctor
>hey I've got a new boat to pay off, you need to come at least five more times. That'll be $600 plus tip
Pretty much everyone who gets it gives it a glowing recommendation. One of the people I know who got it wound up with dry eyes afterwards and still shills for it and says it's worth it.
You shouldn't get it until after you're definitely done growing (like post puberty in your mid 20's) but you should get it as early as possibly because it doesn't stop vision degradation due to age.
Piles is bright red blood because it’s fresh, dark blood is older or mixed with other material, and comes from bleeding somewhere in the intestines
I literally went to the doctors last week for ass bleeding. Luckily I live in the UK so them not doing anything didn't cost me a dime.
>have to wait six months for an appointment
>have fucked up teeth
>Luckily I live in the UK
brain damage
haha ur gay
If it's always there, go to see a doctor.
I've had to pay altogether like $700 after insurance and I've had almost debilitating constant bowel pain and weird pooping for most of the year. None of the tests or scans that I've had done have turned up anything. I just stopped bothering.
I attempted to get treatment at least
When I was younger my cum randomly would change consistency to this really thick, curdled crap that smelled god awful. It worried the crap out of me but everything I read said it was mostly normal.
I don't have fucked up vision.
>call non-emergency number
>they send me to A&E
>get seen within a few hours
>have blood tests and a physical exam
>tell me to check up with my GP
>the appointment is made for the next day
>none of this costs me a dime
Uhh, 20/15 is better than 20/20, nerd
t. Had 20/10 in childhood, but is now 20/20 in my right eye and 20/25 in my left
I have IRL temporal anti-aliasing. Stuff is very blurry when it's moving even a little bit, but then it's much sharper when it's totally still.
Also, I hate the fake HDR started in HL2. I don't need games artificially making my eyes feels like shit, they already are.
That's cause the sun going through your eyelids makes you see red. Your eyes' color receptors for the color red literally tire out and partially stop working for a little while. When you open your eyes everything is tinted cyan because your blue and green receptors have kept working pretty much normally the entire time.
If this is a recent thing you might want to see a doctor. Flashes of light in the corner of the eye are a sign of a detached retina.
I was pretty depressed at the time but didn't want my parents to find me dead from suicide and spend the rest of their lives wondering if they could have helped me. I hoped it was prostate cancer or something as grave so I could die an apparently blameless death. Thank you for reading my blog.
I'm pretty sure the US medical staff as a whole is just completely ineffectual.
I've always thought the little floaters were bacteria on my eyes
this. I've never known the plight of glassesfags, but I think in your 40s is where shit starts to go for most people regardless of vision
I get those auras before migraines kick in.
How does he deal with the dry eyes? Does he need to takes some drops?
>get augmented eyes to see wavelengths invisible to the human eye
>everything's red-purple but there's just more to see
just stick your ass in a microwave
disregard my retardation
found the papers they gave me
Right eye: 20/15
Left eye: 20/20
Both eyes:20/15
I am ignorant of the meanings of these numbers I must admit
I just know things were more blurry using my right eye
same, doctor said it might be due to not drinking enough water though
It's completely normal, especially if it's bright.
Yea Forums - anything but video games
>Be me
>Be a kid with 20/20 perfect vision
>Start puberty, vision goes to absolute shit, really bad near sightedness
>Can't see shit in school because teachers hate me and put me at the back of the class constantly
>Flunking classes because I'm fucking blind
>Try telling my parents I need glasses
>When my older sister was around my age she pretended to have bad eyesight because she wanted to get glasses like her friends, so my parents thought I was doing the same thing and didn't even pay attention to me when I told them
>Also somehow conveniently our family eye clinic moved to a new building and lost our phone number so we never got reminder calls for regular appointments for like 5 years
>Didn't get glasses until I was 17 when I needed them when I was like 10
that's gay as hell user but I went through the exact same thing too when I was younger so I understand
I sometimes get weird alternating bands of light and dark right after I wake up but it doesn't really look like that. Any ideas?
I have a weird floater in my left eye, two fixed dots close to each other, but they only appear for 10-20 seconds every other week or so.
Feels amazing to know some residue is floating in my eye liquid stuff, not nasty at all.
>being able to see bacteria with naked eye
It's just daily eye drops each morning yeah. Sucks if you don't want to go from one dependency (glasses) to another (drops) but it's probably the way preferable option.
There's two types. Near vision and far vision. You might enjoy decent far vision in both eyes, but have something messed up when your eyes try to zoom out on something close. How often do you go outside? Try testing both eyes again out and about
Once I sat out in the sun for 15 minutes. Then when I got back inside my vision was tinted green for like 15 mins afterwards. So that was weird.
fuck off then
That's what I've heard and I don't know how I'll cope.
>get a set of cyberyees
>have to take them out every night to recharge
>one day they get hacked
>black void except for red text demanding money
Or just meatspin on repeat.
You'd better hold that shit against your parents, that's a dick move. Make sure you remind them every chance you get that they're the reason you failed in school
my optometrist told me i had high ocular pressure, but only in one eye
he said not to worry about it, but i'll probably end up developing a glaucoma in that eye at some point
oh well, i'll get a cool eyepatch or something
user, ignore the other guy. Parents are just human, sometimes they make dumb mistakes. The fact they got you glasses at all shows that they care about you, even if they don't realize the extent to which they hurt you
I'm a recluse, I spend my free time on the computer inside.
When I do go outside I can see fairly far, I put on my ex's glasses one time because I was curios, I was suddenly able to see individual leaves on a tree that was at least a third a mile away, but it fucking hurt my eyes.
>Take a physical exam for Uni
>They tell me I'm physically fine but the paper results show that my eyes might have refraction and I should probably see an optometrist
>Remembered that my left eye is blurrier than my right
>Notice I can't see small text from far away
>Notice I can't see things clearly when I'm tired
>Eyes have trouble readjusting in darkness after looking at phone
>Not sure if from video games or nocebo effect
>Still haven't gone to an eye doctor
>Still too addicted to vidya
Please send help
I'm just thinking of how to prepare for the future if the worst should happen with war or whatever.
Depend on glasses that can be broken or daily drops unless I want paid.
When you inevitably get it, pray for nearsightedness, not farsightedness. Farsightedness fucking sucks.
I've got this mildly. I see a thin layer of static over everything, and I'm sensitive to light - on a sunny day even clean concrete footpaths get a bit too bright for me to not have to squint.
Get floaters too but thankfully never really had issues with afterimages. There's been instances where I've had sharp bright/dark contrasts and sort of noticed it but only briefly.
>When you suddenly become hyper aware of your tinnitus
t. user's parents
>suddenly go blind
>no more vidya
>no more porn
>no more shitposting
Nightmare fuel.
eye exam is easy. they do the exam and make your glasses in the same visit.
I remember when I was young and had 20/10, I could make out individual needles on trees that had to be over a mile away.
Now I can't even see shit right in front of me. I wanna kms, the world lost all its color. Doesn't help that when I was happy I woke up all day and suddenly couldn't feel emotion anymore - turns out it's a rare genetic form of depression
My father is an optician and he told me if that ever happens to go see an eye doctor to be on the safe side
Get glasses, stock up on drops
You should see a doctor to make sure your retina isn't partially detached.
I read this somewhere too but it never seemed to be the issue. I was pretty well hydrated because at the time. The first time it happened to me was before a really bad cold however. It was awful. It was really thick like I had to squeeze my dick like a yogurt tube to get the last bit out sometimes.
My advice to people with floaters and the like.
Open your windows during the day and use light-themes on websites. If you're in the light all of the time, you get used to floaters and they're basically not there. The only time that floaters will pop out and flood your vision is when you've been sitting in a dark room all day and then take a step out into the light.
>cant use headphones anymore in my right ear because it might make tinnitus worse
>cant get fully immersed in vidya because of this
>left year is slowly getting weaker too
Why god why? I was just a boy who liked music.
I have "floaters" that are like black strings that move around everywhere
Call me a pussy, but I'm terrified of having to use glasses and lose the ability to see as I get old like
. And also the fact that my eyesight is deteriorating. I don't want to have to quit vidya for my eyes, even though I know it's probably the right thing.
>you can't off your self at that point
Same lol
absolutely agree
blindness is the worst possible thing I can think of
Fuck Id rather lose all my limbs than go blind if I had to choose.
the human body is depressing man. Incredible potential in youth, a few years slip by and its all ripped away.
The only thing that would keep me going if I lost all vision would be music and the chance I might get those hypnagogic hallucinations blind people sometimes can get that would be cool
One day when I was like 14 I woke up and couldn't see anything for about 5 minutes, the last 2 minutes of it was remembering the quickest path to a gun in my house.
no but my vidya experience ruined my vision
>stare at grass for a while on a sunny day
>the grass becomes cyan
>stare at one spot in the grass for a while
>see like a sort of singularity that's pulling waves into itself
>the dancing white spots I see when I star at the blue sky are just blood cells
Oh man, I thought I had visual snow that I could only see on the blue sky but that's exactly what it is. The dancing looks cool.
In 2012 i unironically felt like I was invincible. Now its all breaking down.
It’s gotta be that way, that’s the way the world has to be put together to have it all make sense
1 part good, 3 parts bad, otherwise there’s no positive and no negative and we can’t navigate in the chaos
youll lose it even faster if you're squinting all the time desu
Fuck I had this once, and hopefully never again
>double vision
>visual snow
>occasional microscopic flashes
>recently had acute eye pain that would shoot from my head into my neck
>went to an optician and he couldn't see anything wrong with my eyes that could cause this
>had 2 MRI's in the past to diagnose the double vision and nothing abnormal showed up
It'd be nice to have normal vision
>Night blindness
Wait a minute, isn't night like on the right for everyone?
>older brother told me if I looked at the sun and then closed my eyes the marks would lead me to treasure
>did it for over an hour before my parents noticed
Still pissed about this
floaties are normal.
I definitely openly blame them when it comes up but I hold the lion's share of resentment for all the hardass teachers that literally just would not put me at the front row when I asked.
wow what a cunt
Why your eyes were closed no damage would have been done
wat, how could anyone see it like the right but then see normally during the day
Fuck, you're right even though my vision isn't bad enough for me to squint yet. I'll get it checked and hope it's not too bad or too late for me
No I'd stare at the sun first
Then close my eyes and walk around like a bumbling retard trying to follow the markings
its called hats, sunglasses and staying inside
>retinas started coming detached when I was in middle school
>they never figured out how or why
It's 'normal' in the sense that everyone gets them to a certain degree.
The goop that makes up the vitreous body of the eye has a lot of protein chains suspended in it. Sometimes those
fold and crumple together in bad ways which eventually leads to them becoming opaque and visible.
A floater here or there you can cope with, but some people basically have to look through cobwebs 24/7.
For those, surgery exists which can drain the vitreous body from the eye and fit artificial replacements. Iirc often based on noble gases?
>look up any random pain or problem on google
Makes me too fucking paranoid, I don't even bother anymore.
Thanks for ruining many otherwise restful nights, you fucking fake fall thing.
Retinal detachment meme
never heard of that, pretty terrifying.
we all have night vision. Sit in the dark for a while, let your eyes adjust to the dark, and then you can walk around your house picking up only the faintest bits of light from street lamps outside of your house to illuminate your house.