Pic related for me. They are scum.
Which vidya company do you most think deserves to go bankrupt?
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Squenix. Because they killed Final Fantasy.
>First choice isn't EA
I don't know if ea beats Konami. They have so many amazing IPs in a stranglehold that they refuse to at least outsource or do anything with.
Capcom for ruining all their franchises with shlock.
nintendo hardware
EA has always been gutter trash. Konami actually used to make decent games which made their descent into turbo jewfuckery significantly more offensive.
I can't believe how many insanely good IPs konami has that are dead. Like, it's a tragedy.
Explain why?
EA obviously
activison is the second one
This. Killing Silent Hills and refusing to do a MGS 3 remake on Fox Engine is too much
Konami deserves death more than EA or Activision
they own the Bloody Roar IP and won't fucking touch it
Tendies still mad about Rondo and SoTN not coming to Shitch.
EA's bad, but they never saw pic related as a manual on how to run a business like Konami has
Type-moon, fuck Fateshit.
They do beat Konami. Konami's a pretty normal slave-driving Japanese company (hell it's not even exclusive to Japan seemingly, the Mortal Kombat devs got into trouble for something similar very recently), they just happened to have a dev who has a cult fan following.
>They have so many amazing IPs in a stranglehold that they refuse to at least outsource or do anything with.
Said dev with a cult fan following was largely responsible for those other IPs being sidelined in the first place when he became Vice President of the company for what it's worth.
Better than Square-Enix taking financial advice from literal fortune tellers
Rockstar. Never cared for their games.
EA so big though, it might not be possible for them to go bankrupt no matter how much they deserve it
Konami is a vidya company these days?
Waaaa my food blogging shitty movie ame director got canned for making shit and expensive games that took too long. Waaaaaa t-they should go bankrupt Yea Forums! Konami of America accountant here, literally no body gave a shit when we learn he got canned. In fact those japs became more lenient on us afterwards. It literally made our jobs easier.
Why wouId Konami go bankrupt? They do everything they can to earn money, If anything, they are the Ieast IikeIy to go bankrupt
They are one of the biggest gambIing companies in the worId
Fuck you
Kill off this game series and I will come to your house and kill you.
>he thinks it's a mgs fan OP
>doesn't realize that it could be a castlevania fan OP
>or a bloody roar fan
>or a contra fan
>or even possibly a rare suikoden fan
not everyone who hates konami does so because of kojimbo.
Come on. Use the reply feature. It just makes you look like you lost.
Silent Hilll fan here. Have been hating Konami since the day that they fired Team Silent for who knows why. They hired some dumb westerns that destroyed the franchise and when Kojima was about to revive it they destroy again and take Metal Gear Solid with it
shitposts don't deserve (you)s, and you know it.
on a related note, a lot of people seem to actually believe that konami is only hated by kojimbo fan boys. this is of course, wrong. but it does bring the question, why are mgs fans the loudest, when they're not even the oldest group of people getting fucked by konami?
I can't decide between EA and Activision.
>konami goes bankrupt
>has to sell all their franchises off to sony for pennies
Blizzard easily. Has never made a single original game and has been responsible for so much cancer it's scarcely believable.
Activision, From Software or CD Projekt Red.
>Every other American company
That's just to start with.
>CD Project Red
They released like 5 games, or are you just that much of a faggot contrarian who has the need to hate whatever's popular for internet points in a Pakistani shoe polishing website?
>Death stranding is gonna flop
Feels good man
sure thing Mr Kozuki
If Konami (or your company of choice) went bankrupt, who would you want to get their IPs, Yea Forums?
KONAMIChads get the fuck in here to laugh at kojimadrones
I want metal gear to go to valve because they'll keep it dead, but if we're being semi realistic I'd rather it go to nintendo because I'm a bit worried of what sony or Microsoft would do to it
Imagine working for Konami and laughing at this thread
What's wrong with Konami? I've heard their newest bomberman game is actually really popular in japanese arcades
they saw opportunity to make money with very little investment elsewhere
if all else fails they'll return to games probably
And what game are you getting from that konamifag
Imagine buying unfinished shit from Konami and paying 60$
Konami's always had a history of driving away talent (the Suikoden guy, the Castlevania guy) to be fair. Yeah Kojima didn't help either (I know that he's known for diverting funds from other departments into his projects or some shit) but he's not wholly responsible for everything, they're both shit.
Capcom and Sega have significantly more amazing IPs in their catalogue going unused and also treat their workers like shit too (hell at least people manage to escape from Konami, Sega just forces everyone into their arcade and mobile divisions while retards eat up their low effort Sonic and Yakuza yearly releases). For you to think that fucking EA's not as bad has little to do with Konami being shit and more to do with you gargling on Kojima's semen too hard.
>50 billion Yen
So about 250 bucks?
That's fucking retarded on Square's part, but Konami is actively fucking evil
I only care about bemani and they're doing fine in that regard.
Unironically all of them so that the industry can reset itself, thus being purged of all the faggots that have nothing to do with bideo games.
EA or Activision. Though I will give dishonorable mentions to Konami, Sony, Epic, Valve, Take Two, Ubisoft, and Tencent.
>Wanting to cause people to lose their jobs even more because of your Kojima autism
Good thing they've been doing better than ever before.
>you gargling on Kojima's semen too hard.
Another Konami shill on Yea Forums
>hell at least people manage to escape from Konami
A staffing agency employee who asked not to be named said he notifies gaming companies if a prospective hire is an ex-Kon. He said that is because Konami files complaints to gaming companies who take on its former employees.
One major gaming company went so far as to warn its staff against hiring ex-Kon. There was even a case in which a former Konami employee moved to a construction company before joining another gaming company, hoping to throw people off the scent.
One ex-Kon described his surprise at learning that Konami had instructed an employee at a television company not to deal with its former employees. In another case, a former Konami executive was forced to close his business due to pressure from the gaming giant.
Ex-Kons are not allowed to put their Konami experience on their public resumes. "If you leave the company, you cannot rely on Konami's name to land a job," explained a former employee. If an ex-Kon is interviewed by the media, the company will send that person a letter through a legal representative, in some cases indicating that Konami is willing to take them to court.
I don't think its that bad on the levels of 2K, Konami or else.
i'm conflicted between ea and ubisoft
Around 470 Million.