Playing this in VR is fun. It looks like shit from orbit using a PSVR+Base PS4 but it's beautiful once you're landed...

Playing this in VR is fun. It looks like shit from orbit using a PSVR+Base PS4 but it's beautiful once you're landed. There were some eventual crashes and bugs related to the new social hub but nothing that detracted from the experience.

It's got amazing VR implementation too. All menus are holograms that pop out of your suit, flying is done by manually handling the throttle and flight stick, etc. Even with the objective garbage that are PS Move controllers it was fun and responsive.

Anybody else been trying it out? How has your experience been? I read that some PC owners were complaining that you cannot use traditional controls on VR on PC, while on PS4 you can swap between Moves and DS4 without hassle.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Would fighting other ships be difficult in vr?
I want to be a space pirate.

Looking forward to checking it out on steam after the hotfix. The patch notes imply they fixed wmr crashing

Stop shilling your scam game.

I did some dogfighting in VR yesterday. My first thought was "I wish I was holding a controller right now" but perhaps I didn't get the hang of it yet. I mean, my brain thought I was holding a flight stick when, in reality, I was holding a virtual hand holding a flight stick.

I made a video of that to turn into a webm later.

The Nexus was crashing but the issue is 100% avoidable by turning off multiplayer on settings.

The way it works is that, in the Nexus, you can see other players and interact with them. Party up and go eo stuff together.

>PC owners were complaining that you cannot use traditional controls on VR on PC, while on PS4 you can swap between Moves and DS4 without hassle.
Most PC owners can't even get it running with reasonable fps even in non VR mode right now, Let alone VR.

How the fuck is anyone playing this on PC since the patch? The game runs like shit and crashes constantly for me (not in VR mode btw).

It sucks on PC. Runs like shit and looks like shit in VR.

Have you played it since the 37 Meg patch?

I've been loving it for VR, I just wish I wasnt a pussy and could handle more than an hour or two of VR at a time.

This game is the most annoying and frustrating game i've EVER played. My first objective was to investigate some robot on a fucking RADIATED planet with intense radiation storms, aggressive fauna and plants and sentinels. It was literally impossible to get resources for my Launch Jets without dying.

Then i made a new game and 70% of the game is refilling life support, hazard support, mining ammo, launch fuel etc and you're always out of some resource.. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING GAME.

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I havent had any issues at all, even before this mornings patch.

I think there's some weird shit going on with certain hardwares.

I'm on a 2070 but ive seen people on 1080s and 2080s with troubles.


Yeah, I just bought it and like the game overall but performance is horrid.

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Yeah, it still crashes a lot. And it's still full of other bugs that make it pointless to even play right now.

Here's some PSVR on PS4 Slim scrnshots, while I'm putting out that webm.

Attached: No Man's Sky_20190814112033.jpg (960x720, 140K)

Here we go.

Attached: No Man's Sky_20190814233112.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

How the fuck does it look and run better on PS4 than gaming PCs?

Either stock pile a shit ton of launch fuel or find a planet that has uranium mines so you can stock pile that instead, everything else becomes easier when you can just fly around everywhere

You can turn down the flight sensitivity.

Sony has quality assurance procedures. Specially so for PSVR, in which case games that run below 60 are not allowed to be published. Even occasional dips cause it to fail QA.

That's wasn't quite the problem. It's different to hold a flight stick that's not actually attached to anything.

Attached: No Man's Sky_20190814185759.jpg (960x720, 127K)

well shit, I'm on a 1080 but want to try it out for the vr

can someone tell me why the fuck claiming an abandoned crashed ship and "adding it to my collection" prevents me from using my old ship next to it??
Am I missing something here? Can you only fucking trade ships in this game, even when literally nobody owns said ship??

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over, I could play No Man's Sky just fine without it.

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There's something about the VR in this one that is clicking for me. Like I spent the better part of 40 minutes last night just shooting meteorites, just to mine Silver, Gold, and Platinum. 40 minutes of the dullest thing ever, but when I was in that cockpit.. felt really cool.

I also find myself waving to aliens and catching myself on how stupid that fucking is. I kinda want to get a pair of Move Controllers now, cause while playing with the controller is fine, I can see how it'd be really cool handling it with those two.

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Space is comfy as fuck. If only it had EVE Online OST.

It's on sale on steam, is it worth it?

Whats the most commonly used VR set used for shit like this and VR chat? Its about time I get in on this.

>EVE Online OST
My nigga
Honestly one of my favorite soundtracks of all time.

should I even try this on my i5 with 4 threads?

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I spawn in and die to rads before learning how to avoid rads

someone know what I'm suppose to do ?

Quickly find Sodium Nitrate Na+, small yellow glowing flowers. Add them to the suit.

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It doesn't crash when I play on the lowest settings but crashes every 5 minutes when I play on ultra even after the "experimental patch" that's supposed to fix crashes

I have a 2500K at 4.3ghz and it works fine, you have to change somethings in the files so it uses all the cores though
NumLowThreads set to 1 and NumHighThreads set to 4 in TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS

>it works fine
in VR?


I tried this and saw no change. In space it's fine, once on planet fp drops into the floor and stutters all over. Ryzen 7 2700X

try using 8 in high

also found this, he has the same CPU
some people even said 0/0 fixed their stuttering, idk just try different things

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I'm thinking of trying it out.
Do you have to buy anything other than the base game? I ain't paying more than 20 bucks for this shit

so what's the formula?
I have a ryzen 5 1600 which has 6 cores and 12 threads

>Wagecucking the game

Play on normal mode then fuck boy.

Aren't all Space Sims though?



The game is still crash city.

>try to board your ship
randomly chance of crashing
>jetpacking inside space stations
guess what? You might crash too

Shit's more prone to crash than old skyrim with 200 mods.

I'm playing on the pro and my game looks more blurred than your screenshot
is your game blurry when you're playing too or are my settings somehow fucked?


sounds like your race

not for me, guess you have a shit pc

Right on the money, chicks love it.

>Tfw i bought the game for 30 burgers
I have 3 hours logged and i bought the game a year ago, the new update broke the game for my pc and i can't run it anymore. Do you think i'll get a nice customer service rep that lets me refund it? I already put in the request. I feel like this is my best shot of getting my wagie funny money back

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So, it it worth 20 doubloons now?

No, all the updates are free and have always been free.

I tried 0/0 and it completely fixed the stuttering for me, thanks user

Look up comparisons, it's blurry most of the time. Keep in mind, the screenshot function on PSVR isn't so hot, it never looks as good as in-helmet.

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if minecraft in space with technology sounds like fun to you, then yes
it's kind of a niche game but it's very relaxing

I'm playing on High in VR with 8700k+1070 with zero issues or drops.

How the fuck do I unlock the exocraft

How intricate bases can you build? Can I make some bigass colony?

yeah I just did some digging online, apparently they haven't made a pro specific version of beyond yet so it runs at the same quality as the base ps4
hoping that changes soon, the menus and gameplay are both so much better in VR but I can't really see shit

no one really knows
try 0/0 like the other user

now imagine if you actually had a non meme vr headset

I tried 12/6, 0/0, 3/6, and I can't remember if I tried more, but doesn't change anything

I know my toaster can't run vr but maybe I'll buy a ps vr to try it out.

honestly I'm not sure because when I played a year ago base building was still a bit borked
I do know they've added local teleporters designed to travel between locations in the same base so large bases must be possible but I've never built nor seen one

Actually looks way better than I was expecting.
Bad graphics can be more than made up for if the rest of the game works well in VR.
That's one of the biggest strengths of VR, I've always felt; you've got more than just graphics as an axis of immersion. So long as it feels like you're "there", in the universe, it's perfectly fine if it's not 100%

You have to do the questline for base building to the end.

Apparently the PRO is slightly better but not enough to make noticeable difference.

You could, but it's fun.

Wipeout Omega Collection is a fucking fantastic game without VR. With VR it's one of my favourite games of all time.

Still a shitty dull and pointless walking sim.

>Fauna: 11/12 discovered

Everytime I dock at the Space Anomaly, my game crashes (every single time) 4 save games, the same result and that power management BS has killed base building for me..

0 must equal 100%

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>VR players can punch people to death on the Nexus if they don't have multiplayer damage disabled

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I don't know, I tried searching on google but can't find anything for the ryzen 1600

>people being mad over PSVR again

I will be kekking really hard 3 years from now when PSVR1 and 2 combined will have 80% of the VR market, while PC VR owners will still trying to refund their broken knuckle controllers that they bought for $300.

"Sony killed the VR dream", they will say.

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You can get a decent WMR headset for ~$200, and that'll work for you perfectly fine
The gold standards are still the Oculus and Vive and those are 500+

>some fucking rare as shit mosquito sized fuck or a teensy fish that only lives in the invisible dimension

thanks for the help user
I'll keep trying different stuff

How does this game work with the PS Move controllers? How does general navigation work without analog sticks?

it's funny, PSVR is the only affordable and the most accessible yet it makes VRfags irrationally angry

i can't imagine paying $800 for a PC headset and having barely any games to show for it

PSVR is unironically the best option for VR right now, based entirely on bang for buck.

When I can get a Vive for 200, then we can talk, but as long as the average consumer can *actually afford* a PSVR, it will always be on top

Oculus Rift S is actually like $400 plus tax. One cord, no stations thanks to inside-out tracking, controllers included. I hear that some people have some real troubles with it not properly powering on or some shit a while back, but it's probably the best bang for your buck for getting into VR if you don't mind buying a headset for the price of a new console. Vive Pro isn't really worth the excessive price at all, and the Index has some kinks to iron out but is the top tier of usability and play right now but at a steep price if you're buying the full set.

>big market % means it's not outdated tech
I'm literally seething right now m8

there's either shitty point and teleport movement or movement where you push a button and you walk in the direction that your left controller is pointing and you use X and O on your right controller to turn
the movement takes a bit to get used to but once you learn it it feels pretty good

Index is the top of the line right now but those are $1000 unless you already have parts of it.

Oculus and Vive are the middle range most people still use. Below that are stuff like Windows Mixed Reality and other less-known ones, sometimes going for $200 at the lowest.


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>Turn on AA
>Blurry as fuck
>Turn off AA
>Jaggy as fuck


This game makes me really hunger for a proper high res VR headset.

It uses the same movement as Skyrim. You move forward by pressing the big central Move button, it goes in the direction you're pointing. So instead of moving your thumb, you move your wrist. It takes a while to get used to but it's the scheme all PSVR games use, mostly.

The thing about PS Moves being inferior is that they can't be tracked when your back is facing the camera(your body is in front). Otherwise it's a perfectly good controller, which is amazing for PS3 tech that's a decade old.

It always makes me laugh seeing people compare PSVR and PC graphics. A PS4+PSVR combo costs less than GPU needed to power those PCs, let alone every other component and the headset itself. I've yet to see a game run considerably better to be worth paying 4 times the cost.

What matters is getting VR into the hands of people. I could go on about Sony PSVR exclusives but that would be unfair.

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>decide to try the game after the new update
>crash when I interact with the ship on the first planet
Fuck this shit.

I just got a pair of PS Move controllers yesterday for NMS after dragging my feet for the last year or so
any recommendations on PSVR games that take full advantage of them? I already know about Moss and Astrobot

>What matters is getting VR into the hands of people
Are you a sony employee or some kind of vr ambassador lmao? The only thing that matters is my experience, and PSVR provides the inferior version.

My rift was 350$. They put it on sale almost every month.
>No games
Stop this meme. Playing doom3 VR and Talos principle VR and Skyrim VR modded right now. Hours and hours of content.

What have you played already? I use mine mostly for Skyrim but I had fun with a few shorter games like Downward Spiral.

If adoption is low then we don't get games at all.

Okay but in your opinion which is the most comfortable one in terms of like padding, weight, etc? Thats most important if im going to be using it a lot.

Is it finally worth playing? I pirated it when it came out and I still felt ripped off.

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At its core it's still the same idea: a survival game on a galactic scale of proc-gen planets. But they added a story, streamlined the more stupid shit, revamped the UI, added in more overall content, multiplayer (even if not like, MMO multiplayer obviously) and other stuff. If you liked the base of the game but weren't impressed by the content then these are free updates for it and all, but if you didn't like the base of the game it may still not be your cup of tea. There is a Creative mode for more leisurely play, mind you, and the game's in a far better state than at launch.

You can find information about weight online somewhere but I don't think it matter much, small differences. I believe PSVR has the best attachment-to-head system although I've read some people say they personally did not like it. I think the best way would be to go to a VR arcade and try them out yourself. I know that Sony licensed the design for 3rd party PC VR manufacturers.

I know that the black plastic curtain(the entire piece that's touching your face) on PSVR is detachable for easy washing, no idea if that's a stand on PC VRs.

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I just wanted elite dangerous to have psvr support so I can buy and use the hotas 4 flight stick for max immersion. But itll probably never happen due to the 60fps minimum rule. Söy mans sky looks fun but a bit too cartoonish for my taste, but it may have to suffice, too poor for a decent rig and VR setup

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Doom VFR and Thumper, I'd play Skyrim but I don't think I could stomach vanilla Skyrim even in VR

In my personal opinion, the PSVR is far and away the most comfortable, it's not even close.

As a trade-off, it doesn't feel like a *solid piece of tech* like some other headsets do, but because of that, it's very light, it doesn't feel like you're strapping a toaster to your face, and the strap system is ingenious and every headset needs to adopt something like it.

Your starting planet is always a hellhole like that

>If you liked the base of the game but weren't impressed by the content
I'll give it a try, thanks for the detailed answer user

>Elite Dangerous
One of my biggest gaming ambitions right now is to have a PC and VR headset capable of running that game at max settings in VR. As someone who very rarely has thousands of dollars to kick around at a time, it's been slow going. I'm almost there, I just need a decent and cheap enough headset, and a better graphics card! One day, bro!

The VR is great and you can tell they put a lot of work into it but man is it glitchy. My multi-tool broke several times when I was holstering it, other key bugs made me have to reload my saves, and I'm pretty sure The Nexus corrupted my first save. I flew back into it while a dialog was playing, it crashed my game, then parts of it refused to load and I'd fall through the floor. I couldn't even undock my ship because as soon as I left The Nexus the game would think I'm not in my ship anymore and I'd die instantly from what I assume is suffocation.
That said I still played for eight hours straight without realizing where the time went, so I'll give it that.Just hope they fix the bugs.

Fuck off, shitposter.

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Werks on my machine

Dumb question but can the PSVR work on PC games too?

It's difficult to imagine that any VR game would opt out of PS4 when it has over 50% of all VR headsets sold. If it doesn't happen now it ill happen on the PS5. Sony already comfirmed that old PSVRs will be forward compatible.

I grew up playing Skyrim on my OG Xbox, I certainly do not mind console versions of Elder Scrolls games. I can see why people would be put off. Apparently the PS4Pro enhancement in Skyrim are very impressive but I wouldn't know much about that.

It certainly feels less sturdy and that's why people call it a "Fisher Price toy". That said, the design and construction are top notch. My only complaint is that it's not a very serviceable device. God help you if the cable tears.

All around issue, specially on PC. Sign up to beta updates on Steam to get the latest patches or sit tight for a day or two. On PS4 all I had were crashes on Nexus, but no save corruption.

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Same here. As soon as I get a headset and some flight pedals my life is over. I'd lose so many days just flying around. E:D is the perfect game for seated VR.

There are 3rd party projects to interface PSVR and PC and it's functioning tech already, so yes. Requires quite a bit of tinkering around AND you'll have to set up conventional webcams for tracking, but it works. Would not recommend unless you actually use it on a PS4 as well.

Open source tech wizards are amazing, I've seen them do crazy stuff like use smartphones to simulate VR controllers and pingpong balls with lights inside to simulate PS Move controllers.

the piloting is quite awful and would rather just use my controllers at this point, but aside from that and my headset having the occasional visual stuttering it's pretty cool. did they add different biomes on planets? I was in this nice area in pic related and then I climbed up some mountains and it started snowing and the terrain changed

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I've read about that, apparently it's a new feature that's hard to find.

>willfully eats shit from game studios
>doesn't care about being lied to constantly
>buys the same scam game TWICE
absolute state of this board.

all of the updates are free

The updates are free. The game got better. Thats all there is to it. You can be upset that they had a shitty launch, but only a fool would then deny an improved game.

>I grew up playing Skyrim

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I meant to write Morrowind. Hell I did not even have the version with the DLCs included but I played the fuck out of vanilla Morrowind on console.

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Are there any good VR demonstrations out there? Not videos of people letting their grandma ride rollercoasters and shit.

please help

Dog fighting in this game is horrible it becomes stay in one spot as u aim pathetic just copy paste crimson sky gameplay

All of the updates are shit.

It's still nowhere close to the original trailers.
It's a base building game now which is exactly the opposite of what they said the game would be like.

you can probably go on twitch right now and watch people play this in vr, with webcams and shit

Everything in that trailer you can do ingame.

Is the game actually good now? Surely its still an aimless wasteland of doing nothing but landing, looking around and taking off still because that was the core gameplay?

No, the world looks like complete shit compared to the trailers.

a bit less shit but still shit
not worth a buy
maybe give it a pirate