Borderlands 3 will be using the Denuvo
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I didn't think anyone on this board actually liked borderlands
>implying I wanted to even pirate Randy Bobandy's BADASSlands 3: The Movie The Game The Barely Legal Magic Video
Apparently their sales goal for BL3 is a negative amount of copies
>Epic Exclusive
>Pre-Order Bonuses
>Email Club Bonuses
>No Preload
What else can we add to make it the shittiest shit that was ever shat?
Robot "pronouns"
Has it been confirmed to be one of those “always online, even in singleplayer” types of games? I could definitely see them doing shit like that.
>Denuvo EGS combo
day 2 pirate
Denuvochads, we're rising up.
*Month 6th pirate
Wan't going to buy it on EGS anyway.
By the time it'll hit GOTY and will be available on Steam, it'll probably have long since been cracked and thus removed so that Gearbox and Take Two can duck out of the monthly license fees to maintain it.
woah, so much shovelware
damm denuvo don't let me pirate MADDEN and POLICE SIMULATOR.
>Ignoring Octopath Traveler
Why are Steam drones so noxiously obtuse?
Don't forget about Handball Simulator
>Epic brought back pirating singlehandedly!
>Lol n-not like I wanted to play it anyways
The robot one is a legitimate joke, though. A mediocre one, but a joke nevertheless.
AI, programming, binary code...
Robot identifies as "non-binary."
As expected. They used securom on BL1. Wait for the Steam version, its cracked and removed by then probably.
(I hate these companies more and more every day.)
You forgot about
You seem to be under the delusion that denuvo is somehow uncrackable.
>Implying anyone wanted to play this shit anyway.
Only normies give a fuck about this shit franchise. They're way too fucking boring for me and cringy to boot.
New denuvo version, we will wait months for crack or maybe even more. Anno still uncracked
That's pretty insulting to normies user-kun
>As expected. They used securom on BL1.
And it was playable co-op online first day basically because multiplayer was powered by Gamespy and Securom was a pretty shit DRM that only ever hurt consumers
This though? You're fucked.
Octopath Traveler is shovelware.
Oscar Mike shouting "Feminism is awesome!" after killing a female was also supposed to be a joke. Remember how well that went over?
Humor and identity politics don't mix.
>downloads switch
it would be a joke if it didn't ride on that particular train.
sonic identifying as an attack helicopter is a joke.
Anno is using the older version which was already cracked, even if codex is ignoring the game.
>Anno still uncracked
That's because of the lack on interest in that game, not because of denuvo efficacy
who the fuck cares about cracking borderlands 3?
Tails identifying as an attack helicopter is a better joke
octopath is on steam.
what are you trying to say?
>That's because of the lack on interest in that game, not because of denuvo efficacy
If all it takes is a lack of interest in games, then crackers are fucking worthless. I want to play Anno and Octopath Traveler
do you not understand to reference?
besides, no one cares about tails
It's a switch exclusive you dumbass
I kek'd
Wtf is Anno 1800 anyways, sounds more like a warehouse management software than a game.
learn to crack yourself then, why the fuck should people spend their time doing something YOU want them to do?
I don't guess I do. And anybody who doesn't care about tails never played Sonic 3
no, you're the dumbass
The whole point of piracy is that it's meant to be easier and more convenient and faster than paying for the games
If piracy isn't doing that, then it's fucking worthless.
So it means I'll have to wait one more week?
Oh my, how will I survive?
Nice virus assholes
Gearbox launcher.
Online Single Player only.
Entire game re-download patching.
Cosmetic micro-transactions.
Non-cosmetic micro-transactions.
sega PR joking about Sonic identifying as an attack helicopter.
and you're right, i never got around to playing sonic 3
based piratechad
it's one of those strategy games like crusader kings and stuff, except with ships? I dunno, I'm not german so it just sounds extremely uninteresting to me
And this increases your sales, how exactly? Face it Randy, your best bet to get anybody to play your hot pile of shit: Super Deluxe Edition would have been the pirates who'd spend all of 5 minutes before they regretting wasting the bandwidth
>caring about borderlands to begin with
Only half of the game is released on release date anyway.
You have to wait like six months to have all the DLC, all the season packs and shit.
So I'll wait for the ENTIRE game to be released, it will be hacked by then, then I will be able to play it to my leisure.
Based piratebro.
>What else can we add to make it the shittiest shit that was ever shat?
The fact that Borderlandsfags will still buy it
>And this increases your sales, how exactly?
It works
Total War Three Kingdoms took several months to be cracked, and is currently the most popular Total War title as a result
Hey EGS shills, remind me why this has denuvo again? Doesn't the epic exclusive deal guarantee them sales and money, so they don't have to worry about people pirating their game? Doesn't this reek of excess greed and punishing the player even more?
this, only the first one was good, and the devs are cancer, so i have 0 interest in giving those communist puppets anymore money.
it's easier when you're not the one doing the cracks, asshole.and pray tell me, how is pirating games faster than buying them?
The one advantage about piracy is not paying for stuff. and yes, pirated games and piracy in itself has no real intrinsinc value.
You know Steam games still have Denuvo, right? Look in the mirror, nigger.
>its another user talks about piracy while not being a pirate episode
you sure it's all about piracy and not dynasty warrior fags or the game being good(haven't played it)
>Total War Three Kingdoms took several months to be cracked, and is currently the most popular Total War title as a result
>single example
>non sequitur
>made up conclusion is then generalized for all video games
Do you write for Kotaku? If not, you should consider applying
>steam games have denuvo
Which makes steam a greedy collection of assholes. What's EGS's excuse? And this time don't deflect to another group of people that I hate too.
Based Denuvo, protecting me from shitty games
>Pirates and steamcucks seething they can't play GOTYlands 3 at reléase
can you really blame a company for trying to prevent piracy?
i mean, who's going to buy this shit if they can get it free?
Total War is popular, but being able to not pirate it day 1... or month 2... probably had a huge influence too. I imagine a lot of piratefags became buyfags for this title alone, and you'll see it again with BL3
So, who are you gonna play? Going with Zane first playthrough
>piratefags only pirate
I eventually buy the game if its good. Not all piratefags just pirate. Yes my pirate to buy is low tho.
So you're saying that you have no actual data and that you're just pulling the conclusion that you want out of your ass? Senior Kotaku writer in the house
Rubbish cringe series
Tell the Gearbox forum moderators that it is a joke, because they obviously didn't get it.
Moze or FL4K, my buddy's going zane
>Implying I want to pirate RANDY PITCHFORD's KID ASS 3: The Game featuring reddit dialogue and old references to shitty liberal memes.
>my buddy's going zane
>my buddy's
Fucking Denuvofag
None of these KID ASS games are good, fuck off.
Everyone who either has a bone to pick with Pitchford; TakeTwo; or Epic -- or wants first credit within the scene for a game steeped in platform-controversy.
So, I'd say the line is queueing up.
Cool ad hom Randy, post moar since we all know you don't have an argument
We have 1k ours together in the borderlands series
kill shills
>EU is known to have a massive hard-on about cracking down on copyrights due to lobying big corpos running the whole show
>commissions and pays a bunch of data scientist to prove that piracy is harming sales
>early results show the litteral contrary
>piracy helps sales
>they panick and abort the study
Everytime. I don't understand how people fail to realize piracy is litterally free advertizing. You know what makes a game popular and makes it sell? VIRALITY.
Why do you think it is so profitable for them to pay insane sums to big time streamers to shill their trash. Why do you think everytime a big youtube eceleb reviews a game there is a massive sales spike.
There will be exeptions, but as a general rule piracy is basically free advertising and helps towards becoming viral through memes and ecelebs.
And it's worse than just ignoring free advertising, in some cases it will kill your product. No one heard of mirror edge 2, no one discussed the actual game on release, no one cared for it because of denuvo.
The ONLY reason publishers would try to fight it is either sheer absolute retardation, OR because they realize they are selling an unfinished, unpolished, generic TURD of a game and need to make all their money on the pre-purchases. Unsurprisingly, most of the time it's the later, or a case of publishers not even understanding if a product is good or trash and wanting to be safe.
aside all the faggot shit going on with this game I'm still not buying cause I haven't seen or heard shit about my girl gaige. If she isn't a major story npc I'm beyond out forever, even when I can pirate it for free.
thats like the perfect combination for someone to pirate it
She isn't in the base game, devs confirmed it a month ago.
how many jojo memes are gonna be made about the siren that summons magic fists
I really didn't think I could hate this game anymore then I already did. Wow
Saved for the next memelands thread