When will this meme end?
When will this meme end?
It's not likely to end any time soon. Making generic crap levels like that is simply too easy and dumbasses enjoy it.
This is actually a really good criticism. Every game is trying to be Super Meat Boy.
>b..b...but muh difficulty
git gud
You don't even need to for shitty games like this. Just try the same short level infinitely until you pass it by sheer inevitability.
>t. couldn't git gud
'I wanna be the guy' was a joke game but somehow "serious" devs thought it was ok to make games like that
i a+'d cotton alley dark world, am i bad?
as much as indie shills love to deny it, shit like this is a big reason why indies will never measure up to the classics that they rip off.
you'd be hard pressed to find indie games with level design that lives up to the classics. their solution to everything is either procedural generation or just putting spikes everywhere.
Play Celeste. It may look like a SMB clone but the level design is much more interesting. Just skip all the story shit, it's gross.
>git gud at shitty micro levels that don't require any sort of mastery of the game mechanics, merely memorization
That doesn't even apply in this case, the whole game design is just shit.
don't know what that is, git gud
I was trying to make hard levels in Mario Maker until I realized "hard" is just jank or autistically demanding the player follow the exact set of inputs the dev did.
Also fuck roguelites that are balanced around you finding something extremely synergistic randomly or even just getting good RNG in general.
I ironman'd all worlds on SMB, it's still bad design
3. add a deep story about depression and dysphoria
this is a sub genre of platformers called precision platformers. There are still platformers that don't look like this.
Why is it not?
>precise inputs bad
>relatively easy inputs on invisible platforms that appear and disappear on a timer and which can only be discovered through trial and error good
This one segment is better than any indie platformer.
Imagine playing this as a kid and actually turning into a fan of platformers, instead of hating them.
Every shitty ""good"" Mario Maker level ever.
Also despite this trend, I still think N++ is a fantastic game. The difference is that the physics are way better than the momentum-less trash like IWBTG and Meat Boy.
Congrats OP, you just described 95% of Super Mario World romhacks.
just use rush jet lmao
if your pic is bad platformer design, define good platformer design
hard mode: no "similar to [game] but..."
You idiots always do this and the answer never changes
Wow, now I'm Panga!
N++ is the same thing only it looks even more like a flash game than usual.
n++ is literally OP pic but with walls instead of spikes. so good platformer level design is making shit piss easy?
Many branching paths and ways to approach areas, with rewards for people who take the more challenging paths or hunt for secrets. Multiple successful playthroughs of the same stage shouldn't have to look the same.
Both classic Sonic and Mario titles do this right, and are staples of the genre for a reason.
I (not joking) recommend 'snake pass' as a modern 3d "platformer".
But I cant beat airman to get item 2
Play super cloudbuilt
Reminder that the only thing you REALLY need in a good platformer is good music.
Was always a shitty meme, he isnt't even hard especially if you do woodman first which is even fucking easier.
Try actually playing the game instead of shitposting. N++ has levels that can be approached in a multitude of ways, it also has a wide variety of enemy types that make each run unique instead of just purely muscle memory. Many of the levels that may be simple on the surface are brutally difficult when you do all gold, or no traps or some other variant; it's just really solid design.
This is a great example of a well designed level.
>judging a book by its cover
Game has more depth for a pure platformer than most of its contemporaries. Good physics and good level design makes for a good platformer.
N is anything but piss easy. Just because you have more room to move about in doesn't mean it can't be challenging. The worst parts of the game are when it tries to have a level like OP's bs where there are more zap drones/mines than available walls to scale.
Megaman blocka are also shit, but Megaman has this thing called variety in how they set the stage hazzards up, you have to worry more about health, enemy placements, bosses, etc.
Wow that sure looks like a flash game and the exact kind of garbage the OP describes.
Kaizo was a mistake
IWBTG would be a better comparison. SMB had more variety than the spike pits that pass for platformers now
N++ has a really in-depth physics system and really smart enemy design along with good overall placement of obstacles. It doesn't shoehorn you through one method of doing the level and the levels are quite open-ended with each run feeling unique and like you are trying to survive rather than just running through the motions or the preset path.
They've been doing this shit since the SNES, DKC2 comes to mind, just now they do entire games based around this shit
>it also has a wide variety of enemy types that make each run unique
not really. there's nothing random about N++ enemies. if you jump like X you'll always jump over Y and land at Z. hell, in your video, the guy is dodging the rocket always the same way: lead it forward, then let it circle around you.
"can be approached in a multitude of ways" my ass, that labyrynth has a set goal: get to the switch, then get out. just because optional shit exists somewhere off to the side does not mean shit
>Literally just trial and error
The blocks can be annoying, but it's not like the games don't give you tools to bypass this stuff if you complete other levels.
When I bought the game I was surprised it even had a skip cutscene option, some indie devs are really butthurt if you skip their "amazing" stories
>Every game is trying to be Super Meat Boy.
Which was trying to be IWBTG
They are not random, but my point is that there is so many moving parts, and that they will react ever so slightly different based on even a pixel difference in your character which will make every run different. Also, the physics are very complex so if you land at a slightly different angle or speed, then again everything will be completely different.
There are only a few levels that are muscle memory based, most of them are very open-ended and let the player approach them however they want.
Good game but it almost goes too far in the other direction and gives you too much freedom to the point where you can skip over a shitton of challenges with rocket jumps. I do like finding routes through pretty complex open ended levels but they often just don't feel very well thought out. Umihara Kawase games suffer from the same issue now that I think about it.
You make not like it, but this is what peak platforming looks like
The quality of Mario Maker 2 levels would increase tenfold if the spike trap was deleted from the game.
IWBTG and Super Meat Boy did irreparable harm to the platformer genre
>everything will be completely different
no. slight difference in inputs leads to slight difference in output(positioning of character). this can be applied to any platformer game. t. someone who played N++ and liked it
>single screen flash game with spikes everywhere
It's shit.
>rush jet
>not one mention of origins and legends
Origins livid dead is my favorite level in both origins and legends
super neat boy isn't good
none of his games are good
Isaac is the closest and even that's shit
I would be the gay?
I love N++ but you know that's not 100% true with levels tropes such as the "wait for the opening and patiently follow zap drones or die" or "go in a circle at the right rate or die" or "mines fucking everywhere randomly" levels
Just because there's a set goal doesn't mean you have to approach something in the optimal way every time. That's far different than what the OP image describes. "Optional shit" is just as valid for content in a platformer as getting from point a to b, it adds depth.
If you play a game to simply finish it "the optimal way" and drop it after without touching extras on purpose you're autistic.
This. I hate seeing Meat Boy praised, just like seeing Gungeon praised when they are both outdone by others in their genres, but normies eat them up anyway. IWBTG is even worse, but at least non autists can tell it's garbage from the get go.
Yeah, it's kinda jank to be able to skip a bunch of areas in a level at times, but if you don't wanna cheese the game then there is a decent amount of options to do with the amount of levels they have as well; which is why I recommend it, because at least if you actually play the game through then it's one of the better, if not the best, modern platformer due it not just being constant spikes and mario maker level of specific movement only.
I wanna be the guy. It's pretty insane how people took design cues from a literal joke game
but it established patterns during the safe section
if the block is lower than the first one then you'll be expecting a high block. you can literally guess at yoku block puzzles and still get them first try.
Post your trophy/achievement for beating all of the expert levels.
Most games don't have open-ended structure or multiple AI systems that all interact with each other. You have missiles, you have shadow ninjas that follow your path making looping back harder, you have mines that activate when you step over them, you have lasers that pass through gaps that you need to consider the timing of, you have enemies that only activate when they see the player, you have blocks that bounce differently based on which direction and at what speed the player lands on them, you have enemies that follow you around the map. You can't just do the same path every single time because if you are slightly off then the timing of the rocket will be off, which means you will need to dodge to avoid the rocket differently, or the block will be at a slightly different angle, or the pass of the laser drone will change, etc. so you really need to just adapt the run as you go with a general outline of the stage. You would know this if you played the expert stages or went for all-gold or did anything beyond just playing the beginning stages for a couple hours.
If you haven't beaten Mega at a minimum, you don't know SHIT about platformers.
because it has many elements of bad game design like trail and error and leaps of faith. A game isnt difficult if its just a chore th at kills you over and over. Hell you can tell whether a mario hack is good whether it tries to kill you in the first screen or not.
B-but muh dark souls of platformers!
If you jump at the right time you dont need to do that lucky wriggle. The blocks have a clear audio cue when they appear
the third block is not lower than the first and there is a block above it
it's just trial and error youcould enjoy as a child because you had way more time
I Wanna Be The Guy was the ReZero of indie games. Someone clever came up with a unique idea and executed it well, and then spawned years and years of endless imitations
Jesus, I made that pic months ago for a random thread, I had no idea someone actually saved it.
The pic was made as a little rant against Celeste. The game was a pretty great platformer, but at the very end some of the alternative sides were exactly this bullshit.
>dude it's a platformer but there are no enemies or bosses, the levels look like a fan romhack, there are no gimmicks or added mechanics, and you just get to infinitely retry the same room over and over
>people eat this shit up
Don’t like it don’t play it you whiny bitch
there's nothing difficult about games like that
usually they have a checkpoint every screen so you wont be sent back if you die
there's literally no challenge
>executed it well
That's a funny way of saying they're both trash and spawned more trash.
>There is a slow casual route and a hidden mastery route that lets you speed past everything if skilled enough
>Having a diverse set of hazards with different behavior, and not just the same spikes
>Getting the wrong jump doesn’t immediately kill you, and you have to wait for the suspense of missing or not
>There is more to the level than just jumping on tiny floating island (such as bouncing on a platform while dodging enemies
I, a full grown adult, was throwing a shitfit at this last year until an user just said . I then finished MM2.
Literally just described N++ to a tee
Good devs know to include story skipping.
Good example:
>Freedom Planet-- option to disable all story and cutscenes entirely so it plays more like a Classic Sonic game
Bad example:
>in FFX you cannot skip cutscenes at all, even in the HD version, and in X-2 you are allowed but punished for doing so by taking away Completion % each time.
only 6B and 7C are this level of AIDS, the rest are pretty nicely designed
hopefully the DLC is good
this isnt land of livid dead i know
why did they fucked it up so much? It was my favourite world in 3
you forgot the chasing insta death thing
Yeah, 6B, that was it
>it has many elements of bad game design like trail and error and leaps of faith.
It was intended to be unfair so that people who did beat it could actually feel proud. It was like beating the highest level of the FF7 boxing game. It's designed to make you feel like you beat something rigged against you.
those tight feather sections where evil madeline shoots lasers are just bullshit tbqh
I kept bouncing off walls costing me a boost
yes, it was a game meant to be broken, but that doesnt make it good. It wanted to be good at being bad, and it succeeded at that. If you make a platformer, you shouldnt think "hey lets make a broken game so people feel accomplishement when they finally struggle through a hot mess"
What are they on now? N+++++?
I dunno dude I think the mountains of LPs and memes and everything associated with it clearly show that it did something fun and unique that people really enjoyed. you're gonna have to spit pretty far to hit it when it is basically a decade old meme game.
No, N++ took them around 12 years development time iirc and it has thousands of hours of content. It's pretty much the platformer to end platformers
Its not broken really its a comedy game where youre guessing about what kind of retarded shit will kill you next. It goes too far like the tetris section which is really fucking tedious memorization iirc but most of that stuff is just you encountering something new, dying in an over the top way, restarting 5 seconds away and clearing the part. Copying its over the top design without copying and building upon its comedy is the biggest crime of many platformers.
>if you haven't beaten expert levels then you haven't played the game
when will this meme end
>You can't just do the same path every single time
what is "being consistent with your inputs"? something you can't do, apparently. next you'll say you can't run a lap in a racing game the same way three times because "the smallest adjustment means more adjustments down the line to stay on course". then don't let that smallest adjustment happen, you twat. learn to be consistent
Is there anyway to rebind the jump button on switch for N++?
It's really annoying it's the A button instead of B, it's like they weren't thinking and just copied the 360 controller layout when porting but didn't think to swap stuff around.
Boost management gets really important late game especially if people cheesed their way through earlier levels instead of getting better. I recommend tapping boost a tiny bit unless more is necessary, or if you can see the replenish in your path then calculate your boosts properly and don't waste it all in one go.
This, I can't beat more than a single stage of MM1-6 without game over, how the fuck do people breeze through this shit
thats why 2d platformers are shit
I wish, but N++ looks to be the last.
I kinda want another expansion with a custom palette editor and more music.
At least they settled on a neat minimalist style over whatever the fuck N+ was going for. It was especially ugly on PSP and DS.
this OP is the reason the majority of Hollow Knight is a 10/10 game while Path of Pain is just un-fun frustrating bullshit. not even gonna waste my time trying
lmao no it doesn't. These are the same latitude and a block appears above anyway. later, at 0:17, a block appears that is DISTINCTLY lower than the one you're one, and no block appears above
it's trial and error retard
This level design sucks
>next you'll say you can't run a lap in a racing game the same way three times
He can't and you can't either, consistent lap times are extremely rare in racing games and are the result of a luck. The possible range of inputs is too huge and the amount of interaction between the different inputs is too. Pick a better example
it's trial and error, you can learn to get through 2 wihtout taking any damage and if you haven't played 3 before it's still gonna look like you've never played a MM game before. also kids those day had a lot of time to learn the few games they had available
The point is that those shortcuts get removed, so you're forced to make those exact jumps.
Just being curious, what games do you think are better then Gungeon?
i havent bought FF X in pc because of it, i dont want to sit through a story that i already know when that option was requested before they published the remake
First game that came to my mind after looking at op pic.
>he is inconsistent with his inputs
lmao. you're never gonna make it
>when will this meme end
Because the expert levels are the levels with the best design where everything comes together. Most of the other levels are just to teach the players because there is so many mechanics to learn. Just as I thought, you barely played the game and shouldn't be discussing it..
>what is "being consistent with your inputs"? something you can't do, apparently. next you'll say you can't run a lap in a racing game the same way three times because "the smallest adjustment means more adjustments down the line to stay on course". then don't let that smallest adjustment happen, you twat. learn to be consistent
Try actually playing the game as I stated previously and maybe you will understand. N++ is a game of ripple effect where one little very minor change of literally just one pixel will affect your whole run. The exact positioning of everything affects everything else in a very major way. This is not to say that there is only one hard path you must follow, but rather you will never have the same run twice, and you may have a general flow through the level, but it will vary quite a bit with every run. Obviously there is some degree of muscle memory, but it is significantly less than pretty much any other platformer out there.
Apparently this mod patch enables cutscenes to be put on "fast forward" so they can't be skipped but will end much much faster
>2 steps plan
>ignore the second step
What the fuck
IWBTG is more about tripping the player up with counterintuitive design traps than about enforcing pixel-perfect platforming.
You have to keep in mind that
>1. Megaman 2 Normal Mode in Japan was Hard mode in the west
>2. The song is meant to be sung by someone who is bad at video games
. Megaman 2 Normal Mode in Japan was Hard mode in the west
you can still kill airman in seconds
Yeah sure totally, just like Naruto
>next you'll say you can't run a lap in a racing game the same way three times because "the smallest adjustment means more adjustments down the line to stay on course". then don't let that smallest adjustment happen, you twat. learn to be consistent
Cringe, try getting super trackmaster in TM and tell me how easy that is to stay consistent. Literally a casual retard babby that has no idea what he's talking about.
Wut, do you think pros have consistent lap times? How clueless are you, even at the highest levels lap times varying by a second isnt too uncommon, check some qualifying footage
again with the "one smallest change" drivel. if youcan't go through thelevels without letting those smallest changes occur, then you're inconsistent and will be punished, be it by ripple effect or by spike walls a-la OP's pic. sure, N++ gives you multiple dynamic ways to go through the level, big whoop. all i'm saying is you suck, and your suckage is not a good basis for a gameplay study just as a journalist who sucks at Cuphead is not qualified to talk about how difficult it is. lrn 2 b consistent, fgt
I'm curious do you remember when your were a kid ?
Did you draw platformer levels on your text book with lava pits and swing vines and then get together with your friends to make them go through the level ?
One at a time i'd draw their line and narate "you pass the electric spikes" and then "slide down the slime slope, doing good", "but then you trigger the spike log trap and die". Did anyvody else do that ?
luckily rayman origins doesn't suffer this problem
If you actually read interviews with the author they said outright they were inspired to make ReZero because they thought most of the web novel community was complete shit, and he just wanted to prove he could do better, and he fucking did. He was the one who basically sent web novel IPs into the mainstream and caused tidal waves of cheap samey LN/WN adaptations to try and imitate ReZero's massive success.
Regardless of your gripes with the actual story, he set out to prove something and then proved it when everyone immediately copied him
>Someone clever came up with a unique idea
It's literally a ripoff of Higurashi and I'm sure the idea isn't original to Higurashi either.
Synthetik is the big one that comes to mind. Throne is good too, but >30fps is annoying.
Gungeon wants to be more of a bullethell, but doesn't deliver what on what makes bullethells fun imo while having mediocre feeling weapons (ironic for a game that sells itself on the guns), and very half baked roguelite mechanics.
Synth has variety, fun as hell weapons, depth to it's roguelite mechanics, and just overall feels like it had more thought put into it. I also like the style and art over Gungeon but that's a subjective thing.
Gungeon has a problem where sluggish no key runs and poor drops make it a miserable experience, where in Synth and even Throne you can get away with bad RNG and still salvage a run and make it enjoyable. They're also faster paced games than Gungeon as well when you know what you're doing.
SEETHING shaky hand inputlets
Not even fucking close. Iwbtg was a joke more than a real platformer.
Redpill: platformers have always sucked.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
It's ok to just admit you have no idea what you are talking about and the most complex racing you have done is Need for Speed.
I mean, there is clearly a market for this kind of platformer. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it.
>It's literally a ripoff of Higurashi
lmao it's "literally" nothing like higurashi at all you fucking faggot.
I actually did draw levels on paper as a kid, yeah
You can tank damage too.
Post footage of you doing 2 consistent laps on your best track in a sim of your choice
Excellent taste and very based. On a related note, I should really get back into Synthetik, after 30 hours I still can't fucking beat it.
Sad fact is that people eat up the most popular game of a given niche (e.g. Meat Boy, Gungeon/BoI) while ignoring the really great stuff that just doesn't get the same flavor of the month exposure. Unlucky.
Jump over grey pixels is not content.
Why is she sitting in the rain? Her butt is gonna get all wet
I quit 3 at Land of the Livid Dead; it was too scary for little me
There's no fucking way anyone but an autistic savant would make that connection. 5
what game are you trying to mock here? celeste?
The new raymans rhythm levels are kino
What kind of move do you need to do the near-vertical jump?
No, IWBTG is mostly about dying to stupid unpredictable bullshit to cast self-inflicted schadenfreude, like getting killed by background elements or spikes that fly upwards through the floor.
It's often the fangames that are like the pic in the OP.
I mean your idea of not having shaky hands is basically doing a TAS run. Either post your times, vids, or accomplishments or fuck off you LARPing tard
These games are the definition of soulless
Fuck Path of Pain.
good job.
There are flying enemies you can hit to gain altitude, and you going to do it because you are the world's greatest janitor.
why is trial and error bad game design?
This is the core element of Hotline Miami for example, is Hotline Miami a bad game?
Thank you for the level design idea, OP :)
Hotline Miami isn't 100% trial and error
Yes you learn more about how enemies will react and what is in the building through multiple attempts but if you seriously never first tried an encounter you fucking suck at the game.
I mean N++ has hundreds of thousands of players and most of the players are hardcore gamers that enjoy precision platformers and played the previous games. Out of the hundreds of thousands of players, you can count the number of players on one hand who have done certain level requirements for hidden levels, and even for those who can it takes several hundreds or thousands of hours of practice.
I'm not sure who you think you are kidding here. You have no idea how the game works and literally never even played the expert levels yet you continue to post as if your opinion about a game that you have never played has any merit.
with hotline miami you can see the layout beforehand. And in fact the places where you cannot see it beforehand (offscreen gun guys) is why people hated on HM2.
In platforming terms. I fucking hate having to jump down adn guess where the platform is, do I have to go hard right or drop straight down? Or fucking pick a pipe or kaizo block traps. fuck them
Hollow knight?
what game?
Try using peek you drooling retard. HLM2 has very minimal trial and error and is a game that is very difficult and satisfying to master.
Seeing the layout doesn't mean SHIT when the AI is totally unpredictable and don't you deny it redditor I swear to god if you do I will end you bitch.
>ctrl+f N++
>19 results
is this a stealth shill thread
Synth is tough when starting out. I've dumped almost 200hrs into it myself, however Last Defender still gets me at times.
I advise using Breacher or Assassin if you want to clear the game, as I think they're the easiest classes to play. Raider is a fine choice too.
I don't mind BoI but it became way too much of a clusterfuck for its own good with the expansions. Synth is probably too hard for most people too given the reload mechanics can turn off roguelite fans.
>that extra life bait
No, it's the gigachads gathering with their superior taste in platformers.
clever shortcuts are unironically good level design
I've mainly been playing with the Sniper because I'm just completely spoiled by the increased accuracy, but that seems to fall off really hard in the lategame.
BoI is alright, I don't hate it or anything, but there are better roguelite schumps like Monolith.
>Synth is probably too hard for most people too given the reload mechanics can turn off roguelite fans.
Based devs even included an option to turn that off and people will still call it too hard.
I don't see any of that itt
Are you seriously trying to shit on the flower quest over Absolute Bullshit? I even 112%'d it and I still think AR is cancer.
The end of the flower quest is literally 2 dashes at most, and both are perfectly evenly spaced for both dashes to not hit anything, you just have it time it properly.
Not even any other wall in the game for scrubs like Zote or Markoth but literally 2 dashes are the most infuriating thing in the game for you to make an image for?
Where do you spawn?
>unique or clever
Also add 3 achievements for the level and unskipable 30 seconds ad.
Oy vey
This. Fucking Super Cloudbuilt is amazing, why doesn't Yea Forums ever talk about it?
>all these insecure butthurt people mad that they have never made anything famous or started any trends
Didn't even put a spawnpoint or goal down, just wanted to redraw the shitpost ingame
Parts of this aren't even doable ingame as far as I know, but could be with tweaking.
Why are people who blanket-hate indie games always retarded?
>making a game played by trannies and animetards
>something to be proud of
That is going to be a yikes from me.
I really wish people would stop using SMB for anything other than Super Mario Bros.
>anyone who dislikes something is jealous of that thing
If you see mario maker you will realize that people only want this or automatic levels, there is no difference
... what does the game itself have to do with who chooses to play the game. the developer can't possibly know who will play the game before it's made you fucking retard.
listen to your fucking self
Not in every case... but in some cases yes, it's very obvious why people don't like something popular. Either insecurity or jealousy.
ultra based
>certain game genres or themes don't appeal to certain demographics
Yeah I'm sure the demographic playing HuniePop and CoD are the same. What the fuck am I even reading? Please think before you vomit out a braindead reply.
>mfw block spawns inside of me mid jump
that audio cue is burned into my brain.
Sniper and Engi are the hardest classes to beat the game with I think.
They're fun but also super specialized. Your best bet with sniper is to keep a non sniping weapon along with a powerful sniper. The problem is that when you get to the late floors and disco, moving quickly is essential and sniper being a sitting duck will get you killed.
The upside is if you acquire something like the nemesis or RG you can melt last defender in no time.
>the developer can't possibly know who will play the game before it's made
wrong. you figure out your audience prior to making a game
>Yeah I'm sure the demographic playing HuniePop and CoD are the same.
>COD players can't play Huniepop
nice wojak, turbo faggot.
Very hard obscure game.
>Celeste can't work like this
There are exceptions but it's called demographics you fucking retard. Now stop shilling your shitty game here.
IWBTG was made 11 years ago you fucking nigger how the fuck would the creator know who would be playing the game 11 years later. shut the fuck up
>of fucking IWBTG from 2007
IWBTG is at its core an easy and fair game once you know all the traps. Yes, you will die to all the ridiculous traps while you learn where they are or get used to your character, after that there's only a handful of rooms with hard jumps. I picked it up after 5 years of not playing it and beat it in like 4 hours.
This doesn't remind me of Cupheae, Hat in Time, Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Owlboy, Freedom Planet, Mark of the Ninja, Steamworld Dig, Steamworld Dig 2, La Mulana, La Mulana 2, Shantae and the pirates Curse, Shantae 1/2 Genie hero, Ori and The Blind Forest, Guacamelee, or Sonic Mania.
In fact it only reminds me of 2 games, Super Meat Boy and Celeste, which both put actual effort into their level design to make each screen/level teach you a skill, then expand upon that skill in the next, so I dont see what the problem is?
>make a game with horrible level design that requires autistic levels of muscle memory and repetition and nothing else
>somehow shocked when the dregs of society flock to it
It's the same reason why animetards and social rejects love the sweatshop copy and paste anime bullethells
>The problem is that when you get to the late floors and disco, moving quickly is essential and sniper being a sitting duck will get you killed.
Yep, I get to disco once every ten runs or so, and I get nuked every time. In my head I know I should play another character but 1) I'm not sure which and 2) I don't wanna go through the grind again [took me a while to max Sniper].
I'll try to get serious with Assassin though, he's my third highest level so it won't take too long to max him comparatively and he was pretty fun when I did use him.
Is "My Friend Pedro" considered a platformer?
There's only one actual bullet hell *series* and that's Touhou, and they're very high quality
N++ is unique because you can use slopes, curves and corners to tilt the ninja and jump at different angles. There are plenty of levels like OP's example but fortunately only userlevels are like that, and not the actual campaign, which is hard for more interesting reasons that super meat boy BS
but I like plenty of things that are more popular than ReZero
but I don't like ReZero. Funny how that works.
Why does he open his mouth like a basedboy?
man i love how literally any time theres a thread about a game or genre of game that actually requires you to get good Yea Forums will endless bitch and moan about it. you fuckers cant even man up and say "hey i really dont enjoy these difficult kinds of games id rather play something easier". instead you pull some DSP tier bullshit about how its all fake difficulty and its bad design and whatever other excuse you can come up with.
you fuckers talk about these games without having ever played them
IWBTG doesnt have any precise platforming in it, its all just unpredicatable traps that are meant to be funny rather than challenging
IWBTG fangames do have precise platforming, but usually only in Needle games.
meat boy levels dont look anything like the OP image (which is a retarded image in the first place)
you fuckers complain because you see a lot of spikes and decide that its impossible and bullshit design, regardless of how hard it actually is.
iwbtg isnt hard you fucking mongoloid. its a comedy game thats made to be accessible.
Ah, the classic "post something genuinely awful and pretend its good" trick.
Gets you all the (yous)
Talking about the fan-games. They aren't hard, they are just obnoxious trial and error muscle memory.
The devs of N++ are brilliant, I wanted to play it after this thread but it's almost impossible to search for on pirating sites.
I three episoded rezero before it became popular and it was shit.
Assassin is super fun. His invisibility is super cheesy but if you want to beat the game abuse it as much as you need to.
I'd say Breacher and Heavy Gunner are really cool classes too if you'd like to branch out. Engi, Riot Guard, and Demo to various degrees are the weakest classes in terms of overall enjoyment I'd say.
I like it. The problem with it is that it is way too easy to cheese. I tried to get my cousin to play it and all he did was slither over shit
of course a tastelet wouldn't, get a clue faggot
Shitty indie games aren't hard. What kind of actual retard finds small levels with infinite attempts difficult?
Could probably find it for dirt cheap on key sites.
Hotline Miami 2 at least is.
>What kind of actual retard finds small levels with infinite attempts difficult?
Yea Forums
>meat boy levels dont look anything like the OP image (which is a retarded image in the first place)
maybe not all the time
Literally nobody ITT complained that shit indie platformers are hard.
So what is your idea of difficulty then? A game is hard just because it has limited lives or what?
How does having infinite attempts make something less difficult? Difficulty isn't the same as being forgiving
It's sort of ok though, if you ever watch the dev talk about it he p much says flat out that he would never put the kind of shit in the b and c sides in the main story
pretty sure Yea Forums wants platformers where you have to think about what you are doing, instead of just doing the obvious near-perfectly
Thanks for the tips user, ganbarimasu. I'll eventually beat the game and continue to shill it when it goes on sale.
>indie game
>indie game
>indie game
between indie games and trannies i dont know how you have time to think about literally anything else.
Games that don't reset you seconds back for failure and don't let you continue to make mistakes forever without setting you back farther. It's called demanding consistency.
Because having infinite attempts at short segments means the game requires zero consistent skill, just memorization.
Cool projection.
Both The Kid levels and both Cotton Alleys look like OP's picture. Super Meat Boy is still a good game, but it is a very large part muscle memory, very little skill is needed. This is coming from someone with all ironmans in the game.
It's not like you don't learn anything from that. If you play one of the last levels of Meat Boy without playing any of the others, you are going to have a much harder time than someone who played through all the other levels first
If beating the level takes more time than it took to design that level,
then it's not a good level.
i dont think you understand what memorization means. musle memory =/= memorizing. also what is the point in punishing you harder for a mistake? to make you replay the same sections youve already done a bunch that will get boring quickly?
>but it is a very large part muscle memory, very little skill is needed
what do you think defines skill? being able to succeed in literally any video games comes down to a mix of
>puzzle solving
>mechanical skill/muscle memory
>rote memorization
precision platforms focus entirely on the second one. you dont have to do rote memorization because what you have to do is pretty clear from the beginning, the issue is being able to do it.
>Yea Forums wants platformers where you have to think
why would Yea Forums want a game thats impossible for them
>why would Yea Forums want a game thats impossible for them
it's more fun to bash your head against a brickwall repeatedly than do nothing at all
based confusciousposter
>to make you replay the same sections youve already done a bunch that will get boring quickly?
The whole "I already beat that part once so I'll never play it again because I don't want to master a game, I just want to blow through it once and say I beat it" mindset is pure fucking cancer.
>lets take the red tower climb from Super Metroid
>and make it into a game
It is rote memorization. It's very fine movements that you have to learn from multiple runs through. You need to be at an exact pixel for the jump, or an exact timing, or there is some other factor you must account for. I'm not sure what difficult games you have played like this, but Cotton Alley (dark esp) has many levels like this where you have it down pretty consistently, but you need to have it down to about 90-95% consistency or more for ironman so you must constantly try to replay it until you find the exact jump timing that lets you have an optimal run. It's very mind numbing and repetitive. By the time you have them down, your brain is doing very little, and you don't even think or plan anything at all, your hands just simply do the same motions they have done dozens of times. Personally I would much prefer difficulty of something like N++ or Nex Machina or Spelunky, all of which are harder games to fully master to boot. I would also say these are a much better examples of mechanical skill than Super Meat Boy.
I don't know why you'd even bother giving that tard the time of day. Re:zero fags are insufferable.
so youre telling me you'd rather waste hours of time replaying levels youve already beaten every time you mess up and die later in the game? since literally every game ever gets harder as they progress, every time you get to a level thats on par in difficulty with your skill level and you die, you have to play through a ton of shit thats so easy for you by that point in the game that its mind numbing.
nobody thinks its impressive or takes skill to beat the first level in a game a million times, its just tedious
>so youre telling me you'd rather waste hours of time replaying levels youve already beaten every time you mess up and die later in the game?
Yes, you fucking casual.
>nobody thinks its impressive or takes skill to beat the first level in a game a million times
Ok? It is impressive when you beat a whole game that doesn't give you infinite retries and checkpoints every screen.
They're basically just boomers who think the height of difficulty is Megaman or some other retro game which is a joke compared to the challenges of many modern games.
>Ok? It is impressive when you beat a whole game that doesn't give you infinite retries and checkpoints every screen.
That's not really impressive if the game is significantly easier to complete. It's much harder to ironman cotton alley dark for example than to do a no death run of Contra or Mega Man or whatever
>nobody thinks its impressive or takes skill, its just tedious
Congrats, you just found out why no one likes those "hard" platformers
how does n++ not suffer from the exact thing you are claiming happens in meat boy? its literally the same thing. nothing is stopping you from playing the level the same way every time until you nail it. its not rote memorization because when you go to the next level in meatboy (or n++) you dont suddenly drop down to the same skill level as when you first booted the game for the first time. you could take any level in the game, and someone whos put tons of time into the game would do much better than someone whos new, even if neither of them had ever even seen the level before. its literally not rote memorization.
>Yes, you fucking casual.
the ironing
im sure youre so good cause you beat smb1 once
Fact: if your game doesn't start you over from the very beginning upon death, then the game is just rote memorization (casual indie shit). Checkpoints are for SJWs. The only test of skill is beating the whole game in one go. FACT
>It's much harder to ironman cotton alley dark for example than to do a no death run of Contra or Mega Man or whatever
No it's not since cotton alley has exactly one path through it. It's just pure muscle memory with zero skill involved.
Wow you really showed me, that flash game with single screen levels and infinite tries is truly hardcore.
Uh oh, you're attacking BASED indiegames? That's as far as you'll go, buck-o. Me and my friends are going to have at ye, lol.
See I just think the level design in general is vastly superior and the difficulty is also more satisfying as a result. But yes, even beating N++ alone is difficult than 1cc'ing many games, and doing the requirements for hidden levels is really next level and requires significant time investment and practice.
Anyone play Deadcore? How good is it?
just drop it man he's going for the argument-free A-- run
git gud
im not saying n++ has bad design, im pointing out that the arguements you used for meatboy could apply to n++ as well because its falty
image wasnt for you you fucking sperg
and i fucking replied to myself
time to close tab
I admit it is a large part muscle memory, but so are most 1cc or no death runs (and those are also easier for most games). Also, there is more than one path or method for a few levels (7-1x, 7-3x, 7-5x, 7-10x, 7-13x, 7-15x, 7-17x, 7-18x especially)
Nah, not really, Super Meat Boy is much more restrictive in level design and much more dependent on remembering the exact path. There are a few (very annoying and poorly designed) levels in N++ that are almost entirely muscle memory based, but thankfully they are few and far between, whereas it is vice versa for Super Meat Boy.
when consumer stop consuming
That level design looks TIGHT
Wrong opinion.
Cotton alley dark world takes 7 minutes to beat iron man. That's barely challenging considering it's just muscle memory.
>one screen at a time rote memorization game
>no mastering mechanics
>no inventive puzzles
>just grind grind grind
I finished it but it was exhausting by the end and definitely has a lot of OP’s problem in it
This but unironically.
Checkpoints? more like KEKPOINTS.
Yes, if you are a flawless TAS bot then you will complete it on your first attempt in seven minutes. But for human beings, seven minutes is a very long time when you have to play near flawless and there are countless ways you can end your run in that time frame.
Yeah it didn't have any oni twins or 500 year old lolis either. It's called RE:Zero because you need Zero iq to enjoy it.
How'd you get my Mario Maker idea?
I am still waiting for proper sequel where there will be levels for the bird as well and levels where one plays as snake and other as bird and they both need to coop to complete levels.
Or just player made levels in steam workshop. Kino platformer where you cant jump :3
It will take some time to memorize it but so does any 1CC or no death run. The fact remains the actual amount of pure muscle memory the run requires is just over 7 minutes which is nothing compared to real games.
N++ is based as fuck. Perfect vidya right here.
>Perfect vidya right here.
but it doesn't even have cutscenes or a heavy handed moral message, just gameplay. boring
The length of the run does not directly correlate to the difficulty you moron. I mean are you actually seriously making this argument?
except youre "real games" require so little precision and are as a whole so much easier that you hardly need muscle memory for it because half the content is not challenging in the slightest. lets just takes SMB1 for example. how many hard jumps are there in that entire game? maybe 5 total, all of them in world 8. everything before world 8 is mindless slog that nobody who has played the game for more than 30 minutes would ever die to in their life.
>The length of the run does not directly correlate to the difficulty you moron
When there's no skill involved because the run is pure muscle memory it does.
>everything before world 8 is mindless slog that nobody who has played the game for more than 30 minutes would ever die to in their life.
I bet you haven't even beaten SMB1 and are just talking out of your ass.
What's your stance on streambait games like Getting over it and Jump king?
What games cannot be reduced to muscle memory? Strategy games?
literally everyone has beaten smb1. are you honestly trying to imply i havent beaten it because you actually think its a hard game? that would be a new low even for Yea Forums
So what specific game you would consider to be "good" difficulty and what are the hardest gaming feats you have done?
Super Meat Boy is a good deal of muscle memory but it also does require a strong baseline platforming skill as well as a strong understanding of the physics systems and mechanics of the game. Additionally, many stages do have shortcuts, different jump patterns, different timings, etc. that you can do and many people will have slightly varying methods for the levels.
ok nevermind, you are an idiot troll lmfao
Games where the run isn't just a few minutes or games with RNG.
>literally everyone has beaten smb1.
Everyone except you clearly.
>that one boomer who thinks true difficulty is the game he struggled to beat when he was five years old
>So what specific game you would consider to be "good" difficulty and what are the hardest gaming feats you have done?
I've beaten Battletoads with no continues or warps. Now that's a real hard game.
It's pretty based to make a game built around making an entertaining playthrough or making the player want to fucking kill themselves. In a way it also kills streamers as a dream job by making incredibly frustrating vidya that they'll be forced by circumstances to play; thus dabbing on their career while profiting off it.
I like my platformers to have enemies in them thank you.
>he doesn't know about advanced techniques
DDR doesn't take skill, just muscle memory. This is a casual game even at the hardest difficulty.
N is OG i remember loving it long as fuck ago
>i like my platformers to be action games instead of platformers
but why
I didn't have that problem at all. Must feel bad being bad
The game that invented platformers has enemies.
Only two types are acceptable: games so mockingly hard it makes onions-addled streamers want to kill themselves, or games that force meaningful interaction with the chat, including the icky undesirables like non-subs.
Any other kind of streambait is trash.
the best part about Yea Forums is that this could totally be a genuine post and not ironic
Platformers ARE action games
Tournament level RTS play is like 95% muscle memory
You don't understand Brood War at all.
I'm glad you can recognize irony. Congrats on not having autism user have a good day
>super mario bros isn't a platformer
>donkey kong isn't a platformer
>pitfall isn't a platformer
I hope you aren't including starcraft or any other game that's basically a tactics game in your definition of RTS.
We are way past the point of stupid posts on Yea Forums being ironic and not the norm.
You just need Rush at that point, it's a trap but also a bonus for coming in with the Jet already.
fun fact: Super Meat Boy is based off of the game Jumper which is by Matt Thorson who made Celeste
I think that part's fun too. Rocket-jumping didn't ruin Quake, ya know.
I loved playing N when it was a... flash game? Probably a flash game.
Being able to wall jump so fast you hit the ceiling and die was amazing at the time.
You can still buster rush him on any difficulty.
playing as the bird sounds like a 'little-brother chore'. and yeah, the non-jumping thing was why I put platformer in quotations
Rush isn't in 2
Ironically when I saw OP’s image I immediately thought of Celeste
Got all gold doors on double S but gave up on the extra levels after i always kept missing some random dust in the 2nd one of the bonus stages
you say that like everyone can do that but then look at these fools
Every RTS game comes down to tactics at high level play, even TA/Supcom, it's just that TA/Supcom isn't worth playing at that high of a level and it's mostly more casual play where individual strategy can still make an impact. Brood war is ironically one of the best examples of strategy over tactics despite the fact that it's the most APM intensive, because it's physically impossible to do everything you need to do optimally. In games like SC2, you're going to be doing virtually everything optimally outside of army manipulation, so battles come down to either a 50/50 guess as to what your opponent is doing behind fog of war or how well you can manipulate your army. In Brood War, since you can optimize nearly anything by giving it your attention, your attention becomes an important resource that you have to distribute. Part of the strategy of the game is deciding whether you want to focus on your economy, that battle that's going on over here, defending against a drop, killing your opponent's workers, etc. You have the units to do it all, but even the best players absolutely cannot. That's why you see pro players having such wildly different strengths - some excel at small battles, some at harassment, some with their economies or their map control. There's actually an incredible depth of strategy to be gained from gookclick mechanics.
Really, though, the whole point of RTS games is to have tactics play a part. If you want pure strategy, play Dominions 5.
I still miss them
Very good and fun game, with unique mechanics and good design.
You are wrong, since you don't seem to know what high level play is in an RTS game.
Yeah right, after playing The Messenger I will stick to OP type of platformer. Shit had no challenge at all, and mechanics which you never had to use 99% of the time to beat the game.
Meat Boy was insanely bad about this. None of the shit is hard, it's just remembering patterns and jumping on the right spots. The boss in hell is the most egregious example
Play Iconoclasts
You're right, high level play is whatever's left after all the good players quit because they're no longer having fun.
What are some games other than IWBTG fangames that do this?
The character is 1 block tall, and there's a powerup that allows for wall jumping
I was just redrawing the shitpost, but I think the hilighted jumps here are the only impossible ones. The yellow one might be possible, but i doubt it.
Just throw in some one-use power ups like Celeste does dohohoho
The worst part about this sort of level design is that it discourages creativity, and just ends up being simon says on crack.
It'd be nice if there were multiple routes, all equally challenging.
Whatever cunt, you know what I mean.
This, but only if puzzly segments don't piss you off
The setting and lore is really fucking neat and the gameplay is real nice
Nah. The amount of platformers similar to both games is really small compared to any other kind of platformer. If anything, it remains a very niche thing.
What's the audience for these types of games?
Koreans and streamers
Come on man, not every game needs to be CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH BRO. Some games just put the entire challenge right in front of you and let you go at it, that's what these platformers do and that's their appeal.
All 3 are shitty level designs
I'd argue part of what makes SMB great is all the content and overall presentation. It's a very charming game.
Then play a puzzle platformer or any other genre.
Some people actually enjoy games that are less about thought and more about mechanics.
I personally really like platformers for that since they are relaxing for me
Hey guys remember me?
Hey, it's late game Hollow Knight.
>doubling your A presses for no reason
>implying all vidya is not simply memorization
>implying memorization is bad
>implying that the world we live in every day isn’t the product of memorization
>implying that memorization is bad
This should've been a mario maker image
All I can think when i see this is that critic that couldn't get past the tutorial of Cuphead reviewing this if it came out today
What game is that?
>Yesterday's bullshit
>Tomorrow's nostalgia
this is pretty true, i could name like 10 modern platformers that do this
Mega Man II youtube.com
I don't think you belong on Yea Forums, child.
I refuse to believe this post is genuine
Back to minecraft, faggot
i will not play a game made by socjus idiots
shill your tranny abortion game somewhere else
it is also guilty of having trial and error spike jumps there is no skill involved just how much patience are you willing to go through before refunding
I can understand it if it's a game where the story outright tells you what to do but otherwise it's silly.
I want to see a demographics chart for aviasims.
Zoomers don’t even know kirby. Uncultured fucking retards.
As already mentioned, Celeste is exactly what the OP reminded me off. Come the fuck on.
great games. Though honestly I enjoyed the music levels the most, which realistically are like in the OP.
cee ess
Reminder that more people bought and prefer DIMPS-style 2D sonic games than all the rest.
Sudden death pits are the preferred design by most consumers.
What are you complete faggots even complaining about? Platforming is an element in gaming always has been always will be. You want to just walk casually from place to place or what? If you don’t like platforming puzzles don’t play platforming games. You fags complain just to be having something to complain about I think a perfect 11/10 game could come out and you queers would still be butthurt about something
>point out shitty platforming
>Falling for the abortion meme
Glad to know you didnt even play the game
Even when this shit was a free flash game it was terrible.
Well name them, I'm itching for some """terrible""" rote platformers.
No, it was trying to be N. That's where the Ninja character came from, an early iteration of SMB that was basically an N clone.
N is the only good platformer, prove me wrong.
N++ is so aesthetic
What the fuck kind of "skill" would you expect to beat a platformer with if not memorization? What a dumb complaint.
>he believed what /pol/ said
>N is the only good platformer, prove me wrong
Can't, opinion is too based.
Nice bait
Triggered nigger who couldn't beat path of pain detected
It got that GameMaker 6 programmer art aesthethic.
>Celeste is fucking overrated dogshi-
Good I wanna be the guy fangames are peak platformer design and your shitty comics won't be able to change my opinion.
This is literally what the thread is complaining about
Man why did Legends waste so much time with those shitty Wii U co-op levels instead of making more platformer kino like Origins?
>Just try the same short level infinitely until you pass it
yes, this is how you git gud
are you mentally disabled?
You're not really gaining any skill, you just happen to have held the jump button for the right duration and at the right frequencies
Except I'm sure if you've played the game it is not that difficult to pull off. Looks very straightforward. Are you one that believes game should have a skip to end button?
What's your favourite IWBTG fangame Yea Forums?
For me, it's Crimson Needle 3
The guy just saves shit webms of gameplay from various games and reposts them while pretending to defend them, stop falling for it.
No, I believe that games need more interesting designs than "the entire level is spikes"
>the era of zoomed out "pixel art" indie platformers will never end in your lifetime
You sound like an actual retard. Like a genuine unironic retard.
Most people are able to retain their reflexes after repeated practices, but you claim that nobody is ever able to do this with any consistency.
Do you have a legitimate learning disability?
No, I'm trolling you and you fell for it lmfao
>zoomed out "pixel art"
The what
pretending to be retarded is still retarded, user.
you don't get out of this either way
oh no bongo dongo
I've only played from start to finish IWBT fangame, tribute and dun wanna be anything 2. The latter is my favorite.
Did you not enjoy playing the floor is lava as a kid?
ITT: Zoomers who can't git gud.
The floor is lava was only played by kids that didn't have friends or were too poor to afford video games
Why is all this shit here?
It's not about it being hard, it's about it being boring
that looks boring as fuck to play, its like really basic gameplay but with really expensive visuals making it seem better than it actually is
Since we're talking about platformers, is Umihara Kawase Fresh any good?
Good game
Don't forget the laser traps that switch on and off every few seconds.
You remind me of a reviewer I used to like on Youtube who tried N++. He beat the first two chapters and lost interest, claiming the game was too easy.
Anyone remember that? I'm drawing a blank.
And an invincible wall-phasing enemy that chases you and kills on contact.
Yeah, Iconoclasts has a real focus on the puzzles versus the platforming. Really good but not much of a platformer.
Shovel Knight is a great modern platformer. Mighty Switch Force too, though that's also puzzly.
He means a doppelgänger that repeats your movements on a three second delay
Yeah I was going to say, it's great as hell in games with good controls and nice visuals like Hollow Knight.
Is this the new meme zoomers use for things they can't do?
So how many people here have played Ikiki's games? Dude's done a ton of free indie platformers that usually start up pretty easy and end up hard as nails. Nikujin is probably the most famous one, though there's plenty other I could recommend too. Highly recommend looking his stuff if you're interested in challenging platformers. Though I gotta admit I've never been a big fan of how he tends to introduce one try explosive jumps in later levels... Even if the levels aren't that long that resetting would set you back too much. A bunch of his games unfortunately include lives systems that pair really poorly with that... Nikujin is thankfully pretty light in this regard, you get infinite lives and the couple bomb jumps in the game aren't too hard to pull off, so it definitely makes for a nice starting point for Ikiki games.
I think that's my favourite part about IWBTG fangames, the controls are absolutely fantastic.
There's no momentum, moving feels really good.
based retard
I'm not saying "git gud u didnt even 100% it", I'm just curious if you people actually played it or just looked up a youtube video and decided you've experienced it all.
Don't bother lying, I'll probably lose interest and leave before anyone replies. Just be sure to actually try the game before flinging shit, it feels really good.
I haven't replied to any N post and I haven't played the games, watched some of it in some AGDQ and it looked extremely momentum based so it didn't look like my cup of tea.
But I'm not hating on it or anything.
I really can't stand people like you who try to dictate the other side's arguments
>no you ACTUALLY think this
>no no no you're lying, you actually x
fuck off, why even argue at that point?
Could you please be a little more blatant with your shilling.
At least if you were talking about fortnite I couldn't accuse you of shilling because the game is free.
it's called castlevania, it's a pretty nice game
The irony is that N++ was trying to be IWBTG with how bullshit it was compared to the original.
I like the art style of origins better than legends. I feel like the more cartoon look fits Rayman better than that fake hyper detailed painting look of legends.
Yeah the original flash version was a genuinely good game, N++ has too much bullshit in it. Just the fact that they got complicated physics like that working in Flash around like 2004 is amazing.
I tried to get back into this game but I just couldn't. I don't know if it was because of the lack of progression of going through levels I beat before or if it was something else.
That's a redundant way of phrasing it. The game as a whole is unfair and intentionally so, that's the gimmick. It's like Cat Mario.
>these two people
>coming to a Yea Forums thread about shitty platformer design to shill a game that came out three years ago
Nice catch, retard, you're a real junior detective
>not having an SS in Yotta
plebs all of you
guy on the left looks like a Yea Forumsirgin
Dude, just make two inputs in one frame. It's really not that hard if you practice for a couple of minutes.
I mean, it's 2019 and we're on a imageboard about videogames... It's not like you don't have mechanical keyboard, right? Surely, there's no way you're using a membrane piece of trash instead of regular keyboard? Right? Right?
So what does the N stand for?
I don't like how many modern platformers really let themselves go when they ramp up difficulty, and things are often just dumped all together without any kind of sense behind them. Even worse if it's just built of some generic blocks. I like it more when there is actual landscape, with landmarks of some kind.
is one example of this. It's just crystals floating in the sky. Couldn't you at least make it a cave, where things can grow from below AND above? Or maybe make it so there is ground part, which is spikes, and above it's some, dunno, clouds of insects that bite really hard. Functionality is same, but level suddenly gets some context and hooks to make you remember it.
is somewhat better by being a cave of some kind, but it still could be better. Although I assume both webms are from some kind of challenge routes which are not actually required for anything other than muh achievements, in which case I can understand why they were made by OP's method.
I just want pic related to fucking stop in 3D Sonic games. Too bad in order to get that we'd have to ditch the boost mechanic in its current form, and that's not happening anytime soon.
oh hey I beat this. fucking sucked but felt really rewarding at the end.
yeah, you were fun
utopia when
Joker no it's not safe
Seconding this. Starts out simple, but the later levels are a serious challenge just to complete. Getting good times takes a little more dedication than I care to offer, but it's a fantastic game.
Speaking of 3D Sonic, the homing attack was the worst thing they ever did to the series. Spinning jumps were such a simple way to attack enemies, and they replaced it with a boring attack. Any time you need to use it for progress, whether to beat up enemies or clear a long jump, it just slows down the game's pace.
I have played both of those games and yes, both of those webms are from challenge/optional levels that are basically there to test your patience
It took me 30 minutes to beat the part the webm shows... fuck me
why does the first goal look like a stick figure wanking it
because thats how you reward yourself for beating the level
>N is the only good platformer, prove me wrong.
Fancy Pants exists.
Don't play shit like Celeste, Hollow Knight and Shantae OP.
>Cat Mario
>not calling it Dongs.exe
Monster Boy sucks.
I can't believe I cleared that shit. But I remember my first thought after I did: "the one in MM1 was harder"
And it's still better than hollow knight, celeste and shanty.
thats not funny
This is one of the genuinely bullshit parts of MM2. It's basically designed to be impossible to scout out and clear in one go, meaning that you are guaranteed to fuck up (or read a guide) before you clear. Even what claims is false because if you tried that on the blocks which are lower, you'd die due to there not being a platform that appears there. And the one that does isn't even on a lower block. Never mind that the pit is so large that it's just attempting to dump you into the instakill pit or lava, and the timing is designed to make you guess (or remember) exactly where next block appears.
There's a reason I always save this stage for last. The rest is piss easy and even Heat Man is simple, but just using Item 2 to avoid all this bullshit is worth it.
this is one of the things i really dislike about mm2
the game is super piss easy even on hard, that the only thing you will ever die to is random instakills (block sections, touching the dragon which instakills instead of just doing damage), or getting to one of the castle stages without enough item energy. everything else (regular stage sections and bosses) are so pathetically easy its basically just a walking sim
based retard that spends hours of his fleeting, valuable youth proving to nobody that he can beat a retarded