Any games set in colonial America? Besides Ass Creed 3
Any games set in colonial America? Besides Ass Creed 3
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>backwater begs for help from French "people" and Spaniards to free them from the inconsequential taxes of the British
>oligarchic landowners put taxes up post-"liberation"
Imagine defeating the most powerful empire in the world and then getting conquered by Israel without firing a shot
More like rich landowners stage a power grab
We just wanted the same deal Canada had or at a minimum government representation in exchange for the all the raw materials we were sending those bonglish fucks. I agree it wasn’t as cut and dry as Britain bad, America good but there were issues that needed addressing and Britain wasn’t planning on doing it.
Age of empires III
Orange fool
We just wanted at least some sort of representative. Fuck the lobster backs tho, American freedom was inevitable. The British civil war had a huge hand in the leading toward the war too.
It's also sad that Americans now see Brits as the enemy when it was pretty much a 50-50 split in everyone's eyes. You have to remember these were Brits fighting their own kin.
Yeah England really fucked it up after beating napoleon
Imagine crusading to stop Arab invaders only for your descendants to just #LetThemIn
how common was sword/knife fighting to rifles/guns?
was there at one point, actual american sword skills that have now been lost to history?
Hungary and Poland which fought off Kebab from invading Europe back then are still not letting them in, it's only the (((Brussels))) cucked western Europe that's now being ravaged.
Greedfall is fantasy colonial America
I vaguely remember one of the solutions offered was effectively dominion status
There's the total conversion for Empire Total War, though Empire Total War itself also covers some of it:
Then there's the three RTS games made by Cossacks devs on Cossacks engine:
American Conquest
American Conquest: Fight Back
American Conquest: Divided Nation (best one but also the only one not available to buy digitally anywhere, so gotta pirate it)
Two Total War-clones made by the creator of DarthMod series:
Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Ultimate General: Civil War
You also forgot two more AssCreed games:
AssCreed Rogue (direct prequel to AC3 and direct sequel to AC4)
AssCreed Liberation (Takes place in the south)
Age of Empires 3 (criminally underrated due to being overshadowed by 2)
That's about it, the reason for lack of it is because literally nobody outside of Americans gives a shit about it and even Americans don't give much of a fuck these days.
they're not going to stay just in the west, just like the american blacks didn't just stay in the south
You forget the part where Hungary and Poland have extremely strict border control in addition to deporting sandniggers to Berlin.
Liberty or Death is revolutionary war kino.
Also, for colonial games in general, check out Greedfall. You might find it interesting.
>Then there's the three RTS games made by Cossacks devs on Cossacks engine:
Came here to post these. Cheers, user.
Greedfall is fantasy though, same with Risen 2 (similar setting).
the Great Northward Migration didn't in an instant either, user.
those borders are not going to be strictly controlled forever
Any American sword play were just British or French sword techniques. America is lucky in that it has an unbroken history so no knowledge is really “lost”. In Europe country lines were constantly shifting cause cultural changes and constant military action lead to contries melting down swords and other “unnecessary” metal objects into bullets and rifle parts. The closest America has is its loss of early comic books due to a paper shortage during world war 2. Its the reason Superman and Batman comics from the 1930s are worth hundreds of thousands or even millions.
>That's about it, the reason for lack of it is because literally nobody outside of Americans gives a shit about it and even Americans don't give much of a fuck these days.
Sad but true. Not sad that other countries don’t care. They shouldn’t, it isn’t an important world event and it isn’t thier history. It is sad that Americans don’t care anymore.
>inconsequential taxes
>tax everything without any representation or influence in the government that would impose these taxes
>continue to be dicks even when the colonies reach out and try to calm things down
Yeah okay
honestly most things about colonial america sugarcoat the fuck out of the US side of things.
ass creed 3 got right up my ass with how predictable it was that the assassins were nice friendly natives and revolutionaries and the nasty templars were the evil brits.
>Then there's the three RTS games made by Cossacks devs on Cossacks engine
afaik AC games weren't on cossacks engine, unles you can correct me.
America already tried the no tax thing, it didn't work very well
They are on Cossacks 1 engine user.
Common-ish when things got down to sword-fighting range, but such antics were being phased out by the Civil War due to advancements in firearm technology and mostly kept around by tradition.
Of course, that's not to say the school of thought wasn't still there. Patton famously spent some part of his educational career as "Master of the Sword" developing swordfighting and cavalry techniques, emphasizing thrusting and stabbing over slashing. As he said himself;
>the tip will get there first
Of course this was right on the eve of World War 1 and shit like machine guns and even better rifles made the whole thing ridiculous, but tactical philosophy translated well to tank use.