Has Yea Forums come to.. Realize that this game is actually great?
Has Yea Forums come to.. Realize that this game is actually great?
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no cause its shit lol
Fuck you OP.
The only reason Yea Forums denounced it as terrible is because it didn't live up to their fan fics. V is honestly a contender for game of the decade. Top 10 at least.
Based and truepilled frogfren
One of the best games ever made
It was my first MGS game, thought it was OK, played all the other ones, after that thought it was trash
best part is that it runs decently in my pile of trash computer. they really did something remarkable with that engine made for a soccer game
Venom>Big Boss>Solid>Liquid>Solidus
Raiden >
all the missions are cookie cutter except for the main quest. building the base is just so dumb and pointless. you can tell its mostly just filler because the devs didnt know what else to do. just run around and collect plants and rocks and occasionally kill a few people although the game doesnt really want you to kill anyone but sneaking around gets pretty old after a while.
>Controls, gameplay mechanics, visuals are great.
>Open world, story, mission structure are shit.
Nope, it's shit.
>Yea Forums liking video games
like that will ever happen
It had a pretty good story too that the brainlets on Yea Forums can't appreciate. The only thing that got unresolved was a sub-plot with Kid Liquid that was meant to be a lead-in for a cancelled DLC anyway.
I can't hear you over the game jerkin' itself off.
Name 1 (one) other game that rolls credits after every single fucking mission.
I don't even know if it does that because I quit after two of them.
holy fucking shit dude
please dont talk anymore
Good story?
Dude. Nigga. Homie. It's just a collection of MGS memes. It's a fanfic.
The story is there if you actually paid attention to what's happening within the missions and connect the dots. It isn't forced-fed to you like in past MGS games with 20 minute cutscenes everytime you reached a checkpoint.
>It's a fanfic.
Fanfic would've been Big Boss meeting a teenage Gray Fox as a young ninja before he became the Cyborg Ninja, which is what most of Yea Forums is complaining. Hence why some bored user made up that Demon Edition crap.
I'm currently replaying it with a few mods for more difficulty and other small improvements + a bunch of 80's tracks. Without the sneaking suit and tranq pistol it's much more fun.
My 3rd favorite metal gear gameplay with marking and reflex off
Only peace Walker is worse with them on
The story there is bland as fuck and generic whodunit globalist xof was behind this all along military schlock, the shit is so full without the dumb jap shit sprinkled over it. Yes I agree the story was there and this board is retarded when they say there's no story, but the story that's actually there is so fuckin average that it's not even worth listening to.
Is it worth playing if you've never played any of the others?
Great gameplay, but bloated like MGS4 was. Shit MGS game though.
>The only thing that got unresolved was a sub-plot with Kid Liquid
he fucks off with Mantis, how is that unresolved? Sally was pretty much useless without Mantis, and we know he got weaker as he grew up
>It isn't forced-fed to you like in past MGS games with 20 minute cutscenes
are you fucking joking?
Code Talker:
>"we have a virus that fucks people up if they speak a certan language. Also, it can give people superpowers I guess lmao"
>"My secret plan all along was to train the virus that other guy mentioned so that I can destroy the English language because I hate American imperialism. Also, huge robots are involved to prevent people from ever being friends again."
this was, like... halfway through the game. Everything after these two scenes is just half-finished fluff.
I've never played any of the others and I fucking hate this game.
Only if you don't care about the story. Still, you get enough tapes to give some context to what's happening, so you can listen to them while doing side quests
I was super disappointed with it
>He fucks off with mantis
>Sally was useless without mantis
>How is that unresolved???
>Angry war mongering kid with an advanced super robot doesn't go and wreck havoc on the world after just having his ass kicked like 4 times
C'mon my dude, I like mgs v too but you pretending that's not a massive plothole is retarded
It's a great engine, with great moment-to-moment gameplay (which is why there are so many great webms of it), that was completely miscarried by a half-finished campaign, repetitive content, and poor strategic gameplay.
yea but you'll miss a lot of references
At least play MGS3 since Ground Zeroes (this basically being the prologue/demo)
Nah PW is more pertinent to tpp and gz than 3 is. I played mgs 4 last then didn't touch mgs till gz and I had no idea wtf was going on or who anyone was or why snake didnt seem like snake anymore.
>he fucks off with Mantis, how is that unresolved? Sally was pretty much useless without Mantis, and we know he got weaker as he grew up
There was supposed to another mission where Venom takes on Eli and his kid army in an isolated island, which was supposed to be a post-release DLC that was never finished. You can view the uniinished cutscenes in Youtube, since they were included in a bonus Blu-ray that came with the limited edition of the game.
>this was, like... halfway through the game. Everything after these two scenes is just half-finished fluff.
MGSV has a weird story structure. Chapter 1 is really a whole story by itself that concludes at Episode 31 and Chapter 2 is just the DD Army taking out loose ends (getting rid of a witness that knows about XOF, getting rid of Code Talker's research, finding out about Volgin and Mantis, Huey's exile, Quiet's departure).
PW and MGSV feel like they belong in their own separate MGS canon. Especially when you take into account characters like Huey Emmerich and Kazuhira Miller.
Seems most of it went over your head
>and Chapter 2 is just the DD Army taking out loose ends
That's like if a buddy-cop movie ended with them ACTUALLY doing all the police paperwork
>I-ill insult him, that prove this story isn't shit
Oh yeah? It must be me, it can't possibly be that it sucks. The story is boring as fuck my guy, I listened to every single npc dialogue and every single tape and post mission debrief, every little breadcrumb that leads to skullface rusing you with his dummy corporations and setting up the viscount and all those British interpreters and all the shit with mfinda oilfield is fucking BLAND.
It's not that different from how Red Dead Redemption ends, which doubt was an inspiration on MGSV. The main bad guy is killed off near the end, but there's still a few story missions that act as an extended epilogue before reaching the true ending.
The game could've been better structured though. Kojima should had ditched the chapter/TV episode format since it gives the impression there's more to the story than there really is and the existence of a Chapter 3 title card datamined within the game (along with the canceled DLC) didn't help matters either.
>have some of the most intricate stealth mechanics ever
>ruin it with dogshit mission and level design
*which no doubt was an inspiration on MGSV.
>Muh base
>Don't kill anyone with all these guns
Trash game, glad I got it for 'free' on ps plus.
the open world is kinda empty but otherwise it's 9/10
Yea Forums doesn't determine anything it's a shithole
When I played it. MGS 5 > MGS 4
I like it. Wish it meant something in the grand scheme of things though. The plot and character development were barebones and got fucked by silent protagonist.
What is with Yea Forums and its obsession with this piece of shit game?
>V is honestly a contender for game of the decade. Top 10 at least.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Remember the hype the kojimmyfags raised before launch? It was absolutely insane how obsessed these people were. Then it all came crashing down when they found out that it wasn't actually going to be all fanservice like MGS4
it is what starcraft ghost should have been.
There were people believing that they were going to include a remake of Metal Gear 1 as the final chapter.
OP is a contrarian nigger or started with V has his first game, not sure which is worse.
>The only reason Yea Forums denounced it as terrible is because it didn't live up to their fan fics
This has never been true for neither V nor The Last Jedi even though dumbfucks with no taste keep saying this for both. I dislike it because it's shit.
It's funny you say that when the retarded fanfiction that came up years before release about an asspull Doppelganger that everyone thought was too retarded and bad to be true turned out to be true.
I gave up on hoping it would get better when I had to start doing repeats of previous missions in chapter 2
The repeat missions are completely optional.
its bretty good, would have liked chapter 3 though
Chapter 3 was just an early version of the Paz sub-plot. It's technically still in the game.
>muh gay...am...play...
more like the perfect zoomer detector, its literally a casualized version of metal gear solid 4 in an open world that puts ubishit and similar clowns to shame with how genuinely fucking laughably useless it is. Im tired of going in depth about just how fucking laughable this "game" is so ill just point the inevitable frothing at the mouth TPP zoomer defenders to watch and try to defend the fucking trailers and gameplay presentations where the presenter has to fast forward the majority of the video to show the few seconds of "now he hangs on the side of the horse" "gameplay" in between that would be happening on a second to second basis but with much more variety and challenge in any real videogame
It's funny that you say that when many people were unironically hoping for an even more retarded version of that where Venom was actually fucking Gray Fox.
It's been 4 years and you're still seething because you hate gameplay in your videogames .
also I completely forgot to mention that its not only a heavy downgrade from its demo in terms of gameplay, its a fucking full scale graphics downgrade that somehow nobody is mad about most likely because of 7th gen consoles and the laughable cpu bottlenecks of the new consoles which is why it struggles to keep objects loaded within long distances in its shitty empty asset flip map. Just fucking look at the trailer which has the original "gz" graphics still in TPP
Ok that would have been the only worse thing
Literally everything there is identical to release
maybe if youre a fucking retarded, autistic, blind liar
it was ok and terrible at the same time
>people still blamed Konami for MGSV having such a flawed story
>when kojimmy was literally lying to you with trailers like this cutting random setpieces out of context to create an illusion of a much better game
>when kojambles is literally doing the exact same thing right now with Death Stranding
If I was hyped for TPP before release, I would be livid because of shit like this.
Are you fucking retarded? That's a massive improvement.
Either youre retarded enough to not look at which footage is labeled under which year or even more retarded enough to think that slapping on a piss filter to hide the shit textures, lighting and draw distance is a "massive improvement"
The game's best quality are its controls and they are just a worse version of MGS4's controls.
Great gameplay and engine let down by a lack of good content to do it in. One of the most blatantly unfinished games I’ve ever played.
Game ended after Sally bossfight. Rest is on disc DLC for me.
no. theres nothing good about it. i have over 1000 hours and im here to say its dogshit. its too easy and boring.
Its a miserable pile of dogshit that I regret spending time on
The gameplay is great, but the story and execution are pretentious as fuckall. What is with Kojima trying to trick people into thinking they are playing as Snake or Boss?
>Play as Snake for 20 min, then a whiny pussy for 3 hours
>MGSV: Think you're playing as Boss, but you're playing as his body double instead
It's just... why?
Imagine MGSV with 2B instead of snake or quiet
Quiet is hotter and cutes than toobie. That said it would still be great.
idk man, quiet is kinda ruined for me, all I can think of is horses when I see her, i need to change that model in game
Funny, I feel the same way about 2B
Yeah now because it's getting fixed this year
how so
>What is with Kojima trying to trick people into thinking they are playing as Snake or Boss?
He only did this twice in a span of 8 mainline games. MGS3 doesn't count, since it was obviously a prequel.
>he doesnt know
>Seriously believing the Demon Edition leak
LMAO @ your life
Nah Quiet is ugly, they got Stef's face wrong
I bet you posted the same on the DMCV leak
She's still prime qt, just not perfect like Joost
sorry op but 'old game good' isnt going to work on mgsv
>"they're not natural boss"
whoa the memes were true
>guest starring the SKULLS
>what part of "only white race on Mother Base" did you not understand?
>Ocelot Gear- Ray Ban Sunglasses
Time heals all pain.. like phantom pain..
It would have been great if the third act had been there. Instead it was just very good.
is konami self aware enough to know that most people at these events arent there for pachishit and this comes off as cock teasing?
It seems to be working for MGS4
It's not real
good. im still gonna shoot myself if demon edition is fake
It's obviously some fanfic-tier wishlist of what a random user wanted from MGSV. And all the effort they're putting on making a "retconned version of MGSV" would be better off just making an MGS6 instead.
Yeah DMCV is also a wishlist fulfillment and is still real
So why not just make an MGS6 then?
Fix V first so Konami higher up boomers realize Survive was not an accurate representation of people's interest in MGS
Good gameplay, bad overall game. The individual missions themselves are fun and well made, with lots of replayability and mechanical depth, but they aren’t tied together by anything, and the overarching story makes no sense. In fact, the game sort of restarts midway through and then abruptly ends. There’s no sense of progression, a shit ton of pointless grinding, and unnecessary backtracking/reusing of assets. Normally I don’t care so much about the narrative of a game, but when the intro is a 45 minute interactive cutscene, you can’t just end the story with major unresolved plot threads.
>game that got nerfed to fuck because they forced it to fit on lastgen
>still only 70% finished
look if you take it as a game on its own detached from the hype and the MGS name and include ground zeroes, its a dam good game, but idk if its "top 10 of the decade" material
V doesn't need fixing. Except maybe add the KOTF mission, which won't be done at this point.
Great, deep gameplay but unfortunately the game is a garbled, jarbled, unfinished mess. I think MGSV is perhaps and possibly this generation's "DRIV3R"
Removing the Venom twist is a good fix
Why would someone lie on the Internet?
4 days left.
It is probably the only game that makes me say "this is good gameplay"
tfw you will never drop in and out of africa with a half naked frog lady
She's not a frog, she's a plant zombie whose skin is made of fireflies
Would have been GOTD if the live service shit was removed and they didn't have to cut shit to get it running on the PS360.
Well. MGSV is already done. Just add more soldiers on map, difficulty option for mission,level editor and you can fix original game. Less work than Survive.
Also remove that pacifism. I want to use guns. Not sleeping darts.
The gameplay was overly repetetive, you were forced to replay the same missions over and over again, and the story sucked.
You literally never had to redo the same mission twice. Those were completely optional
Any mods you lads would recommend me?
From the first time i play it . Is a damn shame it will never be finished.
I hate the jap kikery. Otherwise it's good.
>renov railgun that can penetrate walls
>pretty overkill but would be fun to mess around with
>fob only and shit resource requirements
>outfits as dlc
But Boss. In project Diamond Dogs we have no names.
The FOB shit killed it for me. MGS4 had fun online, why couldn't this?
in what fucking way?
how many times can you play through a shitty movie game with tons of filler missions and pointless cutscenes?
Its perfect
do FOBs make anyone else seethe?
>Tranking guys is too risky
>caution mode takes forever, just a waiting game
>guards in caution can spot the tinest movement a mile away
>you can forget about recourse fultoning for the same reason
>climbing the central building is absolute bullshit always reaults in getting caught from a stupid angle
and yet I can’t stop playing it.
>Normal names
>Dick Tuffman
mint and basedpilled
There’s a few outfits tied to fob events
It checks out
no they will not since Yea Forums is a spoiled little brat but still never satisfied
and yes Yea Forums is one person
The Venom thing being removed is alright I guess but what I really would like is the whole "Skully did Snek Eater" shit to be removed. Let Big Boss have this, The Boss basically letting him win their duel is enough.
It's a good game. It just could of been so much more. If the game was actually finished, people would still be playing it to this day.
I didn't really care for it, all I did was wiping out few FOBs until they were out of reinforcements. I wonder how many soldiers died for good
People are still playing it though, there is 1,553 playing it on steam right now. Thats quite alot for a mainly singleplayer game that is 4 years old.
>didn't care for the only part of the game with level design
>Real money ensurance
It had potential pay to win so that automatically made me discard the entire thing
Perfectly normal Kojima name, Dick Tuff an is the cousin of Die Hardman. He's also a distant relative of Hot Coldman
just retaliate
top 20 of the decade