Who are the best speedrunners to watch on twitch?

Who are the best speedrunners to watch on twitch?

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Fuck you twitchfaggot stay on reddit.

>pic unrelated


easy, none

all the dude on the left would have to do to actually look passable is shave his head and lose the glasses

Passable as what? A tranny?



>BTFO by actually good speedruns in all his games
>Sponsor dropped for exposing the hard r N-word on stream
>Both girlfriends left him when he lost all his records
>Tries to run obscure game categories for a WR
>Tries to run even more obscure shit just to PB
>Rage quits
>Ostracized from GDQ
>Ostracized from the MM speedrun community for being a douche

Claeb is the biggest fall from grace I can think of in the speedrun community after Cosmo.

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PJ. Used to watch Caleb but he is just too much off an idiot and roid rages over dumb shit. Just became insufferable

>hard r
cringe and bluepilled nigger

These and all of the Banjo runners


>he is just too much off an idiot and roid rages over dumb shit
That's what makes him so entertaining to watch.

>hard r N-word
lol why do you come here

how did he get ostracized from gdq? wasn't he at the latest one?

I watch Caleb most of the time when I can, he's entertaining. Not in the same timezone unfortunately.
Hopefully he'll finish a fucking FF7 run one of these days.

>Just lift, bro

Just look at him. It's obvious.

To each their own, I guess.

>Ostracized from the MM speedrun community for being a douche
What's this about? First I've heard of it.

Sidenote: you won't enjoy clintstevens unless you're 12-16 years old. He generally gears his stream for a younger pre-teen audience.


Bro he bought a house from streambucks and still gets thousands of viewers. I don’t think he gives a fuck.

All of his runs gets rejected for (((reasons))). He can't disprove them because he's a shit speedrunner and has nothing to show for it now.
>wasn't he at the latest one?
And was immediately accused of sexual harassment. The organizers don't want him there. He's one step from being escorted out. Trihex took a hint. Blueglass took a hink. Bonesaw took a hint. Claeb's too conceited to.

Calebhart almost looked attractive instead of a strange hairless gorilla once upon a time. What happened?

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>losing sponsorship and thus a major source of revenue
>doesn't give a fuck
yeah i bet.

zfg1, that's about it

What exactly was the hint? That GDQ is a tranny only event now?

>was immediately accused of sexual harassment
by someone who has fuck all to do with staff lol

>Big Jon will never breed your petite boypussy with his massive bbc

Speedrunners reset for dumb reasons because it keeps people watching. If they finish a run it feels like closure and people might stop watching. Is just then being disingenuous. If you see someone reset a run that could have still fine well, they are just being false. Caleb is very guilty of this.

He got falsely accused of sexual harassment

He got falsely #metoo'd at GDQ. I think he's gonna talk about it in Trainwreck's podcast tonight

>Blueglass took a hink
no fucking way-he's gone too? haven't watched a gdq since i found out PreventCancer was a bogus 'awareness' charity.

>Speedrunners reset for dumb reasons because it keeps people watching
only retarded e-celebrity runners do that. stop watching them.

Why do niggers post things like this?

He makes 6 figures on twitch subscribers alone.

He was clearly in it for being *the* MMX/2 speedrunner just to get records. When Walrus/Tiki/Nero stomped him, he turned into a "variety" streamer. His heart's not on it.

>he is just too much off an idiot and roid rages over dumb shit
Is that not the point of watching speedrunners? People don't genuinely enjoy watching speedrunners unless you have mental illness.

Caleb and Clintstevens are the only speedrunners that do this.

You know there's a point when your personal best record is so optimized that the slightest mistake makes the whole run be a waste of time right?

I watch caleb, zoast, and peaches. Peaches doesn't speedrun as much anymore though.

what does that have to do with anything? you think rich people don't get mad when they have to be less rich?

>Trihex took a hint
Trihex is full sjw. Why wouldn't they want him there?

ZFG for sure
no bullshit streams and in depth technical autism is very entertaining

to each his own
to each her own

"their" is a plural pronoun while "each" is a singular adverb so you would follow it with a singular pronoun

It's actually the other way around. You have to be mentally ill to enjoy watching people roid rage.

/ourgirl/ Narcissa Wright

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His sponsorship was probably only a small fraction of his total income, so he probably doesn't care that much.

He just pretends to be so he can keep smashing that white ass.

He's doing a trainwreck speedrun event right now

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>His sponsorship was probably only a small fraction of his total income,
What makes that "probable" exactly?

I'm gonna be the first speedrunner on Mixer, wait for me.

I thought he an hero'd.

He wasn't ostracized for being a douche. Other speed runners don't like when he plays their game because they get drowned out by him and his community as he now appropriates them. They see it as unfair because they've been running said games for a long time to no recognition and then he comes along and take what little followers they had as they get drowned out.

speedrunning turns anyone to degenerate

>doesn't think watching the misery and autism of others is a completely normal thing
Hello fellow speedrunner!

We can only hope.

Half of his streams are about politics now and he's a 100% unironic communist. He even criticizes destiny for not being liberal enough.

That's what psychopaths tell themselves, yes.

Really? I mean that's not really his fault

You serious?

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no he's just literally making shit up like everyone else here.

>"their" is a plural pronoun
Nice third grade understanding of english.

I'm not saying it is. It's obviously partly their fault for being boring. But you could also say he could at least host the other runners after he done to at least offer then the chance. Sure he doesn't have to but it would at least be courteous to them. It's also not their fault that they don't get the exposure he got from the old GDQ days. He could at least pay it forward. To my knowledge, he doesn't do that.

anyone can google this stuff, it's really simple

Nope I am subbed to her patreon she still posts

You don't listen to what other runners say, do you? Caleb has even talked about this on streams.


>averages 2k+ viewers and has thousands of subs

It could be worse.

He hosts smaller runners all the time, and has been making a point of it for some time now

You should give it a try then, you might look less retarded in the future.

>I am subbed to her patreon

>loses viewers by the week with his schizo variety game rotation
>so shit he can't complete a single run or pb
>no sponsors
>snubbed by the marathons
>no way to grow his audience
>twitch starting to get cannibalized by bigger companies like MS
>partner meaning less and less
he's on borrowed time

i don't know how that can be the case when i am correct but continue living in your small world, we don't really need you

Metako is doing a Final Fantasy I-XV solo marathon if you're into that. He's a great personality.

No the FF7 runners threw a bitch fit when he started streaming it.

>loses viewers by the week

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If he keeps taking "health days" off that will change fast. He used to be reliable content 6 days a week. Now it's a crapshoot, and zoomers/manchild paypigs hate that.

Then the talk probably finally got to him. I stopped watching him some time ago, so I might be a little behind.

You can't blame a faggot Leaf for being more "entertaining" just because other faggots happen to be boring. That's just how it is. This is how the real world works.

Well, I gave you an out, but you decided to continue licking windows like a dumbass.

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Caleb is canadian?

You could kindly kill yourself now.

It's common knowledge. Also despite his appearance, he is only a kid. He's only 23 years old. I'm fucking older than this kid and he makes more money than me just by playing video games. What a world we live in.

Cherrypick this, Coreshill
Clear dropoff this year from
>less streaming
>more spontaneous content
>constant fails
>no WRs

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Don't besmirch my cartoon froggy by trannyposting. You can have Wojak. I never liked him.

Looks like he's gaining viewers at the same consistent rate every month. What exactly are you trying to show with that chart?

have sex

did you remember to dilate today?


stay in school, kid

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as not ugly man

>Can't follow trends
>Tells others to stay in school
lol the ironing

he's got small head syndrome or whatever. I have it too, my body is just small and my head is proportional to that. When I work out and get ripped my body gets bigger but my head stays the same size so it looks like I have a dumb small head.

Looks like a follower glitch to me. He lost the same number of followers in 1 day that he also gained in 1 day. The trend line is still consistent. See

uh..ok? but you forgot that you're a retard and that the sentence in question is "To each their own." so why don't you drag your knuckles back over the keyboard and give that one a nice google


Seeing a whole lot of words, but all I'm getting out of it is "I'm a massive retard." Glad to see you at least realize as much, this is the first step on the road to recovery.

Considering he is often doing an 18 hour FF7 speedrun you sound pretty stupid saying this and clearly don't watch him so why make up lies on the internet?

It's clearly not resetting for attention. A major mistake means the run is over.

lol dude, just google it, what do you have to lose right? you're a big smart man, yeah? come on now

If you're talking about the "followrs/day" cherry pick, that's the 3 days he was banned for saying the n word.

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Best as in the wr setters and contenders?
Or best as in they can carry conversation and not be autistic

No I'm talking about the sudden gain and loss of the same amount of followers before and after his ban that you can see on that chart.

That's because socialblade cuts out on banned accounts. There's a slight uptick of followers from the negative press, and then it normalizes.
That daily graph also cuts out the rest of July where he's in decline, shown by because daily cherrypicking Corefag user just wanted to shitpost and suck off his roidboi.

It's the possessive use of the word you fucking moron.

lol keep it, you're gonna need it more than me :3

>Trihex took a hint. Blueglass took a hink. Bonesaw took a hint
Oh wow, the most fun runners are gone. Trihex and bonesaw runs back in 2013 were the best. Even blueglass the autist killed it with that dolphin game and having him in the audience was guaranteed hilarity.

>no u xD
It always comes down this with little children who just lost. Since I know you have nothing else to say, I can safely hide your retardation and miss out on absolutely nothing [-]

That skinny cuck whose wife fucked a bunch of other guys at SGDQ a few years ago is good for a "at least I'm not him" laugh


i watch speedruns but the zoomers defending their favorite eceleb is beyond cringe


it was a simpler time...

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Big jon lookin like a roblox

>you occasionally remember that Werser's brother fucked his wife
>you remember that his mom encouraged it
>you remember that the stream mic picked up that argument he had with his mom about it, where she defended his brother

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What do the lives of the mentally ill (speedrunners) have to do with video games?


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>"each" is a singular adverb
A singular adverb? Are you sure about that? Can you give me an example of a plural adverb?


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TMR is fun.

It was just a girl he liked fag

Stop reminding me that GDQ used to be good.

is that a fisheye lens or shop

i don't know what your point is

"Their" can be singular.

You wish whiteboi.

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I'll be explicit. There's no such thing as a "singular adverb", because adverbs don't work that way, and "each" may be an adverb, but in "to each his own", "each" is a singular pronoun.

This is the most auststic thread on Yea Forums right now. Congrats, I have seen some very bad threads in my life and this is one of them. Thank you "based" speedrunners!


yeah sorry i forgot about you trans gender folk

lol yeah i know, that was my original point

Sorry, but I hate trannies.

I miss cosmo streams

>You have to be a complete edgelord to post here
Hi newfag.


>Claeb's too conceited to.
He doesn't want to be there.

Cosmo is an incel you tard

Battletoads is a fun game.

No contest

>only edgelords say nigger
Your mom probably secretly calls you a nigger.

>no face cam
>runs purely to go fast
>hates every pb because it's not fast enough
>so dominate in his main category that he holds the top 6 spots with outdated runs
zfg is truly the purest speedboy

based. he won't hesitate to answer the same question over and over again while most runners sperg out completely.

Caleb is great, he just has a fanbase largely composed of loud retards screaming as hard as they can.

He just PBd at Ninja Gaiden Black you retard

This thread wasn't made or perpetuated by speedrunners, though.

>most runners
You mean just cheese. Most runners like answering questions.

what are you, queer eye?

>loud retards screaming as hard as they can.

kek. youtube.com/watch?v=_UqOHEPkGms

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Didn't he get swatted on stream

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As professional as they come.

distortion2 is the only one I tune into when hes running games I care to watch. Is it just me or are speedruns great to fall asleep to?

zoast still streams? i havent seen him on since last year or some shit and the only time i did see him it was that afk music stream.

That's not how you spell Whitegoose


nigga always looks tired

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>Look passable

Dumbass, Do you think humans can shapeshift?

what was the point of this

this post best post

Honest question to you, what's the big difference between writing N-word over just writing nigger especially when you are using the word to describe something someone else did? In this situation they both hold equal weight.

Why is he taking a picture with his shadow?

is there anyone better?

>gets to fuck barbie

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puwexil and darbian, they rarely stream though
various ff5 runners during the fiesta have been alright

>hard r N-word
Go back to le ddit, nigger.

not only the only speedrunner i watch, but the only streamer i watch. zfg is so fucking based



>What happened?
Body image issues.

Im apparently subbed to Big Jon because of a gifted sub, what's the point of being subbed anyway?

He'd be fine if he grew out his hair a bit and removes glasses (or at least changes the frame)

You get custom from that channel, which you can then use on any channel.

>You don't have to be a complete edgelord to post here
Hi newfag.

You don't, but you're not a complete edgelord because you say fucking nigger you amerilard

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Yeah but he’s shit at the game so who cares. Caleb doing meme FF7 speedruns is gay as hell and I’m not sure why anyone watches

>won't say nigger
>will say fag
Hi Cuckit.

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not only does he do no facecam, but he also doesn't have those whorish sub/donation notifications that pop up on the stream feed. he casually thanks donations and subs but you don't get punched in the face with it like 99.9% of other streamers


showing off as a sociopath that invades niche communities for attention

>look around 50 times
>take off shirt
>look around 50 times more
he's got some muscles, but confidence is the same as before he started lifting

not caleb, he gets roid rage and smashes shit.

Is this gay porn?

That's a dude.

Oof. Painful to see.

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>all of the Banjo runners

>a sociopath that invades niche communities for attention
You mean like Clintstevens?

It's the camera, you can tell everything's distorted.

And most importantly
>hasn't finished an FF7 run in ages

I thought all speedrunners were autistic trannies?

>The organizers don't want him there
Just like any other fun speedrunners then.

Reminder clint got btfo so hard by zfg he stopped running oot and started drinking onions

that's because you lack basic critical thinking ability, user.

A lot of people consider Clintstevens one of the less autistic speedrunners, which is funny because he was one of the most brainless austistic grindmonkeys in the entire community. He learned one route for one category and grinded it nonstop 8 hours a day for 3 years straight, spamming the reset button, literally never changing anything even when all of the other runners were updating their strats (the meta in OOT changes all the time), switching categories, playing beta quest, bingo, randomizers etc. lmao. Despite the memes, no one actually ever spends so long doing the literal exact same thing over and over with zero variation, but Clint did.

He finally started running another game (SM64) after years of grinding but holy fuck his OOT grind was so fucking long and legendary autistic.

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Shit, I wish someone would just stream the best years on an infinite loop.

speedrunning is better now than ever before. anyone who disagrees with this doesn't watch it.

Sure, if you consider a corporate fuckfest where nobody's allowed to say anything in fear of offending someone or god forbid piss off sponsors to be better.

so you don't watch it, like i said.

>GDQ is speedrunning
Why is Yea Forums consistently this fucking stupid?

Just pointing out how full of shit you are.

Speedrunning has never been worse.

based old trihex with the flcl shirt and reimu fumo

He looks like he has legit autism.

Clonk "Choke" Stevens

how is clint a sociopath? he's an autistic high school dropout that was ostracized by his parents for years working at a toys r us and speedrunning OoT as a hobby until he somehow got lucky and snowballed from there.


He's obviously talking about the event like everyone else in the thread, brainlet.

Most speedrunners are on twitch and the same rules apply to them as well since twitch keeps getting stricter on anyone who doesn't look good and has a vagina.

The speedrunning scene may have grown and organized but it also keeps getting more and more restricted by rules and regulations to make it less entertaining to watch.

no, speedrunning is objectively better than it has ever been before. more active runners, more optimized runs, more competition. it's great.
>Just pointing out how full of shit you are.
how would you know if you don't watch it? why do you think inventing lies is a proper way to make claims?

GDQ is fine now, both 2019 GDQs are among the best events they've had. The majority of zoomers who claim that it sucks now weren't even around for the 2013-2014 events lmao.

>both 2019 GDQs are among the best events they've had.
They only seem good because all the events from 2015 until 2018 were garbage.

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>GDQ is fine now, both 2019 GDQs are among the best events they've had
So I'm guessing they removed sub-only chat and stopped banning people for using emotes they don't like?

>speedrunning is better now than it's ever been
>but a year ago it was worse!
what do you think "now" means?

>unironically using twitch chat
>thinking twitch chat is "speedrunning"
are you just pretending to be stupid?

they don't just seem good, they are good. they are better than 2013-2014. i'm sorry you miss your reddit e-celebrity bonesaw shit, but they got btfo by people who are actually good at their games.

But it's not fine "now." It's still bad. Just because it's not as bad as it used to be doesn't mean its fine now.

Speedrunning is better now than ever before in its history by every objective metric. "waah waah my zany bonesaw runs don't get in one speedrunning marathon anymore" isn't an objective metric. I'm talking about the life and activity in the hobby itself.

Enjoy that ban, bigot :)

>"L-L-Look mom, i'm so edgy! Aren't I cool and hip with the Yea Forums folks!"

Good thing I'm talking about GDQ and not speedrunning as a whole, which me and other anons have already previously stated.
BTW that means I'm agreeing with you about the general speedrunning fact.

>crying about people using the word nigger

>Crying about people not using the N-word
Shiggy diggy.

GDQ is fine too. Almost noone who perpetuates the lie that "old gdq is better" was around to witness how laughably bad 2010 and 2011 waere.

I never said I give a fuck.
Use whatever words you want.
Only crybabies like you start throwing a tantrum just because they hear something they don't like and can't handle the fact that people can't always be friendly.

Nesmania was so comfy.

Didn't they kick the trannies out because sponsors don't want freaks?

MrTakahashi is the best runner in the world

I wish.

I wasn't the one throwing a fit because someone said "N-word" instead of the actual N-word, my N-word.

Dunno about that but Protomagicalman stopped attending due to the female-only event earlier this year