How do we fix western gaming?
How do we fix western gaming?
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Why does r*ddit keep spamming cumskull threads?
Clearly, the solution is to give me more fapping material to jack off with. God, I want to jizz so bad. Please, it's all I have left, my dopamine receptors don't work anymore.
by sitting back and watching it burn itself down
More lolis with big butts, less minorities and ugly women, and fun
Nice falseflag, journo.
Based Golden chad.
Remove (((them)))
>even thinking about "western" ""gaming""
The withdrawal since the Epstein bust is real, huh?
with BLACK COCK in sexy WHITE WOMEN like ur pic
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
oh, you have a Yea Forums pass?
western gaming is gonna die in shitty identity politics either way, just laugh and watch it burn
>He thinks the East is safe
We got Atlus and Square Enix already, sweetie.
How do we fix horny weebs like you?
The fuck are you talking about?
We stop catering to jizzhead degenerates
In Sony ports, perhaps, but consoles are trash anyway.
Does what it wants most of the time, regardless of whatever the west thinks, perhaps you got confused with mistranslations from fake news outfits and actors making things appear like something that they aren't.
they're still making nice dating simulators where you can date 14 years olds so they're pretty based
The only one snappy enough to be a replacement is "cumskull" and it still doesn't have a tween trying to bot-spam it across the whole to force it into relevancy. It ain't gonna be the next boomer/zoomer kids.
Wanting to fuck 14 year olds shouldn't be a metric for "based", the degenerates pretending it is, need to get Epsteined.
So getting away with it all while the media talks about a dead body double?
by killing weebs
>images are real people
you mean silenced to protect other powerful pedos?
stay mad normalfag, loli cunny is based as fuck
kys tranny
posting the superior sister
By posting the superior sister I like Tatsumaki too but Fubuki is simply better
Do so all you want, they just need to end up like that dead body.
Add boss battles
Doing it right,
Why is she so hot and why do people pretend they aren't attracted to this?
boobs battles?
talk about video games. there are plenty of boars to discuss hentai. move this shit there and keep Yea Forums vidya.
Go back.
Now THAT'S some good Tatsumaki fan art.
Most of the fan art makes her ridicously thick, which is complete bullshit.
You deserve a bolt to the skull.
remove politics
tatsumaki isnt even a loli, she's just smol
Reminder anime is creates trannies
look at this retard
>less minorities
>he doesn't like delicious jungle cunny
What a gay.
Being dumb on purpose doesn't mean you're not dumb, user.
For what, having better taste than you?
not even joking, if i ever found out where you live i'd beat the shit out of your pedo ass.
>Reminder anime is creates trannies
now say it in english
look at this badass
hey bud, talk about video games instead.
Tatsumommy needs her own game
Nah, for being a faggot.
>muh snowflake degeneracy
No one cares to impress degenerate, micropenis 40 year old virgins who only feel secure about diddling kids to compensate for their small genitals.
it doesn't take a badass to kick your frail ass. i could slap you and you'd just take it cause you're a bitch. you wouldn't even fight back lol you'd just stand there
Why are weebs so fucking pathetic?
Sure thing tough boy
Every single time. How does he do it, lads?
you need:
1. a shower
2. a job
3. goals
Because he has good taste in pokemon
>We got Atlus
>the mods allow this off topic nonsense
Why couldn't we have just beat it to Tatsumaki's fat ass instead of getting wrapped up in eight year olds trying to force the latest meme even after it was filtered?
you need to kys
BASED Ampharos poster
You should just post your address so he can come to you himself.
1. (you)
2. Will
3. Never be a real woman
>I hate loli and people who use Yea Forums but I'm darn well going to post there anyway!
Fuck back off where you came from.
says the tranny obsessed with anime lmfao
well god allows an abortion like you to live so why not?
>1. a shower
in tatsu's piss
>2. a job
official government-approved cunnyseur
>3. goals
to sniff tatsu's feet
checkmate atheists
is there any reason for her always being nopan?
cry more
Overcompensating, she's older than her bombshell sister
Probably talking about catherine fullbody's localisation
sorry pedo, but your time is up. Yea Forums BELONGS TO VIDEO GAMES NOW. you can't post your creepy pics anymore, loser.
How is this vidya again?
C is for the cum that is clogged in your brains
U is because you are a freak
M is for the multiple faps you've done today because porn is free
B is for beating your meat all day long
R is for the rotten smell
A is for the anomalous erectile disfunction at 26 you're having
I is the illness you have
N is for nothing can please you anymore
S is for the sex you're never having, because porn is free.
ironic memelord or actual tween, you be the judge Yea Forums
Thanks for posting and providing your IP address, buddy. See you soon.
your hostility tells me you realize what your doing is not only morally wrong, but it's against the rules of this board. this board belongs to gamers, not anime weirdos.
I want to fuck a Loli(Legal) So Bad
>children don't turn me on, just drawings of them, you can let me watch dem kids, honest.
Obviously I was saying that they should die, autismo.
Reminder that all these anti-cunny /pol/posters kiss the ass of a man who was all but confirmed to have been one of Epstein's pedo buddies and that's why he had him killed by suicide.
My sides
>morally wrong
morality is a social construct
is hot, sexy, beautiful, smart, strong, mating press, aryan
and my wife
You know she is like 28 right
Why does she not wear the panty? Does she like to feel the air on her anus?
the fuck does this mean? only tweens and memelords hate pedophiles?
>users that don't like me and my loser friends spamming pedo shit on the video game board are neo-nazis
>this board belongs to gamers, not anime weirdos.
implying there'sa difference
You do know what gamer means now, don't you?
>thinking most loli even looks anything like a child
truly autistic
die more
>this board belongs to gamers,
Yes, gamers, like me
Mating press.
Imagine knocking Tatsu up.
Watching her tiny tummy swell over the months.
Comforting her as she's forced to go off duty due to carrying precious cargo.
Dealing with her tantrums as she gets bored of quiet, non-action life.
And fucking her on a near daily basis of course.
>gamers, not anime weirdos
There are only two sides in this war: anime weirdos, and reddit.
Thank you
>i posted it /reddit/!!!
>s-she's really a 1000000000000 year old goddess, i swear!
kys tranny
Nice reverse psychology attempt, pedo.
wow, how did you get my picture
What was filtered to gamer? Gamer? I dont post in buzzwords so I have no idea.
Man I can't wait for d4c.
>Australians think any girl without boobs is a child
this discord tranny glow is too strong
so you admit you and the other creeps ITT are all pedos, akin to epstein and his pals.
>nothing's going on at work today so i need to """""""ironically""""""" be a retard on the internet
I normally don't click cumbait threads but there's something really attractive about this one... It's not the oversexualised meme porn body type. It's just a nice skinny girl.
She's literally a midget. Are you going to go and tell an adult midget woman she's not allowed to have sex?
The love for cunny and peeny has existed since the Greeks, since Muhammad, since Joseph and Mary. It persists until today, and it will outlive all of us, and with cunny, I shall live on.
I will never die, because cunny shall live forever.
yes to everything
>jacks his 3 inch dick to japanese drawings of babies EXCEPT THER AKSHULLY 30 TYRILLION YEAR OLD GODESHES
It's bad enough being addicted to being "ironic", but you have to masquerade as a chick, too?
shut up fubuki
>complains about creepy gamers on Yea Forums while riding the dopamine high of being a retard on purpose
Putting kiddy diddlers to the rack is a social construct.
I thought it was awwwwwright
don't you have some reddit karma to farm?
Dopamine high's superior when shitposting compared to fapping
>not liking pedophile anime tranny posters means you're retarded
no, i have some Yea Forums pedophiles to yell at.
Yes. And while I do that, you seethe impotently about it. Long after I'm done, you will keep seething and raging about how I did it and you could not stop me.
You can not stop anyone from enjoying cunny and you will live with that forever.
>no, i have some Yea Forums pedophiles to yell at.
that sounds like yelling at someone for eating at mcdonalds in a mcdonalds.
More wine, your grace?
>haphazardly mashing buzzwords together when shitposting
Oh lad there's so much more for you to learn, Yea Forums and /int/ have been a massive brain-drain on the art.
Remider that is common for men to want to make love to child-like women.
>slave morality
wtf i love pedos now
DFC was a mistake
>thread devolves into a "NO THIS IS WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE" fight
Why do I laugh at this stupid shit every time?
Dumbass ESL
explain how calling out creepy tranny pedophiles is "shitposting"? you're the only one using buzzwords here. "shitposting" means literally nothing in 2019. retards like you used it way too freely and it lost all meaning.
As have pestilence, consequences, and death. You can be offered to the latter phenomena as old as time.
why are fubukifags so mentally ill and trannies, why can't they just accept the best girl is Tatsumaki, she already won the OPM bowl confirmed, shipped, canon literally.
GeT a ReAliTy ChEcK
You know what's funny? I can snap and kill every mother fucker like you on this board if we met IRL.
Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.
You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.
>mfw only fapping once a week
>each time my whole body shakes in ecstasy and I moan like a cow
I don't understand how cumbranes do it. Why do you torture yourselves. Just hold off and the reward is 100x better than beating off every day.
How i get to fuck a legal loli like this?
I laugh at etna's flat chest while touching myself
How was the transition champ
If you don't like DFC then you are a faggot desu.
>Reminder anime is creates trannies
So the trannies are all ESL. It makes perfect sense.
looks like the lack of sex is making you violent user, maybe a good fap will help you relax