Is it really that bad? It looks pretty fun

Is it really that bad? It looks pretty fun.

Attached: Doom_Cover.jpg (260x370, 65K)

No, it's a great game and very fun.

Some people like it, some people don't like it. You, yourself will not know if you like it until you play it. This is true for every single video game.

It's super boring. Everything looks the same and all you do is go from one arena to the next fighting the same enemies and then destroy the spawn point. I can't imagine who would like this thing. I'm guessing very old boomers or edgy shooty-shooty incels.

I've been liking it and I don't like FPS's generally. Nice having a lead character who gives 0 shits about the plot.

>imagine taking the opinion of the retards on this board seriously
if it looks fun to you, do as you please

Yes, it's extremely boring with convoluted map structure and the combat is extremely braindead and shallow

It's pretty damn good. Very slick presentation.

>make a FPS
>it's half beat em up

Do you enjoy shooting demon

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif (480x480, 294K)

I'm pretty sure it's considered one of the best FPS this generation. Or at least the general opinion is very positive.

I wasn’t into it at first but then I turned on the option to centre the guns and turned off the glory kill flashing you can still do then but you have to pay attention to stagger animations. I also listened to pretty hate machine on continuous loop.

This. It's one thing to have a intricate and interesting world, but DOOM is just large maze-like maps but the only problem is that they are all generic interchangeable corridors and every fight plays out basically the same way. And the way that you basically need to do combat (just spamming glory kills) is neither fun nor challenging.

Felt a little too short, but it's good.

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What a retard OP is.

Asking a question from the perspective that a universally agreed good game is "le bad" to start a discussion.

This is one of Yea Forums's most hated games, though.

Go play doom 1+2, if you liked that you'll probably like it

It's a great game, the only people that disagree are unironic boomers that don't want to be able to aim up and down

One of my favorite fps, eagerly waiting for eternal

it's pretty much painkiller with better level-design, not quite the same as doom/quake though.

its pretty fun try it

It's kinda a shit game but it's still really fun.
Bad level design, bad art direction, boring and predictable pacing.
Still really fun to play for some reason.

Welcome to /v


It's good, great even if you play exclusively with the double jump rune and larp as a TF2 scout.

Fun, but the gory kills are dumb

It's a nice fps but
>60 fucking GB
It has no business being anywhere over 10 GB.

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It's pretty good but it's really obnoxious when the game decides to lock you into a room and defeat waves of enemies. I want to run and gun, damn you. Level design could also use some work. It's definitely the most uninspired I've played in a video game in a long time.

I've been replaying it recently, and I noticed that the arena design really sucks a lot of the time. The bit right before the elevator up to VEGA sticks out for example. The roofs are just close enough to double jump between but the platforms have railings around the edges that block you. Sometimes you can get stuck on edges. The lower area is cramped. The platforms aren't spacious and you're hemmed in by the aforementioned railings.
Another issue is the FPS viewpoint which stops you from tracking the locations of enemies to your sides and rear. You're supposed to be moving rapidly around but you can't in this level. Enemies are really mobile which is great except when you aren't able to strafe and hop around as is the case in this level. Collision is really high so you're easily blocked by two or three enemies and killed instantly. I ended up just using the BFG on groups which I normally prefer not to do (playing on ultraviolence difficulty, so hard mode basically). It's telling that they put at least 2 BFG ammo pickups in this level.
Game is fun but this is one area I hope they've improved in. Fewer arenas and make them good.

It's a one-and-done game.
You play it once and never touch it again, like most new games that devs shit out.

It's a 6/10 for me. There's potential for a great game but looking at Eternal it's clear Id will never bother since normalfags eat up anything as long as it looks cool.

>Eternal looks like garbag-

Attached: Doom Eternal Doomguy in a cannon.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

I never said that. It looks a bit better level wise but that's it. I expect a 7/10 at most. And that webm is exactly what i mean in my post.

I liked it. Played it so much I managed to beat it on Ultra-Nightmare, would recommend this to people who like shooters. Every time I ask people why they don't like this game its
>glory kills
Don't fucking do them then
>boring level design consisting of locked off arenas with corridors separating rooms
this is actually true
and that's literally it. it's fun as fuck to strafe the hell out of the enemies and their projectiles

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No, it's a decent game. It doesn't hold a candle to the original Doom but it's the best FPS I've played in years.

If you're not a retarded zoomer like the people defending it in this thread then it is. If you are then go right ahead and buy it.

Doom is great

Shooters themselves have become extremely formulaic and tried to move towards realism. Doom 2016 was honestly a breath of fresh air. I play maybe one FPS a year and this one was actually fun. The game doesn't last long enough to be boring at all.

First time seeing this, I love it.

Doom guy has BECOME the bullet.

it's as bad as the original, which means that if you're aretard you'll like it.

I needed to play it in multiple sessions over two weeks. The arena combat got really tedious if I played for more than 30 minutes or so. It was still worth finishing for me when I played like that.

got it during steam sale. a bit slow too open up but its alright.

it's fucking awful.
Tedious and repetitive clusterfuck, that's a huge downgrade from OG Dooms in all possible ways.

It's good

it's kinda fun but
>every level is just walking from arena to arena
>every arena is just 'kite around the outside'
>no mods, no maps, nothing
from what i've seen of eternal the first two complaints have been resolved but i doubt the third has changed since they're still using the same megatexture-based engine

Double jump + aerial movement shouldve been a base game feature. Fuck hiding that shit away behind runes and unlocks. Shame it wont be in Eternal.

>Is it really that bad?
Yes, it's a low-budget, zero-efffort cash-in that got successful for the same reasons as shit like The Big Bang Theory - people think that vaguely knowing about 90s "nerd" culture makes them cool.

best shooter campaign in decades, excellent game 10/10

>literally sweating with clenched teeth after tough fights

k, i just assume you idiots played on easy with a controller or something

>no mods, no maps, nothing
retard, what is snapmap

I liked it a lot. fast, gory, over the top but still maintains a sense of danger.

also minimal story is nice.

>snapmap is on the same level as traditional DOOM modding

>normalfags eat up anything as long as it looks cool.

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This but unironically.

you said,
>no mods, no maps, nothing
snapmap is not NOTHING nor NO MAPS

In an era of gaming when the shooter single-player has been decimated into an afterthought, this showed that it's not because people don't want it. If you make a fun shooter, people are going to play it.

Just beat it for the 4th time
It’s fun

It's fucking fun. As long as you aren't an absolute purist, its as good as a modern shooter is going to get


Its universally praised for being a good game that is a lot of fun.

>last wave before the olivia fight

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It's really fun with the super shotgun to dart around the big fatties and blast them in the face while they cant hit you. BONK

>One of the most hated games on Yea Forums
>Universally praised

It's more of a classic FPS game I'd say, people complain about the maps being simple mazes and the missions are all the same but it's doom, you're supposed to be killing everything. I really enjoyed it, loved the classic maps as well.

Yea Forums is literally nobody

just shoot them

until they die

>Nice having a lead character who gives 0 shits about the plot.
but still stops for walk and talk cutscenes
if by "beat 'em up" you mean "press f to instakill enemy and watch totally badass animation", then yes

>reviving a nearly dead thread just to shitfling
l m a o
