Games that are better than the movie
Games that are better than the movie
>Godfather game better than movie
Yeah that's gonna have to be a no.
In every way
I liked how it explains how certain events of the movie happened.
Simpsons suck regardless of what it is. Never something so dull and uninspired, baffled me to see how people find it funny.
The PSP port was horrendous though. Played it on a bus ride and watching the scenery was more interesting.
That movie downright sucked, though. I watched it after playing the game and I couldn't believe how boring and stupid it was. James Remar was right.
Spotted the zoomer. Seasons 1-10 are absolute kino. Better than any nu-cartoon of today.
You didn't spot shit. By most people's standards on here I would be described as a "boomer". You watch new cartoons to compare them to old simpsons lol?
>Season 1
>absolute kino
It has more soul than current Simpsons.
Mummy Demastered, but it's close.
So much better
You have to be over 18 to post here OP. I hope you are baiting.
you might not have played it, but trust us, it is better
I fully agree with you and anyone who says otherwise is a dumbfuck contrarian who can't think for themselves.
>hurr season 1
Season 1 is pure pleb filter.
>one of the greatest movie of all time vs medicore game that is inferior GTA, Yakuza clone and quickly forgotten
even the greatest movie of all time fades in comparison to a mediocre video game, movies are just shit like that. anyway play it, you dumb cunt, it's basically the movie just better
better than the spongebob movie and the spongebob movie game
grow up user.
but knowing movies are shit by defintion is a grown-up thing
How so? Any argument?
if you read the book the story works less. like the first mission where you beat up the guys in the graveyard. in the book it's two amateur boxers who owe a favour to the don, beating them in a coma outside a bar
I can never get passed Marlin brando platforming sections
I bet you think anime are better than movies too.
yeah the premier movie discussion place on the internet is filled with pedos
I have played it and even liked it. It is not better than the movie.
what, you don't? lol
Anime is far better than hollywood shit flicks.
yes it is. it's basically the same events but in a superior, interactive format, with better pace and added content. a movie, cannot, and will not, ever, be able, to compete, with, a, game. unless it's 20 hours long but that's called a TV show.
not git back to your pedo board
Is it really? They both suffer from being derivative and bland as fuck. Anime and film these days both fucking suck ass
Brainlets think this. Games are fun, that is correct. Movies can transcend and become art. Games by definition cannot do this. Games are fun ways for children and the childlike to kill some time.
>not git back to your pedo board
Don't be mad that I have good taste now.
Holy based.
>Anime and film these days
Who said anything about these days
>interactive entertainment is better
So like wii sports must be godlike to you.
If you want to bring up their whole respective mediums, anime barely has shit on film, sorry bud, it just doesn't have as long of a history as film, it can't compare at all.
>Movies can transcend and become art
Nope, no matter how pretentious it is a moving sequences of images will NEVER be art. Both movies and games are just cheap entertainment, games just happen to be objectively better.
>good taste
better than your fucking movies that's for sure ;)
You are trying too hard
History doesn't mean shit if the other guy sweeps you down the toilet
You need to be 18 to post here.
Strangely all over the world, people are deriving pleasure and see significance in things that room temp IQ’s will never understand. Much like anything sexy will get labeled as smut by the sexless and prude. Funny how that works. Pretentious has become a useless word because it’s the warcry of the insecure. Most movies are movies, but they can become art. Games cannot ever be more than games.
Probably the best example.
The sequel was pretty decent too.
This game was awesome but the sequel was so lackluster. Having one big map where everything was connected worked way better than separate maps (though Havana was cool just for the difficulty).
The gunplay is the tits, it really nails the "everybody is a glass cannon" gameplay where you can do serious damage with precise shots but the AI can easily fuck your shit if you don't take cover. Taking over warehouses requires actual strategy and you will wish for those healing bottles to spawn.
season 1 was comfy as fuck you pleb
Much better than Reddit Road