I own a Switch, but for 2019, this is unacceptable.
Behold the power of the Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
winnie the pooh
>Take Screenshot from handheld mode
>Stretch it
Here come the excuses
>"Here we can see the processing power of the Nintendo Switch™"
Are you implying this looks bad?
Wow, Bloodborne looks like THAT?
>that haircut
these screenshots being uploaded on here are clearly handheld shots. then you guys stretch it to make it look worse. sony fags
Are you fucking blind? Art style wise it's good, but the textures and aliasing is horrible.
Courtesy of Kotaku, but look here it's 720p, how is that stretched?
>Thread about previews gets pruned
>Console war faggotry by snoys are allowed
What the fuck?
U r a faget
>Handheld mode
Games like this and Xenoblade 2 aren't designed to be played in handheld mode. Handheld mode is for simpler games like animal crossing and Pokemon.
Atleast AC is 720p when handheld, also keep in mind the size of the screen and the fact you don't glue your eyeballs to the screen when playing handheld, it was the same when it came to the 3DS.
Fuck, I really dodged a bullet not buying the Switch, It is literally the Wii U all over again.
I don’t own a Switch but I still envy the Nintendo friends. I mean while we get all these polished turd games they have those fun, made with Japanese passion games which I find amazing. Mindless grafix fags ruined most the industry with their inane bragging about resolution, FPS etc.
Yeah I'm just saying, why would you ever play this game in handheld. Handheld is for relaxing games you can play in short bursts. That's what's nice about the switch is you can have the handheld style games and have games designed for a traditional console experience. Shitposters like to cherry pick docked to compare graphics to other consoles and cherry pick handheld to shit on games that push the hardware. Platinum is not designing this game assuming people will play it in handheld.
t.seething nintenyear old
We need a new switch with better hardware, fug.
>Sub 25 fps
>Motion blur
Its a good game but fuck off with that kind of shit.
which atari jaguar game is this?
I don't care. If it's fun, it's fun.
I own and enjoy both. Playstation has some phenomenal niche jap games
>Ni No Kuni
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Kingdom Hearts
>Devil May Cry
>Super Robot Wars
isn't the whole gimmick of the switch supposed to be that you can transition seamlessly between docked and handheld?
the fact that several games are borderline unplayable in handheld mode just further cements the switch as a piece of shit. the technology simply isn't there yet for what nintendo was trying to do.
Literally every last one of those besides Persona is available on another system
Including the switch.
>available on another system
congrats, you just described almost all of the switch library.
You think they also want you playing on roof tops and skate parks too? The "gimmick" of the switch is that it can get modern console games and simpler handheld games on the same system so you spend $300 on a Nintendo console instead of $500 on two.
I too enjoy playing mario maker and Tropical freeze on my PS4
>inb4 but everyone bought a Wiiu!!!!!
It's ok when Nintendo does it.
>because it's on another system, it doesn't count!
All of the Kingdom Hearts games are on playstation. Nintendo has 3 of them, and they arent mainline numbered entries. Also multiplats run like absolute ass on switch. Why would you subject yourself to such a terrible experience?
>Yeah I'm just saying, why would you ever play this game in handheld.
because that's the main selling point of the switch: the ability to take home-console games on the go. this is what switch owners use to justify begging for ports of every game ever. but when the games inevitably get held back by the switch's ancient nvidia shield hardware, then the narrative changes to "why would you ever play [insert game here] in handheld mode?"
>That's what's nice about the switch is you can have the handheld style games and have games designed for a traditional console experience.
unfortunately, the switch doesn't have much of those handheld-style games unless you count indie shit, which just isn't the same.
Spread across three different systems, sure.
>this is unacceptable.
Obviously not since you stupid fucking mongoloids bought a glorified tablet
Yes because its for porn and lewd aesthetics and not for tranny brownie points.
>snoyfags can't even keep to one COPING thread
>real threads with actuasl discussion gets deleted
LOL, why do people try to deny this place is snoygaf?
>mario maker
also on wii u, pc and 3ds, without the paywall.
>tropical freeze
also on wii u and pc.
Oh previews are out? Thanks for the heads up. Gonna drop a sage in this thread and go read some.
nobody bought a wiiu, so it doesnt count
PC is not a platform, its an emulator
I don't know what the people who make these threads want Nintendo to do. Do you want them to FORCE companies to design for handheld? All that does is stifle developer creativity. If they want to design their game to be played docked, isn't that fine? Just don't buy it if you only play handheld.
>Nintendo has 3 of them, and they arent mainline numbered entries
All of them were mainline. Try playing III before Dream Drop Distance and come back to me.
>muh performance
Would it kill Nintendo to just make a proper home console for once? Get better performance, graphics, stability, and connection. I enjoy the games but my eyes are bleeding in stuff like three houses with the choppy frames and shitty aliasing.
>unfortunately, the switch doesn't have much of those handheld-style games
What? Pokemon, animal crossing and fire emblem are their biggest handheld franchises and will all be on the switch by next March.
>nobody bought a wiiu, so it doesnt count
the wii u existed, some people bought it, it was shilled every day on Yea Forums until the switch came out. it counts.
>PC is not a platform
based retard.
heard its kinda spoilery though, so its advised to avoid them.
imagine emulation of this shit with better anti aliasing
Nothing to what about, he said it doesn't have much, and he's right. You listed only three games, two of which aren't out yet, one of which only just released, and the system has been out for two and a half years.
LOL, snoyfags literally turned into retarded cucks.
Can you get any more pathetic?
>Why doesn't Nintendo just make a computer in a box like Sony and Microsoft
Maybe because their handhelds always sell more than their consoles, literally every single time?
>t was shilled every day on Yea Forums until the switch came out. it counts.
no, it was declared dead and nogames until the switch came out
and no, PC is not a platform, because3 mariomaker is NOT for PC. Its run through an emulator
>All that does is stifle developer creativity.
The Switch itself does that with its abyssmal hardware. Any developer has to go through rigorous optimization or the game will end up like OP's pic or FE:3H. This isn't handheld only, as proven by FE:3H.
>mario maker
bitch CEMU doesn't have online play, without it Mario Maker is fucking useless
i want to lick aura's 70 year old cunny
Even mods can't cope the big game drought while switch gets all the amazing exclusives anymore.
What games from the 3ds library aren't released or planned for the switch right now? All I can think of is paper Mario which is more of a home console game since 3/4 were on consoles.
The last time they made an actual console was the GameCube. They need to try again.
They want the mobile market which is fair. Just a few years ago it would have been impossible for them to dominate the home console market thanks to Snoy.
Rather I wish they'd waited with the Switch another year, maybe even two for the next gen of the architecture they used at the time.
Thats the deal with all console devs.
>Kingdom hearts
>Devil may cry
>Valkyria chronicles
>Super robot wars
Also on switch
Looks worse than fucking Freedom Wars
To interject here, I cannot play FE:3H in handheld mode. The UI is already abyssmal, but that aside the text is way too tiny.
GameCube sales: 22 million
GBA sales: 81 milliom
Wow switch this is unnacatable1
I’d rather have cute and funny threads
Can emulate demon's souls on pc
See how retarded you sound?
is having fun unacceptable user?
This entire thread and no one mentions WHAT GAME it is.
nu-pokemon is garbage, fire emblem is trying to copy home-console jrpgs like persona 5 now, and animal crossing isn't out yet. in all fairness, rune factory 4 special is also coming later this year and i'm looking forward to it.
the switch library is missing games like fantasy life, miitopia, ever oasis, etrian odyssey, the pokemon spinoffs (besides pokken), rocket slime, knights in the nightmare, contact, ghost trick, etc.
And yet you still have more lenience with the other two consoles. I'm a fucking idort, so I don't care either way, but fuck do I hate the Switch for being so dumbly underpowered.
Just tap the home button twice and zoom in retard.
use the ZOOM function user, double press the home button.
if it doesnt work then that means you have it turned off, look for it in the console settings.
And it's 30 FPS with drops.
They gave up on that a long time ago.
It's Astral Chain, and ugly graphics, sure, but people seem way angrier that it's 30 fps with drops instead of the usual Platinum 60.
I just hate that they can't do a lot of their games justice on the weak mobile hardware. botw is great with emulation and I imagine splatoon would be too
Oh what you meant by handheld games were a bunch of niche games no one cares about. In fact the switch is getting tons of niche jap games.
>"see? this new Nintendo game looks like trash"
We have reached the point where nintendo fanboys go "Of course the game has to look abysmal in 900p and 720p!" instead of being bummed out how the Switch's hardware is.
>And yet you still have more lenience with the other two consoles
Not really
Consolecuck stockholm syndrome is a truly horrendous thing to witness.
>he usual Platinum 20-40
When will I be able to play Bayo on not shit hardware god damn
I hope Astral Chain is fun despite its shitty graphics and 30fps
We aren't talking about Bloodborne user.
Doesn't seem like it.
In Digital Foundry, it dropped 2 frames over five minutes.
Persona is on the PS3 as well, its not PS4 exclusive.
I have the majority of these on my PC or an older console, ports and remakes are just about all the PS4 has, which is pretty shit if you aren't 12 and have bought games before.
Splatoon actually looks really beautiful on the switch. BotW isn't a good example because it was designed for the Wii u so it doesn't take advantage of the docked hardware advantage.
>Choppy 30 fps
A please tell me you are joking I was fucking looking forward to this game
Bayo1 is on PC, dude.
>It's Astral Chain, and ugly graphics, sure, but people seem way angrier that it's 30 fps with drops instead of the usual Platinum 60.
I want to highlight the fact that Fire Emblem Three Houses looked similar to Astral Chain and dipped into low 20's in later missions when a lot of units where on the same screen.
Let's hope AC's drops are very rare and few inbetween.
This doesn't just look like it's lacking AA, but it looks like it's running at a LOT less than 720p internally, which is why the jaggies are horrible
You cant deny that the production value for kh2 and 3, and arguably 1 since it was the first one, was significantly higher than even DDD. KH has always been known as a big-budget Playstation franchise for a reason. And remember, KH3 was on every console except Switch.
If you want to play DOOM at 480p, 30fps with drops, go ahead. But that shouldn't even be a bargaining chip for the Switch's worth. Again, I love my switch for its stellar first-party games and indies. But only the most brainwashed tendie would buy anything else for it.
I didn't buy the Switch because I wanted crazy hardware, I wanted exclusive games.
The only thing about the Switch that actually bothers me is the battery life, I couldn't give less of a fuck about the graphics. If I want games that look pretty I'll put the switch down and fire up my PC, what kind of literal faggot buys consoles for the power of their hardware and graphics? If thats your top priority you should be getting a computer.
It probably is.
Xenoblade 2 can drop down to 240p in handheld mode for example.
This probably has dynamic resolution as well.
I'll be waiting for Yuzu to run this in 4K/60
have you been living under a rock? that's what handheld-style games are (except for pokemon and bing bing wahoo): niche titles.
>And remember, KH3 was on every console except Switch.
Yea because KH3 was in development before the PS4 was even released. 5 years of development, and you expect them to shit out a Switch version?
A lot of switch games use dynamic resolutions. OP is probably spinning the camera around or running into large locations and taking screenshots while the game is trying to catch up. If you spin the camera rapidly and run in games like BotW or Mario you can see the same thing. The world will take a second to pop back to normal resolution once you stop fucking around
I'm assuming this is undocked
I hate it too. The Switch is a nightmare to develop games for as a mediocre studio and you see it with recent third-party releases.
Worst part about this is that this is what we're stuck with for at least 5 or so years. That's what really hurts.
Bruh have you never used a vita nor 3DS?
Compared to those garbage fires I can handle HD 720p
Besides everything looks the same now a days
Maybe on the vita you stupid faggot. The 3ds and DS had plenty of mid level titles. The DS even had a fucking GTA game.
Indeed, BB does not have any drops.
Handhelds are and always have been the home of the AA gems. Nintendo handhelds in particular have basically always just been "That console from two gens ago but portable now", so one of the really nice things has been that their handhelds tend to get older style games rather than just exclusively following modern trends like console shit does.
Don't get your hopes up. We said the same thing about Fire Emblem Three Heroes and it looked the same both undocked and docked.
2 and 3 aren't
even nintendo themselves struggle with the switch. it's not mediocre developers, it's terrible hardware.
It never drops from its locked 24fps.
The switch is 2 and a half years old. The switch pro will come out within 2 years and the next handheld will come out in less than 4.
>tfw the only console I own is a switch
I don't know if I can handle it guys, I have to play games on low graphical settings instead of medium graphical settings like on the other consoles.
What am I going to do?
Its nice looking for a switch game, but it could still look and run a lot better.
maybe I'm just spoiled by other games though.
>The DS even had a fucking GTA game
Wasn't chinatown wars a port from the PSP?
So what is sony's excuse then?
>one area of the game with shitloads of particle effects in a game that wasn't even designed for the switch
I’d take fucking 16 bit graphics if the game is fun as fuck.
What the hell happen to
“If it’s not fun why bother?”
Or my personal favorite
Devs have gotten lazy over the past few years. Most devs dont wanna make new games for Switch, they wanna port old games they have already made for a quick buck and then get pissy when no one buys their literal who port from the 360
This, the Switch is basically just a turbo charged PS3/Xbox 360 but handheld, and we all remember what absolute garbage dumpster fires those consoles were. They couldn't run shit, they were both basically a playstation 1 even if you put them together.
The Switch is doomed, if the PS3 and Xbox 360 can only run games like GTAV then the Switch has no chance.
false flag if you were really worried about graphics you wouldnt have bought a switch and instead a PC.
>game that wasn't even designed for the switch
Yeah it was designed for the Wii U which is less powerful
now compare chinatown wars' sales to gta4. handheld-style games aren't big with the normalfags unless it's pokemon, mario, or zelda.
That literally got patched out in less than a week.
Sweet 2 year old news bro.
I have never cared. They have always had weak hardware and games that are fun years on. My girlfriend and I have been playing through the Wii U catalog every weekend and it has been great.
For graphics PC has literally always been the best.
Bloodborne never hits 30.
I’m fine with it as long as the gameplay is fun, honestly.
Super trash
Fuck off and die
The problem is that when I play a switch game I enjoy, I say 'oh, well at the very least it's fun' instead of 'this is great!'
Nice SJW hair. I see it's still ok when Nintendo does it.
The technology is absolutely there, it's just too expensive to implement on a mass produced system.
My gripe with it is that third-party developers are struggling with the hardware, so much that you get frequent FPS drops which can kill your enjoyment. I wish they'd stop trying to push the GRAFIX point so much on that shitty hardware, even if games will look like Wii games again.
But then some suit wearing marketing guy comes in and goes "but muh gfx will increase sales".
>snoyfags post about games they know nothing about
LOL, snoyfags always out themselves as retards.
Imagine being so mad about an exclusive game that the only thing you can do is shitpost it to death.
Look how dumb you are. The switch can obviously handle better textures, assets and lighting systems than the Wii U. BotW was optimized for the Wii u and then upscaled for the switch. If you want to look at what graphics the switch can push look at a native switch game not a port, particularly Mario Odyssey or smash ultimate.
No, that's fine looking. Three houses is super ugly but that's it.
Looks fine at the size of the actual switch, Id rather just emulate it though.
Its okay when its a customizable character you fucking tool. Stop going out of your way to be upset.
I really enjoyed being able to look at units' 3D models and their batallions on the battlefield in FE:3H. Until I did it once, it dropped below 20 FPS and their models looked like a shittier version of FE:RD.
The aliasing in the OP pic is way worse than three houses
Mario Odyssy and Smash barely look different to the Wii U version...
>upscaled for the switch
lol, does every Wii U port on the Switch run like shit?
720P is the switch native screen res. so of course a screenshot of it handheld is going to say its 720p idiot. the fact is though it will look good on the switch screen but blown up its obviously going to look bad.
>say something mean about nintendo
>uuuuuh, snoy snoy snooooy
Calm down.
>customizable character
Fair enough.
>Smash Ulitmate looks barely different
LOL, peak COPE
Complete retard. Smash ultimate added an actual lightning system, lots of particle effects and greatly improved the backgrounds with a lot of new assets and better textures. The switch is objectively 3x stronger than the Wii U in docked mode.
>The world will take a second to pop back to normal resolution once you stop fucking around
>moving the camera around
>"fucking around"
Consoles finalized around 2005 could handle the most unoptimized and vast open-world generation without resorting to extreme LOD's and sub-Super VGA resolutions, this isn't a good defense at all. The Switch was already a joke, but if it can't even handle your standard neon Japanese cityscape, you have serious design problems, and those problems stem from an underpowered ARM CPU paired with some shitty mobile GPU that's just barely related to the GTX 750
see this is the actual size of the screen more a less and it looks fucking fine. of course its going to look bad if you blow the picture up 10 times the size its meant to be.
>Smash barely look different
Good job for outing yourself, snoyfag.
And you didn't say something "mean", you said something objectively retarded.
Which is something snoyfags always do.
>If you want to look at what graphics the switch can push look at a native switch game not a port
Here's a native Switch game. Enjoy. :^)
If you want to I can give you a screenshot from my hardware, running docked in native resolution.
The only thing that makes me accept the eyesore and performance of that game is that it's FE gameplay that luckily doesn't 'need' good performance.
Its weird to me that a man that doesn't own a switch is trying so hard to convince people that own switches that they don't actually like it
What happened in your life that made you like this?
>Its okay when its a customizable character you fucking tool.
it wasn't okay with Yea Forums when cyberpunk let you make your character a tranny. why is it okay when nintendo does it?
Did you actually take a look at the screenshot you posted, you fucking retarded cuck?
First, not a resolution last gen systems could output, and second the floor is completely empty.
That is the most extreme LOD possible.
I know its more powerful docked, its still miles behind the Xbox One and PS4
I only bought the Switch for Travis and Bayo. I picked up Smash despite disliking the Wii U version and its still shit and looks barely different. Honestly quite shocked by how far behind the Switch is, especially when you see shit like Doom and Wolfenstien and the console costs a lot more than a Xbone/PS4
I kind of agree, until it also drops in later missions with more units on the screen at the same time. That actually genuinely annoyed me. Still playable, but it always returns to "Sure wish this was on better hardware..."
That's not fine at all though.
Because it's ok when Nintendo does. It just is.
lol it doesn't even look that bad. i love how this gets so much hate yet persona 5 looks like shit too. it just has red everywhere to hide it
I don't even own a console, but I see your kin is still fast on the butthurt.
>the fact is though it will look good on the switch screen but blown up its obviously going to look bad.
Fire Emblem is here to prove you wrong. It looked the same both undocked and docked. Terrible that is.
>Ni No Kuni
>Valkyria Chronicles
All of these are on the Switch though?
It looks like a a PS3 game being played in an emulator at 1080p, look at those flat shitty textures and horrible lighting
So Persona 5 on the PS4, got it
>snoyfag still trying to pretend he isn't one
You cunts not got any games coming out or something? Your obsession with Nintendo isn’t healthy user, let it go
I wouldn't know I don't have a PS4
No, THIS is unacceptable.
Well, that's exactly what it is
A PS3 game being played in an emulator at 1080p
There’s nothing wrong with choice retard
>I own a Switch, but for 2019, this is unacceptable.
What are you talking about? Those graphics look incredible.
I didn't play Persona 5, but going "BUT THE OTHERS" isn't actually defending your point. That just means that both games look fucking horrible.
That's not the point retard
Ok? So P5 looks bad too, doesn't make FH not look bad. No idea why your tiny brain can't accept its possible for multiple games to look bad
That is indeed unnacceptable
>Did you actually take a look at the screenshot you posted, you fucking retarded cuck?
I sure did, joyboy
>First, not a resolution last gen systems could output, and second the floor is completely empty
Both the PS3 and 360 handled Prototype with ease at 720p internally, but even my GTX 285 could do that, and by all logic, the Switch should absolutely smoke 2009 hardware
>That is the most extreme LOD possible
Neither consoles had issues when there were hundreds of models on the screen, the Switch has shit hardware, and in comparison to last-gen consoles, shit bandwidth and a shit CPU too, GPU aside
>dark souls lets you make a pink haired dyke
>this is okay
>nintendo game lets you do it
>this is not okay
gee i wonder what is different about these two things?
Why are snoyfags so SEETHING about the switch?
Is it because they have no games?
Everyone's obsession with any platform isn't healthy. Where the fuck did the idorts go?
No they don't, are you confusing good art direction with graphical fidelity?
I just can't play bloodborne with the shitty framerates, I hope that, if they aren't doing a PC port, I for the love of god hope they port it to ps5 and I also pray to god that that 1000 dollars piece of garbage can run a last gen game at 144fps stable.
That's pretty much expected from NuGame Freak.
swsh is garbage, but i love how it's become the one acceptable game for nintendofags to shit on while they defend every other game that looks and runs terribly on the switch.
>this level of denial and mental gymnastics
because its using mobile parts?? comparing that to a actual console that is running through the mains to something that is using max 20 Watts of power, lol
GF has NEVER been competent. It's just they don't have Iwata to bail their talentless asses anymore.
What pisses me off the most about the GPU in the Switch is that literally a year after a new Tegra came out. Surely Nvidia told them, but Nintendo just needed to rush a new console out. Whether this was due to financial problems or just ... some marketing strategy I still don't know.
ps4 might look better but it also censors everything because california ruined sony
I can't wait for Astral Chain to be playable on Yuzu and see how it is supposed to look like under the pixelated mess on the switch.
>snoyfags literally COPING infinitely
LOL, and snoyfags always claim they "don't care" about the switch.
okay now that looks like shit. this game is fucking unplayable in handheld
Why people compare the switch to ps4? its obviously not the same.
Its like comparing a pstv to a xbone/PC
Is this Digimon?
To be fair, XBC2 looks better in docked mode and is the only game so far that actually looked different docked and undocked. Though any city, especially Gormott, looks similar to your screenshots even in docked.
No, Game Freak used to be good. Black & White broke them though.
Literally wrong. I've played all of it in handheld. There's more to a game than graphics.
>costs more
>is barely better than a ps3
And this is ok?
wonderful 101 actually looked good. this game doesn't. it will also almost certainly be worse as a game because platinum has declined so much since 2013.
Are you retarded? Better tech comes out EVERY year. By your logic they should just keep delaying it for 10 years to get better hardware. The switch pro will be out within 2 years anyway.
nope, like this
Funny thing is gladium looks like that
At least post the real PS4 version.
I sure enjoy buying the same console twice.
Nice fucking logic.
"Barely better"
Most ps3 games didn't even run at 720p, they ran at like 540p most switch games run at 900p.
What is it then?
Mostly we’re just playing games
It's up to you whether the graphics of the switch are good enough. If they're not you can wait for a pro version.
We live in the darkest timeline where we have to choose between a censored version or a version that looks like it's running on PS2 hardware with half the FPS.
I can't wait to emulate the Switch library in 5k.
Its the complete lack of lighting and shadows that makes it look extremly bad.
There have been N64 games with better lighting
i already posted it. keep coping, though. the shitch can't even do better than the vita.
Switch can barely handle 720p30 docked in crossplatform games
>Says something wrong
>Gets called a retard for being wrong
>”Calm down”
Christ you really are a faggot aren’t you?
When the switch 2 is out and running sequels to those games at 4k already.
Just play games and don't delve into shitposting.
Even if you prove your an idort and hate a specific game you always get branded the shitposter opposite. Yea Forums's dumb brand loyalty is fucking retarded.
Fair. Any thread I pop into to gauge a consensus is just filled with console war faggotry and it makes me sad. Yea Forums was never good, but Yea Forums was my biggest source of hidden gems back in ~2008. I still feel like everyone being drones like that are just corporate shills arguing back and forth.
>previews are getting rave reviews
>everyone is saying it's one of platinum's best games
imagine being a graphics fag in 2019
The Caligula Effect, apparently.
>trusting reviews of nintendo games
I swear you are the stupidest person I have ever talked to. Those are ports of ps4 games and the ps4 is over 10x stronger than the ps3. You were comparing it to the ps3 not the ps4.
>The graphics look like absolute garbage but atleast the söyboy game reviewers think its good
>as long as you stay still, it's okay
that's the price you pay for wanting more up to date specs. PCfags have been buying "the same console" for the last 30 years, but they don't seem to mind.
Its competing with the PS4/XBone not the 360/PS3 dumbass
Most reviewers gave botw a 10. Did Nintendo bribe them all?
The gpu isnt even the problem.
Most games on the switch are cpu bound, because they use the horrible design from nvidia that nvidia never bothered to fix.
>snoyfags buy anything as long as it looks okay
No wonder shit like days gone got shilled for months here.
>switch is barely better than the ps3
>this is somehow a comparison between the switch and the ps4
I think you/re the dumbass here.
If you follow the conversation I was replying to someone who said the switch is barely stronger than the ps3, which is objectively not true. As I said the ps3 was running most games at 540p while the standard switch resolution for games is 900p.
>people say they like Nintendo game
>reviewer says they like Sony game
they hypocrisy of consolewar fags is honestly hilarious to watch
still way more aesthetically pleasing than a brown mud coloured western game on ps4 / xbone
>B-But Sony!!!
Nintendo fans DDoS'd Jim Sterling for not giving it a 10/10, how can they review it honestly?
It made this place useless. Nobody discusses games anymore. Everyone is just "BUT SNOY", "BUT MICROSHIT", "BUT NINTENDO".
You can laugh, but back then (pre 10's) I used Yea Forums to know whether a game was good or not, because I didn't trust reviewers. Now I gotta hope that the metacritic user score is accurate enough and the comments aren't over exaggerating either point.
nintendofags bought $70 cardboard and huge collections of amiibos. lgpe sold 10 million and swsh will sell 15+ million. talk about buying anything.
How come every good game released this year has been Nintendo exclusive?
Astral Chains has B team written all over it. I have no idea why people are excited about it.
Delete this.
>Now I gotta hope that the metacritic user score is accurate enough and the comments aren't over exaggerating either point.
Snoyfags have ruined those too, can't trust them either.
I fell for this meme when everyone was shitting on ds2... Sure it's not dark souls one but still probably in my top 10 games. Why does it matter if "team B" made it?
I'll be tired of it already.
Genuine kek from me, Nintendorks are fucking delusional.
remember nintendo fans' meltdown when jeff gerstmann "only" gave an 8.8 to the shitpile that was twilight princess?
That was part of my criticism of the Switch. I wasn't trying to make the case for why the PS3 beats the Switch you dumbass
Imagine if this was the only game you could play all year lmao
AHAHAHAHAHAHHA.... Those fucking jaggies are unreal. What year is it?
looks boring would rather go walk in the real woods lol people dont play vidya for realism
It was a literal comparison between the ps3 and the switch. don't deny you did it if you did it you dumbass.
dear god what the fuck, how is this okay in 2019?
>Top 10
Wow. You have either played only 10 games in your life or have incredibly shit taste. It's okay to enjoy and like DS2, but there's no way it should fit in anyone's top 10 favorite games.
I just said it was, but the Switch competes with the PS4/Xbone, can you see why being barely better than the PS3 is a negative in this situation? Can you activate your braincell?
>le gtav meme
> the Switch is basically just a turbo charged PS3/Xbox 360 but handheld, and we all remember what absolute garbage dumpster fires those consoles were.
fake and gay
You are 12 years old lmao.
Jim Sterling gave Fallout 4 a perfect score. He’s a retard who’s opinions on games should hold as much weight as any other fat loser that shit up Yea Forums
Worse graphics than games that are nearly 2 decades old
How is that even possible?
Platinum has never made a good game. Not once.
ok fair, its mainly in top 10 because I haven't got around to playing ds3 yet
not an argument
>valid criticism only for ONE company
The point is that if you're going to isolate a nintendo game for that flaw, you should consider that perhaps the issue expands beyond Nintendo as a company to consoles in general
unfortunately, you can't trust user scores for nintendo games anymore because redditors "fix" them with phony positive reviews.
Man look at that shitty brown and orange.
So fucking boring.
>make a handheld console
>games looks like shit on TV
>games look even worse when you actually using it as a handheld console
what was the point of this gimmick?
Can you fuck off with your snoy this, snoy that. Are you a paid shill?
Who the fuck cares? I already told you I'm an idort and I don't give a fuck about any of the brands. I filter out 10/9/0/1 comments and read everything inbetween and it's fairly easy to gauge if it's just a butthurt comment or not.
Bloodborne still the better game at the end of the day. You won't remember Astral Chain by the end of the year.
>Praising Horizon Zero awards
>Got the shit slap out of it by BoTW
That's quite based
>Giant robot animals
Lmfao you söyboys are retarded
Nice non argument.
I still hate this means 3rd parties will avoid them like AIDS.
What's the point of these threads? Is anyone really expecting a 300 dollar tablet to be powerful? There is nobody here who ever thought that the switch would have powerful hardware. What are we even arguing over? Is this supposed to be a handheld vs console thread? Are we supposed to say "wow jeez i had no idea that cheap tablets weren't as powerful as a home console"? Am I supposed to sell my switch now or something?
It’s probably the dark souls game I’ve spent the most time in and enjoyed my time in the most.
>using Nintendo consoles to play anything other than Mario shit
i swear all sony exclusives just have a load of empty forests to travel around in
Muh graphics goty
literally nothing happening
Thank God for YUZU.
>Wii U more powerful than Xbox 360 and PS3
>Switch more powerful than the Wii U
>Switch also somehow weaker than the PS3 and Xbox 360
Gross. I hope most of that time was in PvP because that's the only good thing about it.
This is much smaller than the actual switch screen
>muh strong independent womeen
You also fapped to the big nosed lesbian, too?
Bro Horizon is fucking boring as shit.
>i swear all sony exclusives just have a load of empty forests to travel around in
i know, right? if only they had as much going on as nintendo games.
fuck me, i misread this post ignore all my posts. I thought you said "i was comparing it to the ps4/xbone not the 360/ps3". i was calling you out on what i thought was a blatant lie, but now i see i am a dumbass who can't read. I mixed up your post with the guy you were replying to's post.
that you can play the same games on the go, retard.
It's snoyfags COPING and SEETHING they have no games.
Nothing more.
>the graphics are bad so therefore the game must be bad, better sell your switch now so you don't have to experience this!!!!!!
that's basically what this thread was trying to do, don't get why, game still looks like it will play amazingly, but somehow in 2019 we still have people who go "GRAPHICS ARE ALL THAT MATTERS!!!!!"
You didn't know? The "nintendogaf" was a fucking lie all along.
Both of you are so fucking retarded it hurts. You go into the comments, similarly on Steam, where you just read through the user reviews and then form your own opinion on whether the pros outweigh the cons and vice versa. All the 10's and 0's review don't matter in those, because they rarely actually have any worthwhile opinions written in them.
>"we all remember what absolute garbage dumpster fires those consoles were."
fake and gay
you mean dark souls reskinned?
Actually embarassing
Yeah but I can do that on my phone and with better graphics faggot
I’m only here cause this was the only thread that’s marginally about astral chain after the actual thread about the previews that’ve been released got deleted for some reason.
How fitting. This trash belongs in the shitter.
Fair enough, np dude
>game still looks like it will play amazingly
it's a post-2013 platinum game without yoko taro around to carry them. it won't play amazingly.
>god of war
>good graphics
literally one exclusive, it still shits over all sony exclusives, stay mad.
imagine actually paying money for this shit
hacked switch owners win again
It was true until the big neogaf invasion during the early ps4
Correction! Gamefreak has always been decent but have never been able to translate their ideas into 3D, hell not even 2.5D for that matter.
Yes, keep shitposting you morons, you never learn that whenever you fags massively shitpost a game, it becomes a success except Donte and YIIK
the dude directing this game was literally the guy that yoko taro was saying would probably replace him in the future, the team making this game is the younger team at platinum that he worked with to make Nier Automata, the dudes know what they're doing.
Looks like and plays like a casualized nu-tomb raider and Monster Hunter
>buy mobile console
>wtf why my games look like dog shit!?
you have only yourself to blame
>also on wii u and pc
>the pc version is the definitive version
oh dear, you really didn't think this through.
didnt know you could play all your ps4 games on the go on your mobile phone natively and not using shitty ass remote play.
It wasn't pruned, it just got archived.
I own a PC and I think you're a whinny little bitch
I guess the definite version of Persona 5 is PC now too.
The real frustrating thing about the Switch and it's lack of power is Nintendo gimping the hardware for no fucking reason.
There is no excuse for the base clock speeds on the cpu and gpu to be set that low while docked. There are games that otherwise would run perfectly fine if not for the system being downclocked. I understand in portable mode you would want less power to conserve battery and avoid the console becoming too hot to hold but no excuse in docked.
we'll see, but without taro himself, all platinum's been making lately is garbage like korra, tmnt and star fox zero.
I mean when you’re getting to around 700 hours you kinda hope it’s mostly multiplayer. Although ds2 had a lot more reasons to replay the game than the others with a bunch of extra phantom bastards to deal with and certain enemies that don’t show up till new game + as well as a bunch of secret armour. And I’ll grant you that the overall world design was a step backwards but I liked the levels themselves. Also had some of my favourite variations of weapons, like the claymore. And dual wielding was great.
>the year of our Lord and Savior 2019
>still being a graphicsfag
Movies should have good graphics.
Seething Sony nigger, emulation is for subhumans
no, the definitive version is coming to ps4.
>For no reason
>I understand
Do you though?
>will look and run worse than the PC version
You can't really compare those to an original IP.
I too can't wait to buy a game for $60 twice :^)
who cares, how much you want to bet that is gonna have a pc port next year
>pc version is the definitive version
i could say that for any fucking game then.
oh dear, this guy is clearly a fucking faggot.
>confirmed 60fps and 4k, just like the pc version
>tons of extra content that isn't in the pc version
yes, definitive.
Stay mad you pathetic söyboy
So, this is the power of Platinum making exclusive Nintendoturds?
>no, the definitive version is coming to ps4.
>being this excited to pay full price for a game twice
The absolute state of snoyfags
well said, fellow nintendo chad.
>full price DLC
lol no. At least Nocturne Maniax was the only version the West got and SJR was on a different platform. This is just top tier Jewery
>confirmed 60fps and 4k
>he actually thinks this
lol hope you're ready for the release to come only to find out it was actually 900p30fps like other Sony exclusives that claimed to be at 4k
I don't think they care what Nintendo does, they care about getting the seething trannies constantly whining about snoyfags every other post to shut the fuck up for five goddamn seconds and admit their platform tries to be jack of all trades but ends up underdelivering at every turn. switch posters cope so much it's insane, just admit you're paying out the ass for badly performing ports because the Nintendo name is worth it to you. nothing wrong with customer loyalty but Jesus fucking Christ be honest about it
So it's docked? That's pretty bad.
Mad about what exactly? The GOTY that was overshaodowed by a single fucking character announced in Smash? The GOTY that nobody talks about while BOTW has threads every minute? The only one mad here is you my friend :)
Thats my fucking point, hell they still run modern games just fine considering Persona 5 was released on the PS3.
How is the Switch apparently just a complete hardware failure that can't run PS1 games, but the Xbox 360 and PS3 and their games were just fine.
Uncharted and Last of Us are apparently some of the best looking games ever from what I've been told, but the switch can't possibly run anything?
>Buying this trash
>You can just buy one of these anyways and the difference is only a couple of pokemon that you could probably hack in anyways
Sure showed me lad.
But the vita version ran at 5 fps.
Imagine unironicially wanting to play on playstation where games get censored.
notice how you conveniently left out larian asking for money on kickstarter BEFORE either of those games came out. their cash grabs were upfront.
>>confirmed 60fps and 4k
No PS4 game has ever hit 4k.
Even on the "4k" "Pro" console.
Its 1440p stretched to 4k.
PS4 is a joke for 4k.
If you want proper 4k get a PC or an Xbox One X if you can't afford enough for a PC.
>D-Doesn't matter because I said so!!
>The GOTY that nobody talks about
WRONG, there is at least 1 turbo autist who posts the same image everyday even though no one ever replies to the thread
Totally agree, that looks like ass.
I mean it's one thing to claim hardware and graphics development has improved but to include rose tinted goggles with every purchase of a Switch and then try and pass off a AAA standard at the same time is just utterly retarded
so did the switch version.
Yeah because they had bad history with publishers fucking them over.
Atlus was fucking ruined by their previous one and had to be sold out to SEGA to pay of their debt.
>posting god of onions
>being stupid enough to back a game on kickstarter
>this is somehow the fault of the developer
What does that have to do with anything? You got the enhanced edition for free eveen if you never backed thee game on kickstarter
Why are you shilling for Atlus so hard?
>snoyfags COPING so hard they have to post their no gameplay movie in every thread
LOL, and people still deny this is a snoy thread.
The switch has shit cooling. If they clocked much higher, you'd just melt the thing.
meanwhile on the switch, you're lucky if a game even manages 480i.
but I thought Sony fans said to never trust reviews considering they always use the paid shill argument when a nintendo game gets good reviews
>devs during the older generations managed to avoid this shit by having good artstyle while lowering the graphics quality
Why have nips regressed anons?
>try and pass off a AAA standard at the same time is just utterly retarded
But no one is trying to pass any Switch games off as being at AAA level production values
i don't back games on kickstarter. at least atlus finishes their products before asking for money.
>PS4 being anywhere near 4K
I could say the Switch plays Astral Chain in 8K and it would be equally as false lol
All of Nintendos 1st party games are 720p native undocked and 1080p native docked.
Suck a dick, choke on it.
There's a reason, which is to prevent the system from fucking melting since overclocking (especially in such a confined space) would be disastrous in the long-term
All this console war bullshit and PChads will have to spend years writing software to run these games at a proper resolution and framerate.
Only video games suffer from consolefaggotory in the end.
>Everything I don't like is a movie
What game is that from? Looks like a jrpg from the ps2, although weirdly pixelated for some reason
Hes not wrong though. PS vet here.
God of War 3 has more gameplay than this literal 3rd person over the shoulder "realistic" graphics template sony has.
Don't ask user, you're gonna summon the Xenoturd2 defence force.
When did this board become so full of graphicsfags? Hell, PS2 games still look awesome. Even most PSOne games still look awesome, who cares about number of pixels.
jesus christ, rex literally looks like one of the character models from the original ff8 in that screenshot.
>Playstation has no good exclusives anymore but western shit
>All jap games get censored
>Only things worth owning now is a PC+Switch
>All these snoyfags SEETHING
>DUDE my CONSOLE is better than yours LMAOOO
This thread is for children.
Fair enough. I missed that guy.
>Only things worth owning now is a PC+Switch
>The Switch is doomed
20 million+ sales says otherwise
WAH-O--O *glitch sounds* OOOO
Honestly, my shitty PC can run every single PC release I want, but I don't think it will be able to run Yuzu
Bloodborne is such masterpiece, i dont even get mad at people who hate it, i get sad that they never played it.
yes, that really is what it's like playing a game on the switch.
When people resort to "muh grafphixz" attacks, they have no argument in the first place as the number one priority for a game is gameplay. Who cares if a game looks visually stunning when it has the gameplay depth of a puddle and no replayability.
"muh grafphixz" is the only shitty argument they have because somehow a game that looks amazing but has barebones gameplay is somehow better than a game that does have tonnes of gameplay. Its all shitposter logic and people should stop giving them (you)'s
haha lmao :)
It's a xbox with SJW shit sprinkled onto it.
My cousing lent me his PS4 for a whole week to play Bloodborne, after the first day I didn't want to play it anymore, and I'm a huge souls fan.
Plus you stop paying any attention to how the game looks after 30 minutes anyway.
Bloodborne bloodborne bloodborne.
Jesus fucking christ it's been 4 years move on already. Play another god damn game.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the best JRPG of the past five or so years.
What, you don't like obnoxious constant action that is kinda easier than any of the other games with no rewards for exploration?
I thought souls games were about PREBARE TO DIE and shit
Why would anyone want a good atmosphere or good level design that rewards exploration?
Really we should be thanking From, I didn't like finding cool new stuff as a reward for exploring anyway, all I really want is to fight dogs, they knew this too and start you off with the best weapon in the game to make finding new ones even less important
Bloodborne is the only exclusive that is worth playing and didn't get ported to PC a few months later
Told you user.
But you can play it on PC with PS Now
First time this wojak actually looks like the guy who is being replied to.
How does
>3rd person over the shoulder "realistic" graphics
>No gameplay
>PS vet
Wtf my handheld console doesn't have the same graphics as my non handheld console? I BETTER MAKE A POST ABOUT THIS
>the best JRPG of the past five or so years
All these PS Exclusives look and play the same and the gameplay is super realistic and has zero depth.
It's funny that you honestly believe OP has a Switch.
>is supposed to be more powerful than ps3/x360
>games look worse on it
I do, and it's hacked so I don't have to play for these sub industry standard games.
The best looking game this gen is RDR2 and it looks miles better on Xbox One X anyways.
Astral Chain won't be remembered in 4 years.
>a game running on an android tablet with 2015 mobile hardware looks outdated
Damn. I was expecting 4K.
>It's bad because it looks bad
How about you play the fucking game first?
Yeah but nobody owns a shitbox
I mean, true, but the gameplay is poor at best.
Platinum games have never been known for their image quality. If anything, they're notorious for their lack of aa, so i'm not really surprised here.
Astral Chain looks 1000x worse than BB, which was an early gen PS4 game. We're 2.5 years into the Switch lifespan. Now quit deflecting.
>the wii u doesn't count for all the switch ports because "nobody bought it"
>the xbone counts for rdr2 even though nobody bought it
Miles better gameplay wise than any PS exclusive desu.
GoW was boring
So was last of us
So was Horizon
Only one worth noting was Bloodborne.
Play. Another. Game. For. The. Love. Of. God.
I slightly prefer XCX over XC2 so I guess you're right, it's a pity so few people played XCX
So you are already comparing AC to a GOTY and considered a system seller?
Ban all wojaks and shitpost brand loyalty tards
this has some SOUL
I own a switch, and I could careless. I'll go play on my PC if I want top of the line graphics. AYY LMAO
Compare PS4 gameplay to
Nonononononononono, I was going to buy this. Was not expecting another Xenoblade 2 situation.
Bask in the power of the Nintendo Switch, Yea Forumsros!
Problem is, blatant fanboyism and instigating flamewars (which is what all wojak posts are) IS ALREADY AGAINST THE BOARD'S RULES, it's just that the jannies never fucking enforce them.
This looks as good as that Korra game from a few years back.
Don't give a shit how bad it looks. I'm gonna be buying this and death stranding.
Anyone notice people always use XC2 screenshots for shitposting are all in the same area and dont post pics of the games other areas.
Oh and how the screenshots are in handheld only.
Cope. PS4 open world games have infinitely more depth than anything on the Shitch.
Third party available on other platforms.
XC2 generally has better visuals than XCX, mainly due to 3 key differences
>720p vs 900p
>addition of AO
>improved lighting, with crepuscular rays, lens flare, global illumination, etc.
XCX is more impressive for how it pushed the Wii U hardware with such a large open landscape, but in practice XC2 visually looks better most of the time just don't play it in handheld mode as the optimization is atrocious
They're both shitty empty games, doesn't matter if one shit smells better than the other
>Nintendo's own game developed specifically for their own hardware is outdone by a third party available on other platforms
>Oh and how the screenshots are in handheld only.
shitch is PORTABLE console, according to shitchtards.
Says who? PS4 just has Bloodborne, which I wouldn't call empty nor really open world.
>Yea Forums: "The graphics look fucking awful! No one's gonna want to play a game at 480p and 30fps!"
>Meanwhile in the real world...
>Everyone else who has seen the gameplay: "Holy shit this looks fun as hell."
If you take away BotW then the only game the Switch has is Odyssey.
So sony can't do a single good open world you have to compare it to something thats no even an exclusive.
Man you shitposters fucking REACH.
correct, and XC2 is agreed upon to run like shit in portable mode so is recommended to be played docked. Its release was rushed and the engine is poorly optimized for portable play.
>just don't play it in handheld mode
>on a portable console
I bought my Switch to play Xenoblade 2 and Fire Emblem, I don't give a single fuck about that shitty empty world I can play on my PC or bing bing wahoo
shills vs shills: The thread
The B-team strikes again.
that is exactly what I am saying.
Meanwhile in the real world
>Sonytards still seething over the switch
really justifies the game running at 30fps
look at the detail !!!
>I bought my Switch to play Xenoblade 2 and Fire Emblem
You are biggest imbecile in the thread.
Since you're so defensive over it, it's likely you have both a switch and XC2, why don't you show us how good it looks?
All graphics do is bloat development times. Nintendo knows to put that time in where it counts.
And Splatoon 2, Smash Bros Ultimate, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fire Emblem Tree Houses and soon Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing New Horizon
how is that 3DS game called?
Because you play graphically intensive mulitplats on PC. That way you get the best graphics,
Do tits offend you basedboi?
Sony knows better because open world games are universally boring and a fucking meme, they wouldn't want to embarrass themselves with something as mediocre as BotW
>stop playing games you like!
Yet GoW, Last of Us, Uncharted 4 and Horizon exist.
Which are just glorified boring hallway simulators.
Pro tip though. Days Gone was open world.
xenoblade 2 (repugnante)
>add a shit new girl for no reason instead of just padding out the old girl who was intended to be a party member but didn't make the cut
Oh no, tits in my game! We must repent and hail to our snoy snaint Snarkeesian!
not him but see
>nintendies supporting the Apple of video games
Ah yes, where it counts™
That's x4 games than the switch has, since shitch doesn't get third party support outside of horrendous ports. Glad I sold mine for full price to some dumb nintendie after I played the only game on it, Odyssey.
video game vs. old cigarette billboard ad
meanwhile, on pc
>that piss filter and fog in BotW
*picks up 100000th korok seed*
*pokes enemy atop horse to death for the 100000th time*
*completes the same copypasted shrine as the last 10000 times*
Kek seething.
Damn, that looks nice. What game is it?
seething and actually obsessed
not since I sold that waste of a system, no
Shit vs good*
Max Payne 2 you zoomer
>Th Switch gets more exclusive games in a summer than what the PS4 got in 6 years.
Holy fuck the state of play
Looks better than cyberpunk 2077
>state of play
oh god don't remind me of that
>exclusive games*
*not counting Wii U ports and shovelware
You're right. Even without the Wii U ports and shovelware, they still beat the hell out of the PS4. Thank you for the observation
No shit. Nintendo games are like a constant stream of diarrhea. Playstation games are the occasional fine wine.
PS4 in 2019
>Death Stranding
>TLoU 2
>Catherine Full Body
>Days Gone
>Arc of Alchemist
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Blood & Truth
>Concrete Genie
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
>Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
>Aegis Rim
>Nioh 2
PS4 in 2020
>TLoU 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Predator: Hunting Grounds
>Project Sakura Wars
>FF7 Remake
>Persona 5 R
Switch in 2019
>Mario Maker 2
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Astral Chain
Switch in 2020
>Mario Maker 2
>Three Houses
>Astral Chain
>DQ XI definitive edition
>Daemon X Machina
>Links Awakening
Not a single WiiU port or shovelware title
>posts some shopped bullshit image to make a game look bad
The only people shitting on XB2 here have never played it or never got past the first few hours because of their low IQ and attention spans. The only way they have to criticize the game is by posting cherrypicked screenshots and webms of brief moments from a 200+ hour game. Pathetic.
haha, you showed him fellow nintenbro. you preordering the latest critically-acclaimed, open-world, deep, scintillating, transformative, shrine-packed DLC, I mean, sequel from based Nintendo?
this looks more cyberpunk than the game called cyberpunk. Nightime, neon lights everywhere in a crowded city area with a lady in a weird getup and punk-rock like hair, complete with hipster glasses
>we're counting defintive ports as exclusives
The Vita has Catherine Full Body and no doubt Nioh 2 will come to PC just like Nioh 1 did
Ah yes the Nintendo cinematic experience™
>marvel ultimate alliance 3 is shovelware
Yeah you guys are seriously retarded.
>hand held not as strong as consoles
wow, u must b real smart to figure this out.
Shouldn't have asked user.
It is though.
all the falseflagging in this thread is really funny, bros is this what funposting is?
It's completely BTFO by Spider Man
I actually forgot to put that in, it was kinda sandwiched between Mario Maker and Three Houses.
Stage 5: Acceptance
>might be good
>shit remake
Nice, you have one worthwhile game on that list.
so this is the power of the switch
>Not a single WiiU port
>Mario Maker 2
hahahahahahaha its funny because its true
Spider-man 2 on PS2 is the better Spiderman game.
who dat faggot gaiz succ
And Last of us 2 is just a port of Last of us.
switch in 2020 so far
>animal crossing
> will sell more than all of those ps4 exclusives coming in 2020 combined
DAMN, those grapes must be sour as fuck.
>T-the graphics don't n-need to be good a-at least it has g-good gameplay
>Calling DXM shit
Respect the robot, son.
>asks for exclusives
>yeah but that one is shit
yes, it does
No idea about LoU, but MM2 is literally butchered port of original game with paid buggy online mode and poorly implemented "3d world" theme.
It is, the demo is fucking terrible.
I don't care if you throw them on a meme list to justify your purchase, but don't be surprised if a non-nintendie isn't impressed.
im not knocking the gameplay, for it is designed more for the aggressive playstyle that souls lacked, but the trenchcoat top hats and fedoras with the lanky bodies is just something i cant get around.
the DxM demo was literally version 0.1, sent out for feedback. Of which, all the complaints were addressed.
The demo was an extremely early build they showed off back in E3 2018, they have already remedied most of the complaints and performance issues judging by recent gameplay.
>He doesn't know about vid related
MM2 is literally not a port, too much was clearly changed with the engine, to the point were you cannot accurate recreate MM1 levels in MM2 due to those changes.
>justify your purchase
Nice meme
Well, I guess I would need to wait to play this better version, but why the fuck would you release such a poor demo to advertise your game?
Im not a nintensoy boi hater but your comments are ignorant as fuck. Ps4 is on its way out and the drought is based off that. Ps5 games are incoming and despite switch sales forcasted to explode due to lite and v2 it still does not negate the fsct that nintendo is following the schedule of being at the least 1 generation behind. With the switch nintendo has fallen 2 gens behind after the new ps and xbox.
Switch is definitely getting good games and the flood of AAA titles is amazing but lets not forget nintendo is far from being the best or insanely great. Lets be real and not lie to ourselves
i dunno man, neversofts spider man was fantastic
>I wanted exclusive games
But wouldn't it be nice if those exclusive games didn't look and sometimes also run awful?