Is it dead? I haven't played it since 2012 but the nostalgia is starting to overtake me...

Is it dead? I haven't played it since 2012 but the nostalgia is starting to overtake me. I just wanna be a blissful teenager again.

Attached: tf2.jpg (460x215, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

im dead irl

no but its shit

you can play it, its still fun.
although a lot of community servers are dead and most of them are the pretty basic modes like dodgeball, saxton hale and trade servers, cant find many unique maps
about casual its not that bad now, you can quickly find a game and hop in to play.
Some weapons like the sandman got nerfed into the ground but there is still a bit of an arsenal to run around with.

Recently reinstalled it 'cause nostalgia
Then realized why I uninstalled it in the first place

Its not as good but its still pretty good

It's still alive as ever. Its one of those games that's just as fun a decade later.

the core gameplay is still there but most of the people playing it are either pros who have stuck around for years or cheaters using aimbots with the Vaccinator
speaking of you should check out what items and maps they added since you left

>It's still alive as ever.

Attached: tf2.png (185x306, 78K)

Wrong, it's fucking empty

>Twitch viewership
Guess how I can tell you were born post 2000.

>queue for casual
>need to only wait 10 seconds, 30 seconds at max
>check steam charts
>still 45k players

did they ever announce how they were gonna handle the crate depression
or were they just hoping everyone forgot about that

Attached: file.png (797x177, 135K)

matchmaking killed it

This, playing 2 srs business rounds maximum really isn't that fun compared to an hour of map play, not to mention the potential for the teams being mismatched and the game to be over before any kind of balancing could happen

The game itself is alive but I can't really say the same for community servers. Hope you like queueing for matchmaking

it was already settled 1-2 weeks after the crate depression
the first unusual you got from the glitch in your inventory is tradable, but all the other ones are not

Isnt the party/v/an still around?

the opened crates only amounted to about 1 month of unusuals
the first unusual that was opened with bugged crates will become tradeable, the rest will not be

reminder to cap on hightower

it pops in once in a while

you can still find games relatively easy so playerbase wise no, there has not been a proper new update since 2017 (not counting the scream fortress updates because they are basically just community items and maps)
so developer wise the game is dead

Your favorite playstyle is still playable.
The community that made it enjoyable is probably dead.

see threads for it every fri/sat and it's usually pretty well packed

Time to get my low quality audio rip micspam folder back out after this month ;_;

dont use slam
it doesnt work for most places

when will they apply this?

it should already be done if i remember

yes user it's dead, it only has 50k concurent players, compared to 5 years ago's 50k


I bought one unusual and never unboxed one. It is untradable.

Also build mini sentries and taunt friendlies.

>about a week's time
It's been 2 weeks. They're not gonna do shit.

What do you think the new Heavy weapons when that update arrives in another years or so time?

Anyone else think that map voting takes too long?

>start playing TF2
>main exclusively Heavy and reach level 17
>I've unlocked weapons for every fucking class except Heavy

Attached: 1516035609084.png (400x416, 41K)

Go to bed gramps

>still falling for the steam playercounts
>not checking for the actual amount of people playing in the servers
I will shill that link until you chucklefucks learn.

if yo spend 2 bucks on a key you can trade every single weapon and 30 craft hats

Just do your achievements

Attached: 1547396311549.png (87x165, 23K)

You know someone is a zoomer if they still played tf2 when it had levelling shit in it. Yes thst includes stranges

Community servers aren't as active anymore but the game never left Steam's top 15 most played and the core gameplay is still the exact same.

16,000 playing in the afternoon on a Thursday is still amazing for a 10 year old game.

I only play when a new crate series drop by so I can sell the crates on the market.

>tfw everyone has unusals now
>tfw random faggots that had unusuals before are in constant anal pain about it
>tfw tf2 is still a fun game on top of that

It's been a great time

Attached: scout grin.png (1280x720, 595K)

perhaps, but less than 3k of that is in the only region that matters to me right now, also, I'm damned tired of people not realizing that metalfarms are inflating the playercount by the tens of thousands.

I don't have an unusual and I got over 3k hours in TF2

Does this game have levels now? I played back in 2013 and don't remember anything but then again, it was a long time ago

its a lot worse now due to matchmaking being a steaming pile of shit and compniggers getting valve to nerf every fun weapon into the ground instead getting them to fix actual issues like the networking being a steaming pile of shit still
>smack a guy with your melee weapon
>melee hit sound plays indicating you actually hit him
>deals 0 damage because you didnt really hit him
>he turns around and hits you way out of melee range and kills you
game's still alive though and still sort of fun to play but not as good as it used to be
>that recent interview where the tf team said "you think you want us to communicate with you but you don't"

Attached: 1524867711096.jpg (720x706, 102K)

Hello everyone my name is user, and I'm a TF2aholic. It has been 50 days since I last played TF2.
It took me a while to realize I had an addiction, but I'm glad I'm out, and I really hope I will never touch this game again.

Attached: alcoholicanonymous.jpg (548x280, 57K)


It's not dead yet, but it will be soon if they don't update the gameplay. It's not friendly towards new players and it has OP mechanics like rocketjumping and strafing. Also the class balance is completely broken, some classes are way too strong like Spy with instakill backstabs or Heavy with too big health pool

Attached: 91c2c639b21500831c37b771fa2794cbCrop.png (672x633, 400K)

>that recent interview where the tf team said "you think you want us to communicate with you but you don't"
you fucking wot. you got a source for that one?

It’s more dead than TF2 ever is

It has ranking system for casual matchmaking. Basically just an xp grind fighting against pubs. it's a terrible a system though since you can be ful of rank 1-20's against rank 130-150's. Not that it matters really. I know plenty of rank 150's who are absolute trash since your performance or how many losses/victories don't mean jackshit for gaining xp to level.

Attached: DEAD GAME.png (727x457, 166K)

I been playing TF2 since 2007. I don't have an unusual, but then again, I think I maybe only placed $50 into keys since 2010 and have no intention to play gambling in a videogame.

my only regret is tat I didn't sell all my 1-20 crates few weeks ago during the exploit to make $400 worth of steambux

Attached: August2008FutureUpdates.png (708x1331, 207K)

This, spycannon is an extremely OP strat.

Attached: spycannon.webm (718x404, 741K)

What game modes are best for Sniper practice? A mobile game mode preferably, unlike say ctf.

hey faggots, why are europeans soooo butthurt when i fuck ing pwn them as scout.???

xp literally only measures how long you have been suffering under volvo's shitty matchmaking.
the actual matchmaking allegedly uses a variant of csgo's glicko system, or some other win/lose based mmr bullshit.


I was playing just last night, everything seemed fine.

Strats like these are also why TF2 needs gameplay updates. It's not fair if an enemy does something like where you don't have control over situation at all.
Especially when combined with instakill backstabs.
The game has way too many OP mechanics that are too hard to use for new players.

Attached: 1537488326573.png (805x671, 414K)

fucking zoom-zoom with his twitch view count, kek
page 7
granted, its paraphrased by the guy that went to do the interview since he didnt have a recorder on hand (even though all smartphones record shit nowadays) but still, its all the more reason to be transparent and not just sit in a bubble of non-communcation for years at a time

Attached: 2019-08-15_13-30-31.png (819x104, 9K)

People who opened crates had their first hat become tradable
Any other hats may be kept or exchanged for a full refund

Attached: crate depression.png (500x717, 454K)


Didn't even bother reading what you had to say.

Still going strong. Calling this a "dead" game is an insult to actually dead games everywhere.

Sounds like more lame ass excuses for a terribly disorgnized shitshow of a company.

It isn't dead, but it is definitely past its glory days. I feel bad for newcomers who will never experience the heyday of custom maps and game modes.

Attached: tf2 then and now.png (842x838, 334K)

post your personal fun screencaps

Attached: Big Smoke.png (660x97, 123K)

apperantly cs:go and dota communicate regularly regularly for valve with its community and they're doing fine from what i've heard
i think its the tf team being retarded if anything

fucking christ, valve, we want you to be transparent so we can know whether or not to give up hope alltogether, you fucknuggets.

Attached: pornhub engie.png (284x335, 155K)

my first hat's still untradeable and I haven't seen anything about where to refund

>tfw when this shit is quaint compared to what the game is now

Attached: images.jpg (271x186, 8K)

The update isn't out you mongoloid.

at least i can still tell a scout from an engineer, a medic from a sniper, etc etc even if they're wearing 3 unusuals and are painted pink or something

if one class gives you trouble, choose a different one to fight back against it
or just git gud

>hey Yea Forums is this game with tens of thousands of players online dead

no you fucking retard, stop having this dumb bait thread

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Attached: 20190421061104_1.jpg (1360x768, 145K)

I used two pics of the same character as they happened to express my emotions best.
But clearly you cannot debunk my points. This user has a good point too.
If the game is played a lot in Twitch it attracts more attention. It needs more viewers and new players. The OP game mechanics are the reason new players won't play the game. Also it needs more diversity in cast, it's hard to relate to all-white cast and a drunkard black man(which is super racist depiction of a "drunkard lazy black man" stereotype)

Attached: DTIOGDNWAAAOoMt.jpg (1194x1200, 86K)

holy fuck I love this

wew lad, I hope this is shitty bait

I wasn't even the person you were responding to originally avatar fag

Who's your favorie femclass and why is it Spy?

Attached: femspy tf2.png (700x684, 106K)

Attached: 20190314041826_1.jpg (1360x768, 89K)

fucking spy

Attached: spy trader.png (500x426, 216K)

>Also it needs more diversity in cast, it's hard to relate to all-white cast and a drunkard black man(which is super racist depiction of a "drunkard lazy black man" stereotype)

Why would I want to debunk you when you're clearly baiting?

>crit diamondback is just a sniper rifle
Yeah, seems about right

its femscout
then its the normal pyro but with a girl inside

tf2 is the most fun multiplayer game fucking still
just look around for an active community server and you will play with the same people everyday and maybe even make a friend
also fuck hatfags

It's not about "git gud". It's about inclusive game design. TF2 has horrible game design and even if you pick Pyro against Spy, he can still trickstab you or headshot with Ambassador, which is way too OP as well

I'm not baiting! TF2 needs a gameplay update ASAP and fortunately I have few ideas how to fix the game:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>I am addicted to posting this pasta
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months

Attached: Umm.gif (250x300, 785K)

You can fuck off back to Overwatch then.

It's got 60k concurrent players

Attached: 20181230195236_1.jpg (1360x768, 151K)

Shit like this is what makes TF2 fun, even after years and years of playing.
Fuck off.

Attached: 1538866291513.jpg (306x306, 16K)

>inclusive game design
Stopped reading there, good bait up till that point.

Attached: 1508394991593.png (341x372, 20K)

>It needs to appeal to twitch
>it needs to be less white

This is why we called you bait. You sound like some bitch you'd find on resetera. Are you lost? Do you need be redirected where you truly belong?

Attached: 6 billion hours in paint.png (257x470, 32K)


Attached: been.jpg (400x400, 17K)

>I am addicted to posting this pasta
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage

Nice Overwatch pasta friendo.

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Attached: 1560656147889.png (250x360, 88K)

What is the best unusual effect and why is it bubbles

I can't help myself. Every time I see TF2 thread I have to get an excuse to post it. I just cannot outright post it, I gotta warm anons up with stupid arguments. I see it more as a joke than baiting. But its hard as some people really think like that. I made that pasta as a joke once and now I cannot stop posting it as it gets fun replies

Attached: 1547314991189.jpg (680x825, 145K)

this. I hate to admit this becaue I so firmly against the notion, but do you know what TF2 does that other online multiplayer games don't? The fucking atmosphere. The game is designed to feel both competitive, fun, and funny at the same time.
Yesterday I was chasing a Spy down to the moat in 2fort trying to Neon Anihilate him when another Pyro comes and defacto backstabs me with his Neon. All I could do was laugh because the situation was just so ridiculous, I'm chasing a rat down the sewer with an electric flyswatter, and another person comes from behind and swats me. There's no way to take this but comedic.
Now I am the type to be a good sport, GGs and all, so maybe I can't speak for everyone, and maybe a game with this tone is more suited for people like me. Still, it's a better fit than regular war-themed shooters.


give me an unusual

When will my unusual become tradable?

>tfw our entire team decided to go full spy yesterday
The only reason we've lost is because the enemy decided to spam pyros.

Attached: 20190814134945_1.jpg (2560x1440, 577K)

Speaking of unusuals, I know they were refunding and taking away the unusuals from the previous incident, but is that all they did? No apology item or an extra key or something?

For me it's Team Fortress 2 on the PS3

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x750, 111K)

See there are some classes you can all in, and some you can't. Spy is not one of those good ones. Soldier? Heavy? Demo? Hell, Scout and Medic might even work.

>TF2 has 60k players
>F2P update happens
>TF2 still has exactly the same number of players
valve would never lie to you, right?

>No apology item
lamentfags should be hanged

Attached: based.png (350x352, 125K)

Shit bro, I never even opened a single crate and my backpack value is like 2 keys. I just want free shit, don't you?

Attached: bucket.gif (500x742, 1.73M)

It's not like we've expected to win.

Attached: 20190804235844_1.jpg (2560x1440, 440K)

>No apology item
apology for what?

>taking away
user you get to keep your unusuals

How's afterlife?

You could've made bank off selling crates if you had em bro, made free money/bought an unusual I actually wanted with it.

oh for real? And they're just untradable? So it ONLY dicks people who'd want to sell them, but in turn also reverts everything else back to the way it was?
Ah I hadn't been playing all summer, so I probably wouldn't have even had those crates to begin with. In fact the whole debacle is what brought me back into wanting to play.

user, you undersetimate how great valve's trolling is. You keep all the unusuals and the very first unusual you uncrated is tradable. The tradefags are still having meltdowns about it.

Your first unusual is tradeable btw. Also I got my crates a while ago, I dunno if they still drop or not.

zoom zoom inv to asmonlayer

that is rich.
Let me look up the crates in question, if they're from just after Christmas I may have some, though not sure what good they'll do now.

the crate prices have gone down to their original prices, they won't really do much good since the bug was patched on the same day.

Anons tell me if they made the first unusual tradable already.
I got one during the depression and it is still untradable. I don't know if I got fucked over or not.

top bait

Attached: 1560720350076.png (714x650, 598K)

>threads about it every day
>partyvan up every single week
>"""is it dead?"""
How could someone who uses Yea Forums even ask this?

>SLAM doesnt work on partyvan
Yep, I'm thinkin' its dead

What happened to the spammable sound bites like the Fesh Pince "noh"? Was that just a different party van server? Why'd it die?

Can you still have porn sprays? Or does Valve community ban fun now?

That one is dead and unfortunately it doesnt seem like any archives of the sounds/maps exist anymore. They did at one point on a website called but it doesnt exist anymore. I'd throw up an actual partyvan repro if it existed, but unfortunately not

Superior fanmod coming through

Attached: file.png (1024x551, 299K)

Sprays are disabled on valve servers anyway. Only people that can see your sprays are friends. Community servers are all good though.

Didn't the crate glitch made it alive again because people want to see the trainwreck?

Attached: 1564243710213.jpg (656x239, 24K)


Anyone have the voice spliced sound file some user made of Demo saying "she succ me long and hard through me jorts and im cummin (chargin targe scream)"

Attached: D_iQ-vGUcAAkoD3.jpg (1024x576, 158K)

He fell

Attached: 440_screenshots_20190113125151_1.jpg (1440x900, 221K)

I remember I had a spray of the Mario 64 Peach/Bowser portrait, it changed depending on how far you are from it, just like in the game

Attached: file.png (512x512, 442K)

Community servers were killed by an update years ago. You can still get easy games thru matchmaking on the popular modes. PL, CTF (2fort will literally never die,) 5cp

I got a bunch

Attached: 440_screenshots_20181205205223_1.jpg (1440x900, 104K)

Is there an updated version of this?

Attached: 1377845143376.jpg (2492x1752, 1.02M)

Yeah it got up to like 126k players or something
If anything if it was regularly maintained it would have more players
Fuck Valve


That's fucking dope. What file type allows you to do that?
>sprays can't be pngs anymore
>no more baiting enemy teams with stuff like pic related

Attached: 150px-Community_Sniper_Strategy_Header.png (150x436, 83K)

as a spy, is there something important about framedata that prevents me from backstabbing as soon as I bring it out? I see gameplay of people who stab in a split second from having the gun out.
I'm not too clear on it myself, it's a technique that uses fading somehow.

Attached: 20190504223731_1.jpg (1440x900, 201K)

nah, those people are just cheaters

Attached: 20190726214843_1.jpg (2560x1440, 547K)

All other games on steam charts have as much idlers as tf2.

Attached: 20190202191315_1.jpg (1440x900, 118K)

I wish I was BLU demoman

Attached: 2013-07-12_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

Attached: this gay ass pyro fucking comes out of nowhere and just thinks he can light me up.png (1024x546, 799K)

Rate frenchmen.

Attached: Westside Merc.png (249x429, 67K)

>population in 2011
>population right now

Attached: 1556768296421.jpg (224x179, 10K)

dragon's fury single-handedly salvaged the pyro

he's actually fun to play as an ambusher now

too bad it's buggy as hell

yeah, based

Attached: 1538814427984.jpg (596x900, 248K)

sharp dresser is fucking lame but otherwise good shit

Attached: 440_screenshots_20160807171530_1.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

yo that third engy looks a little funny

nigga its things like that which have kept people playing this game for over 10 years
shake your fucking pants and kill yourself instantly

works consistently enough for me

>Valve announces the bugged unusuals will be tradable "eventually"
>procrastinates it forever so people keep buying lootcrates

Attached: 1546771771544.png (262x478, 166K)

I have 4.30 on steam left over
What should I do with it?

they only said the first ones unboxed would be tradable

here's some (you)s

Attached: 440_screenshots_20161116115242_1.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

Go back to your /tfg/ containment thread you stupid gorilla nigger monkey

Attached: 1565216503283.jpg (701x696, 38K)

give it to me


pretty please?

Attached: 440_screenshots_20161116122544_1.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

No. I think I am going to save it until I sell my unusual for keys. Then I could buy a real game.

i don't know why but that is fucking shocking to me i always felt like i could just go back to the past at any point and there'd be billions of boomers still playing and larping and pretending to be in the army
christ, i hate this planet

I currently have a running gag with my friend where I lure him over to a location to get him to investigate something, only for him to be exposed to a really shitty spray that isn't funny at all, and I make my character Schadenfreude at it. I will go to great lengths to shove it in his face, sometimes even facing a tele exit to a wall with the spray on it. This is the current spray.

Attached: 1552544504671.jpg (450x1024, 80K)

Uhhhhhhh bros..... it's happening

there's dod:s and games like squad and day of infamy now, so yeah, no shit an already niche goldsrc game is dead


You know you can upload images here and there are better image hosting sites that don't log your location.

He's not dead , there more than 100 000 players online but the game is trash now.

hats killed the game and no one can convince me otherwise

i meant dod:s you cunt
>30 day avg 400 players
how could this happen

meet your match update killed the game

obscure reference

Attached: Welcome to the Silver Dollar - First Meal Free.png (226x389, 73K)

IP blocked

hats didn't but mannconomy actually killed valve

to quote gay ben, money directs development, it always has. TF2 introduces the mann co store and a combination of whales spending hundreds of dollars on crates and the average joe going "lol it won't hurt if i spend 15 bucks on cosmetics" after spending only ten bucks on the game resulted in valve deciding to milk their cash cows rather than actually ship new games. why would they if they're sitting on a comfortable infinite money dispenser?

>400 players is dead
i mean i guess? that's still playable dude, i've regularly played games with close to that or less


Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (294x240, 14K)

i guess i still play pvk and that's practically just one server at this point

Stop posting in those Yea Forums threads user you're gonna get v&

It's using mipmapping. Textures from far away are replaced with low res textures of the texture itself so the game is able to save some memory.

Attached: 20190518112719_1.jpg (2560x1440, 394K)

Huh, never before have I seen "Anxiety's got him going over a cliff" so literally.

>you get around 10 drops a week
>so you get 0.55 refined a week per bot from idle bots
>so if you have 100 bots you're getting ~55 refined a week, which is slightly over one key
>so you're making $1.80 a week off of over 100 bots
>the power or actual cash you're consuming to run those bots is probably higher than $1.80 a week

no. there's maybe 5K "trade bots" active at most, which is still less than half the amount of hack bots exist in CS:GO's matchmaking.

It's basically dead, yes. It pretty much died just before it became F2P, that was when TF2 ran its course, then after some time Overwatch came along was fun for a while and also ran its course.

Maybe TF3 will be next in a few years, these kinds of games take a long time to come out, occupy hundreds of hours of time and then just simply get boring.

Now that underlords is dead will they go back to working on TF2?

Valve doesn't make games. TF2 will slowly decline due to lack of new content and there will never be a follow-up.


Attached: MeanGoodnaturedBallpython-size_restricted.gif (500x288, 2.13M)

I'm honestly absolutely fucking bewildered as to how LoL's autochess clone ended up dominating.

LoL is like that in general for me, everything I hear about it is that it's generally inferior to its competitors, and it looks that way, yet it's the biggest game on the planet and I know nothing about it. It's a blindspot for me.

people on twitch are not playing the game, user.

I haven't played this since 2008... I don't know how the hell it's lasted this long

You can get a shitload of vps to do this or straight up malware to run it on other people's computers.
Some vps is around 20 usd a year minimum

>haven't played in years
>items seem to be cheap as fuck now in steam market
>earbuds $6, bills $4, service medal $5
I got $50 from selling some CS:GO skins and I feel like I'm dumpster diving and grabbing treasures while finishing my vintage collection. Only need a Concheror and Fan o War which are insanely overpriced.

even then, unless you're Venezuelan what's even the point if you're only going to make like 10 bucks a month off having over a hundred of these bots running?

The amount of people watching a game directly correlates to how many people play it. I'm sorry your brain is incapable of making this connection.

Not true.
More people watch sports than play it.
Nobody with tf2 uses twitch other than tornys which will be a couple of months for that to happen.

Tf2 won't die it's filled with too much soul.

This. More than a decade, maps I have played on untold thousands of times, the same nine classes, but I can still load in and and just have a ball.

They do. TF's team is afraid of PR, for some reason.

Reminder that TF2 isnt the thing that changed, it was you Yea Forums.

then explain this.

Attached: 4645644778.jpg (649x556, 317K)

I played it for the first time in ages during the unusual crisis and I've been playing it again ever since. It's fucking amazing

Attached: 1564324183396.png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

Dead By Daylight has 30k viewers right now and half the players of TF2

actually its the community servers that have, but the point still stands

>Rate this match lol
What the fuck does this even do? Does it even do anything? Why did they add it?

I need a new Heavy loadout. Post me some ideas.

Attached: Untitled.png (248x402, 89K)


it's too bloated with cosmetics but playing it with friends is fun

Reminder that TF2 was going to have its own adult swim show, but Valve are lazy fucks and decided against it.

Attached: ECB-EuJXsAEMvmA.jpg (680x671, 70K)

>he'd rather have a rushed product without valve's signature touch just for the sake of having muh adult swim show

Attached: 1564351464615.jpg (613x533, 33K)

Of course its twitch viewership is small, everyone who cares about the game is playing it

Attached: By ze Lady.png (977x910, 182K)

Plenty more

Attached: 440_screenshots_2014-01-05_00011.jpg (1366x768, 125K)

Attached: 440_screenshots_2013-10-03_00010.jpg (1366x768, 94K)

I miss prime TF2, fellas

Attached: 440_screenshots_2013-08-05_00001.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

Because source is superior and actually fun. Only people who play the original are 50 and will ban you for swearing

Why watch a game, if you can literally play it?
What is wrong with fucking zoomers?

For some reason this fella I unboxed on an alt (because that's where I store my crates) is still locked to the account. Is recovering it even an option?

Attached: unuswd.png (318x425, 76K)

>45 current players

Attached: steven steelburg.png (345x451, 119K)

Post micspam

to be fair, its a good pasta

its dead only if you play on Valve servers where 90% of your teammates are braindead.
Stick to community servers if you want to have fun.

Attached: N I G E R U N D A Y O! S M O K E Y!.png (285x382, 99K)

>no crit babbies
>welcome to the fur server respect pronouns
Hard no senpai

Attached: solly no.png (500x350, 118K)

that is amazing never change

>24/7 dustbowl

Attached: 1563141593114.png (500x596, 479K)

>viewers=people playing
cant you people be more retarded?

If you are not a braindead retard it's as good as dead.
Literally and unironically no good community servers left alive and playing matchmaking is awful in comparison.

should i sell my stranges decide for me Yea Forums

what other ideas do you have so we can blacklist then and prevent you from touching the game development in any way or shape.

No. Keep them for name rolling in Yea Forums threads.

>the chief
god, i miss control point podcast.


90% of these people are kids who never played before mannconomy

Attached: 1A33FD5C-1743-43E2-8E4E-FB64721BA20C.jpg (807x659, 37K)

A game is only dead when 0 people play it retard.

you never liked the game.

I love tf2

I just hate hats and bizarre nerfs done biannually

Don't mind me, just posting the best scout loadout.

Attached: vanilla_scout.jpg (888x403, 61K)

What if Teamput2 kept its old graphics?

unironically I can maybe see bitching about nerfs but even then stock laodouts remain strong and unchanged. But
>m-muh hats made tf2 not good
Absolute bullshit. Gameplay is still as tight and fun as it has ever been.

very alive but community servers that offer varying modes and maps on a single server are dead. because matchmaking exists.

oh my fucking god dude quit posting this every thread what is the point of this shit
filtered, die screaming

>no FaN
I don't care if it's not as good as stock or the god emperor of DPS soda popper, FaN is the best weapon valve ever made

Attached: FaN.png (512x384, 69K)
>tfw all the good community servers are dead and you'll get nothing like this in tf2 ever again

Fucking this. People have been crying about hats for years and all this time never downloaded a hatless script if it triggers them so much.

The crit babies are exactly why I try to avoid casual, it gets tiring to hear the same "random crits are fair and balanced"

yea i just downloaded it recently and its been a blast
you can find cool guys in matchmaking from time to time as well
no online multiplayer game has the same fun shitposters like tf2

The milk is too fun