Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

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The definitive example of "could have been great"

why is that so?

good game. only complaint really is that some maps are shitty

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10/10 GI genocide simulator
army men mode is halfassed and needs improvement
maps should be bigger
WW2 pacific MUST be ported to it
next sequel MUST be about the Iran-Iraq war

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Next game is Cold War

Better than anything put out by DICE since Battlefield 3. Mechanically wise, superior to Rising Storm 1 and RO2 and I love those settings, but it makes it super hard to jump back into.

>when you goad the server into picking Resort as a joke
>when they reselect it 4 times in a row after each Resort ends

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cold war is a huge umbrella term to alot of conflicts, subconflicts and proxy wars.
the Iran Iraq war is one of the largest cold war conflicts, will it be set in it?

I think the some of the maps are really terribly designed that gives defenders way too much advantage

The only info we have from it is the trailer which is very much set in a 'gone hot' scenario between NATO and USSR

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Please watch this, it's been announced.

Not comparable to RO2 but a lot better in some regards

One of the best games of my favourite developer

>a 'gone hot' scenario
why do retarded devs still wank off this steaming garbage? the cold war is loaded to the brim with interesting stuff. why do they beat the creatively bankrupt "shit gone hot in eastern europe" scenario?

never play anything made by Cuckwire

I like it but i suck at it so i don't play it anymore.

Resort best map

It'll be fun to see this hardcore fps series with more modern setting and guns, but at the same time it's urgghh another shooter fatigue setting in

>Saigon as attackers

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Post kd ratio. I'm a .6, get my ass handed everytime and I still keep coming back like a cuck.

No tanks makes me sad

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if you have a good pc, a lot of spare time to get into it and accept what developers doesn`t really developing this game (m113 when?), then it will be one of the best games of all times for you. Still be careful, it is very hard to get into it if ya didn`t play anything from RO series. Even being an alpha tester from 2016 I can say what there still somethings what can be somewhat complicated to me. Also, it is not possible to play music in the huey, M113 is still not available, even though fans already made a working M113 basing on tank scripts inherited from RO 2, and we also got the campaign a year later after the initial release.
But in all, give it a shot. A must buy during sale.

Dying simulator.

I really like the Vietnam setting as well as the green army men stuff but all the game was for me was kill, die, spawn, die, spawn kill, kill, die. I haven't had a great experience from the community apart from some guy in a huey blasting out fortunate son and screaming about gooks - most people were just constantly mad all the time in voice and text chat.

Like with most multiplayer games, you either crush the other team or get crushed yourself, I have had few close matches.


good game but I don't like the map design. I also wish class limits were removed and team sizes were increased. 36v36 would be mad

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I like to think I would be a better player if I wasn't running the game at 20-28fps at blurry 720p resolution with my machine. It takes 5 minutes just to launch the game . Anyone else poorfag with potato PC with this feel?

i have an ultra machine and the game still runs at 720 with 30 frames.
just a shit looking game and runs like shit
ro2 was better

So does most of the playerbase, that doesnt mean you shouldnt play it

I know your pain.

Specs? My 1080ti and 9700k have no problem at 1080p.

a lot of shitty maps but still really fun

If you have an ultra machine and still run bare minimum settings maybe you're the problem

I feel your pain Anons. Best advice I can give is just save up for a new computer. Your GPU just has to be decent, like a 1060 3GB.

Really not as good as people claim.

same specs the game is just ass and the only reason youre reporting no problems is because you think theres a difference with how it looks at 1080 and 720. try switching back and forth and you'll see what i mean

A lot of weapons don't feel satisfying enough. The AK should never have been nerfed.

This is why I pretty much only play with the Mosin. That, and RO2/RS1 nostalgia.

It's one of the few games where I have zero reason to be upset when I die. Unlike many other games, there was nothing outside of my own lack of skill or foresight that caused that death. Thus, racking up kills without dying is significantly more impactful. Git gud and the game is very therapeutic and rewarding.

shit game, feels like a slav game because it's so unpolished

OP here. This are my thoughts. As with any multiplayer game, very fun if you do well, go ham on the enemy and have a team that is semi competent and play the obj. Super frustrating when nothing goes your way, die like 12 straight times without a kill, spawn and die spawn and die etc...

I like the Mosin as well for that reason, but it's just gimping yourself unnecessarily. The MAS-49 is okay but has high recoil for balance reasons and the M1 Garand doesn't sound/feel nearly as good as it did in the first Rising Storm.

i loved it

not enough maps though

I'm on ultra with 80-100 fps, are you delusional? Literally lying on Yea Forums for clout

>but it's just gimping yourself unnecessarily.
It's not gimping if you actually are good with it.

This was true before 1.3 IMO
Now it IS actually great, but still not clearly for everyone

Happy GAM got rebalanced
Sad nobody ever picks AUS
Stuck as SL, so I always go North so I dont feel like an idiot when I die
APCs and Ap Bac when?

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For me, it's still RS1. Pacific theatre is just more epic

>huge fan of red orchestra 2 and rising storm
>never got to play rs2 because my computer would freeze everytime i join a server

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my gf got in a humble bundle and gave it to me
give me a reason to install it

I have 13 hours so far but I'm still too scared to pick anything other than grunt. Can I be trusted yet?

I love devs for adding so much content to game but they are incompetent and unable to fix bugs for years.
Therefore i hate game and devs.

As long as you arent commander, sniper, or a chopper pilot, nobody will really notice unless you get a lot of TK's with your bloop tube or arent doing anything about choppers with your RPG (and not watching the backblast)

There is a shooting range you can join from main menu. Go practice

Best fps on the market


I got to Level 99 after playing the game for like 1100 hours.
Really enjoy the game, but I wish there was more to do than just shoot enemies and take points.

Wish they'd lower ttk on some of the weapons. It's fun but I still prefer its predecessors.

This reflects my experience
>shit community
>deathmatchy closed-in maps
>noticeable lack of teamplay

Project Reality did Vietnam better than this game does IMO

they removed mega servers and I never touched it again since.

alright thanks

Got 3.8 kd overall, with some classes doing a lot better then others.

Easily the best shooter on Steam. I play insurgency and Escape from Tarkov too, but they can't beat RS2.
If you're not blasting Vietnam era rock when you play then you're fucking up.

Which retard decided to implement those sweeping class changes? What was even the point to half of them? Why the fuck did they give the south early M16s when they already dominated early war?

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Im running with gtx 1060 and i5 7600k on 4.5ghz and have 16gb ram, and im using MLAA on config and playing on 2650x1080 and it runs fine on maximum, i don't have drops below 75

Played over 1000 hours and it’s great, but can easily be ruined by community run severs and stagnant player base in the long run

Also Insurgency Sandstorm is the best FPS ever made

>nobody votes resort and instead would rather alternate hue city and Cu Chi forever for some reason

I really like the beach landing aspect of Resort, but only because i trained myself into being at least competent enough to land transport hueys. But hey, at least we can alternate into Saigon and DMZ as well and nothing else once in a while!

i want to die each time any of the above mentioned maps beside resort wins

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Why do people keep picking Cu Chi? It's not a fun map and unless the attackers actually know how to play the game they almost always lose.


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> Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
> Next game is Cold War

American detected

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Sandstorm has issues of shitty matchmaking(Which will hopefully be fixed in 1.4 with map voting in offical servers), useless technicals, poor map design compared to its predecessor, and smgs being pure jokes.

Game's looking real good
cant post files
this posted on discord erlier

>stock asset field and trees

not stock assets all made from scratch devs said on reddit

>Why yes, I do votekick people who say to vote for Resort. How could you tell?

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i hope this is just another squad but in the cold war

its what it looks like so far

Really? This is the first fps game I've seen do a cold war hot alt-history.

there's alot of other games that jerked off this trope, but they're not FPS.

Trash game with automatic weapons everywhere, RO3 fucking when?

teammates generally don't push objectives, can be incredibly frustrating

Reddit shit that faggots that think their tacticool play for reddit gold

so youre saying 83 isnt old shit then