Redpill me on the Guilty Gear series. What's the best game to start with if I'm new to fighting games but also want to follow the story and characters?
Redpill me on the Guilty Gear series...
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Enjoy trying to get into the next one with all the negativity rkappa and Yea Forums is brewing for it.
If you want to follow the story and char., you should play them in order from the first to last one, the gameplay mainly changes with overture which allows you to roam entire areas.
Guilty Gear is pretty technical, I think is probably the worst fighting game to play if you're new to the genre
Full song where
Why would you are when most of those people don't even play the game?
The old games have stories that can be summed up in a couple paragraphs per game basically.
The new game has a glossary that discusses everything. You can pick them all up for cheap.
I can't wait. I've been playing since Reload, so I'm curious what they'll do with a new system. Daisuke knew that the game couldn't go on like old Guilty Gear because it would only sell like 50 copies, but he also knew he didn't want to fuck with the old fans.
Xrd, Rev and Rev 2 have one story that continues from game to game. The story mode is basically a kusoge VN that you sit down and watch for a couple hours. It's basically one long anime series. May as well just start there.
Don't start. Don't play any of them and invest the hundreds of hours learning the mechanics and deciphering the insane and convoluted story. It's not worth it as Daisuke has said the only two characters that fucking matter in the story at all are Sol and Ky everyone else is just dipshits. Just watch that stupid video with those dorks that's always floating around. Along with that he's going to try something new and daring (aka we're probably getting something insanely stupid along the lines of overture, dual strikers, or isuka) so any mechanics you spend tons of time mastering and learning will be worthless in this new game. If you're interested in guilty just try this game whenever it comes out and if you like it go further.
to go along with my point here, there are better weeb fighters to learn on. UNIST is probably your best bet
Postan god-tier track
how many frames of startup at lowest is considered reactable?
It's like a band demo my god, but it least they actually recorded real drums and mic'd a guitar cab which was probably really rare back then.
Usually 15f is considered normal-high reaction times and anything faster becomes guesswork or prediction.
~16 or somewhere around there, which is 250ms, the average human reaction time.
If you want to follow the story then just watch the Sign story mode on youtube and get Revelator (with Rev 2.1 DLC)
There's a timeline in Revelator that explains the entire chronology of the series and events that took place plus a dictionary that describes a lot about the world, characters, events and other lore related things.
16f is average human reaction time.
tk bad moon takes 19f to hit, and greed sever is 24f (on crouching opponent)
This means it's actually super hard to react to tk bad moon on PS4 since it has 4f input delay as well, and why people already get annoyed at 6f network delay
Don't even bother with following the story with the older games.
The absolute mandatory game is Rev2 (Revelator with the Rev2 expansion.). For the story just use this (or go study the wiki yourself if you feel autistic enough):
It's not universal. The average human reaction time would set it around like 16 or something. However, there are other factors:
>Input and display lag
>Frame similarity (this was a problem with Nash's dash in SFV, because the first 8 frames of animation were really similar to the idle, it can also happen when 2 moves are similar to each other)
>Presence of audio cues (reaction to sound is faster)
>Daisuke has said the only two characters that fucking matter in the story at all are Sol and Ky
But then make Axel Low a lynchpin in every story.
Didn't r/kappa fucking btfo some tranny recently?
that's kinda based not gonna lie.
2020 will be the best one to jump into, since it looks like it may be a reboot and also auto combos
thank you for the answers
But every character had their day in the sun in SIGN and Rev? Even fucking Robo-Ky and Zappa and they're not in the game.
we clearly saw a fucking 2d fighters, that ain overture, dust strickers, or isuk, you dumb moe poster.
>just block high lol
You don't need a three hour video. Sol used to be a scientist made a bunch of super soldiers that are also dragons (and he became one himself), a bad dude named THAT MAN who was working on the project with Sol is doing bad things, and Ky (a blonde dude who fucked an angel gear lady and had a HAPA kid) wants to stop that gay shit.
>comes out of frame 16
How is something that takes a quarter of a second impossible to react to?
Also I forgot to ask if I need an arcade stick for this. I heard they are way better and playing with a controller is a big disadvantage.
>16 frames
>Super duper neg on block
Ky has no motivation now. He did when he hunted gears in the Crusades, he did when he worked for PWAB... and now he's just sort of foil to Sol and along for the ride.
Why do people keep posting this video when Revelator literally has all the information about the guilty gear lore neatly organized and far easier to go through?
my point listing those you fucking nigger was that when he's said in the past that he's wanted to try something new , daring and scary it has backfired horrendously.
and he's liable to throw all that shit out the window. Or reboot it, or alt timeline it, or make something obscure become the new most important point in the story. My point here was there's no real point in spending all that time trying to figure out the story up till now. Just wait for the new game and see where the story is at then and work backwards putting it together if you're really interested.
How in the fuck do you think the next guilty gear is not going to be a fucking 2d fighter you absolute babboon, it might remove shit but it will still be Xrd at its core.
The story from the previous games is all canon. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Not every character ending in old story modes, but one was always cherry-picked as canon.
And I can't blame a guy for trying to spice up the game.
Don't listen to niggers like this, play whatever FG you want to
fucking Bryan's snake edge is something like 25~30f of startup and you still see people eating that shit on PS4 all the time
shit like connection. monitor refresh rate and input delay will also play a role on whether something is reactable or not
GG2020 will be good
You will eat your words come november.
The only real change I saw what that they're getting rid of corner rape.
Tekken has like 5 frames of delay, add to the fact that on console you are likely using a tv that ads a few more frames of delay and top it off with network delay.
Suddenly those 25 frames become a lot harder to react to.
i literally never said it's not going to be a fighter and daisuke fucking said it's not going to be Xrd or anything else at it's core so go fuck yourself you ugly smelly double nigger slut
i hope more then anything that i'm wrong and the game is the best. I want it to be the best, I want it back at evo, and I want it to have a huge finally but I've been disappointed before and I'm just prepping myself just incase. Expect the worst and hope for the best
What are you even talking about? The only timeline reboot is in Side Red/Side Black, and that doesn't even reboot the universe of the game, it just explains that the game takes place in a derivative of another timeline. Sol and Ky aren't the only important characters, they're just the most important because they're the protagonists. The plot wouldn't function without Dizzy, Aria, That Man, Axl or I-No, among others. And more importnat than any of that, the game is loads of fun to play, and is worth playing for that alone, even if characters not being relevant to the plot bothers you, they all still have plenty of character and fit in the world of GG well, and some of the older ones like Milia, Zato or Chipp have been given plenty of fleshing out over the years even if it hasn't been part of the main plot.
that's what I just said no?
What if they remove motions and instead do rising thunder tier moves with CD
The game's story is extensive as all hell, you'll know if you'll love it or hate it pretty quickly at least.
The gameplay is where it really shines, there's tons of flavor and personality, Roman Cancels are awesome, characters all play pretty uniquely, and the balance is pretty decent.
A shame about the roster cuts from +R.
Worthless as the Sun Above Clouds is better, but his Xrd theme is also very good. I look forward to hearing his new theme and seeing his new design in the new game.
>Expect the worst and hope for the best
you got the phrase wrong you retard. it's "prepare for the worst, hope for the best". expecting the worst just makes you an insufferable faggot all day long.
Ram is not getting axed...
Probably not. Answer is though, and I'm sad about it, but I'll just find someone new to play.
ram is getting reworked at the very least.
They're all getting axed. Daisuke knows they're just waifubait characters who made merchmoney, but that doesn't matter.
I just hope they unfuck ball a bit, it got hit too hard.
Pretty sure valentines are out, they're the easiest to if it's a reboot.
If I'm to be honest, as much as I want the Valentines out, there's no way they're getting cut. They have too large of a following, Elphelt's been in a ton of crossovers with over games usually gacha, at bare minimum she or Jack-O is getting in.
We gotta make sure Hotashi is still playing for some reason.
I don't think so. Daisuke will have his waifu in the game, he always does but Jack-O is way too gimmicky to not at least get a major overhaul for a new game made to be more accessible.
It depends on who his waifu is this time around.
>permanently remove characters with each new iteration
What the fuck where they thinking? Fuck nu-Gear I'm sticking to Plus R
>He says when GG has literally always done this
I mean if it's a total failure he'll just go back to a X-ourth or whatever. Naming it Guilty Gear was deliberate to isolate it from the X games.
Not him, but you could take Dizzy and Sin and the events of X and remove them. The Dizzy shit was a side-plot that basically produced Sin and that was a wrap.
I'm interested in picking up Rev2 and giving the series a shot. Is online active at all or will I need to join a discord?
It's gonna be called Guilty Gear 3 my dudes
I'm actually shocked Testament never made it in. The twink was a fan favorite even though he played like an asshole
You can join /ggg/ rooms or random rooms.
Lobbies and ranked are dead though.
Not true. It was my first fighting game I've played and I loved it. Every other fighting game felt easy after I figured it out
Sin himself is still important and Dizzy is important for how effects Sol, Ky and their relationship, even if she doesn't have much to do with the main plot itself, she's still important.
There's usually public lobbies up, I've never had to use discord or any of that. It could vary depending on your region and platform though.
Daisuke himself said he wishes every character could have came back in Xrd, but it wasn't financially viable to keep making character packs because of the sheer development time to make the characters the way they do it now.
It's more like minor character dressing, but it was all worth it for literally the only joke in the series that landed about the "sugar water."
I don't think it's that minor, Ky being accepting of Gears is a pretty big change in his character and its Dizzy that brings that change about.
It's pretty minor. They could wrote that minor character change in a million different ways, like he could've banged a Valentine or some other arbitrary shit. Him fucking Dizzy in the first place is actually pretty arbitrary in fact and Ky's change of heart more-or-less happens off-screen.
my missery..
All i know is that i want a.b.a back because she is the hottest, thank you
The more and more you learn about how Sol treated Sin while he was raising him the more I feel bad about Sin. That kid's probably fucking retarded because Sol beat the shit out of him so much.
It still happened even if it wasn't onscreen and it's still a big change in one of the game's main characters even if it could have been brought about by something else. Sol could have not been the protagonist and then he wouldn't be important anymore, but talking about the what-ifs is irrelevant because he is the protagonist and so he is important, the fact that Ky being accepting of Gears could have been handled differently doesn't change the fact that it was handled the way it was, and the way it was handled could only have happened because of Dizzy. She doesn't turn the plot on its head or anything, but she's still important, even if the story could have been written in a way to make her not important. The story could have been written in a way to make anybody unimportant or anybody important, what's relevant is how it is written, not how it could have been written.
She got crippled last game right? She's either support or getting major gameplay changes.
People always think like this when there's no new name for a game
The entire events of Xrd would have unwound the same without Dizzy and Sin could have been replaced by literally anyone not central to the plot (aka I-No, Axl, etc). Both the characters were just sort of dropped in, and now they're along for the ride (just like Ky no less). I mean, it's a big ensemble cast, not everyone needs to stay relevant and most don't besides getting arbitrary moments awarded to them so they have something to do instead of twiddling their thumbs
>The entire events of Xrd would have unwound the same without Dizzy
They wouldn't have because Sin wouldn't have been there at all if Dizzy wasn't a character, Sol and Ky's relationship would be different because the element of Ky trusting Sol to raise Sin wouldn't be there anymore, Ky wouldn't have his Gear cells, Ky likely wouldn't be as subdued as he his from GG2 on and even if he had calmed down it would be for different reasons than why he has calmed down now. You would also have none of the stuff with Sin and Ram so her character would have to be handled differently too. The basic chain of events that make up the main plot could still function without Dizzy or Sin, but there's more in the story than just Sol, Ky and That Man fight the Universal Will, and Dizzy and Sin play a role in that as well as playing a smaller role in that main plot of Sol, Ky and That Man fighting the Universal Will by being important to both Sol and Ky. They could have written it without them, but they didn't and in its current state, they're still relevant characters in the main story, even if they're not so important that they make or break it.
Xrd Rev 2 is pretty much the safest place to start now. Simplifies a few things without losing its identity, and has a pretty well put together tutorial, that includes matchup drills that you can run through as any character. It's also got the closest to functional netcode out of the bunch, but its still not great, sadly.
After learning the ropes, try +R. Its the culmination of years of character and system additions. Probably the most polished Guilty Gear out of the bunch gameplay wise, and still my favorite. It's soundtrack is also better than Xrd's ost
No, you do not. Many people prefer playing with pad over arcade stick. It's personal preference. Most people that prefer stick grew up with them playing fighting games at arcades
Because it really is ridiculously fast. The only way to block a bad moon is to actually believe that it is going to be the next move that the opponent will be doing.
Stop fucking immediately believing people holy shit. Go use what you are comfortable with. A lot of good GG players use controller.
Who wants something like GBVS for single player? Maybe you unlock it after seeing the story and its all quest and shit around places, maybe you can unlock after story cutscenes by completeing some quests.
A good replayable single player mode would be great. MOM is shit.
Will the single player mode have all the story? Or do I have to play the mobage to understand it?
16 frames isn't fast. Ryu's Hadoken comes out at frame 14 in SFV and that's reactable if you aren't suffering from some bone marrow disease.
even a wheel tho he uses the buttons
Are you retarded? He's talking about the fact that tk badmoon allows for a 16f high/low mixup on wakeup.
Who the fuck would even use a hadoken at close range like a retard
>16 frames isn't fast
It's extremely fast for a high-low mix-up. You can parry reliably at like 6-10f or so but block switches are slower for our brain for some reason.