

Attached: 2554987.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cute autist

Boob goblin

walking soon-to-be rape victim


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Soon to have my finger deep in her navel

Attached: 1545816461494.jpg (707x847, 55K)

Her eyes are too far apart and it's unsettling. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

I want to hug Byleth!

It’s agreed she’s the weakest design of the game.

Attached: Ampharos 7.png (400x300, 131K)

Don't look at me with those big ol' eyes.

ah fuck, female Byleth grew in me and now I love her

And the cold dead fish eyes they give male Byleth suit the empty vessel idea so much better. Even Dimitri was kind of scared of him at first.

I'm getting there. Her autistic stare ruined a bunch of scenes, but now that I've got Super Sayain M!Byleth, he looks even worse, and I miss the cute girl.


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Attached: Shamir_Portrait.png (612x598, 324K)

Doodoo niggas

Does her class even take her serious?

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>female Byleth grew in me
Go back to being dead nameless mother

Do you think an autist like her would even react to me sticking my dick in her belly button or would she just accept it

Attached: 72CBC881-5482-4409-9506-A734E2D73E58.jpg (769x1113, 163K)


>she killed millions for this ass
She can't get away with it.

Attached: 1.jpg (850x737, 120K)

That's why she wears the outfit

Attached: 1563736466875.jpg (443x993, 51K)

Cute angry retard

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>women fish want fear me me

Attached: 1565833575511.jpg (626x933, 86K)

It's funny actually, a lot of girls have said they played using male Byleth just because the female design was such shit.

RIP otomefags

I wish girl Byleth got a nice casual outfit though. The academy uniform is nice but it doesn't have the cool hat to complete the Meiji era uniform cosplay, and her crop top/hot pants combo in her default and master class is sexy but a little too much sometimes.


Attached: bernadettaplant.png (592x651, 145K)

She really needs a better outfit. How do you unlock the academy uniform, anyway?

>Literally just got that scene
What the fuck?


Attached: 1555193301198.jpg (700x529, 90K)

Is DLC, senpai.

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Never really saw her supports, explain this meme.

>no exposed navel

I want Elelgard to violate me

Attached: 5223b293fffb9b7560de254348990692.jpg (1378x1056, 863K)

>paying to cover up her belly
That's kind of sad

Attached: 1535198418527.jpg (1000x1400, 116K)

It's kinda crude but Edelgard sitting nervously but excitedly on the edge of the couch is what really ties the whole picture together.

I think the glowy green hair ruins both designs. They wear such dark themed clothing that does not match it and none of the other green haired characters are that bright. I get why Byleth is supposed to sit apart from the manaketes but still. Also THE EYEBROWS ARE STILL DARK FUCK.

Oh, I didn't realize any of the season pass was already available. I would have figured they'd sell each thing separately.

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so that's how you do it

Attached: 569e01f.png (1708x1340, 775K)

This picture is even funnier post release when it turns out that two of the three gay options aren't even gay.

I mean, cute and all, but that is not how that interaction would end. Best case scenario, Edelgard would burst out laughing, exclaiming, "THAT'S your reason?"

It's not her fault, the goddess made her autistic

And all of the lesbo options are BORING FAGGOTS or an insane retard making me not want to even do a femByleth playthrough.

I didn't even realize Byleth's green hair was supposed to be "bright" until another character pointed it out. It doesn't look transcendental, it just looks washed out.

>Sylvian immediately joins f Byleth's class the second she asks, no stat requirements or support necessary
I'm sure they want to take her, seriously

I would say "cope/seethe" or some other dumb banter, but you sound so hurt it's kinda sad

Maybe next game, friend.

Can't wait for them to be the next smash DLC

Truth be told I'm honestly not surprised Nintendo did not catch more press flak over "two gay options aren't actually gay and in fact are actually heterosexual options with a nameless girl after the fact."
But shit I probably don't notice cause anything about Fire Emblem and twitter that involves a rainbow flag username also usually involves Edelgard rimming female Byleth's ass so shit, whatever.

Attached: 1551839142115.png (1280x1046, 811K)

Nahh, Byleth is too plain for that

what a dumb name

>Talented in "lances" and "riding"
My academy teacher is such a slut.

I mean I'm not, I'm just seeing no reason to ever stop being cool dead eyes Byleth when the straight girls are all the best. Just a shame there's gonna be no quality clams being smashed, but what can you do.

it already appears likely that one of the two characters will have two distinct voices, and you know how sakurai loves pushing FE

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You are, they are almost the size of one eye apart, which is a feature that doesnt varies in human faces at all.

I hope we get post time skip Edelgard because I've come accept that that is the closest I'll get to seeing Hector in Smash

Now she'll get to stay inside all day!

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That's what you get for being a homo.
My only regret is that c/u/cks didn't get the same treatment.

Im glad that not all the paired endings are some dumb romantic bullshit. I think there should have been more bro endings for the MC where you dont fuck them but just go around making the world better and shit like Hanneman does in a lot of his endings

>letting you S Rank a married man with a child
What is the point even? I feel bad for Alois

>two church whores, an actual whore, your imaginary friend, and Aids Hitler
In some ways they did

>Bernadetta already getting this kind of fetish art
I tought Edelgard or Dorothea would beat her to it, Jesus.

It's a platonic S-rank. You become best bros and he gives you away at your wedding when he finds you a village girl to bang.

I felt bad for the other house leaders when they had to enter the dance competition themselves because they were literally the only ones left.

Really? Fags sure got btfo

Hubert at the very least should be dancing for Black Eagles.

To have relationships that go beyond some romantic sexual one? Hell it is significantly better than the Sothis end that has next to nothing to do with her at all

can you even change back to your main outfit in combat? Byleth looks pretty dumb as a mercenary

>To have relationships that go beyond some romantic sexual one?
That's what A ranks are for

I think you'll just have to play commoner like a true chad. Also fuck you his Merc outfit is the only good looking class for Byleth that doesn't get ruined by his weird pink highlights.

Ok desu I actually like the merc outfit but it feels wrong to immediately change your canon outfit into generic mook shit

cute lesbian

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I feel the same way, especially toward a lot of the M/F endings. 3H still has the problem where the support convo is devoid of romance until taking that turn in the final one. I'd rather have 3 supports dedicated to a strong friendship and a paired ending that could imply a romantic future.

Attached: cute cat.jpg (900x1165, 76K)

Anyone else think Lorenz was a total fag at first but after a lot of his supports he ends up being a righteous dude?

Female Byleth looks like the type of girl who listens to Joji.

Attached: 1565182801230.png (367x401, 231K)

Unfortunately the only unique class option Byleth gets that makes him OP looks very, very retarded. So savor the mook look while you can.

Lorenz is fucking based, unlike edeltard.

mint flavor Byleth so cute

The problem with that is that A Ranks for Byleth do not have shared endings.

>do church after the three normal routes
>it's just Golden Deer but slightly different

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Do it for Lady Rhea

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Interaction pictures like this just kinda creep me out because they're fucking never in character.

Thinking those freaks care about being in character is your first mistake


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El the masterplanswoman.

Attached: 76275838_p0.jpg (1000x2820, 2.25M)

I'm specifically talking about lovey dovey ones.

Honestly, it would be perfectly fine if it just cut out the last panel.

>Taking fan art seriously

Attached: 7d63cdi6pdg31.jpg (2000x2000, 319K)

Went from one of my least favorite characters to one of my most favorites.

i love these goofy deer

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Yeah, I think he was designed that way. Most of his C supports have him act as a pompous dick but the more you get to know him you understand he was misguided in his actions but his heart is always in the right place.

Don't get your panties in a knot you fujoshit.

Fucking Delete This
Why do yuri bastards always wins?

Best house

Attached: 1564780126212.jpg (1080x1080, 222K)

based retard

>Edelgard is basically Kaguya but instead of being Pres Byleth is a dense autist

fund it

Attached: 1484691113127.jpg (375x327, 20K)

>Find out he actually does review all books for approval.

Attached: 534435534543543.jpg (631x900, 212K)

Yeah, it's like when Mikoniggers post their fanart on Kaguya threads, it's always out of character garbage made by landwhales.
Fucking waifufags I swear.

>Pictures make me mad
Unironically cringe

Attached: EBPv_QTVAAAy4Ie.jpg (1683x1191, 280K)

Can FemByleth and Edelgard S-support, or is it just generic yuri shipping as usual?

Attached: 1565191305824.png (1916x1705, 2.42M)

>Everyone steals 75% of class
Golden Chads for the win

On the topic of S and A ranks, what determines who pairs up together?
Is it whomever got to A rank first?

For example, I got Ashe A rank with Annette first, but then I viewed his A rank with Mercedes and later Ingrid. Will his marriage partner be random now?

Attached: 1565543836133.png (578x480, 341K)

>you can't stop me bro

Attached: 1565822578015.png (1919x1085, 1.71M)

check "close allies" on their notecard and see who's on top with Ashe.

In what ways?

Support points, just go into the notes section of each character and whoever is at the top of close allies is who its gonna end up with

Yes they have a full on S support. You're even posting the female S-support CG.

Attached: 1565711594711.jpg (863x1200, 240K)

It's cute, and literally just a silly joke

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Unit statistics>closest allies

Blue Lion Thot Patrol best house

Not that guy, but this one is so out of character that it distracts from the cuteness. This one is great, because it actually kind of fits.

Edelgard's DO IT FAGGOT FACE was a good laugh to cap off my BE run. I kind of regret not picking Hubert.


Attached: 1565234997023_0.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

This is too good to be true.

Wait, what happens if you S-rank Gilbert?
Does Annette become your... DAUGHTER?

Source please and tumblrinas don't count.

Can't wait to see you fags BTFO'd when Femleth tops 3H popularity poll for females LMAO

With her tongue and finger, in even possible way.

Attached: d836d73c5618d69a1dd87c17d53bec37.jpg (1235x1600, 243K)

>Golden Deer Route
>Edge boy dies of screen
Wow what the fuck could they have given him somthing. Like a silhouette of him with a bunch of spears sticking out with a monologue

Attached: 1565808912012m.jpg (721x1024, 99K)

>You're even posting the female S-support CG.
The Male one is different? ...Can you post it?

Imagine being Bland Lions and only having one decent character people want to poach.

Attached: 1565802712335.png (900x660, 133K)

Thank you, kind anons

I want to pull her hair, pinch her arm and make her cry.


The plural is important

Professor! I'd really like to train with you sometime! I hope I can be in your class!

>This unit isn't interested in joining your class

Where's the REAL S rank everyone wants?

Attached: 1565759028002.png (512x512, 119K)

For A ranks they keep earning support points so someone with multiple A ranks will pair with whoever they bonded the most. If you want a specific ending but still want to see them wait till the last chapter to watch them since supports don't earn points when they reach max for the rank.

Also a warning for S ranking, don't watch any A ranks for the person after you pick them or you'll cuck yourself.



>Only one decent character to poach

Their entire house is absolute mint though. Except for Ashe.

Real question bros, how many times did you use the Relics in combat? I only used the Sword of the Creator like a grand total of 5 times and the others I can't even remember if I did end up using them. Repairing them is so fucking expensive.

Like this?

Attached: fire emblem edelgard dimitri.jpg (1917x1155, 299K)

Only the hand is different

Well Dimitri and Dedue can't be poached and there's still Felix and Sylvain.

Awww yeah

Attached: IMG_20190811_042411.jpg (1920x1482, 233K)

>people playing as some whoreslut instead of medieval demigod Führer

Attached: 1495745956405.jpg (1280x720, 94K)


Funnily enough, the only time Byleth actually says something in a conversation that isn't a choice by the player is in her S rank with Doodoo. It's not voiced though, but there is a text line.

Literally all that's different is male Byleth's glove, but they are different.

Attached: Edelgard_SRank_m%21Byleth.png (1920x1707, 2.76M)

If Edelgard was ever that aggressive with Byleth, there wouldn't even be a need for a BE route.

Used them to blap "bosses" for cool points. Otherwise never. Why should I when normal weapons does the job.

Fuck you

Literally never until endgame except for Felix's shield cause that's a no brainer.

>a lot of girls
Women don't play games faggot.

Is there a bust chart yet? Asking for a friend.

>male outfit
>"Der Führer"

My Ashe became a great how knight. Too bad he was nothing but chip damage along the way

I'm an eternal iron weapon whore.

I used everybody's sans Byleths without really caring about it. They're useful but a lot of them get matched or outclassed by other weapons soon enough.

Yeah bros I’m thinking Ferdinand is best boy

Literally has the best characters in the game easily and most character development with the least reliance on anime tropes although the game in general does a better job than the last two at avoiding those.

Also Ashe is cool, don't know why people find a random kind hearted dude so triggering

>Raphael being the most smug
This doesn't fit...

holy fuck

Attached: 1541103336102.jpg (247x248, 25K)

How knight is a good summary of Ashe's character

How mad was Edelgard in the afterlife after seeing Femleth and Dimitri fuck several times in the BL route?

That comic is dumb. Claude would have best girl Hilda and Dimitri would have best bro Doodoo.

Finished Golden Chads. Had to kill a lot of former students, in self-defense, after Lunatic is released going for Lions. Who should i recruit to avoid Dimitri going all nuclear on my former students?

Needs a nyoro-n edit

>Also Ashe is cool, don't know why people find a random kind hearted dude so triggering
All of his supports were nice. I like that he met the thief and the thief's kid later and acknowledged that they were still doing poorly. I feel like if Ashe were a woman people would feel more positively about him.

>Femleth can fuck all three lords
>Maleth can only shag Gorilla

Explain this

He's just boring for that reason. Nothing wrong with him but he doesn't stick out compared to say, a prince with such a lust for revenge.

Posting better edit with better house.

Attached: 1565588308294.jpg (900x658, 155K)

Gorilla AND Boar should have both been bi options. Boar in particular says some really gay shit to you.

No faggots in better houses.

Is Byleth actually a dense autist though? He/she seems awfully aware of a lot of shit going on around them.

>2/3 lord aren't fags
Pic related basically

Attached: 13t5kz.jpg (500x902, 134K)

I too thought it was romantic when he asked me to crush their skulls and smash their bones.

The Seteth memes always crack me up. Please tell me someone made a Seteth "DELET THIS" edit

GD and BL are very close knitted groups, how can the BLACKED eagles compete?

Killing next to the person you're destined to fuck is a Fire Emblem staple. That was pretty much a proposal.

What is sex with Edgelard like?

BE is the gay house tho’


Cold, motionless.

Attached: Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses-Timeskip-Dimitri-1.jpg (959x960, 339K)

Almost the entire house, at least for the male characters are all common knight/hero tropes.

The virtuous peasant, formerly a thief, who dreams of being a knight and is picked up by a local kind hearted noble is one of the most common backgrounds for that kind of character.

Lorenz is a fine man.

Attached: 1565844964674.jpg (1280x1280, 245K)

>How will having sex with you help me conquer Fodlan? No thanks.

...Why is necrophilia a crime during war time user/

Raidou Kuzunoha Vs The Otomeless Army

The fact that there’s no ‘the gay’ makes this one ten times better.

>thought he was a generic smug jerk
>he turns out to be the nicest character
>all his A supports are great
>can't decide who to marry him off to
I should never have doubted Lorenz Hellman Gloucester


Well him and Ingrid are the only ones who truly value knighthood is the thing, and Ingrid's kind of on the boring side too aside from her hilarious racism. Everyone else either does not give a shit about it or has become disillusioned, which is a bit more interesting to most people.

>edge lard
Somebody draw a fat misanthropic edelgard please


>Whip sword
>Time reversal

Thinking about it now, it will be such fucking cancer

>Sword character
>Belmont whip range
>Bayonetta's witch time

Play the game.

Fiery and passionate like everything she does. She is most definitely always on top.

Fucks sake, how do I save Hanneman in Battle of Garreg Mach?
There's a Pegasus that doubles him straight away and nobody can reach that Pegasus besides Ballista which for some reason isn't effective.
I swear, they intentionally made it a Divine Pulse bait with how that Pegasus is aiming at Armored Knight but changes target to Hanneman on her turn.

I'm almost done with my GD run and I'm still not feeling the same character synergy I did with BL.

requesting Aspect Byleth

>lunatic difficulty has been datamined somewhat successfully
>kostas for the bandit house mission is level 9
>all archers in the game have poisonstrike
>all thieves in the game have pass
>looks like they just bumped up numbers
well this is going to be shit

Attached: 1556217777603.jpg (583x583, 37K)

Lorenz is such a great character holy shit.

I didn't realize until just now that he has lock touch as his innate skill because he was a thief as a kid.

Any reason to play Golden Deer after Blue Lions and Black Eagles (Church side)? Frankly I was disappointed by how few differences there were in my NG+ run aside from the very final stretch of the story. 40 hours give or take is a lot of retreading to do just to see what amounts to only superficial differences. You end up fighting the same battles in the same places but for slightly different reasons.

Attached: 1565450126674.png (400x434, 352K)

How about you take your fat fetish somewhere else?

Literally never except maybe to kill the last bar of late games beasts.

*gains STR on level up*

Attached: 5341234132.png (185x185, 38K)

For a second I thought it was referencing Marianne killing herself but she's not gay so it doesn't work.

The first run leaves the most powerful impression.

Whenever I felt like killing something now and saving a turn would save me enough of a headache. Don't hoard you god weapons.

They should have enemies use effective weaponry.

I used them consistently when around chapter 16 I noticed I had fucking 40 Umbral Steel and realized I am saving this shit for nothing.

With Byleth, meek as a kitten and only wants to make Byleth happy. Not with Byleth, she'll make you wear a green haired wig and constantly calls you sensei.

His S support is god tier.

Stride+flier. You can cheese even more range if you stride the dancer and dance the flier.

Fumbling and desperate.

Attached: 54345354345.jpg (1680x464, 498K)

>Talks about the literal two mirror routes being similar vs the one with the most lore and literally no mirroring to the other lords


>All the Otomestacies in the comments creaming themselves over Lion boys

mine is lvl 25 with 19 str not sure what happened, she was a killing machine in my last playthrough.

Have you tried warp &/or rescue?

Just recruited Caspar, how fucked am I if I don't level him for his paralogue with Mercedes?

Stop lying. That literally never happens.

I need an edit of this with Dimitri and Claude looking at Edelgard not paying attention.

>Lion boys
When weighed as a group the Lion boys are easily the best.

The biggest problem si taht, despite what they look like at first glance, BLs are a really tight-knit group of childhood friends that play each other really well.

When does he let you B-rank him? Or do I have to spend renown on him.

Delet this, it hurts too much

Attached: IMG_20190722_190645.jpg (548x547, 29K)

Her A-rank with Hilda is pretty gay

Everyone is some variant of that character type though. Not a single character in that team is remotely morally ambiguous with the exception of Dimitri briefly for whom it's meant to be a fatal flaw and unambiguously bad.

Felix, Sylvain and Dedue could all easily be lifted as main characters from any random knights tale. A couple of supports are specifically about that. Felix and Sylvain in particular.

Can you please talk to me like a human being rather than make me decipher this gibberish

I got C rank with him and recruited him normally, I'm past the battle of eagle and lion but he doesn't have the B rank unlocked yet.

You just got shit rng. My Leonie literally one shots armoured units with an Iron Bow.

For me its Leonie.

Attached: 1565628486742.jpg (906x1200, 103K)

Not that user, but Church is almost entirely the same as GD but with a different final boss and map. You're confusing it with the other BE route.

Never. Get D+ fists, it works.

And it doesn't matter, just make sure he can damage the Death Knight, even if it's with a super OP weapon.

Attached: 6C990838-BAA8-4535-B1F9-E7241AE78487.jpg (1277x1920, 572K)

What is Stride?

S-she's fast...

She grew up hot, too bad she’s still obsessed with Jeralt.

>They say that on his deathbed, when his loving wife asked if he bore any regrets, he let out a weak laugh and with a relaxed mien, he did whisper, "Nothing to report."

Bravo IS, hit me in the feels

The Gambit that is an AoE +5 move buff. It's some ludicrously low authority too (D? Maybe even E). It's game changing.

Attached: 1564771540628.png (267x188, 68K)

not at all, I did that without touching him or mercedes
its a scripted map of whenever a unit starts to get close then reinforcements appear out of their ass do not rush up to where they are early as you just make things worse


Sure but Ashe is still the one character that most idealizes knighthood, so 'how knight' is a fitting way to take a jab at his character. It's something the other Blue Lions even give him shit for. Well, Felix and Byleth only off the top of my head. I like all the Blue Lions I just understand how Ashe can come off as boring.

>dodges everything in your path
what a do?

Attached: 76280484_p0.jpg (1280x1919, 263K)

what if she slaps you?

She should of just had male Blyleth's face.

Attached: 1563521281062.jpg (457x491, 71K)

>Me want women
>Me fear fish

Attached: 1542009899613.gif (500x500, 386K)

why is Lorenz so based lads

Attached: lorenz end cg.jpg (1707x960, 134K)

Use a gambit.

Stride is a E-rank gambit that gives a temporary but high as fuck Buff to Move.
With how small so many of the maps are and since it literally has no requirement other than not using an incompatible unit(e.g. flyers can't use a foot-based battalion) you can trivialize a lot of situations.

Attached: YjhOCgk.jpg (727x1982, 148K)

>should of
Learn your own language you filthy anglo.

Attached: Leonie.png (1920x1382, 2.65M)

They gave BL 5 sets of best friends, 1 to BE, and 2 to GD. That's why it's a lot harder to find which characters have fun synergy when it comes to meals/group tasks.

Attached: special allies.jpg (972x514, 71K)

I just realized, if he was a yellow fag, why was he on the Empire side on that bridge map? I ended up killing him and Ferdinand

The male S rank pics are a LOT better than the female ones.

Attached: Doodoo.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

Literally what did you expect. We don't get meticulously designed difficulties anymore, now it's just load enemies up with deliberately unfair shit and call it a day. It's not an ultimate test of skill, you'll just be inclined to cheese the everloving fuck out of everything. I did all three paths in Fates on Lunatic and i dont feel like it means anything because you cam cheese the fuck out of almost anything

maximum kek /ourincel/

Because half the Alliance was supporting the empire and his dad was the leader of that faction.

thats kinda hot

>in a perfect world she looks like this ingame


What? Some of these don't even have supports together, like Bernadetta and Marianne or Hilda and Dorothea.

Attached: Raphael.png (1920x1264, 2.25M)

Delete this

Nigga did you get any new drops? I waster 30 cubes and nothing :(

*Deploys Duscar Man*

Attached: 1565210955043.jpg (1280x1809, 777K)

This has to be edited, i mean, he already was sniffin Leonie's legs, but that is to be expected, Leonie's a cute.

Attached: Leonie the tomboy.jpg (1079x1080, 116K)

Irregardless, she should have just had male Byleth's face.

dodge this
*unzips dick*

Somebody add the "I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this dragon" caption pls.

Dropped 70 cubes for Essex and Albacore. Got both.
kinda sad I wasn't spooked by Dace though

Is that your fucking bare foot. Why though

I like this one a lot, haven't saw the other female ones yet.

>Supports with most of the women and bros are heart warming
>My 2nd best magic unit

I kind of prefer how they look here but most of them do look pretty bad. They forgot Hanneman's chin hair.

Attached: Hanneman_SRank.png (1920x1558, 2.4M)

Attached: 1565857715587.jpg (1400x986, 250K)

Before anyone asks, Catherine and Shamir are broken but only on routes where you can recruit them at level 7-11 while they're already in Advanced classes. Their base stats at that point are WAY too high (being at least equal to Sniper and Swordmaster bases but probably higher) and they aren't Jagens either, sporting pretty good growths.

Attached: gameplay tiers.png (1064x467, 340K)

>gay baby jail

Attached: 1511359420674.gif (94x122, 22K)

God I love Raphael
>Big and muscle boi
>Nice to everyone
>Beat my enemies to death with his bare hands
>Overall lovable gaint

I just want 2hou. My entire 4 squads are perfect already I don't even need more girls I won't use anyway. Also the coloring shit is cancer!

It looks like she's about to give you the most uncomfortably aggressive hand job ever.

Welp I'm gonna get blacked in my next playthough

Take my wife out of that cell right now.

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More like she's going to crash your balls.

>Ignatz aka the Rally Man

What the fuck i never noticed


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It's a tumblr artist, of course they have to complain about the dragon loli, even if she's a genuine lolibaba and the only lore character who isn't evil in some way.

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He's the best. I hope he becomes happy with Bernadetta

Filthy alien God, get the fuck out of our planet. REEEEEEE *dubs*

I did the inner-house battle and ingrid took out like half the forces on the field idk how she would be trash tier

>Dipping french fries in the ice cream

Swap hubert and caspar and that coincides with my playthroughs.

Doodoo downright asks to leave Dimitri's service to be with you.


Can see it there.


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Don't take this too seriously. My Shamir was really weak and died to axe faggots, while Leonie was a speed god with superior defense and res.

Only house where everyone looks better post timeskip.

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What the fuck man
Why make her take his giant dong and birth his giant children?

>Not one healer makes it out of good tier
Are the broken / great units supposed to never take more damage than they can self heal?

Also, what is the difference between darkknights like Lorenz and Syvain? Is it based on how good they are as paladin?

Exde, jesus christ the art is alright overall but they could have gotten anyone else for a game this high budget

Please don't make Leonie fat, thank you.

Dorothea is a giant slut and doesn't deserve art
>that's not the same guy you were with yesterday
>I'm not just teasing these boys I'm looking for someone to take care of me :^)

Look what I just caught.

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Isn't really worth fielding him when you're going to have to babysit him. He's frail, has worthless Str growth and not even very good Dex or Spd growth when that's supposed to be his area.
The only support characters you really need are a Dancer and a Warp/Rescue user. Also a Meteor user is very helpful. Bonus points if you have multiple of those on one unit like Dorothea.

Please someone explain the alien shit

Does there ending end with like a ton of kids?

If she can handle Raphael she can handle anyone. She is also an amazing cook. Surprisingly great pair

It's the only way to play.

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>people live in peace on earth
>a god from outer space looking like a little girl invades
>displays magic power
>"worship me, or else...."
The rest is kids of this cunt driving humans underground.

Now imagine her and the boar hatefucking.

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My little sister used to dip fries in coke. What's the deal?

You got RNG screwed

With DLC everyone is going to be able to max out stats and this list will be obsolete

Characters like Ignatz will shine at the absolute top due to having busted fucking minmax bullshit personal skills, Perhaps will be S-tier because you can give people crests in NG+ and you can just give him fuckin thunderbrand

They have cute support where she is happy to cook for him and he is happy to eat it all. Unfortuntely, despite my eugenics planning, my Raphael ended up with Shamir, for whatever reason.

>t. death knight
I'm gonna kick your ass at the end of this month, just you wait


Would be a shame if you were a button mashing story skipper that only uses one save.

They love each other, user.

It only works with French fries and icecream. The salty and sweet just mix and it's so good. Tell her she's a nigger for doing it in coke

smelly tuna

>Lorenz watching in discomfort of the barbarianism
This image is perfect.

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You're listening to too much dubstep propaganda. Sothis never demanded worship and gave her life to protect humans, an action the Agarthans and the Empire led by gorillaguard have never been grateful for.
The only dragon who was ever "evil" or unhinged was Seiros, who loved her mother too much and lost her shit.

That's a dumb fucking argument, also the DLC won't let you infinite grind on Hard or Lunatic, the only modes that matter. A drooling monkey could beat Normal mode with 0 effort.

>peaceful god gives people tech
>mole people are dicks

He's a great Assassin, though. He excelled at both Rallying and dodge tanking while still providing debuffs with his budding talent. Yours was just trash.

The only trouble i had in hard was those Japanese looking fuckers. Thank god my Petra just slide into them and kill all of them

>With DLC everyone is going to be able to max out stats and this list will be obsolete
Any unit can be good with grinding.

I didn't play with the shitty dub so I'll never get this shit. Sothis has a cute voice, I can hear Tina from Black Bullet and Miria from CG in it mixed with the archaic lolibaba style.

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Pretty much all of the anime cutscenes look like 2016 Berserk

>the DLC won't let you infinite grind on Hard or Lunatic

This is absolutely garbage.
My Hilda-kong is stronger AND faster than Dimitri.
She should be Broken tier.

Ignatz is fucking useless, though.

>forced to hide underground
>broken, hunted, weak
>with no sun energy whatsoever
>develop into "soon to launch to Mars"
>"protected" by goddess
>medieval shithole
>all you need is pray, goyim
Hmmmm, reaaaaaaaly makes one think.

Have you even played the modes? Your free battles are limited, and you're already constrained for time trying to Explore for quests/motivation/prof points and doing the 5 million paralogues.

I want to give Lysithea the kids meal!

This... I hope DLC lets us change the color pallette cause I hate the pink dumb shit

Mine was too, no matter how hard i tried, the fucker couldn't raise def above 10.

I love these little edelgard faces in comics that make her look like a huge fucking dork.

Coke’s literally the sweetest shit you can consume.

Assassin's don't need def. They literally will not be targeted if any other unit is within the enemy's attack range. They're shit against something that can counterattack them though.

It's also a liquid and makes the fry soggy. Ice cream is more solid and can even have the same consistency as ketchup or whatever other sauce you eat with your fries.

>not Broken
>Hilda Kong
>not great

If you get lucky any unit can be broken, that list only uses their growths and any special unique shit they get. Hilda is too frail to be a frontliner baiter like Dedue/Raphael/Edelguard/etc and her Dex is fucking abysmal, like the worst in the game. She's still good but there are better options on average.

>Professor, Flayn seems intent on dipping her fries into her coke instead of her milkshake. Go to the library and see if you can find a reason for this

God shes so fucking hot shed be a total freak in bed

but she'll make an angry looking glare at you

Lys is the best pure nuker but that's literally all she has. No 3 range spells, no good utility and dies if you leave her in range of anything.
My Broken tier can braindead sweep maps.


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Nigga with N+you get 3 battles regardless.

Who do you think is the "guy" in this relationship?

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Warp is very good utility you faggot.

>proceed to create the internet
>shitpost all day
Yeah...much better.

Warp. Also give her the staff relic from Lorenz paralogue.

My Petra and Hubert were pretty much gods at one point. Nobody could touch them especially Petra who was a crit machine. Shamir is def broken though

Neither you heteronormative bastard

You realize that Sothis gave them their tech, right? They didn't develop shit, beyond the caveman ass looking Crest weapons.

What do I have to do to get the S support with Sothis?

Everyone benefits from that staff though, it's broken. Even fucking Annette is a god with it.

>Apocalyptic Flame commander
>win map

Am I a shitter for doing this?

>that feel when you cast stride on your Fortress Knight

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>also the DLC won't let you infinite grind on Hard or Lunatic

The past 3 fire emblem games had DLC that let you do exactly that you fucking newfaggot

Don’t forget he knows just how to handle Lysithea thanks to his lil sis.


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No one gives a shit about defenses when you have a massive pool of hp and you can't get doubled.
I hope you have at least beaten conquest on lunatic, but considering your garbage list you probably haven't.

He's a retard, ignore him.

Warp nullifies your no utility point and the staff nullifies your "dies if anything is in range" point.


Scissor Sisters

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>the stinky neet
>not op as fuck
>when she has one of the best crests in the game
even with my shit stat growth ive gotten on her she can almost one hit an enemy commander with an iron bow.

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>comparing a game that's WAY fucking different to the 3DS games to Fateswakening
>calling someone a newfaggot when you're an Awakeningbabby

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>ywn sniff her sweaty pink haired pits after a long battle outside in the hot sun
why live

What's the fucking point of thief when you have less than 10 chests in this game and no actual reason to steal from enemies?
Also, did they said something about possible new classes? Almost all master classes require you to ride a horsie or a dragon, and I find that quite annoying.

Am I just even more retarded than the unga bunga "warp and use combat arts" or "stride and ride'' strat because all I did was just have femleth as a falcon knight and run her to the opposite end of the map into a bunch of enemy mages/non archers and she just either face tanked or dodged everything.

What's your favorite /u/ and /y/?

There's no way she doesn't fully groom herself.

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>not broken

erase this

Elel being only 158 cm pre/post time-skip is the hottest thing about her. I don't think anyone would have expected such a main character with her frame to be so short until you placed her beside the rest of the cast.

>not wanting a 100% mounted endgame team

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I hope there are more classes with dlc, because there are quite a few class progressions that come to a halt once you hit Master. Mainly the sword classes.

>beat final Rhea because of the fucking Axe that can hit 6 times in 1 turn
>final form Edelgard has as much hp and physical damage does shit to her
>most you can do is shatter her and hope she doesn't 1 hit you
W-what do am I just stuck?

posting the real tier list

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I'm just hoping for a new unique class which just brings back the manakete or some other transformation class because those were just fun.

>Okay, Shamir, it's time to weaken the enemy so one of my weak units can get XP and build support.
And that's why Shamir will be forever alone after I marry her girlfriend Catherine.

Why don't people above ground use the tech then, hmmm Rhea ? Why?

what house do I pick if I want challenging combat and a good story/good characters

His def isn’t great but he’s clearly designed to be an assassin, he doesn’t need def when he dodges everything.

Sorry kiddo, been playing since way before awakening, much as you would love to believe that isn't true so you can pretend i'm in the same boat as your newfaggot ass

>The game plays differently so that means they won't add DLC that's similar in any vein to what we've seen for 3 fucking games already

How do you get this retarded exactly? Give me the strat speedrun, rebar to the head at birth or what?

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>implying I give her time to groom between the riding the tea parties and the lectures

Fuck, I hate myself for originally taking this from Reddit and posting it here. I'm so sorry for this unfunny meme guys.

>hit swordmaster mastery, sword S with Catherine
>literally can't upgrade into anything
Now what?

>shamir (universe 6)

Lindhardt is unironically better than any of those girls on the top.

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You are both stupid shitters, shut the fuck up.

Flight, riding, or armor for the passives.

You can get the flier/horse shields by stealing. There's also a few enemies that carry Master Seals that can only be obtained by stealing.


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S rank here I come

Fuck you, el porteiro and mercedes en un merdecedes are both great.

>game finished before she even gets a 30% chance

>Felix not being on his own "loved by the devs" tier
>edelgard anywhere near the other 2 Lord
>Caspar not on the trashpile tier
>doodoo not being on the only useful on part 1 tier
>fucking Ingrid on the lowest tier
>lys not on the broken tier
>fucking Raphael(lol) in anything but mediocre
this is the absolute worse tier list on existence, kill yourself.

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Love how the silver weapons look in this game. Fancy, but not too anime. Real nice.

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>Want to steal Solon's cane
>Forget to bring my thief
>Don't want to restart fight
Forgetfulness is why the steal skill is pretty bad.

>Using Catherine on church route


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>dismiss linhardt initially because he is le epic sleep man
>he's actually based as fuck

You can poach Hilda though?


Eagles can't recruit Hilda.

you can't steal his cane anyways

You knew what the requirements for the master classes were. If you wanted her to be a falcon knight or whatever you should've been training her for that from the start.


My plan is to make shota the dancer for....reasons. Thoughts? I’m in BL route

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How often do the events/quests/dialogue in the schoolgrounds reset? Every month?

you cant

keep in mind he isn't gonna be a shota for long

Students and Flayn only.

Nah, I’m ok with him. There’s not a single character in the game I truly dislike in fact. Even then, I honestly think BE have the weakest cast.

The final fight with this faggot is so fucking stupid, why did they give her the ability to regen shatters and so much fucking hp. You can't win without sacrificing someone.

Just Gambit her to death

Monthly. Sometimes the items you find laying around change weekly.

her voice sounded so strange under that mask

End game team for the win:
>Mortal Savant (Byleth)
>Paladin (Ferdinand)
>Bishop (Linhardt)
>War Master (Caspar)
>Bow Knight (Bernadetta)
>Assassin (Petra)
>Gremory (Dorothea)
>Gremory (Flayn)

Yes or no?

What the fuck? That sucks, I wanted a meme dancer. Guess I’ll shove it on Sylvain then

Based list and i would let joe put his pp in my bum

He dies off screen on church one too, but comes back to haunt you saying how sad he is about his failure.

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My Annette was a 41-mag 35-spd fucking killing machine. I married her with no regrets.

Important Question:
Can you play the opposite gender to your first file when starting ng+

Byleth has his own personal class with access to magic so no need to go Mortal Savant. Make Ferdinand a GK. Petra can become a great Flier, but Assassin is an ok choice.

He has Flayn so it's obviously Church route.

Yes. God could you imagine having to run a "boy file" and a "girl file"

What the fuck are you doing with 0 fliers.

>Dimitregard (Fusao)
holy fuck

Yes, you can even use renown to buy S ranks for all the boys you A-ranked on the previous run.

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Pic unrelated

As long as Edelgard exist she doesn't even accept gifts from you.

I didn't use them on Edelgard route, I have no itention to use them now. I am at ch 7, and the list I wrote is my plan for endgame. But stuff could change. Especially with dark seals.

Recruited Annette for a month in the first part. Out of all the attacks I had her do, 2 were not crits. I did the first beast mission with her and not only did she wipe out most of the map, she also didn't run out of either magic.

Is it weird that I do gay shit in vidya even though I'm not into it just to fit in on Yea Forums more?

i didn't know you could steal aurora shields, which chapters have them cause I'm already post-time skip and is it possible to get at least 6 of them?

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>Flayn for Edelgard route
lol yea go ahead bro.

Byleth absolutely tops the majority of the time. Edelgard likes being able to give up her authority to the one person in the world she knows is more capable than she is.

You're gay dude
Go suck some eggs

Yeah that's weird. You shouldn't have to do anything more than want to talk about vidya.

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>tfw instantly knew it was Edelgard because Tara Platt has a really distinct cadence to her voice that the filter couldn't mask

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Notice how he didn't factor in Edel or Hubert's endgame classes. He's going church route dumbass

>Supposed to be devious schemer
>"Haha Claude, you and your epic schemes" repeated a billion times
>His only scheme was disguising as imperial troops to get into a fortress
What's up with that? I at least expected some kind of sneaking mission in his route but nope.

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>Mortal Savant (Byleth)
All of my why.

The filter made me think Flame Emperor had a real bad lisp.

Do you post anime pictures? If so, you are probably more of a tranny than actually gay. Taste some semen and see if that’s your thing.

Do you guys think we'll get another FE on the switch?

only if you side with the Church, but you've got a super small window you can recruit her in.

As usual, the people who whine don't actually play games
so long as you don't reveal it beforehand you can shove all kinds of shit in there and they'll never find out because they don't do anything except whine on twitter all day while reading kotaku and other tripe

Does sniper have any advantages over bow knight?

he also lit some shit on fire once

they should add forged weapons too

Actual stat growths.

>you can actually leave Claude completely alone in his class
Kinda sad.

Not really.

Game did a really bad job of "show don't tell" with him. I'm really surprised he doesn't get a poison skill. Or any kind of spotlight in the story that doesn't involve sucking off Byleth for their strategies. I guess his masterstroke is really just "oh I'm part Almyran so I can get them to help". FE really, REALLY needs to let go of making the player character so special if they want their other "main" characters to be more than a list of character traits.

Only for really slow snipers. The mastery is a combat art that guarantees a followup attack.

They have a not-negative speed growth but at that point I'll take the +2 range and mounted movement over -5% spd.

That one combat art you get for mastery. That's it.

The class mastery has a combat art that guarantees 2 hits if that means anything

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Proof that Claude is the worst leader, since he can't inspire blind "I would instantly kill anyone Edelgard/Dimitri told me to, without hesitation. Even myself." loyalty.

I'm pretty sure the 8 students you use are the top of their class. There's always that generic student who gives you history about each house. And at the start of the game, students are gushing about literal whos like Ashe as if they're popular.

>dodoo being anything but boarsexual

Please don't tell me you think one point of speed and a couple points in dex is worth extra mov, bowrange, and canto.

He's got friends in Almyra tho

Since we've had remakes for the first 3 games and Three Houses is somewhat similar to Genealogy, does it mean that the next game will be Thracia inspired?

Where's The Money Guy?

Technically, yes, but everyone knows those aren't real people. It would be pretty funny if generic NPCs entered the dance contest though.

Yeah I don't know what's wrong with the user that made that tier list; Bernie is strong as all hell.

I did too unfortunately...has one of those voices that is incredibly hard to miss also figured out who the Death Knight was pretty early before they started blaming Jeritza kind of funny since you can miss him pretty easily during explore time

Is Monica the dumbest plot point in the BE route?
>some bitch just happened to stay alive in the dark underground cavern for an entire year, completely unnoticed
>they just let her back into the school no problem

The guy asked if there were any advantages and I just stated there was.

Build the wall, Fodlan already has enough issues

>Does sniper have any advantages over bow knight?
the best outfit in the game barring commoner

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To be fair to Claude he just showed up in the alliance a year/a few years before the game starts. Compare that to Edelgard and Dmitri who have known their blindly loyal companion since they were children it's unfair to face Claude to that standard, hell it's a miracle at all that the golden deer consider them their leader at that point all things considered

He managed to get Ultimate Gigachad Maximus Hilda big bro to open his border for his almyran army, that's quite a feat.

Who doesn't?

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Sylvains insane imouto

For you

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Fuck forgot pic

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That is actually why I asked, though based on replies I gueemss I'll go bow knight anyway.

reminder to recruit lorenz

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It's not an actual advantage when the stats don't do anything though

FYI, sticking with Edelgard means Flayn leaves the team no matter what. Not too late to recruit Lys to replace her when the time comes.

hard to take her seriously in the dub, I just hear Yubel or Luna from YGO when she speaks. Same with Lysithea, I just hear XJ9 though they're both still cute af

Easily. Even if you can overlook that blind acceptance it's weird that Monica's full name is "Monica von Ochs" which implies nobility but you never hear about House Ochs (or I missed it). You'd think this noble's child suddenly showing up again would have more fanfare.

>muh schemes
>claude is a guy with many secrets
>turns out that the only thing he was hiding was that he was a prince of the nigger country
even the disguising as imperial troops was hilda stacy idea

claude would be the most irrelevant lord if dimitri wasnt there

>He's got friends in Almyra tho
He literally does not

Based retard.

Why on earth would you play dub when there could be a Kumikodragon living in your head?

Why did they make Byleth a silent protagonist when Corrin and Robin were just fine being able to talk

It's an advantage nonetheless. I never claimed that Snipers were overall better or that the advantages they have outweighed the Bow Knights'.

Dimitri is actually relevant to Edelgard's stuff, the actual plot of the game, not the background fluff.

no argument

Do you have to complete the supply run quests in one month?

I think they did an OKAY job of tying that into the story (Rhea's crest stone vaccine gave Byleth autism), but I definitely would have preferred Byleth being more of a character.

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fucking chadlenz man
>on occasion, after a days past, I have offered...repeat invitations
>check the confession box
>do you know anyone who would like to have tea with a handsome nobleman?
>to Marianne: yes I see it in you too, a certain gravitas if you will

Damn dude you have like no dick proficiency.

This game has a lot more dialogue it seems, that and also the fact that you would need to record it twice.

You won't get the next one until you complete the current one.

Byleth is far more subdued in their mary sue-ish for MU. He/She acts mostly as the moral compass/wet nurse and turns their ideas into a working strategy. Even the super special time powers is just an excuse for rewind. It's always up to the house leaders to actually do shit in their own route.

Which of the chests should I open in BL chapter 13 (the first after timeskip)?

So as long as I complete it I'll still get the next one even if I complete day one of the next month?

All his support convos are great and his A rank ones are surprisingly sweet, specially the ones with Lys and Marianne.

Worse, Byleth has some random battle a level up quotes.
This really pisses me off.
Should've either keep them silent or add some story lines.

But user, I know that. I finished Edelgard route, and now I'm on ch 7 and I'll join church. This
is my plan for endgame, so I asked is it OK or no. I haven't use Edelgard and Hubert so far, they are still lv 1. I only played with default 6 chars (from Black Eagles) plus Byleth.

>His Ashe died and stayed dead
How can you be that bad at the game?

All of them because you have Ashe you dingdong

>always played male byleth
>just realize how big fem byleth is

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noo i didn't get a chance to draw byleth oh no

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I mean, it's the first time they met someone that can turn physically into someone else. Even the greatest disguise will have some way to remove it. Hard to explain but it is what it is, and any inconsistency in her personality can be waved off as severe PTSD from being held captive for so long. It's also a lie people want to believe in since they never found the original Monica.


Is this the easiest cutscene to miss?

of course, why do you think they say "every battle is a chance to grow"?

I bet autismo lets her students motorboat her tits.

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>Even the super special time powers is just an excuse for rewind.
I liked how his time powers actually failed to accomplish anything when he needed them to work the most.

Who in the BE did Edelgard know when she was a child? Wasn't she held as a prisoner in an underground prison and experimented on during her childhood?

>that lap singing scene

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Nope, my Ashe got benched the moment I got Shamir.
Is he going to show up automatically?

That’s like fucking a disabled kid.

All of your og students except doodoo show up there.

Should include something about Thyrsus and how Ignatz is crestless and has no personal relic or sacred weapon

What the fuck are doing leveling Reason on Byleth?

What bow should I give to Shamir?
>bow crit ability
>critical ring equipped
Almost every shot is crit by far

It's really a worst of both worlds. At the same time Byleth is a character with written past and some established personality traits, but it's incredibly blandly executed. And since you are stuck being deadpan without options to build your personality it doesn't count as a custom character either.

I thought the case was the real Monica died and this new Monica was always the other chick who probably killed her and took her place

>Wasn't she held as a prisoner in an underground prison and experimented on during her childhood?
That’s Lysithea.

Earlier access, so you can take their mastery skill with you to Bow Knight

Didn't male Byleth voice get removed from the dub version? I remember something about his actor breaking NDA

She doesn’t really sound like Kumiko.