thoughts on this? you think it'll be removed/fixed?
Sharding still in classic wow under 2 weeks before release
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They always said it would be there for phase 1, no?
Why the fuck are you surprised? They've literally always said it'll be going for at least a few weeks after launch.
Yes they did.
And while Blizzard may be shitty developers now they don't outright lie about things. Unless someone can prove me wrong.
They said it would be something known as "layering" which is essentially sharding, only the entire continent is in its own shard rather than zones being split into multiple different shards like traditional sharding. Also, you're supposed to stay in your layer until you get invited to a group pretty much.
Open beta still had normal sharding where zone borders put you into different shards. You would likely be put into a different shard if you crossed over a zone border with someone you aren't grouped with. And of course, shit like where you can just randomly be taken out of your shard regardless of what you are doing and put into a new one, possibly in the middle of a bunch of mobs.
So I suppose they *haven't* lied about it yet but they have less than a month to implement their new proposed system.
There was no "open beta" so I'm going to assume you don't know what you're talking about.
You were never going home.
>There was no "open beta"
Fine, "stress test" or whatever you want to call it. Why would they have a stress test for a system they're supposedly going to change at launch? That webm was recorded 5 days ago btw.
>video from the blizzcon beta last year
i hope you're only pretending
I don't know if you're referring to only classic related stuff or WoW/Other blizzard games in general, but there was that complete lie about not adding in ilvl scaling in Legion.
Oh right that thing where the engineers were actively stressing the servers and manually expanding and contracting layers to test how it would affect players?
And some layering glitches happened during this...
Huh, interesting for you to say...
But there were no layers it was still just normal sharding. Layers don't stop at zone borders they persist in the entire continent.
Shut up spic
Yeah this is going to be in there until realm pops die down to a stable amount, not a few weeks after launch like they've said.
They just created new realms and warned everyone to make characters on the new realms if they were thinking about playing because the other realms were already so fucked with characters that they think there will be long queues.
If the populations are that fucked already WITH sharding, imagine how fucked the realms would be if they removed sharding.
They expect the population to die off dramatically very quickly. If they are wrong, we're going to be dealing with sharding for months at least.
$0.10 has been deposited into your account
watching the blizzdrones claim it's only temporary and making up more and more excuses the closer the deadline has gotten has been so entertaining. They do this every expansion. Literally everyone know they were going to include it except those paste eating retards
>they don't outright lie about things.
Still waiting on that fucking dance studio
fuck the dancer studio, remember the capital cities in WoD? Or the Shattrah raid?
I use the dance studio as the first I remember being openly lied about. From there it just snowballed into “please understand” again and again
can't wait
>They expect the population to die off dramatically very quickly.
That’s a very suspicious thing to expect
I thought that was implemented and then swift removed when people used it to simulate sex acts.
>meanwhile ffxiv's official policy is that you can trade erp for dungeon/raid runs and money
Man if that was true the /e function and every other emote would have been removed too
yeah they should remove it from all but the starter zones
>We need continent-wide sharding because people who aren't going to make it past the barrens will slow down the server and quit shortly after
>Layering is a much better solution than only sharding low level zones
what did blizzard mean by this
Could mean two things
1.) They don’t actually believe people want Classic and are just doing this for a short time to shut people up
2.) They’re planning on integrating features present in the current engine build into Classic if and when the hype dies down enough.
So does this mean I can pretend to be a female and get free shit?
You always could. I wish my pride didn’t get in the way of such an easy ride
literally yes