It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made

Attached: aaa.png (1600x1200, 3.33M)

Other urls found in this thread:!R8dhiCCA!HHdFVt4aD19kQfiYzk9rBi8K5rVU0SsRN09LtkY5qcg

Dude I love Oblivion


Attached: Screen_Shot_2016-04-29_at_11.13.28_AM.0.0.png.jpg (1200x800, 181K)

Either Morrowind or Oblivion for sure. JRPGfags need not apply.

Can't you at least use a screenshot that doesn't showcase Gothic 2's horrific environmental texture stretching?

>me the hero go end evil

Attached: 1565817719988.jpg (5776x5384, 2.47M)

>shit plot
>shit characters
>shit gameplay
Yeah, no.

I do love New Vegas.

why is oblivion so popular on this board? it's so bland, it was like a beta test for skyrim

>shit characters

Attached: -.jpg (300x400, 31K)

Morrowind has the best story and role playing elements.
Skyrim has the best graphics, character designs and combat.
Oblivion is worse than both.
So Yea Forums has to love Oblivion to seem counter culture

Time passed and the people who grew up with it are now looking at it with rose-tinted glasses.
See: Mass Effect, Fable, Halo.

just slayed my final dragon. who should i take to the island

Shame Morrowind is so lite on choice and consequence.
Nearly all quests were do thing get pellet MMO tier quests.

Gothic 2 Patching guide with graphics mods

Download this and install the patches in the correct order (read the installation order text file). You have to install these for the Steam or the GoG version or else the game won't run properly.!R8dhiCCA!HHdFVt4aD19kQfiYzk9rBi8K5rVU0SsRN09LtkY5qcg

Then download this and extract everything to the "system" folder in your Gothic 2 folder
This makes the graphics a lot better, adds new shaders, increases the draw distance etc + fixes performance issues.

Additional Graphics mods (choose ONE of the two). Both of these work with the DX11 mod above. Both of these are installed by simply dropping the .vdf file into your "Data" folder (with other .vdf files in it)
Vurt's Graphics Overhaul:
This is the most vanilla-friendly graphics mod. It mostly only improves the textures/meshes.

L'hiver Vanilla Edition:
Changes the graphics + changes and expands the map. Edits certain locations and models, adds new buildings, new objects. It offers the best graphics imo but the downside is that it adds too many unnecessary trees in some locations.

Here are screenshots comparing the two mods:

If the in-game videos are very small go to the Gothic.ini file in the "system" folder and make these two lines have these values:

Attached: Gothic 2 Screenshot 2018.12.01 - (1920x1080, 3.74M)

Gothic 2 is just such a good fucking game. When I beat it I usually just start up another game

after i beat gothic 2, im lost

no other game like it truly i dont know what to play now


Attached: GOTHIC POCZĄTEK.jpg (397x223, 67K)

sometimes i will play gothic 1 as a break

thats a good idea, i need to play the 1st one

Damn right. The entire game has like five characters at most - the asshole, the coward, the woman, the bland nobody and the badass asslicker friend who may or may not be a pothead or a nigger. I don't count MC as a character because he has no personality whatsoever.

Attached: 1523019033840.jpg (471x400, 119K)

It's sort of a joke that PB just keeps remaking Gothic 2 to various degrees of success, but it's sort of true.
Worth checking out the rest of their catalogue.

Confirmed for never played the game.

i keep mistaking this with that path leading to sens fortress


confirmed did not play game

Epic shitpost my fellow Slavshit bros

>Skyrim has the best graphics, character designs and combat
I'll give you graphic but character design was lazy as fuck, samefaces everywhere. In Oblivion you could at least see the difference between different races of Men, plus not every character was the same height.
And combat is shit, unless you consider epic animations=good combat

Are you high on jizz or something? Get the fuck out.

Play Risen.
It doesn't have that unique Gothic vibe and the final boss is one of the worst I've ever seen, but it sticks closely to Gothic's formula of zero to hero journey, git gud combat and no hand-holding.

Why is it always this image that start a gothic thread? Im legit curious

I thought this was an Oblivion thread.

because the post itself often makes oblivion and morrowind fags butthurt which helps us bumping the thread

Combat is shit but Oblivion/Morrowind is worse
And Oblivion’s characters are too ugly to take seriously

*blocks your path*

Attached: aaa.png (1920x1080, 3.63M)

It's a meme

Attached: 1475727033292.png (558x744, 428K)

>epic animations
Combat animations in Skyrim are garbage, characters flail their weapons around like some rabid monkeys.
Speaking of animations, the thing I've always loved about Gothic is that reaching next stage of skill proficiency makes animations more fluid and refined. I wish more games implemented this kind of system.



Attached: 220px-PC_Game_Fallout_2.jpg (220x220, 18K)

that's not skyrim


yeah nice gaslight, gothic is still shit though

Zoom zoom

Attached: 2j.webm (1050x590, 1.26M)

pretty sure the only faggots are the ones worshipping this boring dead disaster of a series, it like if witcher 2 had a down syndrome grandpa

There are a bunch of TES threads up already so let this one die.

Another gaslight, it's really sad that even runescape has better looking combat, I honestly think a text based game is more fun than what you just showed me

just because you really enjoy eating shit out of the toilet for breakfast every morning doesn't mean everyone else lacks your refined taste, pretty sure you are just retarded


Attached: Gothic 2 03.16.2017 - 14.webm (1150x646, 2.86M)

gothic's a nice game, but don't say the gameplay is what made it good.

Attached: Zoomer.png (820x324, 244K)

150 iq argrument, screeching liberals could take notes, go play your dead game now son, you've got lots to do; like the same thing over and over again, go swing your sword cause having other weapon types is a zoomer gimmick

You guys have school tomorrow. Better get to bed soon, zoomie.

Attached: Gothic 2 02.23.2017 - 16.webm (1000x544, 2.82M)

lol, here's a gentle breeze faggot
don't go flying back 30 feet off the bridge and die instantly now

Attached: 1794851375214.png (300x300, 15K)

Are you retarded?

end of summer right?
enjoy going to high school and only thinking of your next shitpost

Attached: Gothic 1 First Adventure.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

what graphic and performance mods are mandatory?

aRe yOu ReTardeD?
t.butthurt gothic fag

reee anyone I disagree with is a zoomer!

low hanging fruit

>posting modded webms
kill yuorself

Fable: The Lost Chapters specifically is the best RPG of all time.

be honest, you only like these shitty games because you're all nostalgia fags and/or eurotrash. there is no way anyone besides a complete autist with shit taste could pick this game up for the first time in current year and enjoy the pile of flaming dogshit that is the gothic series

Attached: dogshitgame.jpg (768x576, 299K)

Cope, zoomer.

Attached: GothicII.webm (1100x618, 2.66M)


But I literally did that after a recommendation from an user.
There aren't enough RPGs with rewarding exploration these days.

>t. assblasted witchercuck

>Witcher 3 is shi-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 3.webm (924x518, 2.99M)

oh I was right

Attached: 1475742933293.png (1894x1067, 167K)

Seething polecuck newfag

>calling me a polecuck while defending garbage that is the witcher 3

actually low iq

>Witcher 3 is garbag-

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

Yeah you just proved that with this webm

Imagine having taste this bad.

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

No, I don't give a shit about Witcher since I didn't like it either. Your nationality and time spent on Yea Forums however is as clear as day, given your obsession with zoomers and Gothic. Hell, even in your shitty screencap there's a reference to Gothic.

>Spam Items to blow things up. Tornado Swipe.

I'm 32 and think the game kinda sucks. If you like jank that's fine, but this sure as hell not the best RPG ever

>How am I supposed to play this? There aren't any quest markers, for crying out loud!

Attached: Soymer.png (714x800, 73K)

This is fun once and then you're stuck with it for 100+ hours

Attached: 1539699274764.webm (320x200, 2.64M)

Jeeze if you want to project go work at the cinema

Witcher 3's combat isn't good, but I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't beat out Gothic 2's.
Especially at low levels.

Attached: Gothic 2 combat.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

Git gud.

Attached: God Tier W3 Combat.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

This is legitimately pathetic. I've seen this screencap a lot and it really goes to show how retarded some of you are if you really think The Witcher 3 is any of the multiple phrases that image tries to throw out every sentence. What makes Gothic 2 is an amazing game, but you're really living a lie if you think W3 is bad.

Attached: chapter 2.png (962x697, 49K)

>Git gud.
If it wasn't boringly easy even on the highest difficulty I might have had to.

How is it wrong about TW3's bad open world design?

>Some enemies avoid damage just like in Witcher 3
Fuck me user, brb I'm gonna beat Gothic 1 and 2 for the third time.
Hopefully this time I won't have to grind my stats to actually deal any damage at all to """"stronger"""" enemies.


Seriously though, this post is spot on

only zoomers whose first RPG was oblivion love Yea Forums everyone else agrees it's garbage

only zoomers like Oblivion because it's the first RPG they played

Morrowin > Skyrim > Oblivion

Attached: 1565776672781.jpg (1024x1024, 163K)

it's not bad it's just mediocre

that being said I loved W1

Gothic 1 is the first RPG I played in retrospect, and I like Oblivion for the generic forest atmosphere and the awesome SI expansion. Also it has MUCH better content than Skyrim

>batman gameplay
gothic, kingdom come > witcher

>anyone besides a complete autist with shit taste
case in point

Concession accepted

based histbro

Attached: argonian.png (485x601, 135K)

fucking honestly. last gothic 2 thread i asked what are some of the great features in the game. i got like 8 answers about dumb shit like, you can hide in a certain barrel in one city, their is no reason for you to do it

The only thing Oblivion had going is best loli mods
but then Skyrim surpassed even that
There's literally 0 reason to play Oblivion now

Attached: future old man.jpg (552x563, 82K)

that's because no one is going to take their time to respond seriously to a retarded post like yours

how is my question retarded. why should i buy a game if no one can give me a real reason to play it

Again, not an argument.

Cool! I love Fallout 4.

it's easy as fuck but i love it

>game good because video
okay NPC

nobody's talking to you faggot, go back to shilling your garbage ubisoft game

ok i will watch this

>Ubisoft games are garbag-

Attached: Assassin's Creed Origins Combat.webm (720x406, 1.92M)

>literally the same janky shit with slightly better graphics
euros can't into games

Imagine thinking this doesn't look like garbage

good video even though i don't think the game is for me still

I never understood the nostalgic feeling of plot direction in old games. If you feel like the game is railroading you to a destination just turn the fucking map markers off.

And what if the game isn't designed around map markers being turned off?

Attached: Let the good times roll 3.jpg (859x1024, 106K)

That would mean the mission structure would be time sensitive. Most open world games aren't made that way. Just turn the markers off bro.

Name one (1) recent open world game not designed around quest markers. The only one I can think of is Breath of the Wild.

Gothic is superior to Skyrim in both graphics and combat

You can emulate that feeling in any game that has an alternative form of directions built into the game other than map markers (e.g. road signs, npcs giving directions) but if you want an actual answer The Outer Wilds was breddy gud.

Skyrim is superior to Gothic in both graphics and combat

I would love to learn about this one, it's one of the ones I still haven't played (and shit, I've played most). So, first things first, how long is it?

Attached: 1533830376628.jpg (1006x483, 207K)

>pirate camp looked cool in vanilla
>now its grayshit

That reminds me of a musou.

I'm not trying to dog on W3, per se, but that webm shows something you can literally do in Skyrim. The only difference is LDB doesn't have a fancy jump when he spins with the 2H sword PA.

That looks like some DaS-esque combat, with ground traps. Which, mind you, the enemy doesn't hit in the webm.

>if you don't like the game itself, it's because you need hand holding.

One of these things doesn't lead to the other. Some of us grew up on games like 7th Saga.

40-50hrs if you play with Night of the Raven addon included, which you should

Amazing timing. I recently got the urge to play again and I discovered Velaya Tale of a warrior, a mod set after the nameless hero leaves the isle and has a lot of interesting quest and expanding stories for most characters. It's like playing it all over again I 100% recommend it.

That's more musou combat. You're not doing anything technical, you're just spamming a combo and moving in a direction.

That's reasonable. Is it very full of content?

No, it takes 40-50 hours to beat because there's nothing to do.

this isnt a bethesda game thread

there is plenty to do, npc's you visited earlier have new quests in new chapters and stronger enemies spawn in new chapters as well

weeb shit comparing in any way to a well crafted rpg, no