I finally got around to playing this. Holy fuck it was western kino

I finally got around to playing this. Holy fuck it was western kino.

Though I don't think they did enough to establish that Dutch was trustworthy once. I didn't trust him from the very start.

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Dutch is supposed to be shady

Its no secret that dutch was shady from the start, he just had his gang, especially Arthur, brainwashed into thinking he was some romantic outlaw that cared for his gang family. All dutch wanted was fame and to have his way.

>All dutch wanted was fame and to have his way (with Mary Beth)

He was a conman from the start. Maybe if they set it before his first girl died you would have seen him a bit more altruistic, but even then he was just a conniving con.

i dont think you need to trust dutch from the start, blackwater is the moment people in the group stop believing in him.

>I didn't trust him from the very start.
To be fair, many players going into this didn't either. It's a prequel.

Yeah I just think that it's hard to see Arthur's perspective that Dutch is good when the first thing you're told is that Dutch fucked up.

How does Red Dead Redemption hold up on backwards compatible? I feel like I want to keep going but not sure I want to pay £25 for a ten year old game.

Arthur knew Dutch is a phony from the get go. Arthur was probably the smartest guy in the camp.
The thing is, Arthur was all about loyalty to the very end, so he just kept following Dutch's lead no matter how retarded the situation was.

I assume you are talking about xbone. I played it on the X. Native 4k, stable 30 fps. Unironically looks fantastic even by todays standards and the framerate is much smoother than on x360/Ps3. There's a bit too much of John being an errand boy in the middle of the story but other than that the game holds up extremely well. I prefer RDR 2 but without a doubt RDR 1 feels closer to classic spaghetti westerns and I love it for that.

Alright fuck it, imma get it. I have an Xbone X as well, just got it recently. RDR2 on a 4k HDR screen looked fucking amazing, probably the best looking game I have ever seen. Even the facial animations managed to dodge the uncanny valley for me.

The story begins well after he became shady, I don't think it's supposed to be a big mystery. In Arthur's tent there's a newspaper clipping about the first bank job they pulled like 20 years ago where Dutch gave the proceeds to the poor. Arthur and the rest of the crew knew he had been full of shit for a long time but they still longed for the untarnished Dutch ideal

I just wish they didnt arbitrarily lock half the map off until the epilogue. I know there isnt much to see there but it still pisses me off.

Why would Dutch trust Micah so much? I know he was unhinged and egotistical but still it seemed like a strange choice to fuck over Arthur for someone he'd known for a few months.

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Because at that point they'd been raided by cops, and Arthur had explicitly gone against Dutch's earlier orders of not helping the indians, and he did so behind Dutch's back.
Dutch didn't think Arthur was a snake, but he was seeing that Arthur was not with him anymore. That and all Dutch wanted was people to follow him to feed his ego, nothing else.

Maybe he figured the cold-blooded killer was the least likely to be approached/controlled by the feds

Why would a man skin an animal before putting it on a horse?

Honestly whoever designed the lighting did an incredible job. It looks amazing all the time. Some of the textures and plants can look a bit rough sometimes but the lighting is 10/10.

I think it was a mixture of Micah being a yes man, regardless of whether he was loyal or not, he'd do what Dutch needed him to do. Arthur kept questioning and challenging Dutch, doing things begrudgingly. I could see an ego maniac like Dutch seeing Micah as the lesser of two evils just to move his schemes forward, and I think that's illustrated when Arthur dies, Dutch couldve killed him, but he actively chooses not to.

The game was meant to be played after RDR1, that's why they don't try to set Dutch up as trustworthy. Everyone already knows how it'll end

I hate prequels for this exact reason.

>Meant to be a western
>Almost none of the game happens in the west

>I didn't trust him from the very start.
maybe it's because you're told in the first game that he left you to die in a heist? It could also because you literally spend the entire first game chasing and killing him.

Arthur was doubting him
Micah was kissing ass

nuff said

The question is rather Dutch was always just a megalomaniac cult leader or if he actually cared for his gang family but lost it hafter the head injury and Josea's death.

I never played original rdr, had no idea about its story. And I still didn't trust Dutch a bit throughout the game. Everything about him screams pathetic power tripping fag

It gets too much hate. It's not perfect, but it is great. What turned me off it was Online. I rushed through the story so it wouldn't be spoiled and didn't take time to enjoy it. Then I played online for like 2 weeks before getting sick of being disconnected every 10 mins and having nothing to do. I came back to it about 2 months ago and have enjoyed it a lot more. Started the story again and I'm role playing as an outlaw. I keep my money reasonably low. Hunt for food and cook it as soon as possible. Camp out every few nights. Sell my loot in towns and just explore and take in the environment. I'm just after rescuing Jack from the Italian and I'm looking forward to the epilogue again. I'm not a big fan of the leftist pandering. How 99% of non white characters are noble and good while most of the 'Southern' population are generic inbred white trash.

What head injury?

the textures are on the low-end for most of the game because everything is supposed to be viewed from 3rd person, and also the lighting/post effects filter cover them really well so they optimised by reducing textures since you don't see them so close all that much.
overall, this game is really a revolution in vidya visuals

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On the boat with horses.

Was it implied that the head injury caused him to lose himself? Can't remember. He seemed like he was a conman all along and his lies caught up with him

Wasn't his head injury from the botched rob job on the tram station? Anyways I think that incident is just coincidence with his whole slide downward into losing power over the course of the game

I think Dutch hasn't been much of a leader since well before the game started. If he had ever been one at all. I felt it was strongly implied that they weren't actually very competent and could only survive for so long because the West was relatively lawless. Civilization coming there probably meant that the days of Dutch being able to play Robin Hood would have to end one way or another.

I thought that when I saw one of his first speeches.

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Most of them were competent but its just they were a dozen and a half against the expansion westward, they were never going to win.

>I didn't trust him from the very start
That's because he was already breaking bad since before the game starts.

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Why did they keep heading east?

No, I think on some level he did care or at least he genuinely believed he did. He seemed like a very particular kind of narcissist, the kind who's very convinced that they are actually a good person and wants to act accordingly. But in the end it was an act. He wanted to live out his Robin Hood fantasy and that fantasy was more important to him than the lifes of the people who followed him. Dutch actually realizing that his time is over and choosing to die at the end of RDR1 is arguable the most positive conclusion his character arc could have had.

yeah but imagine when it can be twice as big, and the transition between zones feels even more natural, and the spaces between "states" are more real. also imagine what it would be like if the game wasn't based around an antiquated on-rails mission system

Yeah this. He's a trademark narcissist.

It's debatable whether he was truly honorable in the first place or his philosophy was thin guise to fuel his ego and commit murder, he was always a conman and a criminal. Would like to see another prequel where you play alongside young Dutch & Hosea.

The needed one more score.

I don't think it felt antiquated at all. In fact the strangers system was pretty good.

'cause everything was fucked out west

>linear = bad

Less fucked than East for outlaws