Name one argument against Video Game Industry unionization.
Name one argument against Video Game Industry unionization
Is this real? Is there anything these fucking Marxists haven't destroyed in this country?
>How dare workers fight to be treated humanely! Fucking marxists!
Nazi loser.
It's not a localised business.
Go back please
Unions are for pussies. Only pussies stand up for themselves. Real tough guys just do whatever they're told. You heard it here first, from me, your boss.
Do Americans really believe worker's rights are marxism?
Utter faggotry.
Consumers getting the shit end of the stick is the best case scenario
The risk of industry wide strike action crippling every-hahahahaa, like shit they'd ever do that. oh mercy. scabs ahoy within hours.
The Spanish version speaks using gender neutral words. Like nosotres instead of nosotros / as. (We)
video game development should not be an industrial field. these industrial gaming megacorps shouldn't exist.
Games will cost more and take longer to develop.
I genuinely do not trust game devs enough, they'll abuse the fuck out of a union and hurt everyone else in the process.
corruption, just like we've seen with countless other unions.
Fucking morons.
Burgers believe either you’re a Republican or you’re a full-blown comrade.
unions are shit in general and you don't need them to get fair rates, you just need to get a fucking lawyer and record shit
People in the gaming industry don't deserve rights
Video game developers should become joint owners of their enterprise in a worker co-op setup, obviating the need for a union
Incidentally this should also happen in all other sectors of the workforce