The SaGa series

>mention in passing that I once played saga frontier, but was bored because it was just a series of linear vignettes with mindless menu-based combat and very shallow writing
>everyone tells me I'm wrong and that SaGa is the greatest RPG series ever made and offers more player agency and freedom than anything else in the genre
>i check out some of the other games out of curiosity
>they're railroaded to the point of absurdly, with laughably juvenile writing and incredibly shallow combat where enemies literally are only capable of dealing 1 damage to you

And this is supposed to be the greatest RPG series ever made? What am I missing here? Mind you, I enjoyed a number of snes jrpgs like the Lufia series or the Breath of Fire series. But those actually brought some things to the table like the puzzle-solving focus of Lufia 2 or the field skills in Breath of Fire. And they at least tried to come up with an compelling hook so that the player was invested in the story. SaGa is just a generic 8/16-bit jrpg, but with no personality of its own. It's also downright stupid at times, like how you can get locked into prison, but you get to keep all your items and equipment, and the guards don't even react to you just walking out.

It's just so incredibly bland.

Attached: Romancing SaGa (J) (V1.1)000.png (256x224, 8K)

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First game lets you kill God with a chainsaw. And God takes the form of a little old Amish man. So you're basically chainsawing a little old Amish man to death.

oh look, it's another wrpg-kun thread. pretending that you've played and enjoyed other jrpgs is a creative twist this time, i'll give you that, but nobody actually believes you.
protip: if you were at all serious about giving romancing saga a chance, you'd be playing minstrel song, not the vastly inferior snes version. but that wouldn't fit your shitposting agenda.

Stop giving him attention, he's a sociopath who just copypastes his own threads every single day until somebody falls for the bait.
And if you really have enough time to waste feeding him at least sage your posts so that these garbage threads die as fast as they can, don't forget to hide and report on sight too.

I feeo the same way about most niche JRPGs
The truth is, unless it appeals specifically to your brand of autism, you're not going to like a low-budget niche game from 2 decades ago as much as a mainstream game from the same timeframe

>not the vastly inferior snes version
Yet I've had no problem enjoying other SNES games. So why don't the SaGa games hold up? Heck, this isn't even limited to the SNES games. I played SaGa Frontier on the PS1 and it bored me to tears.

>deliberately pick the worst game in the entire series so you can complain about it
Go choke on a dick.

rs2 and rs3 hold up just fine. it's only rs1 that wasn't so great the first time around.
as for frontier, let's be real. you weren't "bored," you were filtered because you couldn't git gud.

>as for frontier, let's be real. you weren't "bored," you were filtered because you couldn't git gud.

>git gud
>in one of the most braindead rpgs I've ever played.

It's not as if Saga Frontier even has things like permadeath which is present in even plenty of casual RPGs. Its not as if you can turn npcs hostile which could fail a quest or something. It's incredibly simplistic and shallow.

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>Go choke on a dick.
You're right.

Choking a dick is probably more entertaining than playing a SaGa games.

>as for frontier, let's be real. you weren't "bored," you were filtered because you couldn't git gud.

>boss can barely deal a 100 damage to a character
>while characters can deal more than 30,000 damage in a single turn
>most of the boss fight is spent watching excruciatingly slow animations

So...this is the power of the SaGa series. The power to delude its fans thinking its good.

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Who cares? If you don't like it, don't play it. Other people enjoy them, whatever their reasons may be.
I think the elder scrolls games are some of the most boring, trivial pieces of garbage ever created, but people love them, so I stay out of it and just don't say anything.

>responding to wrpg kun

You have no clue how much grinding is needed to get your stats to that point. Those HP pools are way above what you will normally have at that point.

Newfag to the series, playing the Wonderswan versiom of SaGa 1. Is Human, Human, Esper, Monster a good team?

>Literally replying multiple times to one post just to bump your bait thread
>With videos where you don't even know what's happening
The fact that you've literally developed PTSD and a personal vendetta against this franchise after all the times I humiliated you on this board is almost like a badge of honour.
Too bad your efforts only make you look worse, but hey, I guess I have to thank you for making one of my favorite franchises more popular with your antics.
Monsters are a fair bit behind espers and humans in SaGa 1, and humans are quite costly to maintain compared to espers, but it's a pretty easy game with lots of tricks to it, as long as you pay attention you're going to be fine, it's a really simple game.
The only challenge you can have is running a full monster party and not abusing saws.

>You have no clue how much grinding is needed to get your stats to that point. Those HP pools are way above what you will normally have at that point.
So why does the game allow that much grinding in the first place? You do realize other RPGs implement level caps for a reason, don't you?

For the monsters, I'm using a guide to get a Rank 13 one early

>The fact that you've literally developed PTSD and a personal vendetta against this franchise after all the times I humiliated you on this board is almost like a badge of honour.

>says the person obsessed enough to stalk me into every thread and somehow is able reply to me within a split-second of me posting anything

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>You do realize other RPGs implement level caps for a reason, don't you?
And we've all seen how good they work, or rather, how they don't.

yeh i tried these games and i just couldn't get into them, don't the enemies level with you? i hate that bullshit

>And we've all seen how good they work, or rather, how they don't.
Is that so? Then why can't you come up with any examples of level caps that don't work?

Oh no, I do not stalk you in every thread you bother shitposting in no matter how much you're going to pretend it, unlike you I have a life and actual mental hygiene.
Seethe more though, I just love how frustrated you are.

Even a normal playthrough can completely trivialize that fight:

But sure, keep deluding yourself into thinking SaGa is this super duper complex game that no puny mortal could ever grasp.

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>why can't you come up with any examples of level caps that don't work?
There's plenty, level caps do absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting too powerful, they're just arbitrary countermeasures that barely even work for the first hours of the game.
Even some of the most anal games like the recent D:OS duology are completely trivialized, even far below the allowed level cap for the zone or acts you're in.

Attached: Spawn of Autoattack.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

Baldur's Gate is god-tier.

>Oh no, I do not stalk you in every thread
Yet you showed up here as soon as this thread went up.

Heck, I've seen you show up in threads whenever other people criticize jrpgs and you attack those people and call them 'wrpg-kun'. That's how pathetic you are.

>keep deluding yourself into thinking SaGa is this super duper complex game that no puny mortal could ever grasp.
Then I guess you can totally explain what's happening in that battle in terms of mechanics.
I'm also very entertained by how ignorant you are that you think Frontier is a challenging game, you could solo that battle with an underleveled Blue too, not like you'd know how to do it either way.

You do realize we can see the hundreds of buffs you stacked on those characters, right?

And that has anything to do with level caps or difficulties? How?
Oh wait, you just admitted that one of the most praised WRPGs of the late years is actually completely trivialized by just stacking buffs and autoattacking, which you do at any point of the game, such an incredibly complex game, eh?

>I'm also very entertained by how ignorant you are that you think Frontier is a challenging game

>as for frontier, let's be real. you weren't "bored," you were filtered because you couldn't git gud.

So apparently SaGa fans are so mentally damaged that they not only struggle with incredibly shallow and easy RPGs like SaGa, but they can't even remember what they posted a few minutes ago.

Nice moving of the goal posts, by the way. That makes how many now...a thousand times the goal posts have been moved? Let me recall a few

>SaGa is not supposed to be challenging
>SaGa is not supposed to be interesting
>SaGa is not supposed to let you interact with the world
>SaGa is not supposed to have choices that matter

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>Oh wait, you just admitted that one of the most praised WRPGs of the late years is actually completely trivialized by just stacking buffs and autoattacking
That's more than I can say for the most revered JRPG of all time, SaGa, which is completely trivialized by just...attacking.

Attached: SIF STRONK.png (685x617, 53K)

The vast majority of RPGs end well before their level cap, retard.

Show me an RPG with a level cap where player characters can grow powerful enough to literally do more than 3000 times as much damage in a single turn as a boss can do. Because that's what SaGa characters do in that video.

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i should try again.
these are good games, but they require a specific mindset to enjoy fully, and i just kind of half-ass each one i play

Best girl

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>716 HP
No, that isn't normal either.

They're really not that different outside of the mechanics and narrative, what might take you off guard is how growth is granular and the game doesn't follow strict character templates, but at the end of the day, you're gonna build your characters through focusing on one or two strong points, just like any other RPG.
The nonlinearity of most entries sure doesn't help in easing you in, and the fact that most entries end up being wildly different from each other is also a bit hard to digest, but as long as you stay focused and analytical enough they're going to be pretty smooth in general, outside of games like Unlimited or Minstrel Song, but most of the series isn't really that demanding, the initial culture shock is the hardest wall.
do you enjoy the (negative) attention?

i'll get to them all soon enough now that i have a lot more time.
any idea where to start?
there doesn't happen to be a beginner chart handy is there?

Frontier is the best entry point for beginners since it has most of the core ruleset of the more modern entries and still a lot of elements from the older ones, not to mention it's really short and easy enough for newcomers to play and stretch their legs in at their leisure, it will hardly ever punish you, do not start with Riki or Lute though, Riki's scenario is the hardest in the game and Lute's scenario more or less doesn't exist, it also leads to problems if you explore too much, start out with either Emilia or Red as they're far more relaxed, and also more interesting.
Romancing SaGa 3 is also good for mostly the same reasons, but it lacks a lot of more modern stuff Frontier implemented, like the combo system or limitless recruitment slots.

If for some reason both of these feel too confusing, consider playing the DS remakes of SaGa 2 and 3, they're linear and as barebones as they can possibly be, but still implement the very basics rules you'll find in the rest of the series and some nice unique spins on certain mechanics like comboing, the gods systems and so on
>there doesn't happen to be a beginner chart handy is there?
Nope, perhaps I should take some time to do one myself since nobody really bothered up to now, it's kind of an issue.

you should, it would probably help a lot more people get into the series more if they have something that can point them in a good direction