What am I in for

Just bought it after all these years

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it's pretty fun man and just remember most enemies and bosses can be dealt with by strafing around them on their left side


Leveling up is important but you can't beat something through sheer levels alone. Find a set of weapons that work for you and upgrade those boys. Also git gud.

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What I didn't know you can strafe in this game. I played 5 minutes at my friends (he said to stop) and I did like 0 damage to the first boss lol........ people make 10000 and jump from above. I ran around but couldn't find the ladder.
My friend said to always level up resistance and faith because one gives me more armor and the other is like LCK, increases money and stuff.

That’s photoshopped
Here’s the real guide

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>Level up Resistance
Resistance is honestly a dump stat. Only really useful in one area and it can be circumvented with the right items. Only level faith if you want to have healing magic and cleric-y shit like lightning throwing, or want to be the support character in PvP/Co-op

I've been using a fake guide all these years? Thank you user.

Is a nice game, heavily overrated tho, the difficulty of it comes from the game using cheap one trick pony traps on you and uncomfortable enemy positioning.

Don't kill friendly NPCs, it can screw your playthrough. And don't forget to upgrade your weapons.

Do not listen to this fag OP, kill em, kill em all they will drop nice stuff, start with the negative guy from firelink he is a faggot and deserves to be parried to death.

a lesser version of ds2

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Nothing special. Some years ago before it was imitated and written about until death you may have had some unique experiences.

Still good. Git gud. Play fashion souls, not min max.

Uhmm how do I know if it's PVP or NPCs.
What's fashion souls?

Most Human NPCs will start passive until attacked, some others will "invade" you but is easy to tell them apart because they don't have autistic names like "kirito420" "dicsuckerOP" or the like and they won't try and look you before fighting to see if you will do a gesture.

Is kirito a boss

Yeah, he even has Asuna and some other bitch to fight alongside him.

fucking fun, don't look everything up on your first playthrough and just enjoy the ride

Don't take the dodging>blocking mantra too seriously. Yes dodging is better in terms of stamina consumption, but that's only once you know the attack animations. Use a shield your first playthrough, just keep an eye on your stamina (get away if it starts getting low) and remember that lowering your shield will regen your stamina faster.

this and shield enchantments + spell boost items make dodging redundant, you can tank any humanoid or a dragon attack with one.

level 99 strength op

>11: Avoid two of the best weapons for beginners

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I'm a new shitter but I got my ass dismantled so quickly by those skeletons I figured I was definitely supposed to go there later.

>40 dex
>balder side sword
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
there OP, you beaten the game.

a legitimately good game and a better experience than n64 souls 2.

hi guys, I just reached undead burg, killed the 2nd boss (the taurus demon guy), now, where do I go from here, I reached the part with the rats, killed them, now I'm thinking, do I kill the black knight or do I continue to the big fat armored rat, also how do I kill it?

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>balder side sword
You lost me. This is like saying "just get a black knight weapon and the game is ez" and then none of the black knights drop any until the kiln.

>n64 souls
Back to firelink shrine and into the graveyard.

If you're skilled enough you can try to kill the black knight, but if it's too much trouble just come back later. The armored "rat" is a boar, you'll need a weapon that stabs, and aim for its tail, where it isn't armored.

>dung pies can immunize you from toxic by giving you a milder strain
wow what a niche tip completely useless for beginners

>>n64 souls

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Lol what the ufck is that from

dark souls 2, a PS4 8th gen title.

No problem man, glad to help :)

Fashion souls is prioritizing your characters gear by aesthetics.
Basically you can beat the game with anything and you’re gonna get pounded to death by everything so you may as well look fashionable while you do.

Yeah no shit. That’s the point.
That guide was made for tards

You go to new Londo ruins now.

A lot of locking on and circling around.

>mobility is usually more important than defense
>dodging is usually more important than blocking
Worst advice ever.

Not true in DS1, playing with armor that does not have poise makes the game way harder

Thanks anons, I'm just wondering, where does it all lead, I mean after you kill the boar and all, where are you supposed to go?

Great/Large Club is easy mode. You can find one in the swamps of Blight Town.

It's really bad.

You should expect:

A camera that spazzes out and jitters constantly especially in tight quarters (where much of the game is)

Two foot wide hallways where you can't even swing your weapon with slow ass rolls and the game just throwing dozens of braindead grunt enemies at you

Blacksmiths/merchants all selling specific things and having to remember the exact convoluted path to get to them and running across the world every time to do so. Also there is multiple keys and you must constantly backtracking to see what exactly they go to.

A slow, clunky roll that isnt actually for moving out of the way but literally basically just a one-dimensional "no damage" button that you press the instant before you get hit (instead of moving out of the way)

A half dozen boss-like enemies with massive fucking health pools that you can't even dent unless you hacked away for 20 minutes straight scattered among grunt enemies (many of which look similarly as strong) within the first hour of gameplay alone

A stamina system where you can only attack a few times before walking back and just standing there doing nothing while it recharges

Bad boss design on many bosses like Priscilla, Capra Demon, Taurus Demon, Pinwheel, Seath, Ceaseless Discharge, and Bed of Chaos

An identical boss recycled three times

Vital mechanics like lordvessel, upgrading estus, pardoning, and kindling bonfires that are very poorly explained

horrible enemy design like masses of braindead grunts, Bonewheel Skeletons, Stray Demons, Anor Londo Archers or Drakes

only basically one main path you can take that you have to find through trial and error and backtracking

You're in the Undead Parish right now, a big-ass church. If you listened to the crestfallen dude at Firelink Shrine, he told you that you need to ring the two "Bells of Awakening", one above in the Undead Parish, and one below in Blighttown. So at the end of your trek here you're aiming to look for stairs or a ladder up into the top of the parish so you can go ring that bell.

Remember how the guy at Firelink Shrine told you you needed to ring two bells?

You're near a church.


>tfw currently doing my first DS1 run
>doing it completely naked, never equipped a single piece of armour
>but have a Black Knight Greatsword +5 so it kinda balances out

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You need to ring the bell of awakening

Aaaaaah, wire

thanks anons!