Hey, Yea Forums.
I'm off to work, take care of my .hack thread while I'm out, ok? Bye.
Hey, Yea Forums
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Did someone say .hack thread?
Only gen 1 od .hack was good. Gu was crap. So was everything after. Unhappiness is not character growth.
Sure, we'll take care of your .hack thread! :D
Mmm, delicious
Wait someone still remember .HACK?
>Gu was crap
Just because your taste is shit doesn't mean you have to let everyone know user
Take care of it yourself, fuck off
Yeah. We had 3 threads with over 500 posts in the last 2 weeks, I think
Gu was crap. It is a fact.
Everything about project .hack > G.U. > everything about .hack conglomerate > Link
I like the characters in the original much more than GU. Everyone in GU is a cunt.
Oh, i'll take care of it. I'll just rip out all the likable characters, make it stupider, and call it Sword Art Online.
Why is that Haruko so brown?
Newfag to ps2 jrpgs here
Where should I start with .hack?
But Bo is a absolute sweetheart. He did nothing wrong. Besides being mentally ill.
Start with the original four and then GU and after that FUCKING STOP.
Play .hack//Link. You're gonna have a blast.
These are the only games worth playing.
don't even bother with the original 4 games, they are borderline unplayable disasters. i even have intense nostalgia for them and it was a fucking shitshow when i revisited them a few years ago
GU is alright, although you have to deal with Haseo being a little shit for 2 entire games
user, don't listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Go ahead and play the first four games, they're really fun and immersive.
Those games were absolute shit. Great premise gone wrong.
The first 4 are the best.
Fight me.
wait how is he mentally ill? are saku and bo the same person?
I know its technically nadia-face but I still can't get that invertebrate faggot out of my head anytime I see anything from this character designer
I don't want to fight someone who's in the right and agrees with me.
>GU made everything slower and more tedious and even easier
How did they screw this up
The first series was shit as well.
Disregard the games, watch //SIGN for that heavenly soundtrack by Kajiura.
Oh man, you should try playing the remaster, they made that shit even easier to the point of being unfun.
Don't .hack is terrible. There's way better JRPGs on PS2.
Not him but explain yourself.
Nah, IMOQ is alright. He should at least give that one a shot.
this intro was so fucking weird. I'm gonna need a run down on this shits story. Why was a game putting niggas into comas.
No, it's not, go back and play them yourself and you'll see. Story is dumb and the gameplay is ass.
Huge empty maps because it was trying to mimic an MMO, weak story, terrible gameplay and way too long.
>it's fat chicks and gay dudes ERPing
oh okay
how much furry porn is saved on his hard drive
Sorry, I honestly remember jack shit about the story, I only remember it for soundtrack and atmosphere of escapism, kinda like that NHK episode about FFXI.
Oh nice, this looks pretty tast--OH SHIT!
Mimiru > Blackrose
oh its chocolate milk, I thought it was a fucking speaker
Mate i'll fight you
Last thread was top comfy with the G.U.+ dump, can we please do it again?
IMOQ has better character design
Which is the fucking most important fucking aspect of the fucking game as fuck
A garbage franchise kept totally afloat by its amazing character designs
I'd argue G.U. has a more coherent story arc because it's shorter and more in line, and the OST is vastly superior along with the various QoLs that made you immersed in being in a mmorpg all those years ago
>crimson VS
>beefy message board
>Salvador news
>all those neat allusions to the prequel
I love IMOQ but G.U. basically COMPLETES the .hack experience with the old generations almost all moving on and is evident in the small mentions about them while G.U. cast is still as great as the originals and comfier
>Salvador news
>gf convinces me to watch iZombie
>mfw the news presenter is Salvador Aihara
Nice thread you've got there.
Have you heard of the strange phenomenon of people turning into vegetables as of late?
Daran Norris has some amazing voice work
Haseo deserved better. I'm glad he got Alkaid
there was a song from .hack GIFT iw as looking for for fucking years. Wish I knew the name of it. good ost!
This song makes me want to run away and tear my face off.
Don’t, they’re trash
Tabby = Alkaid > Pi > Shino >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Atoli
Would you know the one that starts here is called?
Swap Shino and Atoli and you've got pretty good taste
Also, irl Atoli is cute
how in the fuck is the literal starved shut-in a tall handsome boy just like his PC?
>irl Alkaid
A lack of imagination.
some of the fields are really weird
imagine endrance's player dressed as a maid gettin railed in the ass like a little bitch haha
it'd be so weird hahaha
She's perfect, i know.
Yes, GU is good but not better than IMOQ besides maybe gameplay but even then I beg to differ. Too bad the rest of .hack Conglomerate is trash. Literally the only good that came out of that was GU.
shut up Mia you're fucking dead
I can agree with this
I rather imagine Bo in that scenerio.
Am I?
What are the .hack conglomerate things, anyway
Is it really everything after Link 90%? Because that's trash
I'm still heavily biased towards anything GU related though
Why not both? haha
Endrance is my wife
Kek, keywords?
Man i miss GU, maybe i should replay it again.
Don't know if it aged well.
Ah fellows of good taste gang
.hack Conglomerate is basically GU and everything after GU. The worst offender being Link, that shit is literal fanfiction and should be avoided at all costs. There are however some okay stuff like .hack//Alcor (manga), .hack//GnU (manga), .hack//4koma (manga), .hack//Versus (video game), .hack//GU+ (manga), .hack//Beyond The World (movie), and GU Trilogy (movie)
Ya'll got pleb taste.
>that file name
You fool! You've summoned HIM!
He's dome some amazing voice work, and he's done some "amazing" voice work.
redpill me on the bad shit like Link
Alkaid should have won. FUCK
If she liked Haseo so much then how come she never said anything? Why'd she have to be such a bitch?
So basically side materials is good but the "mainline" after GU is basically dead right?
I should read that one manga posted last thread
We heard you the first time. Go back to your generic weeb trash instead of shitting the thread up with your zoomer tastes.
Well she won in my game :^)
Time travel or some shit according to some people, I never really got into it. Actual time travel. Not sure if they were just shitposting or not though.
>Old hag
Absolutely disgusting
>ywn play The World
She won if you want to you fucking retard
.hack//Link is basically a fanfiction story that pretends to be canon and it centers around some retard named Tokio going around time and space, screwing about in the various points of the series and interacting with the main characters of the older series like Kite and Haseo (who by the way has his character development destroyed in this game) and fighting these goofy group of hackers who want to do some dumb shit, I don't remember and near the end you fight an evil Aura, for some reason.
Basically, yeah. The manga that was posted last thread was GU+
Do you have the link of the thread user? I missed
Did you drop a silver axeor a gold axe user?
It's so shit that the recent remaster included a video "subtly" making fun of it.
>near the end you fight an evil Aura, for some reason
Wasn't it something to do with some all-female eco-terrorist group called "mother" or some shit or am I mixing it up with some other post-GU bullshit?
>all-female eco-terrorist group called "mother" or some shit or am I mixing it up with some other post-GU bullshit?
I think that was something else.
>Emma was a terrorist all along to brainwash Harold into making The World or some shit
None of that garbage mate, just give me my upgraded daggers.
i think IMOQ and GU show how MMOs were mostly changing and the changing scope of the internet. IMOQ was far more like original PSO and GU was how it was changing with the times to other MMOs on the market at the time. Though it had much more refinement to make it into a singleplayer game.
I'm not sure if that was revealed in Link but you are correct, that was something we find out in Thantos Report which is canonically the last thing to happen in the timeline and it ends on a stinger that goes nowhere because .hack is fucking dead.
>Emma was a terrorist all along to brainwash Harold into making The World or some shit
I really don't like that.
I'm sorry to say there's a reason .hack died, and it wasn't just because of SAO.
>Kite, I will give you all my items if you promise to fuck Mia right in front of me
Jesus christ Elk
I just rewatched SIGN last week, it's still fucking great. Halfway through I decided I'd replay the games too once I finish Wild Arms 3.
How was that GU remake by the way? I heard they fucked up the difficulty and made it too easy somehow at one point. Never actually played GU so I might pick it up after IMOQ replay.
There's a private server for //Fragment out there.
They made the GU stuff easier but upping Haseo's stats and making him run faster too I think.
Though I think you can toggle all of that off.
I know. They went full retard after GU.
I hear GU vol4 (the short new one included in the remaster) apparently contradicts some of the shit from the post-GU stuff, so if by some miracle we do get new .hack content, it might be ignoring that complete mess.
Nope, can't be turned off.
It's so easy that you've gotta gimp yourself to have any sort of challenge.
Jesus christ G.U. was basically a completely perfect sequel, how the fuck did they even mess it up going forward
Just have a new game in the same breath as G.U.'s concept of moving on from the old cast and focusing on the newer generations complete with its stories and it'll still satisfy everyone
Mia left Elk a broken man and i can't forgive her.
She was the only good thing about Link
>.hack//G.U. vol. 4//Reconnection was made to erase all of the bad shit that happened after GU
That's funny if true and I fucking sincerely hope that is the case because honestly, I can deal with everything after GU but what I can't deal with is .hack//Link, I hate that shit so fucking much.
Sorry RENGEKI user I can't RENGEKI hear what RENGEKI you're RENGEKI saying. there's RENGEKI some shit being RENGEKI screamed in my RENGEKI ear.
Elk was too clingy so she dumped him.
I heard the remake made RENGEKI less satisfying.
I mean she was kinda fucking murdered by CCorp so it wasnt really in her control
>not liking R E N G E K I
look at this
Nah, bruh. We gotta have Kite clones and clones of other characters from the older games show up more and we need to focus our efforts on more mobile garbage.
Sorry user, i somehow lost it
Do read G.U+ though
Not so much murdered, but I think she was more or less ripped apart and they did it in-game so Elk was basically forced to watch as Mia was torn apart painfully.
I only ever used the scythe weapons after getting and never looked back. It's so fucking cheap, you can hit from a distance, can hit crowds of monsters, can hit flying monsters normally without using aerial attacks and it's three hit combo string is easy to cancel out of and it's fits Haseo since he's The Terror of Death and Skeith uses a scythe as well.
I always found it interesting how this series made use of "everyone uses the same character models / basis" rather cleverly and realistically. Even if R:2 downplayed this by allowing for far more in-depth customization, which only highlighted Shino and Atoli's uncanny likenesses even more.
>they did like, 3 or 4 mobile games
>all of them failed
But why thou
Jokes aside it didn't change rengeki too much, the issue is they made the game easier. Too easy, i'd argue. If you ever step outside of the main storyline, even for just a single romp around a dungeon you'll end up significantly overleveled for every bit of game content, and it ruins it. 0 tension. And they never patched it or offered an option to return to the original exp curve. It's a terrible way to make an already pretty easy game (due to rengeki spam) even easier by overleveling you by just trying to explore outside the constraints of the main story.
>which only highlighted Shino and Atoli's uncanny likenesses even more.
That was a real nice touch
Hark, he of fair eyes!
You mean how Mia was attracted to Kaoru's PC because of Macha's attachment to Tsukasa?
"Oh, I can't upgrade this. Go see Grandpa or go somewhere stronger."
"In consolation, have both and your item back."
Man I really wish there was an Ironman type game with .hack setting with the story of SAO. Having teammates contently die and effecting the game would be great.
i dont understand why questions this easy to answer arent consulted with a search engine.
Because mobile gaming is trash.
You guys should read .hack//4koma, Kite is an asshole to everyone, especially to Haseo.
have some Mac Anu: youtu.be
I've played the first 4 .hack games on my Twitch channel months ago. I enjoyed them, though found swimming in menus to be tedious. I plan on playing G.U. Last Recode soon. Currently watching Roots.
I really hope something new comes out for .hack. An MMORPG would be neat, but probably will never happen.
Why aren't you losers buying multiple copies of Last Recode? Don't you want IMOQ to be remade? Quit slacking and hop to it!
What about my Tail Concerto remake
I bought like 5 copies of that shit
Not profitable.
based and piros pilled
Mon ami!
What is this series and why is my pp so hard now?
Continue with reading the .hack//another birth novels (they are available on the archive) and then watch the Liminality OVA.
The novels are more fun to read than to play the games and cover the same story, which will answer all or most questions left open. The OVA covers what happens in the real world in the meanwhile.
SIGN had great artstyle, music and characters, but the moment the story started it sadly stopped.
This fucking song is so good
>played the games when they first came out and i was much younger, had fun with them and liked many characters like Matsu, etc
>replayed them recently, noticing all the fujobait characters
I really don't know if it's the game's fault i grew into a fudanshi desu.
Key of Twilight
>sung by Hiroshi himself
shame we couldnt share our victory with the real Kite in GU
G.U. OST was undoubtedly my number 1 most memorable game OST of all time, things like this, Hulle Granz and not even mentioning all the other orchestral shit BEFORE it was even a thing in most rpg's
The new novels about him are translated btw? I didn't see anything
An MMO already happened on PS2. You can find private servers still.
.hack series osts are 10/10, I can't choose a favorite, I like even the anime ones
Playing through GU and just finished vol 1. When does Haseo chill out with the edge lord shit?
In vol 3
like midway through Volume 2
post Endrance and Elk
By the end of vol. 1 he mellowed out culminating at the Atoli's end.
Vol. 2 is his redemption arc and finding meaning in his current companionship
Vol. 3 is settling everything with everyone and he has already matured by that point
happy Elk looks so fucking weird
I know right? He should be suffering, it's his natural state of being.
>Cat waifu is deader than dead
>leeches off his parents who fucking hate him
>only person he currently loves is banging a suicidal whore
>is a vegetarian
Kaoru should probably off himself
Are you me?
Don't forget
>the only person who's willing to devote all of his time to him and only him is a little boy who thinks he's his sister who died in the womb and also desperately wants to jump on his dick
>IMOQ was far more like original PSO
No wonder I like IMOQ. PSO is still based and better than PSO2's soulless husk
reminder that he literally tells Haseo in an email that he would be willing to be a homewrecker if Haseo ever got tired of his girlfriend
Imagine the lanky pasty fuck actually logging off and leaving his house long enough to walk over to wherever Haseo lives and get his ass plowed by a 17 year old
GU vol 3 burned me out because I played first two vols in row.
>same game
Is there cheat mode in remake?
He can't leave the house, his parents would lock him out.
I sometimes forget that Endrance is like two or three years older than Haseo. I don't know why but it makes him creepier.
Haseo is a fucking fag for not choosing Endrance de su.
He's a fag for not getting down and dirty with Bo desu senpai
Yes, there is but I don't recommend it.
Haseo is 17 and Endrance is 20 when GU takes place
They both live in Japan too, so nothing too bad as far as Im aware
They probably would
Man of culture, etc etc.
Now I want to see Endrances adventures offline
Make it a short anime where he's locked out of his house by his parents and wanders the streets of Japan
Shenanigans ensue
what i need to do is play through the series. I got all 4 of the original and the 3 gu games
I'm aware of fragment. I meant a modern day MMORPG.
>it's the Endrance gets raped in a back alley episode
>3 gu games
It's 4 games now.
>it's an Endrance goes to a furry convention episode
three games and a pint, considering Last Recode's fourth episode is basically just an epilogue addition rather than an actual game in and of itself
>they are all dressed as Mia
He prefers the term "Kemono Connoisseur"
combat is push square
no its push X
dumb nigger
thats brown kaworu wtf
This game had the best NPC dialogue.
No, it was vol 2 and 3 of the orignals that changed it. Last Recode changed it back to the more aggressive sounding one from vol 1 for all 3 volumes..
Where the fuck is BUTT RICE. He said he was going to the shop but he aint come back yet.
Kuhn is also guilty of being a dirty furry too
>that one player who's obsessed with Shrine Maidens
>that one annoying furfaggot beast player who keeps screaming about how much of a furfaggot he is and how much he wants to gobble on Gabi's cock
>that one "gamer" girl who manged to have a guild made and run by her army of beta orbiters
>that one asshole player who is rude as fuck whenever you try to talk to him, even when trading with him he still acts like a cunt
You missed
Kuhn would probably hit on Mia if she had a PC body.
The fun thing is that in both the original games and GU it was a select number of recurring players, and even the people you could encounter in dungeons (short of things like the Chaotic PKers) could be met in town, each with specific things they'd say, their own items to trade, and dialogue that changes depending on which point in the game's story you were at. It really makes it feel less like it was nondescript folks running around as background dressing and more like consistent players that were off doing their own thing at the same time as you.
A reminder you can convince a minor to keep his tulpa and proceed to marry it.
The games themselves got a lot of things right about the future of tech. If you read the news posts in both sets of games.
Shame the base VR tech had to be given to indie shitters to make political walking simulators and "ironic" games.
Sometimes they want another human's opinion.
Yeah but Saku is shit though. I'd rather marry Bo.
That's one aspect of these games that I really like.
>Got all the trophys for last recode.
>I nearly killed myself looking for the medic union
It was bad enough when i did it the first time on ps2. But at least the bike glitch still works for the time trials.
and then Endrance would PK the shit out of him while autistically screeching
>mfw dealing with the bullshit RNG with the guild shop items
It is not like the items you buy from them are any good at all. As you get an inventory full of +5 shit just by levelling up and then you can customise them with better effects.
I really should play recode but i don´t really feel like it. I think i would rather re-play the original games (if i had the time).
Anyone happen to have concept art of Union Skeith?
god damn i love .hack threads
haseo goes from complete asshole to nicest guy by the end of the series, just wait for it.
>Union Skeith
Skeith Unison, and this is all I could find and it's from an old ass .hack thread
God damn I love seeing Elk suffer.
the original designs of the 8phases were so spooky
Thanks that's fine.
I love how Silabus looks exactly like his character, also Alkaid and Atoli are cuties, plus Kuhn looks pretty good and so does Endrance. Hell they all look pretty hot desu.
Yata is white IRL lol
I love the games have done since i saw a review of infection at 3 am on a gaming tv show in the UK.
We did not even get the GU games here, i had to import them. I even suffered through //link.
I want more .hack but Namco and CC2 fucking hate me.
Wait, did Endrance play Elk in the first game? Wasn't Elk a girl? I thought she was, and the Cat character was named Mia, right? Holy shit I just put the connection together. Damn, Endrance was a NEET shut in even when he was a kid.
>Yata is white IRL lol
He's also a rich loner that hates gold digging whores and likes digimon
Elk is Endrance
Wiseman is Yata
Seig is Kuhn
Sora is Haseo
I don´t know... i kinda liked the terror of death.
The older I get, the more I appreciate how much in the right Gabi is for never reading more than two lines of email.
I still can't believe Elk is Endrance...they seem so radically different, but I noticed how Endrance called the cat "Mia" but was Elk not a girl PC? I thought Elk was a girl? Or did Endrance just play a female character?
I remember Sora being a real asshole
That's a whole lot of suck.
You're probably confusing Elk with Tsukasa. Tsukasa was a girl using a male Avatar which was the same as Elk's.
One thing that is a small plot hole is Kuhn not recognising Asure Orca and Balmung.
He was a self described "rival" to Balmung. And was always dogging him in the Time trials in //IMOQ.
>mfw seeing Skeith
>mfw that fucking intro leading up to his boss fight
>mfw that guitar riff
Yes, Endrance and Elk are the PC's of the user Kaoru Ichinose picturedThe other wavemaster that looks like Elk was the protagonist of //SIGN, named Tsukasa who was friends with a cat player named Macha
Macha becomes Mia, who was attracted to Elk due to his similarities with Tsukasa
Oh righttt that's the one I'm thinking of. They had the same character design.
>One thing that is a small plot hole is Kuhn not recognising Asure Orca and Balmung.
same goes for Yata, Endrance, and Piros not recognizing any of the Azure Knights
>played the first two games religiously
>never got to far into part3
i remember buying them out of order or something by mistake but i remember starting out from part 3 being hard af, anyone else tried starting from later parts
also emulated sadly i'm not paying 200+ for 3/4
>Finally reach Skeith
>literally too spooked to play cause i was young nad i was staying up late
>he destroys me
>"Oh it's one of those fights you're supposed to lose, cool"
>mfw it wasn't
>Damn, Endrance was a NEET shut in even when he was a kid.
no he was just really shy
he played R:1 in an attempt to make friends
The same can be said for Yata and Endrance. All three of them don't react at all to seeing the Azure trio, it's like they forgot all about R:1
imagine taking Piros the 3rd to a boss fight against azure kite, and having him turn against you and return to his old ally's side.
This is the first part of the series when shit gets real.
>That first time phase music
>every following phase has its own remix of it.
Looks like he is taking BIG STEPPY there right now
It sounds a lot like the whole Azure Knights thing beyond "Tri-Edge" Kite were kind of a late development addition so they didn't write the script to accommodate.
I remember seeing like a manga page or something, not sure what timeline or .hack it was from, but doesn't the guy that plays Kite log back into The World as an adult to help save it or something? Like we don't see him as an adult but you see him sitting at the computer and can see his hand and torso, like the nigga got really buff or some shit. I think Orca, Kite, and Balmung's players are all in college or adults by the time G.U takes place. Would have been cool if they had made new characters and played in G.U as party members, or made like cameos. What if they fought against their old characters?
he'd probably try to reason with Azure Kite, and upon not getting a reaction he'd know something was wrong
I want to know more about this.
Well Yata is an admin that has eyes on literally every part of R:2, and he knows the deep lore about Aura, so it can be assumed that he knew it wasnt really Kite
If the real Kite was in R:2 he would assfuck Ovan and AIDA Sakaki at the same time
Starting from later parts got you "good enough" (Read:Shit) equipment to start the part with. So you would have a bad time. Soft punishment i would call it. I would say it is almost mandatory to start at infection and work up.
I think //link started out as something like that but got fucked up in to a fanfiction that fucked up everything about .hack
There is some new story that was translated about Kite, i have not read it yet. I think the guys who translated //link also did a quick translation of it as well.
>it's like they forgot all about R:1
That is not true because when he informs you about Cubia it shows a flashback from R:1
I know a lot of the players in G.U have autism, but some of them don't even fucking play the game and have fun, like they just fucking login to pretend to be someone else. They don't even level up or go on quests. They just do jack shit.
Same happens IRL.
WoW for instance had players just join it for city chat and to use as a chat room you could walk around in.
Endrance was so mentally fucked from losing Mia that the only thing thaat mattered was getting stronger and he forgot about his other friends
Then Mia's data became his Epitaph, and ten AIDA started fucking with him
i mean if we had that kinda tech it would be like the people who log into second life/VR chat and just fuck around
IMOQ remaster when? :(
Is Kite a bad enough dude to take on Ovan when he's using Corbenik though? I also think it's bullshit that Kite never got Drain Heart, after seeing Corbenik/Morganna use it on the .hackers in the final battle, shit got me pumped and made me think I was going to learn it and to add insult to injury, Azure Kite knows how to use Drain Heart and so does Haseo near the end of Vol. 3. Shit ain't fair.
you can literally learn Drain Heart ingame
For real? Is there a special animation for activating it?
No, if i remember it 2128 Drains multiple enemy's.
When people buy enough copies to convince Bandai Namco to give CC2 the ok to remake IMOQ
no all 4 Data Drain variants have the same animation
pretty sure it unlocks just by using Data Drain a lot
Ah that's balls
Aura would give him some special power
Azure Kite had an Epitaph-like form
The games would probably need remakes altogether to be frank. They likely don't have the source code for 'em anymore, and even if they did, all that menuing and gameplay design isn't something to be enthusiastic or nostalgic over, it was all in the music, setting and overall design.
play fragment
I always remember two of the female beast players in GU.
One only ever talked in *meows* but I keep coming back to her because she had nice items for trade.
The other one was named "b1u3" who's dialog is the story of how she wanted the username "blue" but it was already taken.
.hack NPCs are the best, despite how little attention they are given.
No pausing during menus doesn't fix the issue.
I am still mad G.U took so many of the gameplay mechanics that made IMOQ cool away. Like, i loved the negative effects of data draining or the portal system that allowed enemies to get reinforcements mid battle or fight a riddiculous MOB on an all or nothing fight.
They wouldn't, they are Japanese remember
what issue? you have also have 16 shortcuts for skill and item usage
Henako is probably the NPC I remember talking and trading with the most, she's also weird.
I liked the IMOQ npcs named Waffle, Panta, Alicia, Flare, and Stare
The problem being that GU no longer felt like some sort of single player game trying to imitate an MMO like IMOQ did which it did perfectly.
I think there is one NPC from Kestral that just sucks ass as a PK. In the towns he talks like a pussy, but you meet him in the battle areas a lot trying to PK people.
That kitty has some serious titty
if I remember right, Henako had some of the best items in the game. I think it was because she was a trader or part of a treasure hunter guild.
so whenever I saw her character model, I would rush to check if it was her and see what she had.
In vol 1 she had an unlimited supply of beginners text that helped you get your skill attacks faster. Corpral Yano also was the same. But from vol 2 onwards they fixed it.
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to party up the NPC characters? I think one of the Sword Art Online games allowed you to that. I think it would be neat.
Hollow Fragment and Hollow Realization. The latter especially lets you basically romance everyone even if generics don't get special scenes obviously, and turn any random into steadfast party members.
>mfw i wanna replay the games but my pc is almost dead
>the PS4 remaster is braindead easy
Sucks desu. Also stealth bump, we gotta keep it alive for OP!
Bump for OP
PCSX2 runs them quite well. You do not need a top of the line PC to play IMOQ or GU. Upscaling however is a different story.
Sub or dub?
What was the tl;dr on the overall story of .hack?
It's one of the few cases that i don't mind either.
I love that the News section in IMOQ has an ad for Tail Concerto
man creates virtual daughteru as a tribute to his late waifu that didn't love him. daughteru was being nutured by a program that realized it would stop existing once the daughteru was properly born. all hell broke loose as the program didn't want to die. all this happened to be tied to the world's biggest MMO because they used that man's programming as a basis and just sorta black boxed it not expecting shit to get bad and then they tried to cover up shit going bad. some kids and the daughteru stop the program, but it doesn't stop all the problems that linger, and the dev corporation tries to make more money with stupid ideas as everything escalates even worse until an amnesiac victim of the original incidents comes back, accidentally becomes the chosen one and has to fix even more problems gone rampant because his most trusted person was really an asshole.
then things get really stupid after that
A group of Eco terrorists run by feminists want to put everyone on the planet into the game world to protect the earth or some dumb shit like that.
We do not mention that part of the story. IT IS NOT CANNON AS IT RUINS EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GAMES!!!!!
Sup, Yea Forums. I'm back. Thanks for taking care of my thread, you guys are awesome.
Entire .hack franchise had godlike music
Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for a while
>wanted to play/read everything in order
>just end up playing IMOQ again and stopping
It's funny that the mechanics in the books are closer to IMOQ than the anime.
In the land of twilight under the moon we dance for the idiots.
You are already dead.
Gardenia best IMOQ
Kaede best GU
I always called this fucker the Doppelnigger.
Reminds me of those FFX novels.
My nigga.
Based and mommypilled
>mfw you get his items at the end of vol 3 and become so OP nothing in the game can kill you even the Vol 3 superbosses.
>don't even bother with the original 4 games, they are borderline unplayable disasters. i even have intense nostalgia for them and it was a fucking shitshow when i revisited them a few years ago
Ok I agree they were very simple and in need of some QoL features, but they weren't that bad.
>Last Recode changed it back to the more aggressive sounding one from vol 1 for all 3 volumes..
Oh, that's fucking nice.
I feel like the phone game stuff was a bi-product of the series not doing that well after a point. I know one of the phone games was meant to be a multiple part game series like the Kite and Haseo saga of games, but they ended up scrapping that idea, which tells me it didn't do well as well.
The over use of Kite's character has no excuse however, they justify it as he and his party are legendary players now, but do we need to follow people that are using his character so much? Both Link and Versus have 3 Kites due to their crossover nature for crying out loud.
What was the actual intended lore of the games?
The phone games had 2 different problems
>The fans didn't want the game
>Extreme amounts of phone game competition
Is it hard to set up a server to play //fragment? These threads got me in the mood for some IMOQ and I want to drag some friends in
A dying world. "Twilight" was the result of the epitaph the game was based on. But the twist is that the twilight also means daybreak.
Unknown where the Cursed Wave was born…
After the stars doth cross the heavens,
The sky in the East doth darken and air doth fill with mourning.
From the chosen land beyond the forest, a sign of the wave comes.
Riding the wake is Skeith, the Shadow of Death, to drown all that stands.
Mirage of Deceit, Innis, Betray all with the flawed image, and did aid the Wave.
And by the Power of Magus, a drop from the Wave doth reach the heavens, and creates a new Wave.
With the Wave, Fidchell, the power to tell the dark future, hope darkens, sadness and despair rule.
Gorre schemes when swallowed by the Cursed Wave.
Macha seduces with the sweet trap.
Wave reaches the Pinnacle, and escape none can. Tarvos still remains with more cruelty to punish and destroy.
And with the turbulent destruction after the Wave. Only a void remains. From deep within the void arrives Corbenik.
Perhaps then the Wave is just a beginning as well.
I just found out where pic related came from, a prototype trailer for .hack//Beyond The World.
Seeing Kite in HD like that really triggered something me. God dammit, imagine if IMOQ got remade to look like that? Fucking Bandai Namco holding the franchise hostage and letting it rot isn't fair at all.
Wait, is Haseo naked? Fucking hot, i just ordered Last Recode.
There's a private server to play on. Believe you just need to configure a few things in the emulator network options.
Didn't that go down in flames because of drama?
>tfw no full spring equipment list so I had to make my own
Fully upgrading armor can be a pain.
This thing always scared the shit out of me, especially that music.
What exactly happened?
Jesus Christ dude.
I don't know the details, i bookmarked the site when the first set it up fully intending to play when my life got a less busy. When i got to it, they took everything down and from what i could gather it was an internet slap fight that made them take it down.
Who didn't just take two physical damage dealers and 99 revives?
what are your favorite characters that are also party members on GU
for me is endrance and sakubo
people who played gu first are gonna have a bad time with the Skeith fight
Looks like the netslum server is still up. (that's the only one I've actually looked into.)
Nice. Any link?
I don't know why people think these tan anime characters are black. It's honestly retarded. Fucking zoomers.
Sounds dumb. Oh well, I do know that people play the game still. There's a .hack discord server and the people there seem to play Fragment on Fridays and they call it Fragment Fridays.
>beat Skeith after like four attempts
>"is that the final boss? what's next?"
>fucking Cubia birth
Matsu and Alkaid.
Endrance, Bo, Matsu, Zelkova, Pi. I really like fast characters desu.
I remember watching this as anime like 13 years ago. Is games related anyway to it?
1. You're a newfag
2. How the fuck do you get a SPEAKER out of this?
SIGN is a direct prequel to the events of the original 4 games, and Roots is a rather dodgy prequel to the GU games. Legend of the Twilight is a shitty anime and better in its manga storyline, and everything else is spinoff stuff, but there's little non-canon material besides certain manga or bonus material.
Also fapped furiously to that winged loli girl with axe who was leading that group of incels guards.
Every bit of .hack is connected.
Well, it seems that a MMO about .hack is out of the question.
But I have to say, I would love for the next game to have at least coop.
any of those games has same characters from anime?
Congrats, you've masturbated to thoughts of a cripples girl in a wheelchair.
I found the game pretty comfy to farm in with a podcast in the background. There isn't much bullshit with getting items, so data collection is easy.
Characters from SIGN show up in the first four games and two of them end up as party members near the end.
She was an okay character, but Aika was the best part of //Link, followed by Flugel.
Lol he sure uses bunch of buzzwords avoid real reason being that they dont have money to do it.
No one should ever expect an MMO out of this franchise, but co-op isn't unreasonable. Don't even have to host actual online servers for it with the right setup.
SIGN characters cameo in IMOQ, complete with recreations of certain scenes as optional flashbacks, with a couple actually becoming party members. Notably, a certain character from SIGN is the protagonist of Roots and the GU games, but even knowing that is a spoiler.
Why is you're daughter chocolate milk?
Yeah this makes it even hotter.
>apparently contradicts some of the shit from the post-GU stuff
Nope, completely false.
>it might be ignoring that complete mess.
CC2 loves the third season (everything from Link to Thanatos Report), so that is not going to happen.
Unless other games improved upon IMOQ on this, there really isn't much to the games. Grinding to Lv99 with best weapons/armor is trivial.
I'm not sure if anyone knows this but I wanted to point out that in Fragment's offline mode, you ca pretty much party up with most of the SIGN and IMOQ cast, even Shugo and Rena from Legend of The Twilight show up as unlockable party members.
>Time travel or some shit according to some people
For things like this, I'm convinced that the vast majority of people who hate Link never played it. There is no time travel at all.
Wasn't it more akin to a literal Akashic Records in terms of revisiting distorted memories of The World's history but not actually, you know, time traveling? Though Tokio being a dumbass fucked everything up anyway.
How can they look at Link and say its good and actually like it?
why would you want an online version of an offline MMORPG?
The story is 100% .hack, and some of the characters are good, but unfortunately Link has the worst protagonist of the franchise, Tokyo, who is an annoying, generic shonen hero that sounds like Boruto; that and the gameplay is absolutely ass, to the point where I think it would have been better if it was a VN.
would you take a custom protagonist that has VN style decisions, or try to hope for a new protagonist that can live up to their predecessors in quality
Tokyo basically travels through The World's history records, using the data stored in the Akashic Records. All the characters he meets from the previous eras are just data. They are not the real Haseo, or the real Kite, for example.
Après Kite, le déluge
New protagonist who can decide shit for himself or herself and live up to the same standards as Kita and Haseo and pray that he/she doesn't become the new Tokio, nobody wants another Tokio.
I don't know. But in any case there are some good things in the third season. Like the //Bullet novel, or the film //Beyond the World, for example. I also read that //Versus was good, but I never played it.
Rare Haseo wearing a yukata shows up.
both are fine, what i'd like is an actual character creation menu that lets me customise the appearance and class of my character
Favorite tracks?
Versus was basically an overhauled Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm but .hack reworked. Big problem was it was a PS3 game with a weird realistic art style so it just seemed kinda off all around.
Everybody goes for Skeith, but this shits all over it
> Big problem was it was a PS3 game with a weird realistic art style
Yeah, I agree. Not a fan of some of the character designs. Especially Kite and BlackRose.
Talking about the game, the OST is top-tier, and the ending credits makes me want to cry.
Funny thing is, is that Versus actually is a better arena fighter than the Storm games and had some depth to the combat.
Is this supposed to look like Evangelion?
Same artist.
Is there a higher resolution shot of this?
>he didn't post THAT song
How could you user, it's the best song.
Same artist, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto.
>orca kaji
>mistral penpen
>wiseman gendo
>Rachel is Misato
oh boy
>We will never play in this Root Town.
>when you looked at news and forums when you logged out of the game
God, they really knew how make the world alive by these little things
feels real bad
Rachel gave me a instant fetish for the female Brooklyn accent. I know it is to represent the Kansai accent in the jap dub. But listening to that when i was 14 gave me instaboners.
The least they could is at least restore the Root Town back to normal after beating Quarantine as a reward.
Man I loved that shit. It blew my mind back then that they put in that extra effort.
Yeah, and leave Net Slum as another town like in G.U.
You are now imagining Misato with a Brooklyn accent.
>browsing the art forums in GU
>every single image someone makes can be used as a wallpaper on your desktop
>they also occasionally make plot-relevant images or even try to capture Haseo in his appearances whenever he stands out again, complete with a thread dedicated to Haseo fanart
Ever since I read this in his forum interview I've lived by it.
When I played G.U. as a kid I didn't know you could make a team with repeated cards. Double Dancing Lion deck is beyond broken.
I always had all of the Azure Kite ones as my wallpaper, my favorite one is the first one you get in Rebirth. My current wallpaper is the one with Haseo, Ovan and Shino together with You Smiled Kindly as my background theme.
The dialog box design is pretty nice in G.U., I hope they keep it like that in the next game.
Prototype Atoli is THICC!
I like the new ones they added with Last Recode.
And she looks like she forgot to equip her lower gear
Is he the hardest boss in the trilogy?
Damn, Atoli almost looked like THAT??
>qt thicc healer with self-esteem issues
Doppelgänger seems to be the only thing that can kick my ass even at max level. Everything else is cake.
I like that the final wallpaper is a homage to a drawing Piroshi made a year before Last Recode was announced. But my favorite is the Atoli one. The colors are beautiful.
Oh and those fuckers in the arena that challenge Haseo in the post game for Redmeption are pretty fucking tough too.
You can kill the vol 3 dopple in 30s. You fucking suck ass.
sadly there's only enough of this town model for that one cinema but there have been efforts to finish it
>But my favorite is the Atoli one. The colors are beautiful.
This one.
Yeah I was about to say Doppelganger
I made the mistake(?) of giving Haseo every one of those books that permanently increases your stats, and as a result it made Doppelganger way harder than he needed to be. He would one shot my party members and nearly do the same to me.
>Wiseman Gendo
>Yata is literally Wiseman Gendo in G.U.
This is good.
>I like that the final wallpaper is a homage to a drawing Piroshi made a year before Last Recode was announced
This one. It is pretty damn cool.
Was he lying?
Well excuuuuuse me for not cheesing him with sleipnir like all of the cool kids.
Now I really want to cry. It looks so good, and unique, and that moon reminds me of Majora's Mask, so that's a plus.
He was sadly talking about Link...
In Piros I trust.
never played any of the games, ive only watched .hack//SIGN
it is one of my favourite animes
Well, technically he was talking about R:X, which we know little about. Just what was shown on Link (which is basically nothing because the Root Towns can't be explored) and Quantum.
Well stop trying to be a snowflake and just use the strat that works.
This cute girl slaps your virtual girlfriend's ass -- what do?
Ask her for her member address, of course.
Make her suck my edge weapon.
anyone here play fragment? been doing the story but it wants a solo-only dungeon way early
Slap hers, because she is my virtual girlfriend
Why is Kite such a chad?
loudly shit on Tolkien
Never use her in my party because I already fill the Twin Blade role
I'm trying to set up shit so that I can play Fragment on my PS2, I just need to wait for those Amazon fuckers to arrive with that IDE to USB converter and flash drive.
It's so weird to see actual adults hold a 14-year old kid in such high regards
Do you like Sakuya? I do
>not having a full team of twin blades
>he never had a team of Kite, Natsume and Moonstone
>he never had a team of Haseo, Alkaid and Nastume
i've never played this series. How well does it emulate? How's the remaster of GU?
she is one of my favorite characters i wish there was more stuff of her in GU
the ''marriage'' cutscene was really funny
Moonstone was a redundancy but I recall you could get a cool weapon for hanging out with him so he at least had some use.
Sanjuro was the true bro choice.
imoq emulates very well
gu remaster is great but edits the exp/stats to make the game easier
Emulation is fine.
The remaster of GU looks great, but it does make it easier. If this is a bother, emulate the PS2 versions and look up vol 4 on youtube. The PS2 versions of GU do emulate well but if you plan to upscale they have an issue with a ghosting effect software renderer is not affected.
she really does
Girls love the Twilight.
>look up vol 4 on youtube
What's specifically wrong with this entry? It emulates just as fine as the rest.
Vol 4 is only in the remaster. The PS2 only had vol 1-3.
He's talking about G.U.'s volume 4.
god that model is so much better than this shit
Please don't bully Sora, she is a good girl.
Yeah should've reread it. Thought he was saying quarantine was bullshit and not worth playing through.
Are you able to start from the beginning of vol.4 in remaster like you could with the other games? Maybe use a trainer or save editing to get stats in line?
She is fun character.
Anyone else listen to the .hack OST while they grind in games? I'm finding it really helps in FFXIV when I level an alt job
It comes with cheat mode that maxes everything. This cheat mode can also be used on the other volumes in the remaster.
>Are you able to start from the beginning of vol.4 in remaster
Yeah. You can play the whole thing in like 2hs or so. It is pretty damn short.
Honestly it's fine as far as CGI goes
Always figured The World would look like that if it was real
Have you seen prototype Sora? She's way fucking cuter than the finalized version and her Prototype Kite model looked way fucking better as well. It looks like Azure Kite except not all fucked up.
Agreed. I would love to see an entire film that looked like the prototype version, did you see those backgrounds? Fucking beautiful shit.
How come Did Nothing Wrong isn't popular around here? He killed millions and fucked the world economy in the ass just for an one-in-a-million chance to save his loli.
Ovan is pretty based.
If you wouldn't burn the world for your loli then you need to get the fuck off of this board
Wow, this 100% new to me. Yeah, it looks pretty good, but I still love Sora's final design.
t. ri-edge
Official ecchi art like this always got me rock hard back in those days
Can't tell you how much I fapped to .hack bathhouse art [spoilers]and the bathhouse episode of Tenchi Muyo[/spoilers]
t. Not Shino
>tfw first anime fap was to .hack//Legend of the Twilight
And he gets to fuck Shino. Is there anything this man, can't do?
Tell me more, user.
make Yata stop being a bitch
More like he gets to fuck his little German sister only because Shino got mad at Ovan for trying to kill himself.
I wore out an old magazine ad because of Pi is all I knoe my guy.
All I remember is it was to Ouka and it may have been a hot springs episode or something similar
You shut the fuck up, Yata is based and redpilled.
whats his endgame
He'd stop being a bitch if he got himself a girlfriend.
Make Kaede give him the milkies.
Pfff, Kaede was his bitch from the start.
How did they get away with it?
> Ouka
Great taste.
A new mom.
>Im not interested in guys
>cuts over to Endrance and Bo
Another one. She looks like this in //Link. That game has some really nice re-designs, desu.
Everybody loves a tanned loli, user.
I wonder where he went after G.U.
They RUINED Kite's design in Link and for some reason almost everyone in that game has an Xth form.
I've busted so many nuts to this over the years.
nigger the Blackrose image covers half the glass and I didnt even enlarge the image
also some speakers are cylindrical
>Balmung eyeing Mistral
Somebody loves MILFs
>he doesn't know
a-user, I...
Probably the CEO of the Digimon corporation.
>his desktop doesn't look like this
That's Mistral's daughter you sick fug.
This shit got me diamonds as a kid
And i'm now understanding where my love of the dark skin tag originated from. Bless Blackrose.
Mine was the beach one with the cute girl and cute furry girl in bikinis with the surfer in the background
I found Rena's English dub voice very erotic at times, especially when she called out Shugo's name. She would say his name in such a way that it implied she wanted jump on his dingus.
Don't let the thread die now, it's like stopping right before the finish line.
Pi and Bordeux!
Another great thread, lads.
He was a cool guy eh data drains monsters and doesn't afraid of anything.
>Blackrose just hanging out with the SIGN crew
The hell?
The .hack series is severely lacking in the r34/doujin department, and what does exist is pretty low quality
That's enough motivation to get good at art. This series deserves more love for it's girls
It was an OVA were the Sign crew and game crew come together to throw a party after Aura was born.
>mfw I respect the .hack series enough to not actually go and look up porn of any of the characters
I still believe that one day we'll get to go back to Mac Anu. One day.
But not today.
See y'all in the next thread
>This shindig looks like the bomb-diggity
Another comfy .hack thread comes to a close. It's been fun .hackers
See ya.
Yea been a great thread. Go with the grace of the Twilight Dragon.
>Sanjuro was the true bro choice.
My man.
You're not missing much. :)
Last post is mine.
No, it's mine.
No, it's mine.
Do not be afraid, look closely now, the last post in this thread shall be my own, now burn this into your eyes!
The last post is mine, tho.
Good line read from Lowenthal.
It's mine actually.