I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this is my board

I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this is my board.

Attached: heavy.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

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The Yea Forumsirgin weighs 150 kilograms and fires 200 dollar custom dank shitposts at 10,000 shitposts per minute.

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It costs eight hundred dollars to aid this neet... for one month

Oh my God, who posted bait? Alright...Who shitposted on my board!?


Doh hahahaha ohohohoh

Some people think they can bait me.

I’ve yet to meet one who can out-bait Twitter

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When does the first unusual become trade-able?
I'm pretty sure it's been a week.

Some people think they can out meme me.... maybe *sniff* maybe... I have yet to meet one that can outmeme janny.

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You now remember Valve Time

Some people think they can outmeme me... maybe... maybe... I have yet to seen one who can out outmeme wojak

Hey yeah right, chucklenuts.

Attached: scoot.jpg (500x500, 116K)

Reeeeee reeeeee hahaha sperg some mooooooore!

Mr Weapons Guy, please accept the invitation

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Valve would be alright with it, the nips don't really care for their properties though

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I'd buy a switch tomorrow but honestly, Scout would be a better match for smash.

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I’ve used the Brass Beast all of yesterday and I gotta say, it was fucking painful
How do you guys effective use it if you can at all? Best results I got was going Shotgun Heavy and whipping the Beast out when no one knows I’m behind them

I remember someone’s proposal of the fighter being Spy but most of his moves has him briefly disguise as a class to execute it, ex. forward Smash is Heavy with the KGB, specials include a Sticky Jump, Pyro charging forward in flames, etc.
TF2 has no chance though, not only is it too violent but it can’t be safely neutered like Snake

A is a baseball bat swipe
A> is a charged baseball bat swipe
AV sweeping BBB swipe
A^ uppercut BBB swipe

B> is a charged FaN BAM-BAM!
(further away = less damage)
(point blank = holy fuck)
B^ is atomizer jump
BV is mad milk (recovers % on further damage)

SMASH is hundreds of scouts piling onto the enemy screaming "need a dispenser here"

It has to be like the pokemon trainer type of figther, but just Heavy, Scout and the last one must be soldier, demo or pyro
The last 3 ones are the hardest one to pick tough, as heavy would be the heavy weigth, scout the opposite of course, and pyro,demo,soldier would be the middle ground, but picking one would be the hard part


Heavy is fat! Eat a salad you fatty!