Mage character is more dangerous in melee than the knight character

>mage character is more dangerous in melee than the knight character

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Other urls found in this thread: King Arthur/type/op

Only because... Wait, just why did Saber get stabbed with Rule Breaker in the first place? I forget.

>piercing plate armour with a dagger

Because Shirou is a shit master statswise

It's magic, she ain't gotta explain shit.

>my Instinct EX +++ is telling me to dodge but its just a caster, I'll beat her easily!

>there will never be a game where Caster collects other servants and makes them battle like pokemon

>Had to use fucking Excalibur to kill the Caster of the 4th HGW
>"Caster's not a threat!"

>man is more dangerous in melee than woman
who would have thought

I hope that's bait

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Caster's master wasn't any better. he was a functional fighter for some reason, but he wasn't providing any mana at all.

go back to tumblr
or wherever you hang out these days

Yeah the fate series is a piece of shit, literally what else is new, give it a rest guys.

Caster was able to succ mana from the high school though? It's been a long time since I read the VN.
You overplayed your hand baitman

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Anime > VN.

>from the high school
The temple, I think that's also why assassin couldn't leave

whatever cunt

but Caster was colecting mana from killing people

Here's your "man" retard

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>Knight charactor is an honorless cunt

Well maybe saber should've been doing that too, rather than trying to get all her mana from a single autistic penis. If she'd bothered to try and find a way to procure mana she might not have gotten out melee'd by a caster.

Ufotable anime is masterpiece but VN would be even better with official translation

Gee I wonder why a saber-class servant was not able to set up magical rituals to drain mana from unwilling victims... Hmmmmmmmmmm... Almost like... Magic isn't her forte...

Holy shit, imagine being too much of a brainlet to comprehend a VN made for teens.

cuter with the hood up desu

I still love that doujin where Shiro fucks Saber so well he manages to fill up her mana completely AND also get her pregnant.

Hmm, yes, Saber, known for being a twat about chivalry should have just murdered people for her convience. Just give up already.

Turns out it's Rin's fault, AGAIN

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oh ok
do you think i knew the source material? i dont watch shit like this


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and yet the rider was able to do it just fine. seems like all servants have at least a passing understand of magecraft, hell that saber can apparently come up with a magic spell to make her sword invisible.
She might not have been able to do it with the scale or efficiency of caster, but Saber probably could've found a way to steal mana from people if she wasn't such a moralfag. Even jack the ripper managed to do so by eating people's hearts, you dont' need to be a caster to do that.

Dagger looks dumb

>and yet the rider was able to do it just fine
Rider had a decent mage master and she's literally Medusa

that's my point you moron. Saber being a moralfag is why she lost that fight.

How do you kill someone with such a retarded knife?


I'm sure you're the kind of faggot who blames shinji for sakura being an evil cunt

Not the point of the knife

Also the spell that makes her sword invisible was a gift from Merlin apparently.
You don't, it's for fucking with magic, like the magic that binds servants to masters. Also see: It's magic, I don't gotta explain shit.

>Taking Illya's word for something makes you a faggot
Guess I love smoking on dick because she's objectively the cutest and smartest

People who didn't play vn pls leave


i do know for sure it is an anime
i dont care if there are also games for it

thats everyone in this thread.

She doesn't kill with the knife, the knife is for spells. She kills with magic nukes.

well at least I know what I'm dealing with

>Mage character is a true glass cannon that destroys everyone and can be destroyed by everyone
>There’s a skill that gives the mage a strength and defense buff at the cost of their mana pool

>t is an iridescent and jagged dagger that is thin, brittle, and blunt
>Its effectively nonexistent in its capacity as a weapon, comparable to that of a regular dagger at most, and it would not be suitable for even killing a single person
>Such ceremonial knives are designed as mere decoration, and like those, Rule Breaker was created under the school of thought that it was never to be used as a weapon

>Greatly differing from other Noble Phantasms, the conceptual ritual tool's unique ability is that it is the ultimate anti-magic Noble Phantasm capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of thaumaturgy
> It "transgresses" on all the magecraft of the targets it pierces, contracts made from magical energy, and life born from magical energy. Once it comes into contact with the ensorcelled item or person, enchantments, connections bounded through contracts, and creatures created and maintained by magical energy, they will all be returned to their original components in a state "before they were made." Contracts will be wiped clean and those with life will immediately cease to exist. There is a limit to what it is able to dispel, meaning artifacts on the rank of Noble Phantasms will never be returned to their original state no matter how low their rank.

tl;dr it's a magic dagger that kills magic shit

I'd like to add to this that if you have read the VN but have not read Hollow Ataraxia, then you are a bitch-nigger. And should go do so.

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>Calling a cute girl cute is pedo
Illya is cute though, are you denying it?

He's going all out

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caster could have easily won the war in UBW if her master would have just used a commanded the spell the moment saber was caught. what a dumb fuck.

He's probably a salty Rinfag.

what the fuck is an noble phatasm?

Ah, a fellow man of culture

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based fellow HA shill

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Ok user
I was planning to play it anyway but first need to find some time cus this is long game

I'll read it next, I swear, I read the VN prior to the H/A translations.
Pls no bully

>niggas don't know about ritual daggers and think all blades must be knives for killing

>c-caster he's not cheating on you
Hollow ataraxia has a few good scenes burried under hours of boring dogshit SoL stuff

trump card, ult, super move, "should I use THAT?" etc

Saber is a dork.

Eat your hotdog, Cu.


Artoria a Cute

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>He doesn't like the SoL

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shes of legal age.


illya is every bit as bad if not worse than shinji as a person
and rin too is a shitty person
shirou is the only good guy due to his accute autism

Wasn't it magic resistance armor though?

A cute dork.

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caster/medea is the only girl in fate who simultaneously did nothing wrong and is the purest, best girl

Sakura > Rin > Saber

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Illya is literally half human half manufactured doll and was in a fucked up mind state throughout most of the VN due to abandonment issues and genetic deficiencies, Shinji was a punk kid that didn't get to be family patriarch cuz he sucked dick at magic

>wtf why doesn't this dagger named "Rule Breaker" play by the rules???

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This scene was dumb.

>Don't really like Sakura that much but think she had absolutely the best chemistry with Shirou
>Am a huge Saberfag
>Think Rin would be fucking sick to have as a best friend to fuck around and do fun shit with like getting drunk and checking out abandoned malls

shinji was also abandonned and left to live with his shitty grampa while on top of that seeing his birthright taken from him by a litteral who random girl.
They both have bad circumstances but of the two, it's illya we see commit the worse actions

Hold my sutra

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I'm sure most people have read it.

Why didn't she use it against Gil who IS the rules?

_A__A _A ____A

>They both have bad circumstances
>One gets to live a full lifes and was still with family
>One had to live in a house and was overseen by human meat puppets, knew she was one of them and saw many of their bodies and knew they were disposable trash
Yeah totally the same, Sakura had a harder time than Shinji, kid is a little faggot and Sakura still caring for him at the end of UBW after his bullshit shows how much bigger of a person she is

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ea gg

it's funny because the actual Cu was a massive rapist even for mythological hero standards. I forget if the scene in Hollow Ataraxia where Cu gives his entire backstory to Shirou mentioned the son he killed was his rape baby.

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I seriously hope you don't believe that.

cus Gil/Archer would ez kill her on distance

How can one girl be so best?


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Because he had the literal highground. Also shitting out barrages of noble phantasms from a mile away is hard as shit to approach if youre not a knight class.

we're not talking about sakura we're talking about illya here
her transferring shirou's soul into a doll or keeping his head alive to torture is much more fucked up than anything shinji pulls off
also good job talking about sakura in UBW and not HF

in these threads? Yeah. Obviously not in /alter/ or wherever the fuck.

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So we can bring up bad ends and other bullshit?
I guess Shinji is a complete asshole since he was willing to use Rider to kill Shirou and all his classmates, and probably everyone else in the city given the means to do so.
Argument is m00t anyway since it's clear you have no clue what you're on about, kid got creampied in every route because he's useless, so not only is he malevolent, given the means to carry out his desires, he still can't manage it due to being incompetent

>entered HGW
>canonically survives in most timelines even if she should have died
>made a real friend
>gets over her issues
>probably ends up having a happy life after HA
The only thing she deserved and didn't get is popularity among the fanbase

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She was sucking mana from the entire city, both sides of the river too She made her HQ at the temple because the leylines were strong enough to let her do something like that, and the forest surrounding the temple was like a debuff except for the stairway.

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>So we can bring up bad ends and other bullshit
bad ends are all canon alternate timelines

>illya is literally retarded, incapable of formulating a plan and manages to lose EVERYTIME with arguably the strongest servant of the war and despite being the strongest master
>yet he calls shinji useless

At least she gets to punch some lolis in Prisma Illya.

>A real friend
For whatever Angry manjew is worth I guess

Please help me I've been wanting to read FHA since I was in middle school and now I'm fucking 25 where the fuck do I get it and translate it.

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Shinji couldn't even win with Gilgamesh, let that sink in

god fucking damn those nips

because gilgamesh betrayed him
that's the only reason

Saber > Sakura > ice pick labotomy > Rin

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on Beast's Lair forum is translation patch and voice pack
torrent/buy game

I love Caren, her outfit and her nipples.

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Gil is a jobber. I bet 9 year old Shinji with Lancelot would've curbstomped the 4th HGW with Kariya providing mana.

>Couldn't handle his servant
Kirei could handle it, Shinji is just a pussy boy

It's been a while since I've read the VN, but wasn't Sabers magic resistance still able to resist the actual influence of rule breaker, requiring additional effort from Caster to break her will?

yet shinji is alive being fed apples by his future wife while gil died at the end of an autistic teenager

>Shirou cockblocking Lancer
>Sakura cockblocking Shirou
Fucking HA

Dishonor is worse than death, Kirei and Gil are both more beloved because they are willing to die for their beliefs while Shinji just pussies his way through life, might explain Shinji's fanbase honestly

>for their belief
>when gil's belief literally change from one route to the next because of no real reason

>Shinji was such a shitty master Gil decided having his waifu wouldn't be enough to change his view on humanity being scum

>shinji was such a CHAD that gilgamesh decided regular humans were unworthy of living in the same world as him

Shinji has a fanbase?

>willing to die for their belief
Gil's belief was that he was better than some japanese schoolkids and he got BTFO in 2/3rds of the routes for it.

Working with Shinji tends to do that to people.

>Couldn't even carry out his rape of a high school girl without the King of Heroes helping him

Dumb titty monk.

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He's actually one of the top requested heroes for FGO.
For some reason.
So is Fastwheels.


I figured Caster used her command spell/her normal crazy ass magic for that, probably because Assassin would have fucked off or tried to kill her, then fuck off.

Shinji is a petulant retard child who would have done far worse things if he was actually capable of anything, while Illya is pretty much just playing the game. At most, she has a crazy beef with Shirou due to her Kiritsugu related issues, and a few bad ends she really does fucky shit to him, but for the most part her more extreme actions are just a part of playing the Grail War, and she out of all the antagonist masters, she keeps it in the ring more than anyone else as far as I remember. She ain't draining mana from any unwitting normal people, and when not on her grounds, she reigns in Berserker so that he doesn't harm any non-war associated people, beyond the inevitable property damage that the church will foot the bill on anyways.
She ain't exactly good, but compared to Shinji she comes off smelling like a rose

tell me why u like Saber more than Sakura
I liked some Saber scenes but overall Sakura and Rin are better and Saber is blunt character

>rin was so wet from the encounter that despite evrything she went back to save shinji, risking her own life in the process

The wheelchair guy in Zero.

>For some reason
user, girls like being treated like a trash. Check shojo VN/manga/anime

>Being saved by a woman
Shirou could at least use the excuse that he thought saber was a man, Shinji got saved by a normal high school roastie, for shame

I think they mean Kayneth from zero, I dont know what's with people and these stupid nicknames.

Medea never tried to rulebreaker Heracles in any of the three routes. Those two were on a boat together. Heracles and Jason used to bro down. Jason and Medea got married. Heracles and Medea do not have a scene together its bullshit.

>a part of playing the holy grail war.
>she kills shirou after he forfeits his mastership of saber
She is as bad or a worse person than shinji but for some reason everyone gets a pass in the franchise except him
samething with medea who commits atrocities even after having been summoned but everyone blames jason

muscle wizard

Personally, I love her ass and her face when she's getting ANGRA raped through Shirou's body.

Literally all of medea's complexes are caused by Jason cuck.
Shinji's complexes are caused by his ineptitude

>gets her shit rocked by a childs fists

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To be fair I'd let Rin beat me up, but only because I'd get a massive erection in the process

The state of fate threads

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Just like TES3/4.

According to the legend, Herc and Medea were never on board the Argo at the same time, with Jason having to part ways with Herc long before he got to the island with the Fleece where he met Medea.

Then again, this is the Nasuverse so who knows?

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If it's any consolation, Shirou and Rin try to partner with Illya in UBW specifically because they determine Heracles is the natural enemy of Medea.

Also, God Hand would just "lolnope" Rule Breaker.

Shinji is such an alpha that people throw their lives away for him. Medusa did it and rin almost did too.
meanwhile shirou is such a pussy ass bitch that saber kills him for the grail on kirei's order

>she was into it the entire time
Goddamn, why has she never appeared in anything else besides Carnival Phantasm?

>Naruto references

No sir, I don't like it.

I get that watching Zero with Yea Forums while it aired was fun times but at a certain point it starts feeling like the joke is getting obliterated

>its okay to kill innocents if your boyfriend was mean to you
Besides jason said that he freaked out when he saw what medea did to her brother, can you blame him?

meant for

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>Man with low moral value gets saved by people with high moral value
>Man with high moral value has to put in effort to live.
As I said before, people worth a shit die for causes, while worthless people die because of causes

>Naruto references
The fuck? How are Morrowind/Oblivion and Naruto are connected?

You fucking scared me.

Look at this and tell me it wasn't Jason's fault, I dare you

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Caster is a woman you retard.

>can you blame him?
Never stick your dick in crazy.
ESPECIALLY superpowered witch crazy.

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She killed her brother of her own fucking accord. She is a psycho bitch

Uh, she's not a woman, she's old.

Should've just fucked the cat.

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Sir I'm asking you one more time to be civil and realize it's Jason's fault or I'm going to have to escort your from the premises by notifying security

Shinji is a leader
shirou just UNGA BUNGA his way through the entier VN
>people worth a shit die for causes
and as we know shirou never comes to regret dying for causes right?

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Well to be fair, in the age of god, tons of things were super powered and crazy at the same time.

young, cute, and popular, SHUT UP

>m-medea is innocent
>s-she did nothinh wrong

she was mindbroken by Aphrodite, couldn't help it

And rarely did sticking your dick in it (or letting it stick it's dick into you) work out well for anyone.

Pic related.

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aphrodite literally through the pussy at the poor jason. What was he supposed to do

she wasn't mindbroken anymore when she killed those innocents in fuyuki and her children

Nice frame, tranny.
You will never be passable.

Lewds of Caster pls

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She didn't actually kill anyone on purpose in Fuyuki. The one time people died from her human leeching was because she thought they were stronger and accidentally killed them.

Breaking her will was to make Saber into Caster's servant, but Rule Breaker did it's job of severing the Master/Servant connection between Shirou and Saber.

>implants a command that makes the recipiant kill anyone who asks about their identity

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Nah, Medea was just getting off on violating Saber with magic.

Literally thismedea is a monster that gets by because she is somewhat cute

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very fluffy and cute
I'd stick my dick in her and like it

Again, she specifically has a weird crazy beef with Shirou due to his relation to Kiritsugu, so that I'd consider a more personal thing. Outside of her obsession with sword autist specifically, she really doesn't do much else beyond being a massive threat in the war due to having a brick wall of a servant like Berserker and being willing to seek out the other masters, if I remember correctly.

The animations look so improvised, like mannequins, well choreographed mannequins.

>in her
Yeah, about that....

Why is atalanta such a bitch

She's just fucking cool.

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Holy fuck you are a special kind of retarded.

i like her better in black and white

also, bent over

Because she's evil.

Totally not after the loli herself.

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I'm not even saying she's a good person, I'm just fact-checking.

I'll never understand people that can't enjoy stoic characters.
If anything having a character voice their opinions 100% of the time is demeaning to the reader, could you really not tell that the character was pissed off when they saw someone some fucked up shit, do they have to voice obvious shit so we don't have retards in discussion forums going "SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW"

Dunno anything of Fate beyond the Zero anime.
Why did the author they call it the Holy Grail if it isn't the biblical Holy Grail? Why create that unnecessary confusion by association?

Definitive and unefutable proof that medea is evil
I shall here no more of it

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Avenger is worth much, he is best boy.

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I was almost forced to face the fact I was wrong but here I see a typo, therefore Medea is pure and is only misguided because of Jason, suck it

Literally a scam in-universe.

good at giving caren some unwanted yet wanted shirou dick

The three mage families that started the ritual named it that, probably to cause confusion and or use that to describe its power/omnipotence prior to Angry Manjew becoming an evil fetus in it

>They made Jason playable
>but Kirei still isn't

cannot argue with that

It pretty much is the holy grail for magi, since it's a path to the root of all things

>but Kirei still isn't
The ultimate and final cuck.
Kirei will only be playable in a forgotten fighting game

You mean Rasputin? We'll get him when we get Solomon.

>I cannot forgive anyone that would use others as they wish
Then she gets possessed by an ancient Jaguar spirit who we summon as a servant to do with as we wish.

Are we the bad guys?

Why the fuck did Grand Order change Knight of Honor to Knight of Owner.

How could we forget this?

Fuck you, I love her elf ears and how blushes when she gets embarrassed

in the fate setting heroic spirits of past heroic figures have noble phantasms, which is basically namesake powers and items.
So king arthur has excalibur has a noble phantasm, cu chulain has gae bolg, herucles has to be killed twelve fucking times because of his twelve labours, etc.
they're based on the legends about the figure so they can be pretty nuts, alexander the great pulled his entire army out of his ass.

They are saving him and Muramasa for after the last HF movie airs
The FGO finale will be a Lostbelt where Rasputin summons Angra(True) in Fuyuki and Muramasa will help defeat him
Nasu is a hack and WILL do this shit

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>Medea's story is about how a woman got tricked, used and abused by Chad and found solace in honest men and pretty much developed a reverse Halo effect because as it turns out a lot of good looking people are scum
>"Yeah but acshually after her brainwashing she wasn't traumatized at all, I'm sure that sweet 14 year old girl focusing on holy magic would have been evil anyway"
You people are actual scum

Just stop discussing the franchise. You've already ruined the best way to enter the series by starting with Zero. Your presence only makes the fanbase worse.

Stop posting.

Owner was always correct. オーナー is owner. Honor is オナー. In fact it was Honor in English FGO before TM yelled at them to change it.
Doesn't matter that Honor is cooler, it's an Engrish name that happens to sound similar to a better and cooler name.

Pic unrelated. She gets her shit kung fu'd in by Rin and Rule Breaker isn't even a proper weapon.

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He got fucked the hardest for no real reason.
no wander the mere act of summoning him completely fucked the holy grail forever.


It's more correct for what it is, if a bit engrishy.
There's no excuse for "Arondight" though, that's straight up wrong

But Kuzuki was a good man that gave her the fucking she needed to realize she just wanted to be a woman

>first two routes
>i can't wait for sakura's route, she's the best girl
>heaven's feel
>i can't wait for this route to end, sakura is boring and shit

kuzuki is a non character who exists for the sole purpose of making caster seem redeemable

>Me no like disciplined stoic man because he doesn't have ideological and expositional dumps
The guy was a fucking loner that got a banging elf girl, why the fuck would he suddenly act like the protag of a fucking high school manga

best route
worst girl

>i can't wait for this route to end, is boring and shit
That’s every route

I'm not asking him to start being a good guy
but having any personality traits besides "yes caster" would be nice

He had no motivation for the grail war man, she even wanted him to stop going to the school and he was all "Hold up bitch this ain't affecting my regular life, this is a side gig, ya dig"

seriously, the only thing he did wrong was let her participate in the HGW. he should've just grabbed her and ran as far away from fuyuki as he could and had her set up a mana farm on some criminals in a prison or something.

>He had no motivation for the grail war man
exactly. he has no reason to be here. And I could tolerate it if he was a regular guy but "muh secret organisation and bullshit insta win martial art" is a just another way to make caster not complete fodder.

If this picture doesn't draw a conclusion for you then I don't know what to say

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she deserves to die

She was just following orders...

4 stars lmao

it's MHZZ idiot

>Baldur's Gate 2 mage
>one of the level 9 spells is to create a sword shaped black hole that murderfucks everything it touches
>any mage is vastly improved if he has some fighter levels too, at least 7 of them
Just a nice tradition.

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World of Darkness mages

Fire Emblem.

Weird that the Rule Breaker, a dagger made specifically to break the rules of magic, doesn't adhere to the rules of magic.


HA's ending was fucking perfect.

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I miss old Fate Stay Night memes.

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>This becomes the new intro screen music
Hollow Ataraxia is when Fate truly became Kino.

Some new ones aren't half bad

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>the guitar kicks in just as the glass breaks
It's seriously perfect, what a shame so few people player HA

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If it never ended, it wouldn't have been meaningful.


Well, it was mostly to kill the creature he summoned after stocking up on sacrifices. It's stated Casters are dangerous after preparation time, which in all the GWs it seems to happen.

I dont think this scene/picture should be so mesmerizing but it is. Caren saying rock star in engrish makes it even better.

I really love, unironically, Tohsaka Rin.
Every scene she's in makes me feel warm inside.

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>body covered in tattoos from head to toe
>go fuck yourself attitude
>rapes bitches into loving him
>does not give a fuck
yup, angra's a rock star

fuck, post the audiofile or a recording or something, i wanna hear

>medieval times

>"Stop? Or what, you'll violently rape me? That's a bit out of character for you, isn't it, Shirou?"

based angra for avenging shirou by doing it in his body

Read the VN. In the meantime I'm going through the scene right now to record it.

I already read it. I just didn't know there was a voiced version.

Angra Shirou is unironically best Shirou.

Why is he so based, bros?

Attached: blue boi.png (512x724, 1.06M)

Shirou used a command seal to stop her in place. She was about to attack Caster, Caster was going to kill Taiga.
Shirou's command let Caster bumrush Saber down and doink her with rulebreaker.

Where did you ever get told that?
Saber herself is magic resistant.
Rule breaker pierces everything.


Attached: shinjiiiiiiii.png (1658x1093, 1.81M)

>shit happens because Shirou is dumb

Can you believe that?

Attached: 1522386044293.png (1000x1000, 395K)

>Shirou is dumb because he doesn't want his teacher/friend/sister to get fucking killed.
user I don't think you know much about Fate/Stay Night at all.
In the VN he literally thinks about killing Rin to save Taiga.

Attached: hero of justice.jpg (911x485, 82K)


Based nee-chan-fag Shirou

No you don't get it, it's REALLY funny.

You have to reread it with the voice patch, user. It's so damn good. In the meantime, have this.

>Did absolutely nothing wrong except be born into the wrong village at the wrong village
>Suffered for near eternity so he could be the all the evil in the world for their backwards culture
>Understandably hate the shit out of humans for this
>Still believes that as long as humans are still around, even if they continue to be wrong, one day they might save something
>His wish was just for happy SoL times instead of any form of revenge on humanity
>Saved Bazett and helped her grow as a person
>Has no problem talking shit and cracking wise even in situations where he's about to die
>Will never stop with the bantz
He's pretty much the perfect follow up to Shirou Emiya, they're both great protagonists who approach things completely differently.

Thank you so much. Caren is such a fucking treat.
>He's pretty much the perfect follow up to Shirou Emiya, they're both great protagonists who approach things completely differently.
I only wish we got more of him outside of gacha shit. Besides that, there was that scene skip shot of him in Carnival Phantasm.

Brand recognition.

The last good thing out of Type-Moon before the end times.

>Dunno anything of Fate beyond the Zero anime.
Then don't bother asking questions.
Either read the VN or watch the UBW or something.

made for dark red tattooed cursed dick

The relative obscurity of Hollow Ataraxia compared to other fate projects is both a blessing and a curse. We won't really get much more of it but that means we also don't have to see it ruined to within an inch of its life. Also it had a damn good soundtrack.

>freaking out on the spot because your only real family is about to die
Shirou doesnt care about himself but he prioritizes others.

Come on now that's harsh. Most of the adaptations are 7/10 or better and the PSP had not one but two kino games.

Attached: Fate Extra concept art.jpg (4761x2917, 1.8M)

Nigga Caster was giving the succ to swathes of people all over town and set her base up in a place where the ley lines of the town converged

Yeah, I'll have to make peace with that
>Also it had a damn good soundtrack.
You know it!

>Fate/Extra is now endless Nerowank and shitty Musou instead of a new 1v1 style take on the HGW and a character study of a new protagonist and their servant
God damn it Venus Saber is so fucking stupid I can't.

Fate Extra is shit.

>and the PSP had not one but two kino games.
Which ones? Fate/Extra and CCC couldn't be these "kino" games you speak of, they sucked. Their gameplay sucked, the story format sucked, the characters were bland, and it tried to be VN while refusing to do anything but describe actions in a very simplistic manner.

They were garbage.

I feel the same way for Saber. Why do Fate girls have the craziest obsession driven fans? I literally cannot get her off my mind.

Attached: 997d60ed2ead432761e379b8bb0c2217.jpg (640x480, 84K)

Caster a cute

>I have been saving for Rider Jason and he turns out to be a bronze star.
Not going to lie, the 7 Bronze servants got me way more hyped than any banner lately.

only good for dressing saber up and sexually torturing her

>dab shit
yeah no, fuck off underaged newfag wigger

Good old caster supremacy, nothing new.

What about Fate route? Saber gets hit their specifically because Shirou DOESN'T command spell her. You have to tell her to stop or she gets rule breakered

Gets people just as mad, you're just butthurt it's you

In the Fate route Caster ambushes the mansion, freezes Saber in a jelly-like substance then gets skewered by Gilgamesh before she even gets to say anything.

Do not use the DEEN anime as a reference please. It's inconsistent and shit.

I want to save this man

Attached: emiya.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

I haven't watched the DEEN anime. I don't remember Saber being frozen in a jelly like substance at all. I remember having a choice to stay inside or to go out with Saber. When you go out with Saber she tried to bumrush Caster and if you don't command spell she gets hit. That's what I remember anyway

He's already saved in that image there.

Here you go, user! Something to take the edge off.

Attached: Shirou The Hero We Need.png (731x1135, 1.09M)

I understand the change in skin, eyes and hair color, but how did he manage to grow so tall?

magic reinforcement

he's still a growing boy during the VN

>playing FGO
>got him as my initial guaranteed 4*
>been playing through the story with Mash and Serenity
>have Archer as my first backup
>whenever someone dies, he has to come in and clean up the mess
>didn't realise how fitting that was until several chapters in

Attached: 1415269456292.png (216x191, 75K)

Late puberty growth spurt.
Even in the UBW epilogue he's taller.

Attached: [Kametsu] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works - 25 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [F776F253].mkv_snapshot_ (1920x1080, 171K)

The fuck is Mikiya doing there?

>this is actually an in character move
Shirou may be a little dumb, but his heart is in the right place.

Main characters attract eachother inevitably.

Attached: [Kametsu] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works - 25 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [F776F253].mkv_snapshot_ (1920x1080, 162K)

Thats shiki you dumbass



same shit, different world

>you fight through the war with archer, bonding through the fights
>you finally reach the grail after many fights.
>you then announce your wish "I want my servant to be free"
How would EMIYA react?

God, what happened to Beast's Lair over the years? Discussion like this doesn't really exist there, last time I checked.

Does EMIYA not know the grail is fucked?

Taiga is the only thing Shirou is non-negotiable about and felt real human emotion towards before the VN began. When Rin's negligence nearly got Taiga killed, in Rin's own fucking route, Shirou threatened to murder Rin and sincerely meant it. Killing Taiga is how you get the sword autist to go so nuclear even Kiritsugu would get jealous.

Attached: No_sense_of_right_and_wrong (1).png (190x221, 7K)

>anything else
Prisma Illya and it's actually an actual important side character

He knew from the very beginning.

He does. But in a hypothetical situation where it wasn't he would probably stop you and make you wish for something else. He got where he was by his own mistakes, and he'd he satisfied keeping you from repeating them.

Even Archer showed he was worried about her when they took her back to Rin's place. He even asked Rin how she was.
This is why we need a Taiga route.

Attached: [Kametsu] Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works - 12 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [989B2151].mkv_snapshot_ (1920x1080, 134K)

Prisma Illya a shit.

BD when?

Fuck FGO and fuck the absolute state of Type-Moon.

I see that, you too, are sane in the head.

Surpised no one has used this one yet on a Medea thread.

Attached: file.png (800x655, 42K)

summer fun...................................................

Attached: 1560588163872.jpg (1280x960, 189K)

Is there one for every fucking single Noble Phantasm?
If you show me one with Caster Tamamo's NP I'll be absolutely speechless

In fate they were indeed together, Its explained In the Hallow ataraxia Vn when we get Medeas backstory

Don't be mean and enjoy your new King Arthur.

Attached: 1565788218686.png (559x559, 365K)

I don't seem to have it. Take this instead.

Attached: tsubaitme.jpg (1220x614, 204K)

I love these

...What the fuck?


Attached: 1467051758164.gif (368x288, 273K)

Attached: prelati's baitbook.jpg (1158x873, 334K)

Even if it was a EMIYA who never went through UBW?

rip Sakurafish

Attached: king archer.jpg (280x318, 13K)

>those proportions
Killed my boner.

>shoulders wider than hips

>Type-Moon's last game they've released was part 1 of a trilogy of VNs
>Type-Moon hasn't released a single VN in 8 years
>F/SN despite FGO and other anime being widely popular in the west still has no official translation despite having PSVita ports and PC re-releases
Fuck Sony, fuck Kadokawa and fuck Type-Moon.

Cry more gaijin scum

>the Bazett VA during the finale of HA
>that barely repressed sob after she finds the completed puzzle
absolutely 10/10, one of my favorite pieces of voice acting ever

Attached: 1563309844838.png (522x700, 105K)

>Fate Mollusk
that's a tsukihime scene though

I don't think I want an official translation given how apparently "Altria" is the official name for Artoria

By the power of Nasu's retroactive views on time, all of them have.

>FGOniggers will remember that music because it played in FGO instead of HA
Will always make me mad

It was always written as Altria in English since the material books. You autists just never wanted to accept it.


Attached: file.png (900x600, 461K)

In the new musou she goes by Artoria. It is just stuff directly by TM that can't escape Nasu's awful name.

>muh FGO
rent free

Altria is a pants on head retarded localization of a painfully obvious feminized version of Arturias.

It doesn't even make sense. I'm pretty sure they literally just put アルトリア through Google translate, since that's what comes up when you do so. Why would there be an L instead of an R when it's supposed to be Arthur? I could understand Arthuria or something, that would be more accurate, but Altria is just retarded

Saving all these bait images, thanks user.

BASED user

Attached: 1548194669949.png (243x234, 46K)

>wanted to get the remaining scenes after the ending
>complete it
>feels wrong to go back

Attached: shirou, master of romance.jpg (800x4200, 1.48M)

>Why would there be an L instead of an R when it's supposed to be Arthur?
Come on user.

L and R are interchangeable in Japanese.

I think youre onto something.

Attached: ubw.jpg (622x626, 35K)

>few people player HA
Yeah. HA is most unpopular VN on the planet. Hipster VN. Hidden gem. for special kids.

Attached: 1565767145287.gif (599x336, 109K)

I think there are a few of us.

Attached: baitgarach.jpg (1540x820, 281K)



Attached: bait stay night.gif (500x287, 1.21M)

Yeah, the baitposters are based.

Attached: Bait On.png (800x600, 35K)

Have you heard of Fate Stay Night? It's a pretty obscure animes based off a porn game. Not many people know that it predates Fate Zero.

Attached: gate of bait.jpg (625x626, 90K)

Attached: bait of baylon.jpg (625x626, 53K)

Jesus, that hivemind

Attached: eyes of bait perception.png (620x456, 39K)

Who did it better?

Attached: fast jeanne.gif (549x598, 328K)

FSN invented chuu2 genre

Attached: 1565459694937.jpg (1280x720, 385K)

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Funny you bring her up

Attached: file.png (261x184, 33K)

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Attached: saint boxing.gif (480x420, 91K)

What is this, a bait for ants?

Didn't have this one.

Attached: 1439715672992.jpg (640x480, 76K)

have they fixed the crashes in the HA voice patch?

Attached: 1439776786241.jpg (1280x900, 179K)

Attached: Bait Keys.jpg (1000x600, 41K)

Attached: file.png (720x432, 154K)

Compared to SN and Tsukihime people barely talk about HA
Even in VN threads people barely talk about HA


Attached: Bait Stay Night.png (800x600, 65K)

That motherfucking priest

Attached: 1522917696578.png (181x253, 76K)

Yes I'm talking about the English translation. I know why it would be an L through google translate but I'm wondering how they thought that was an ok translation to make official

It is its own thing

Attached: Kazikili Bait.png (840x480, 375K)

i love the style of the eyes/expressions that early 2000s anime art had.

>Bait pictures
>Old FSN meme

I fucking hate the passage of time

Attached: Dcx81-2W4AIa4oG[1].jpg (575x718, 67K)

Attached: mgA2YJ8.jpg (640x960, 66K)

Japs never had armor in history besides wearing bamboo like nigger savages

Here, let me add another wound.

Attached: UBaitW.png (1252x1252, 192K)

I am GAR for Archer!

Attached: archerface.png (547x406, 302K)

It's GAR you fucker.

I'd never forget GARcher, but I have fucking forgotten the name of that badly drawn Archer meme

What's Medea's purpose in fate now? Literally every caster except for Gilles is superior to her and can break the rules.

Post your most favorite kino moments and/or endings before the thread dies. This includes bad/dead endings. Pic related.

Attached: __artoria_pendragon_emiya_shirou_and_saber_alter_fate_stay_night_and_etc_drawn_by_izru__sample-26e58 (850x605, 67K)

I bet you didn't expect THIS:

obvious power creep, We havent seen her at all in an important role since stay night really so we'll have to wait for her to be apart of some new story so she can get properly power creeped along with everyone else

No contest, Ilya showing up in the Dress of Heaven and telling Shirou that she's his big sister.

Attached: c2e[1].jpg (800x600, 141K)

how do I play HA
back when I played FSN, HA wasn't fully translated, and I don't even remember how I got FSN in the first place
I think i got it from some forum

Ancient memes you say?
I hope Mike passed his fall semester.

Forgive me master, I must go all out just this once

Honestly I ended up finding that out after the VN, during the scene I thought she was just saying that symbolically.
"You've protected me, now it's my turn to protect you" sort of deal, I didn't realize she meant literally until I saw Fate/Zero and was like "Hmm, that's real fucking weird"

I think /tmg/ has links to everything. There's probably just a torrent on Nyaa that comes with all the patches and everything. I think I got it from some dodgy hentai site ages ago because I didn't know any better

Don't you mean 'bane'?

I'd agree with you if all the other classes weren't getting people that are stronger and weaker than the original servants. Medea is the only one that's gotten fucked hard by the passage of time.

As do we all.

Attached: __artoria_pendragon_illyasviel_von_einzbern_mana_transfer_dragon_emiya_shirou_toosaka_rin_and_etc_fa (1500x2679, 1.23M)

she's not given enough credit, she has insane turtling power.

pOnOS in vagOOO?

Check rutracker. They should have everything.

The Archer/Shirou fight in UBW, Gilgamesh's first appearance in Fate, Ilya using Heaven's Feel on Shirou at the end of HF, UBW's bad end where Shirou gets turned into a Projection want and Rin mercy kills him, Mind of Steel and Sparks Liner High.

You lost me

Attached: archer.jpg (768x1024, 224K)

just make sure to download the voice patch version and enable the old OP in the options menu

even F/Z was 8 years ago

Attached: 1.jpg (5000x5000, 2.36M)

>no Maria the Baiter, The Holy Mother of Dismembaitment



Attached: Saber2.jpg (800x600, 48K)

>I've read Fate/Stay Night a decade ago

Remember to thank the autist from Boys Love that by complete accident revealed a conspiracy by western Fate translators to keep HA from ever being translated, and got them shamed into releasing it.

>I read Tsukihime over a decade ago

Still my favourite VN, don't @ me

Attached: s412-02[1].jpg (640x480, 34K)

thanks bro

Are there panels for the rest of the story leading up to this? I've only ever seen it from this point on.

>only a decade
You will never know the pain of message's ultimate installer that can be applied to a literal toaster.


You need to elaborate because there are a few possible whys in this scenario.

never forget

Attached: fate hollow ataraxia hero.png (1832x9580, 2.98M)

wow thanks for the spoilers, asshole

What version of FS/N should I download off of Nyaa

>let's argue about who's stronger from an anime where the most memorable line from the franchise is people die when they are killed
Unironic weebs are the worst. This shit is for children, masturbate to the porn and move on

Actually, the most memorable line is about Tohsaka's anus.

Why the fuck did the translators try to stop HA from ever being translated?

Nua with or not restored H scenes

IIRC Realta Nua patch should be the only thing you need, I think that's the additonal ending and voice acting.

Attached: fate stay mad.png (800x600, 430K)

Based, Chris(temo). He will always be remembered.

>most memorable line from the franchise is people die when they are killed
no, that's the most shit posted about line.

Alright guys you've given me the motivation to find spare time to actually read it.

Attached: 95c32f83ab[1].png (806x651, 679K)

>tfw my introduction to tsukihime was reading a lets play on something awful forums
>it was even archived but then deleted when they all became SJW and porn games became evil in their eyes

Actually, it's

he did literally nothing wrong

Because they were fan translators, not an official studios. Egotistical fart-sniffing big fish in a small pond that liked the "power" they had being the only source of HA content trickling into the English-speaking Fate community. So when some random ESL came out of nowhere and dumped a full translation based off their unfinished (for like a fucking DECADE) work since he couldn't figure out why they hadn't done it by now, they had a meltdown and tried to get him blacklisted from the community, which backfired.

The most memorable line is

>Caster kidnapped Shirou's teacher while he and rin were on a not date with seiba
>Caster wants seiba and demands Shirou hand over his command spells
>Seiba didn't want that and was about to attack by Shirou ordered her not to
>Caster gets seiba because of this
TLDR, Shirou is a shit tier master

Attached: undefined behaviour works.png (430x241, 40K)

in another scenario, saber charges, And thanks to her intuition or whatever the thing was called that lets her predict stuff in fights at the level of future sight.
she knew something was going to happen but she was to slow, Then a bone hand grabs her and medea stabs her.
in that scenerio, shirou didnt even have to be a dumbass for her to fail

not him but that literally is a woman

Isn't it sad, Sacchin?

You're missing the vital point here that Shirou did it to protect Taiga, not for sheer retardation's sake. Taiga is the exception that proves the rule of how broken Shirou is, the only part of his life he feels a real human connection to. So when it's threatened, he responds in a very creepily focused manner even to his allies/friends.

Was it really? The gamecreator things makes it seem more like they were just fucking lazy.

Who the fuck is this and why the fuck is she everythere? From smash threads to Dakr souls cosplay builds

Attached: 1507872359897.png (1200x603, 1023K)

>tfw her route and remake will literally NEVER come out

Never has a meme been so true

Their reaction to the guy tipped their hand. They were absolutely livid that somebody else got it put out before they did, it was a rep thing and they'd spent years discouraging anyone else from starting their own projects to translate HA because they'd "claimed" it despite their atrocious pace.

This is Mordred, pronouns he/him.
I love Mordred!

Attached: 1533085595944.jpg (720x900, 137K)

Fuck yeah, have fun user. It's a lot more freeform than F/SN, don't use a guide just deduce your next step for unlocking flags.

Keep scrolling secondary, this thread is for primaries only.

Why are fan translators so autistic when it comes to games and VNs?

Attached: 1556602659895.png (216x178, 50K)

>you will never get to dress Artoria up
Why even live lads

Attached: 23187630_p0.jpg (800x1132, 654K)

Will do my man, I managed to beat Kagetsu Tohya without a guide, I can do this.

Guy who literally bought the early KnK novels when originally released while on a trip to Japan here, Mordred is adorable.

Attached: MordredCC.png (400x400, 215K)

Dropped Apocrypha around episode 10. Does Mordred ever fuck the Necromancer?

They're basically jannies.

They do it for free on the internet and it's the only responsibility and power they'll ever have.

>above any of the main heroines in fate
>above any fate female

No. Kairi and Mordred have a surrogate father-daughter relationship, they don't fug, but they're the only redeeming portion of the back half of Apocrypha.

Not only VNs. Fansub scene was not so different

No but he introduces her to cigarettes.

Part of me is really happy that Crunchyroll killed the fansub scene but I still kind of miss Coalguys

Attached: isn't it sad sacchin 2.jpg (1215x1612, 712K)

Did you forget the fansub scene and manga scene or are you too young to remember the yellowsubs?

Saber? She has been around this site longer than you have, that's for sure.

Because it's the idea of a group 'claiming' something that no one will touch it. It doesn't matter if you've got a group of many talented people willing to work for it, if a single guy claimed dibs on it a decade ago and hasn't touched it in years then you have to find a different game to work on.

Attached: 1440960607156.png (768x432, 557K)

>Fan translator decides to do a oil-based tourney of popular requests to see what project he'll translate next
>White Album NTRfags desperate to get their project translated, feel assured of victory
>Get absolutely MULLERED by Fate/CCC in something like a 90% landslide
>Throw a downright pathetic shitfit to the translator and make him disqualify the Fate entry that beat them so WA moved on to the next round by default
>Up against a separate Fate entry and lose AGAIN

Attached: Took.jpg (780x796, 95K)

I remeber it was because Shiro acted like a retard and the game gave you a bad end if you tried to avoid being retarded. So business as usual.

Damn, they have good chemistry together.

gamecreator is forever a hero for releasing that patch then

all hail the true fate fantransl hero

No, she's the daughter figure he lost and he's the father figure she always wanted.

Poll-bases. What the absolute fuck autocorrect?

They were absolute shit.

>Aeon Genesis
Jesus Christ, he's still going.

Please explain, this sounds good.

What a dumb looking dagger

I know, the amount of seething on Yea Forums sustained me.

>constantly told that the HGW is serious shit and you should be cautious and leave the fighting to your magical sword girl Pokemon
>every time you do this you get a bad end
Haha, fuck the Fate route.

Can't remember the translator's name but basically he had this competition where people voted on his next project but he kept disqualifying Fate projects because they kept winning every match by staggering amounts.

Attached: king arthur.jpg (625x663, 90K)

Okay but WHO is she? I have no clue what the fuck shes from and I've been her forever.

That doesn't make any sense.

fate route is teaching you that woman shouldn't fight
pretty good lesson if you ask me

6 months isn't forever, retard

Hollow Ataraxia also gives her some dignified moments.

She's from Fate/Stay Night, a hit pornographic visual novel from 2004 that turned into a monolithic franchise of monstrous proportions.

Attached: Saber's Hometown.png (800x599, 161K)

There's a reason we are telling you fan translators are autistic.

Try 7 years faggot, sorry I don't know your generic waifu.

>Try 7 years faggot, sorry I don't know your generic waifu.

Wow a retard AND a newfag.

Saber threads are posted regularly and only your own stupidity could prevent that knowledge from sinking in. Hell a search on any of the archives for "Japanese King Arthur" would tell you all you need to know.

>Try 7 years faggot, sorry I don't know your generic waifu.
user, in weeb terms that's like saying you don't know the Powerpuff Girls. There's absolutely no excuse.

fuck me, what a bunch of shitters

>Saber threads are posted regularly
Not on Yea Forums
>Hell a search on any of the archives for "Japanese King Arthur" would tell you all you need to know.
>Just know this shit you wouldn't know and search for it.

I'm not a weeb, I don't know shit about anime.

>Try 7 years faggot
I find it hard to believe that you don't know Saber or Fate if you spent 7 years here.

>Not on Yea Forums
Literally daily for fourteen years, do not kid yourself.

When are they going to remake FSN with bonus routes for Caster, Rider, and Illya?

I don't follow weeb shit, I just recognize her from Darksouls builds. Why would I bother going into any threads about her?
News to me


>Not on Yea Forums King Arthur/type/op


>No Taiga

Right after Tsukihime's remake.

Oh its that gacha shit I see
So its not actually about Saber
Don't you have a general you belong to?

She's from a shitty porn game. The latest entry is a gatcha. The entire franchise is low-IQ irredeemable trash and should be treated as such.


Cope, not everyone knows your shitty waifu user. She isn't a household name.

stop posting pictures of my son

Would you eat Kirei's mapo tofu?

Attached: 1558593592253.jpg (500x750, 73K)

>Oh its that gacha shit I see
It's not.

>Literally Ciel but male

Why is he so much more likable?

An actual personality.

You are actually a retard. F/SN, the source material has been around since 2004 and is literally babies first VN. if you actually have been around for 7 years you would have at least heard of her/it. Fuck off.

It is though. F/GO brought popularity to a dead porn series.

>literally babies first VN
Doki Doki is babies first VN

You fucking wish. Fate was always popular in japan, F/GO turned that into a gigantic hit.

This was babie’s first VN before that, your new is showing.

She will be.

Attached: 1541384164193.png (1280x720, 495K)

No, that's foetus's first VN

>literally babies first VN.
Sorry user, I'm here to talk about games, not books.
>if you actually have been around for 7 years you would have at least heard of her/it
its amazing what you miss when you don't care about it and never interact with it.

Attached: 1514755258026.jpg (377x567, 15K)

>brought popularity
more like increased
I thought it was Katawa Shoujo

>implying Fate wasn't popular to begin with
>implying it was dead when it recently had a few well known anime adaptations while also producing another movie adaptation
FGO did increase its popularity sure, but it was defiantly not dead or literal who tier

Jesus, can you understand basic logic? It was babby's first before Doki Doki.

Attached: 1564957482121.png (188x253, 79K)

You know what, that’s fair. I find it difficult to believe that you don’t remember seeing it before, but I’m sure if you didn’t give a shit about it you probably wouldn’t remember it. Anyways sorry for calling you a retard.

>This was babie’s first VN before that
No, before Doki Doki was Katawa Shoujo.

What would they actually be about though? Shirou's character arc is already finished within the first 3 routes, there's nothing else really to explore there. Something like Tsukihime you could add more routes because it's mostly just a story about the heroines but F/SN is about Shirou and the grail war, both of which have been fully explored pretty much. You'd need a new "set" of routes, like how you have near side and far side in Tsuki, but what would this new set be about? How can you still have Shirou as the protagonist for these routes? Shirou isn't a passive MC like Shiki and if you were to turn him into one for the sake of the story it would just feel wrong
Good point

Either baiting or a retard. Katawa Shoujo was released in 2012 and was the babies first VN then. Before that was this, and was considered so for awhile. Goddamn

Before Katawa Shoujo was Clannad thanks to the after story anime. Fate has always been literally what tier.

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Shit, sorry about being a sperg too. Maybe I'll check it out some time

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I fucking love her so damn much, I want to marry her

>Fate thread
>Minimal amounts of FGO niggery
Good job Yea Forums. I'm proud of you.

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caren is best girl and needs the most vicious and satisfying of anal rapes

You just gotta actually talk about the VN to deter them.

FGO fags don't even know who Caren is.

F/GO is the only good thing to happen to Fate beside Prisma

fuck off cancer

Kay, in like 2 minutes when the thread dies.

Before this thread died I just want to say...



i too wish to give akiha the analing she deserves

Last for Nobu!

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Tiger dojo ftw!