Kings Bounty 2

No thread? You disappoint me. Thoughts?

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Best bounty?

Attached: KBDarkside 2018-08-25 22-59-08-52.jpg (1920x1080, 417K)

It's not made by nival studios but shitty 1c. Expect crappy bug ridden game

I want to believe!

Attached: KBWotN 2018-07-27 21-45-01-72.jpg (1920x1080, 418K)

Is Dark Side worth playing?

WotN was such a lazy rehash it killed my will to play another KB game altogether

What game?

Heroes of might & Magic 8

Warriors of the north was the first Kings bounty i got really into and Dark Side felt fairly similar. I never got very far into it though. Made the mistake of playing it directly after Warriors of the north and got burned out fast. Should probably give it another go.

Attached: KBWotN 2018-08-19 12-10-53-61.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

Attached: kb 2014-06-17 23-01-46-41.jpg (1600x1200, 547K)

God I hate restocking units in these games, it's so tedious.

>no images of the actual UI
>just bunch of bleak boring looking images

jesus christ
at least kings bounty games were vibrant and colorful


What the fuck is up with those generic, drab graphics? They completely missed why King's Bounty is considered a classic.

no clue, it doesn't seem like first game
I liked traveling aspect of first game a lot

Ain't the 2008 team is dead?

just don't lose units :^). In all honesty they should add some sort of reserve system for excess units.

Legend was decent but the final dragon dungeon can go fuck itself on hard or whatever was the 2nd highest difficulty.
I lost interest somewhere during Warrior Princess. That campaign had some neat bossfights, maybe I should get back to it.


I'll be interviewing the devs at Gamescom on this game, what do I ask?

Ask them what is their favorite hentai doujin

Why did they decide to drop the unique and colorful look for a dark, gritty, generic one?

do they like anime porn

I'll be writing this down, get back to you after Gamescom.

email me here with results

Can you have lbgt marriage in it?

"Will there be trans and non binary gender options for the player character? Especially if you remember the quite sexist and bigoted view on female characters of the original games."

But there is one, all of the games have two extra slots for out of combat armies, nothing stops you from keeping extra units you use in there.
Ask them why they changed the colorful fantasy setting into a generic medieval grey and brown vomit.

Was there? Been over 5 years since I last played

Red pill me on these games guys what cool things can you do in them
What makes them unique?

>such a lazy rehash
That's Dark Side alright. Just how low effort all the environments are was honestly disappointing.

These games were always neat.

i'm, glad there's a new one but i was hoping for another one along the lines of legend or princess
this looks too srs business

>Ask them why they changed the colorful fantasy setting into a generic medieval grey and brown vomit.

You know what, I'll rephrase that and ask them why they departed from their previous art direction. Not a bad question, desu.

My dad loves this series. (His favorite game is HoMM3.)
Doubt his laptop can handle it so I'm thinking of lending him my computer for him to play.

>no mention of Lind Erebros

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I have armored princess in my library but never played it. Should I?

If you crave for HoMM style combat, go for it.