Do you still play your PS2 Yea Forums?

Do you still play your PS2 Yea Forums?

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very good games are on it

After seeing how good FFX and Kingdom Hearts look in modern resolutions I can only emulate now.

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Sure. I got Eternal Poison on my system. I just have to finish work and I'll play either that or finish off Onimusha 4.

Just played Valkyrie Profile 2 recently, very fun.

Yes because Atlus are a bunch of lazy bastards.

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yeah, playing sly 2

yes sometimes.

Yeah. I've been playing my Xbox recently though. Modern games are garbage and PS2 era games look incredible on a giant Trinitron in component.

Mine died, so I just emulate it nowadays

Yeah, I hit it up.

Need some new racing games.

Wait. Persona 3 FES is still a PS2 game ? no official port to PS3 or PS4 ??

Not really. The PS2 had a fuck ton of great games, but was also the beginning of the "1-4 hours of boring bullshit before things really start" for a lot of games, and I just don't have time anymore for that.
I like games where I can start playing right off the fucking bat.

i dont have enough attention span to plug it in the tv and get games so i just emulate.

does backwards compatible ps3 count? if so then yeah, playing sly 2.

Holy shit yeah. I recently bought a crt with component and ps2 games look so sharp. Been playing dynasty warriors empires. So fucking good. I can emulate at 4k but fuck being at the computer. I much rather being in bed like the good old days.

Fucking this.

Yeah. Replayed pic related just recently.

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My new shitbox 1080p TV is surprisingly good for SDTV gaming.

Honestly I think it does HD content worse.

Literally playing it right now, are you me?

Yeah. Games for it are pretty affordable compared to the gamecube. I just emulate anything that's too pricy for me.

You can only download it from the PS store. There's no official port at this time.

Welp there goes my hope for P4G on anything but Vita.

i can’t believe this level of retardation.

I played some GT4 today

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Some PS2 games upscale don't even look better than playing on CRT. I can play PS2 games upscale to 8k.