Another Doom clone that is nowhere as good as Doom (the best FPS ever made)

>another Doom clone that is nowhere as good as Doom (the best FPS ever made)

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Even quake is better than doom.

Its a douk clone but with none of the charm of douk

>every fps is doom clone
you must be 18 to post here!

>Doom (the best FPS ever made)

>2D sprite enemies that have repetitive animations
>can't look up or down
>no vertical movement
>turn with arrow keys instead of mouse
>shitty sound design
>weapon animations have like 3 frames
>bland samey environments
>repetitive objective on every level
>HUD takes 20% of the screen
>little enemy variety
>enemies are slow as fuck and shoot slow projectiles
>35fps internal logic and corresponding input lags.
>Combined with fucking inertia implementation where you feel like you pkay as atank while walking, and you feel like sliding on glass while running.
>Also, ridiculously shit melee system, which restricts your movement in order to make your hits connect.

Shit game

>Yea Forums complaining about a niche single player game focused on skill and game mechanics rather than shitty story or multiplayer bullshit

it was literally the most advanced game of its era, retard. 99% of things you mention are due to limited hardware back then.

shit bait.

does the game actually work now? the "demo" run horribly on some machines

>little enemy variety
have you ever played literally any military shooter of the last decade? name one triple A fps with more variety in enemies

>Still only a few voice lines for enemies and player
>Still not enough weapons

I wanna scream. Why didn't they just listen to the player feedback from a year ago AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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>Every FPS is a Doom clone

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>this weak of bait

Attached: check_it.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

and Doom is a Wolf3D clone.

>every op is a real argument and not just bait written by a faggot
It's safe to ignore the op in threads like this and just argue pros and cons.

>>Every FPS is a Doom clone
those were the days.

But this one pushes feminism and transgender acceptance! So it's better than every FPS game combined, sister!

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Doom had mouse turning turning on day 1

it did not.

this but unironically

That's not true though, Ultima Underworld and SS1 were much more advanced than Wolf3D and Doom.

>Begging for a specific game
>They won't play it either with no interest or they just say it's shit without even playing it
>Virtue signaling this hard

Here we go again with these posers who think they know what they're talking about.

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>Ill just say its a Doom clone when its clearly a Duke clone, that will sure get some replies!

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>can only move one space at a time
>not real time

>"much more advanced than Wolf3D and Doom."

the fuck are you talking about

It's so weird we used to be obsessed with this bitch for a few years. She aged like milk.

It's not a Doom clone, it's a Duke clone.

By that metric it's an amazing game.

Oh don't worry, with Ion Maiden and people talking about duke: it gets worse

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thats not an argument when you claim its the best fps ever made

>But this one pushes feminism and transgender acceptance
no it doesn't, you just play as a female character

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stygian abyss, yes? How is it even comparable to Doom?

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>no it doesn't
>you be a woman like a tranny wants to
>and that woman does manly things like a feminist dreams to

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>Doom clone

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>i'm butthurt with this videogame because the main character is not the same gender as i am so i can't relate to it
where did i hear this before...

That is actually a very boomerish take

>Doom clone
Dumb zoomzoom

Time to be guzzling that onions, don't you think, faggot? Gotta keep up those estrogen levels!

It's a real time 3d first person game (and unlike Doom, it was actually 3d)
>>can only move one space at a time
what did you mean by this?

if I recall, you could only face one of four directions and when you moved forward, you only did so in a set increment. Or am I thinking of something else?

you have no fuckin clue what you're talking about.
you probably think of eob
this game has free movement

Only played the first "level" so far but holy fuck there are so many hard to find secrets and the pacing of the level was so fucking good. It has no right to be on this level for a modern game.

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yeah just drop a bunch of buzzwords, you're literally /pol/'s version of a sjw, it's like we never had a female character before
