ITT: Vaporware

Post some other examples of vaporware

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>last update was a year ago
I thought Persona 5 was supposed to future proof the franchise with HD models, what's the deal Atlus?

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Bayo 3, hopefully

At this point, Metroid Prime 4

Bayo 3
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4

Heard they are developing this with unreal engine which wasnt used for the persona games.
At least once they finish it, we can expect HD ports of older ps2 megaten games from atlus.

Atlus always takes forever, especially now with HD games

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One month ago I would post Rune Factory 5. I'm glad about the teaser.

SMT elitist cope
Persona is the moneymaker now

Game is going to be better and bigger than P5, naturally is going to take a while to make.

Come on nig you forgot how p5 was also delayed?

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>taking a dekade for one game
Remember when Atlus made an engine for ps2 then shit out games on yearly basis?
Somehow this wasn't impossible later.

Because they are developing games on a new engine you brainlet. They announced it 2-3 yrs ago.

I'm talking about P5.
Not even Catherine uses it, that was Gamebryo.

nintendies cope. it has gone multiplat.

do we know anything about this game besides it's in development?


>Source: ass

>ITT: ADHD-ridden impatient retards
Except for

It's about the Fool's Journey since apparently that gets Hashino off.

P5 was also on a new engine. At least when they are done, persona and smt developement will be more streamlined. Hopefully.

I am still mad.

persona 5 took 8 years and it was a fucking ps3 game

why is your brain so fucking smooth

Attached: Persona 5 released on September 15, 2016.png (1010x630, 306K)