Remember when consoles were way ahead of computer games?

Remember when consoles were way ahead of computer games?

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Every worthwhile PC game is a console port

It ended between the N64/PS1 era and Gamecube/PS2/Xbox era.
PC games started picking up steam. Ya'll don't remember jack shit.

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>PC games started picking up steam.
I thought it was the other way

Are you talking about technology, or catalog? If it's the former, yes, but that wasn't the case anymore in sixth gen.

Consoles started picking up too but by GC/PS2/Xbox both consoles and PC only accelerated. That's when the lines were blurred.
Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 was when PC caught up.

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LOL no.

i really want to make some wordplay here about Steam but i'm dumb

>PC games started picking up steam
By which you mean popular with normal fags. PC games existed long before that, and were more technologically superior. You're just extremely limited and ignorant.

Steam started picking up PC games

>PC games existed long before that, and were more technologically superior.
Compare console games from the 80s and early 90s to PC games of that era, console games were infinitely better with the exception of Doom and it's clones.

Is this nigger serious?

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>PC games existed long before that
No shit. Around N64/PS1 you still had the sale section at Best Buy and Office Max with shit loads of CD's. Roller Coaster Tycoon was my shit.
>and were more technologically superior
Gameplay they were awesome. Technologically no not really.
>You're just extremely limited and ignorant.
Your asshole must be gaping wide open cause you sound like someone who pulls a lot of shit out of there.

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95% of people here are roughly 13-16 years old and unironically like the PC Master race meme. Not going to find many people who were around/sentient during the early 2000 or before.

I remember when people didn’t care about pc vs consoles and just talked about playing video games.

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Yes, but shit was expensive as fuck, both the console and the games.

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No sir. This is a fallacy born from idiots who suck pixels dick. Compare King's Quest 5 on NES to the PC version. Or Ultima (any with console ports). Or...well really any time a game was released on both. The gap is huge. From sound to graphics to content. And it never favors console. The ONE thing consoles did better was scrolling platformers and that went away when Carmack got his hands dirty. That's his biggest contribution despite revisionist history. He closed the only gap between PC and console.

Now you can make arguments about best games. But look at Ultima Underworld and find any console games that even came close. It didn't happen for over a decade. Or Unreal. Consoles had one or two genres they excelled at but it wasn't a gap in tech. It was developer skill. When FF6 was being (rightfully) praised PC had already had dozens of RPGs with better graphics, bigger worlds, and more more content. When Goldeneye was taking consoles by storm PC had already been through two significant eras of shooters. PC was enjoying lush cartoon graphics with Curse of Monkey Island when consoles were flat polygons at under 30 fps.

I love consoles and always have but you need to be honest about limitations.

>The ONE thing consoles did better was scrolling platformers and that went away when Carmack got his hands dirty.
Don't tell me you actually think Keen is in any way comparable to console platformers.
>Compare King's Quest 5 on NES to the PC version. Or Ultima (any with console ports).
Why not compare good games instead?

How old are you Noddy?

>any time a game was released on both
*blocks you're path*

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That was only arguably true before the 90s.

PC versions of platformers and fighting games were always shit.

All of these plebs that could only afford yellow monitors and yellow keyboards in denial.

that was never a thing

Higher resolution on PC, better colour pallet, higher quality audio.

Try again.

>Wii/PS3/Xbox 360 was when PC caught up.
PCs don't really utilize waggle controls to this day desu.
Its likely they will never catch up

>Remember when consoles were way ahead of computer games?
So, 1989?

32 zoom zoom.
Such a based trailer

You don't like it when people defend and brag about having games that are exclusive to their console? Does sucking Sony's/Microsoft's/Nintendo's dick not appeal to you? Whats wrong with you?


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dont forget this time

>Remember when consoles were way ahead of computer games?
Yes. But only certain genres. The NES was optimized for arcade-style games, and got really popular so had a lot of great big-budget games. Meanwhile, computer games had RPGs, simulations, and other more text-oriented genres.

The computer/console dichotomy slowly began converging, but still evolved separately, with arcade-style genres such as Fighting Games appearing on console with first-person 3D games and RTS really getting traction on PC in the early-mid 90s.

i miss early 2000's pc gaming
i could never get into RTS but i liked the genre anyways

>The ONE thing consoles did better was scrolling platformers and that went away when Carmack got his hands dirty
I agree with the general thrust of your post but this is just complete bullshit. Console games did "sprites on scrolling background" games better and that's the kind of game most people really wanted to play. And even by the time PCs were technically capable of coming close to consoles technically, you still had issues with hardware standardization and such. A platform game on the SNES would be designed for the SNES control pad which is, to this day, still one one of the best control pads to use for a 2D platform game. PC had the keyboard or fucking microsoft sidewinder or some shit from radio shack, maybe?

Sure, on PC you could play incredible games like Master of Magic, not available on console. But let's not be retards and pretend like consoles weren't obviously superior for incredibly popular games like Street Fighter 2 and Super Mario World.

It used to be arcade > console > PC.

Now it's reversed.

Like when you couldn't even do smooth scrolling PC, so up until md/snes?