>Asia version only has Japanese dub with English subtitles
Asia version only has Japanese dub with English subtitles
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As it should be
english VAs are 96% trash and are complete wastes of money
everything should be JP dub + GB sub
the vast majority of english speaking voice actors are merely failed hollywood actors
the voice actors that can actually do a good job aren't voice acting since they actually got jobs doing real acting
japan shits out extremely high quality voice actors because that career is actually taken seriously over there
>Game has no Dub and only Subtitles
>But it takes place in Japan so that is fine
>But they don't have subtitles for random NPC chatter, random battle chatter, random things your character says during activities or anything outside of Main Story/Side Quests
At this point I would prefer a dub just so I fucking know what people are saying.
>pirate game from one site
>for some bizarre reason doesn't include JP audio
>forced to download from a different site
You have no idea if the Japanese voice actors are good or not you weeb. You can just identify awful English Voice Actors because you speak English. I bet if you spoke Japanese you'd probably hate a bunch of the shitty Japanese VAs too.
The real patrician opinion is choosing your language based on the location of the game. If it takes place in Japan or a heavily Japanese inspired fantasy world then Japanese voices + subs are mandatory. I'm not gonna go out of my way to get a Japanese dub for Red Dead Redemption 2 or something. Its a cowboy game. Just like with Metro or STALKER you play in Russian/Ukrainian.
The problem with dubs 95% of the time, is that the voice directors are fucking hacks. They try to emulate the original JP dub and it just ends up sounding like a terrible fandub. The Danganronpa dub is so fucking terrible because of this.
Good voice directors are really, really, really important. Hell, just compare the Umineko anime to the VN. Same voice actors, completely different experience.
I would like to listen to ENG Lightning Farron because I like the actress's voice
>buy japanese game
>need to change to sub instead of it being the default option
Who the fuck plays japanese games dubbed.
I'm an ESL and know that dubs sounds like shit in english.
>cant understand language
>You have no idea if the Japanese voice actors are good or not you weeb
you sure bro
Who's the cutie?
Either way eng dub always sounds worse than the jap dub
It must be hard being this retarded if I could I would have pity on you
Thats the most annoying part. The West can create fantastic dubs that equal or surpass the Japanese. Think: Dragon Ball Z Don't you dare tell me screaming Grandma is a better voice actor for someone like Vegeta just because she is a cool person, or Cowboy Bebop. However most of the time they do it as cheaply as possible in a way that simply imitates the Japanese way of speaking (See: Every Female Anime VA who screams at the shrillest highest pitch) instead of giving a new voice to a character based on their personality, manner of speech, and what sort of person they are.
It's Dia Kurosawa from Love Live! Sunshine!!
read the second part
paying money for a foreign dub is a complete waste of money
people who want to play the fucking game will put up with subs
I'm sorry that I want to actually be able to understand a ton of the game's dialogue. If they subtitled everything I would be more than okay with that.
>wanting to understand what gooks are saying is a waste of money
Ok retard
There has never been an english dub that hasn’t far surpassed the original japanese version.
>However most of the time they do it as cheaply as possible
Outside of a passion project, there's never really going to be much effort or money put into to niche product that is unlikely to recoup the cost.
it is unfortunate that you cannot read
What have we said about using unrelated images that are more interesting than the actual topic?
I understood this. It now came to me that yes, I am making progress and that you can't stop me, dekinai-chan.
This. God damn, the only dub I like is Valkyrie Profile, everything else is like dicks in my ears, that change the tone of the game completely, to either teenager series or cringe fest.
Dubfags are subhumans.
Fuck you JP Vegeta is fantastic, Goku on the other hand isn’t that good, but his NA voice isn’t worth hearing the rest of the cast besides piccolo.
Why would asia have an english dub of a non english game
Pretty much all of the main characters have better English Voice Actors. Kid Gohan is kind of annoying, but he is a kid so it is understandable.
English is my second language and I can tell when they're shit. Specially when "women" try to make cute, high pitched voices but are unable due to their goblino throat.
Its unfortunate youre a dumb weeb and thinks anyone wants to hear a dying language
Trash dubs:
Great dubs:
Good dubs:
Everything else
Female characters are usually unimportant and uninteresting anyways, unless you're watching moeshit in which case you probably just wanna jerk off to the fantasy of a japanese loli gf/wife so whatever.
literally this. Why would you ever need the english dub? Let alone in the asia version of the game?
I would like you to read what you've typed again and do some self-reflection
That’s a yikes from me bro go watch a DBS Dub episode.
It's fair to say this: When referencing to portuguese dubs, the brazilian ones are great, and the ones for portugal are even worse than english or chinese could ever even hope to be.
>Kawai e-naaaaahhh!
Because Asia is big and not everyone in it understands Japanese?
I haven't watch DBS. I said DBZ. They are different series.
What's the English equivalent of "EHHHH~~?!"
Read that again, dumbass.
"What the fuck" or "bruh" or maybe "shieeeeeet" if you're black
>Great dubs:
But not the ones from Spain. Those are trash.
fucking: "OH NO NO NO" shit
I took Japanese for 3 years as a minor
Japanese voice actors are better actors because breaking into voice acting is hard
Well, most female ones are hit or miss, but more mature / lower pitched women voices are ridiculously talented
>Still hardly has any porn
I thought Japan liked love live
>because that career is actually taken seriously over there
Please be bait. The Japanese voice-over industry is very similar to the American one and is just as bad if not worse. That being an inner-circle of Nolan Norths who quite literally voice every character identically based on their archetype. The best dubs are always British or French. I've heard some good things about Swedish localizations too.
Except I can, but not very well because I never formally learned. Certainly not enough to play a game without having to constantly look up uncommon words or phrases if there aren't enough context clues. Still, I can tell what's being said in unsubbed video games and anime 95% of the time.
Anyways this only really matters because of the quality of the voice actors. A-list Japanese VAs are paid like 1000x what English dub VAs are, you get what you pay for. And even if you can't understand it, emotion and is universal, and that's something dub VAs suck at.
>Asia version only has Japanese dub with Chinese subtitles
You probably shouldn't admit to having watched so much anime you can sort of understand Japanese.
>japanese dub
>most times an english dub too
>spanish, french, russian, chinese dubs sometimes show up
>subs in every language imaginable
I mean that's generally how it works regardless of region my niggy
>multiple games of a franchise have come out
>none ever got an english translation
>you could play them but you needed a guide to even navigate the menus
>they scrap the old series of games and replace them with a godawful shit fighter
>that game gets an english version
Just means he's the target audience for the game, you shouldn't demand Japanese games to have the dub you want since you don't play them.
>The Japanese voice-over industry is very similar to the American one and is just as bad if not worse.
except that's wrong you fucking monkey
Haha you my boy user I'm just here to dab on these losers too
>Playing Japanese game in Japanese with Subtitles
>Foreigner who speaks English appears
>Guy voice acting him can barely string the words together and is some Japanese guy who clearly doesn't know english simply reading sounds phonetically
Ah, yes, blond haired blue eyed americans definitely sound like this.
Keep in mind anime is not representative of how actual Japanese people talk. They usually talk in a little less deadpan, but even that has changed
t. talks to Japanese friends regularly in Japanese
If you don't like the culture and it's language, why even bother to play their games? You want everything full of burgerisms because you're a xenophobic goblino.
She cute
That is unironically a good thing!
engrish is hilarious
What? I love the games. It is just fun to make fun of their tropes just like I can make fun of American tropes too.
Wait it’s not though lol
It’s not only bigger, it’s also less centralized while most voice talent in the US is focused in Texas
There are good dubs, but Japanese voice acting, especially those that aren’t in seasonal release anime, is ridiculously talented
FFXIII and XIII-2 on PC (Asian regions) has Jap w/ Eng subs only, which is fucking weird because LR:FFXIII HAS dual-audio.
>I've heard some good things about Swedish localizations too
you had me a laffin till this. You turned you perfect b8 to trash in one sentence.
It's not like that doesn't happen in reverse, english speakers trying to pronounce other language words, including japanese, is always hilarious to hear.
>Japanese VA
Equivalent to a Hollywood star, has record deals and household name recognition. Paid millions and every line is rerecorded until it's perfect.
>English VA
Some hobo they picked up at a bus stop, paid him a ham sandwich and did 1 take. If he's still hungry they lock him in a closet and have him do this for the next 20 years.
naturally Japanese talk differently depending on who they are speaking with, in my experience they are all absurdly polite, except for one guy I managed to become friends with.
You've been around so much goblino media you can speak and write in English.
>*head turn*
>NYEUGH *sharp inhale*...!!!
>implying this is not accurate
I wonder if Japanese people think soap operas with over dramatic acting is considered good to them
You should specify dub VAs. Actual English VAs work on Disney/Pixar films and shit and are members of the SAG.
Anime games are shit and jp voice acting too
I'm not sure about the japanese opinion on soaps but koreans fucking LOVE EM'
>JAV Live tranny has a shit opinion
>blond haired blue eyed
Get fucked, Japanese superiority over all asia soon, pooh
Swedes are very unique. I imagine they add a local flavour that you wouldn't find in a conventional dub. I heard this from a literal Swedish guy who was on my course at college.
>I sent you a picture of my Pocket Circuit Car, please respond.
That poor hobo's
And That's A Good Thing! ®
If english VAs are so great how come devs jump at the chance to replace them with Hollywood actors?
Fuck those stupid car races.
Name recognition, advertising capability, making you feel like a hollywood director. It is pretty easy to slap a world famous actor on your game and use it to advertise. Harder to do with some no-name VA.
Not every dev is Kojimbo. Also, SE has a good track record of being consistent with their dub casts.
Is Yakuza's localization good, bad, or both?
Japanese people sound fucking annoying half the time though
This. Black Lagoon is perfection.
t. mutt
They do. Just not Sunshine.
Get lost. You wouldn't recognise a god-damn kino dub if one jumped up and bit you on the end of your fucking dick. So just get off my back.
>Liking faggy sounding bongs
America or bust you fucking muzzie
hair salons and colored contacts
Keep thinking about them with your every waking moment, Billy-Bob. American voices sound unintelligent and slurry. American writing is juvenile and patronising. American localisations are absolutely worthless.
I wish this was the default so companies didn't release games 5 months later in north america because they have to pay the same 5 voice actors to do every single fucking dub voice ever
Imagine being this assblasted over a simple reply
We’ve been friends for 6 years now
They speak to me like they speak to themselves
>Japanese VA
>Equivalent to a Hollywood star
So a product of nepotism/cronyism and being willing to suck the right dick regardless of actual talent?
>"What the...?"
>in my experience they are all absurdly polite
They just don't have the balls to speak up for themselves because of how rigid their tard society is, if you do or say something that offend them they'll just stare at you and seeth in silence.
You're pathetic. Go back to filthy Frank videos bitch.
>equivalent to = exactly the same as
I wouldn't doubt that sucking dick to get jobs gets you places as a seiyuu but the comparison is the degree of fame that they have. Reminder that the recent DQ movie apparently got shit on because it used Japanese movie stars as voice actors instead of popular VAs. I would say it's the same way with the new lion king movie too. Uses Beyonce and Donald glover instead of actual voice actors and they wonder why the movie has negative reviews. Animation style and soullessness aside of course
> entire thread is about people preferring original scripting to dubs
> 'durrrr nobody wants to hear it that way, incel!'
Fuck off homo everyone hates you bitch.
No, the funny part is how cursing is half of what the average English speaker has to say in any conversation. The fact that you got butthurt over this is even funnier.
Wow that sounds terrible, I'd much rather live in America where niggers try to start fist fights if you look at them too long. Fuckin' retarded fag who no one likes lmao, shut the fuck up moron.
>English dubs are ba-
Are you pretending to be retarded?
The world isn't black and white you genetic reject, there's a difference between speaking up and chimping out.
> Having a dude reading the script in a monotone, or worst a girl reading the script with a faked entusiasm.
I know this is bait and all but for everyone who has this kind of opinion, I recommend you watch Taifuu no Noruda, it's a pretty short OVA and you'll get a pretty good grasp on how you can tell voice acting can make you die on the inside just by how bad it is even if you don't understand what's being said
> weimericano defending shit stain is calling other people genetic rejects
I know if they're good or not because I speak the fucking language
>Asia version
Ah, the quaint hamlet of Asia.
The point is not "All Japanese VAs are bad" the point is "This Japanese VA may or may not be bad, but you don't know beyond the very surface level (IE: Maybe their voice is annoying or they speak very strangely)" which is most certainly true. Yes you can probably find certain voice acting to be atrocious despite the language barrier (See: Gilbert Gottfried is terrible even if you don't speak English) but to be able to identify "Good" voice acting without speaking the language is very difficult. Though in some ways a voice being annoying can still be good voice acting, and cultural/language differences just make you hate it.
I mean if you can't tell a good voice actor from a bad one that's your problem but I don't think it's fair for you to project this much man
I can tell a good or bad voice actor in languages I speak. I can pretty much only identify a voice I hate or like in a language I don't speak. I can think a voice fits the character or irritates me but it is not fair for me to judge the sheer quality of their acting ability when I cannot understand what is being said.
Subs with Japanese voices only is better than games with English dubs because if it have a dub, the English sub is ALWAYS based on the dubbed westernized lines, instead of what's actually said in the original game.
Fucking Final Fantasy XV is unplayable with sub-titles.
At least I know enough Japanese to understand games and anime without subs so if the subs are wrong I just raise the volume so I hear them easier.
>All these buttblasted weebs
Or you can turn off the subtitles/switch to JP subs?
> why isn't anyone else reeeing about the fact that the Asian version doesn't have English dubs?
> buttblasted weebs!!!
t. fuckin' sneed
Cartoon characters act and talk like cartoon characters.
>Implying this is bad
Any English dub of anything japan related ( exeple probably Dragonball) is shit and Vice Versa
Persona 5 is the same way. There would be lines that would literally end in like a second in Japanese, but the text box would be completely full. It usually happened with stuff that most people (aka non weebs) wouldn't know about and only Japanese people or weebs would know. It doesn't help that the subs say the wrong thing even when the character is actually speaking engrish
Not all games have JP script available as subtitles
Never understood why the most popular dubs (Naruto, bleach, Haruhi suzumiya, rurouni kenshin, persona games) are always the most goddamn Japanese things with the most Japanese names possible. Seriously, how can you take a dub seriously when most if not all of the characters' names are Japanese and all of the characters are in Japan wearing Japanese style clothes? Also doesn't help that in persona 5 there is a part where they ask "why do we need to learn English" and "can you help us when go to Hawaii because you know English" IN ENGLISH. It's a turnoff and feels out of place, removing immersion.
can't be arsed to learn japanese, desu
Also to add on, if you were Japanese would you rather watch the boondocks or play gta San Andreas in Japanese or play it in english with Japanese subtitles? Obviously subbed because the intended voices are always going to be better than some voice actors from across the world who are separate from the studio producing the movie/anime/game. To put things in to perspective, I do love seeing big black gangsters speaking Chinese or samurai speaking French or Adolf Hitler speaking Spanish to the Spanish S.S. Dubs are silly and are for brainlets who can't read a line of text quickly
Why the dog.
>US version has Japanese dub as endgame unlockable
Im honestly starting to get fucking sick of most English VA's. there's Still Good normal People but a lot of reoccurring voices are actual disgusting maggots. For the first time in my life I'd rather listen to Goku's comforting squeak Kid JP voice over Sean's absolute Faggotry any day.
>Japanese voice actors sound good, fit their characters and are entertaining.
>English voice actors sound like shit, there's barely any of them and hardly any fit their characters.
Even if a Japanese person found the VA's shit, that affects my enjoyment how?
>english sub has shitty localization with stale memes
the irony is that gokus JP voice actor is 82 years old
>game has existing dub
>subs are the English dub script
>no English dub for the PC release
Just let me listen to Ali Hilis' dulcet tones you fuck
Seethe more weeb, only retards listen to a language they cant understand
>Using MGS to disprove this thread's premise
>When MGS's English dub was so bad, Kojima himself had to step in to replace Snake's voice actor because they were too attached to David Hayter's one-note performance.
i Actually Quite enjoy the Irony Style of English Speakers Dwelling in Japanese culture. it gives the dialogue a really good grounded westerner take on interaction, and mixing it with the contrasting theme. Often english is bad but in Persona 5 its really Natural and smooth. and makes the characters more down to earth from an english perspective. Sure Japanese is more fitting and "sounds correct" but its often campy stilted and weird in execution to an english speaker. not always emotionally relatable. Japanese theme with English Dialogue is just a Homey and more perspectively relatable Feel when Done right. But is also Abstract and unique for not just being boring samey western culture.
It's just a Fantasy Land
Counterpoint, japanese VAs are just as awful and English is a better language.
kys dubfag
Name a single japanese VA that can compete with anyone who worked on Legacy of Kain. You can't. Because voice actors
Name a single modern English VA that can compete with anyone who worked on Legacy of Kain. You can't. Because voice actors
My original argument was that all voice actors suck so you might as well listen to a decent language. English >>>>>> every other language.
Not being able to pick up on emotion from tone of voice is a symptom of autism.
Watching anime is a proven sign of autism.
So if you watch anime in english dub because you can't pick up on emotion from tone if it's in Jap dub, what does that make you? Double autistic?
I don't watch anime because I am not an autistic virgin. I watch Big Brother Road Rules and The Amazing Race.
Someone will definitely fall for this.
ITT monolingual fags
name 5 good english dubs in japanese games and 5 good english dubs in anime
>screaming grandma
Was that just a mistake or are you actually retarded?
No, it wasn't a mistake. Screaming Grandma voices Goku, but I was comparing her to Vegeta's English voice actor which is pretty much the best in all of DBZ, both English and Japanese.
Bobobo and Cromartie are the only good english dubbed anime I can think of right now.
Maaaaybe Puni Puni Poemi.
But I'm bilingual
But that's a fucking retarded comparison. Why would you even make it?
Devil is a Part-Timer's pretty good
There's no American equivalent to goddess-tier VA like Inorin.
>Comparing the most famous Japanese VA to the most famous English VA is a retarded comparison
Once you've seen enough anime you can easily identify voices. It becomes really annoying when you realize that like 20 seiyuus voice 90% of the shit being made, and they are typecasted so hard you can predict which voice actor will be used for which character. English VAs are pretty good for video games unless you're playing something really weeby or obscure. But the most important thing is authenticity. It just feels wrong to play an obviously western game with a western setting and everyone is speaking japanese.
what characters does she voice?
idk Cherami Leigh's pretty cute
>Masako Nozawa
>most famous Japanese VA
Oh, you ARE retarded
In Dragonball Z you dense motherfucker.
>It just feels wrong to play an obviously western game with a western setting and everyone is speaking japanese.
And yet I bet you play Persona with an english dub and not bat an eye
She's not even the most famous in DBZ, faggot. She's just a meme among english speakers
Persona 5 did this. Despite going for subs almost every time, I had to go with the English dub for it since I'd be missing out
Chino and legit singing career like a lot of top seiyuu unlike in America where you can just hire and dump immediately after casting.
Im normally a dub fag but for as much as people shit on American dubs you have no idea the horrors that away if you watch a SEA Asia english dub
I don't know anything about that show but for some reason I hate the vibe I get from the title.
Sounds like something a fat chick in high school wearing Invader Zim/Kingdom Hearts/Nightmare Before Christmas stuff would recommend to me.
Well um, you're wrong. Dumbass
Name 5 examples of good voice acting in the orignal japanese.
The show is pretty average. I honestly think it's one of the most average I've ever seen. It's not spectacular but it's not bad. It's like one of those super long name anime with weird ass names but it's actually not unlikable dogshit
Back to Mexico, Pablo
Fucking Yakuza
English VA kino
Sounds about right.
Love Live is shit anyway
It's about two roommates trying to get by, and one of them works part time in fake McDonald's.
It just so happens that one of them is literally the equivalent of Satan in a fantasy realm and the other is his most loyal lieutenant, and the both of them are stuck there in human form.
Things get more complicated when the heroine that was trained to kill them got stuck in the real world too.
It's a short 13-episode slice of life/shounen anime; I recommend the first five episodes for a feel before making a decision to continue or drop.
Could be worse, could be that Digimon Vita game that has a full english sub, but it was disabled so they could sell more ps4 copies
My hong kong version FFXIII and XIII-2 on PS3 are nip audio english subs
>voice acting gets automated
Same. I bought it because the cover looks cooler.
Unironically I would. Passiveness disgusts me.
>being Dutch
Posts like these make me remember why people hate Americans.
Not american small son.
Well you receive the honorary title, congratulations. I hope you enjoy a long life of raising your voice in public and complaining at restaurants.
I don't complain over petty shit but if I ordered steak and was given pasta I'd say something. If you wouldn't you're pathetic.
If your meal being mistakenly incorrect is enough for you to get angry and confrontational then you're definitely American.
Where did I say angry? I'd talk to the waiter and ask them to fix the mistake.
Go move to Africa if that's what you seek, scum.
No. The middle ground is the best as it often is.