Is it worth buying a PS4 just for this game?

Is it worth buying a PS4 just for this game?

If demon souls had a port I would be sold, as I haven’t played that one either... but for one game?

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I mean you should get a larger list of games you might like, more than just Bloodborne, but yes, it is worth getting a PS4 for it.

That comic in the OP is actually pretty good too. I wouldn't read it until you finish the game though.

Any recommendations? God of war, Horizon and Spider all look very boring.

I bought a PS4 to play Bloodborne and I'm very happy I did so, the game is totally worth it. A couple other games like Rocket league were good too, but I can play them on other platforms.

if games would cost more money the better they are i would be happy to pay 500$ for bloodborne, but its only worth it if you dive deep into lore and details of this gem.

It's pretty ok. Not much you can do differently ok a second play through. Investing in arcane just makes ur wep do fire damage. Bloodtinge just makes guns a tiny bit stronger but still only good for parrying. And there isn't any variety in armor appearance.

You start off with the best weapon in the game too. Just the regular saw

Also they throw healing items at you constantly and can heal after you've been hit to regain a bit of hp.

Games pretty easy with no replay value but good for like 10 hrs

Don't be fooled by the posts here. vedit is almost always wrong

Sure, Death Stranding will be a nice bonus

Just wait for the ps5. It'll be backwards compatible

Until Dawn, The Shadow of the Colossus remake, Persona 5. God of War and Spider-Man

I guess maybe a used ps4 I wouldn’t sleep on Gow though crank the difficulty and it’s a pretty good game same for wipeout.

that some really elegantly crafted bait my friend, here's a (you)

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>You start off with the best weapon in the game too. Just the regular saw.
You mean the hunters axe right?

Yes. Get a used, dirt cheap first series console and enjoy the ride. Also play P5 if you're into JRPGs.

GoW is cinematic shit. Crash remakes seem pretty good though.

saw is hard and fast the best DPS in the entire game
axe is ok, L2 spam on ranged attack is cool, but it's not as good for damage

GoW has objectively better combat than previous entries.

Ah shit, totally forgot about Crash Remake. Yeah, that's a good recommendation.

Yeah the previous entries were shit too.

>That comic in the OP is actually pretty good too
It's fucking retarded. For starters the author thinks that "Paleblood" is actual blood. A simple playthrough though the Lecture Hall area, shows you a note that says that "Paleblood" refers to the "Unnamed Moon Presence"

Gundam breaker 3 is a fun mecha action hack and slash with an unreasonable amount of customization if you're looking for ps4 recommendations.

But the main character is wrong, paleblood isn't actually the kids blood as he eventually realizes.

I thought it was a solid enough side story, and the visuals were great.

I also bought a PS4 just to play it. I wanted to like it so bad. I love the souls games, and the atmosphere is right up my alley. My problem was I just couldn't get past the frame rates. The 30 fps began to hurt my eyes after short periods (I guess I'm just to use to 60) and when the frames begin to dip, and believe me, they will dip a lot, it's extremely noticeable.

If frame rates going into the single digits on a normal bases and when nothing's happening it's a quasi stable 30 is ok with you, then go for it.

No console is worth one game. PS4 does have a few other games tho.

Play it on PS Now if you really want.

god of war is a superb game, not boring at all and not a stupid fetch game. like the rest.

what?!? gow is so much game are you fucking kidding me, that opinion could not be further away from the truth.

>all look very boring.
You have shit taste. God of War is one of the best games this gen. If you like kiddie stuff more though, I think PS4 isn't for you.

Yeah God of War is great, people look at it and just assume its all cinematic bullshit like uncharted or nu tomb raider when its really not. Combats great, lots of secrets to find, and very souls inspired if you like those games. Also the Leviathan Axe is easily one of the best weapons in games.

How it's shit? Explain.

>spoiler tag
Well I didn't get that far into the comics, I dropped it after a couple volumes. Did the main character eventually realise that Paleblood refers to the MP?

He never learns about the moon presence itself (it is shown in the comic though, he just never sees it himself), but he realizes paleblood isn’t actually blood when his pale boy transforms into a fish monster. He’s able to resist his murder urge enough to escape with monster boy on a boat and sail away to hopefully somewhere better than Yarhnam.

Demon's Souls is pretty worthless since it's just Dark Souls Alpha 0.5 but BB is a completely unique souls title with ~1000 hours worth of content

BB rarely has drops outside of a few chalice dungeons, nice try shill

>reddit itt unironically suggesting GoW abd other trash
This fucking shithole of a board.

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>Is it worth buying a PS4 just for this game?
of course

Transformed axe has great reach and spin to win the cleaver has shit range and the transformation is useless

Hell no.

Demon's Souls literally does everything that Dark Souls does better, with the exception of the interconnected world.

Also combat isn't slow as molasses like DS and DS2

>just assume its all cinematic bullshit
Constant forced, unskippable walking segments and quick time events (These aren't terrible like the walking shit, but it is 100% cinematic bullshit)
> Combats great
Combat is alright at best, it's deeply flawed in several ways. Camera is bad and unsuitable for a game like that, and the combat systems real issues start to emerge on GmGoW
>very souls inspired if you like those games.
In what fucking way is it souls inspired? Is it because it's 3d act-
>Also the Leviathan Axe is easily one of the best weapons in games.
Oh, I was fucking baited.

GoW and Spider-Man have bad marketing. They advertised the games to be all cinematic drivel but they're absolutely not. GoW has some pretty killer combat mechanics. Unfortunately the skill tree and RPG elements are pretty tacked-on and stupid but once you unlock some skills the combat gets a ton better. Same with Spider-Man actually. I haven't played HZD myself so I can't say anything on that one.

I'd also recommend WipEout Omega Collection. Sony picked up the slack when Nintendo abandoned F-Zero and did a damn good job of it.

There's a TOUCH of souls inspiration in the combat but not as much as he's implying. And if you don't think the Leviathan axe is an awesome weapon, you have shit taste or you're not playing the game right.