No real girl acts like this.
No real girl acts like this
Characters like this are why incels exist
That's a gremlin
>Real woman are shit
More news at 11
Yeah. Real girls are shit.
headpats are a meme but lapsits and handholding is real
nigger hang around weeaboos more
in the end joker gets his dick sucked or what?
i dint finish this trash
My girl fucking loves it when I pet her, it's fucking weird but I get it
Try to stroke the top of your head for 2 minutes and report the results. It feels comfy.
Fucking incel OP grow up
The point of fiction can be to fulfill ideas that cannot possibly exist. The problem is consumers of that fiction can find it hard to separate the idea of what to expect from reality and then people argue said fiction should be more in line with truth.
That isn't a real woman. That thing is a child. Shit, she's a midget as well.
>No real girl acts like this.
Then why does my gf sometimes grab my hand and put it on her head?
Yes, patting shit is very forced but women do ask to be hugged or cuddled which in context is the same thing. So it's not THAT unrealistic
Maybe the patting thing is exclusively a japanese thing but I've yet to see it outside delusional otaku fantasies.
That's the beauty of videogames.
Well she's not a girl, she's a piece of shit.
Is it me or is this a video game
and that's why it's a video game
They forget this game is set in Japan so the headpatting is moreso a cultural thing. It usually denotes support and/or endearment towards someone you're very close with. Harmless skinship.
I don’t understand what you mean
My wife doesn't really ask for headpats but she always seems to like it when I do it.
Did you even make it to madarame? Why pick up an rpg if you clearly don’t like rpgs
Mine hates when I (or anybody else) touches her head but she loves to give me headpats.
Girls raised on anime do and they are all as awkward as Futaba
It's not something that happens in real life over there either, weeb. In fact it's probably done more by western weebs than it's done in Japan.
get OUT, fucking normalfag scum
She's a shut in neet. She's been replacing social contact with anime and shit where girls actually act like this for so long that she thinks its normal.
I can't believe so many people miss this part of her character. She even speaks leetspeak out loud to make it even more obvious that she has no idea how real people act.
This. Weeb girls love that shit.
Girls definetely don't act like real people act. Like, I have this friend that I'm gonna call John. I talk to him almost daily and his a normal person, goes to work, almost married and doesn't judge my lazy lifestyle. So one time I go to a date (John's future wife set it up) and this girl shows up.
I tell her that we should go to watch a movie.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...?!?!?!" she cries.
So I show her the list of films going on and she says "I don't wan't to see a movie, I wan't to have fun... ;)". So that was really weird, so I told her that we could go to my place, I have video games.
So we wen't and immediately she pretty much raped me.
So we talked afterwards and everything was weird, when I ask her favorite music, movies or games, she would always say the most mainstream garbage that I have ever heard. It was like some character designer was supposed to make a young female character and googled "popular things". And everytime she said "yes", she meant no. This person stuck to my mind as all girls are the same and they never change. Are girls actually real? I don't know anymore, an actual person has free will, right?
My ex asked me to pat her on the head while she gave me a blowjob once so I beg to fucking differ.
The point is that the kind of 'people' that play these shitty games don't know that.
Lol, wrong op, too bad for you though
It's not that simple, it's more of a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" scenario.
I had a girl that literally said she needed had pats
Thanks for making a thread of my wife.
I had a Japanese girlfriend that liked headpats.
She wouldn't ask for them or anything though. She brought it up too.
God I wish that was me.
The having friends part.
I'd say he got fucked by Kawakami for sure, probably Ann too.
They exist in japan because nips are retarded emotionally and can't express themselves socially.
That's the point.
Characters like this are why volcels exist
r/nothowgirlswork posts
What the fuck is it with anime and 'head patting'
Do japanese girls like being treated like dogs and/or children?
Anime is for nerds. Don't forget that.
>Do japanese girls like being treated like dogs and/or children?
Only by Chad, like all other woman.
When they go for the full hug, it's usually acceptable to do so.
Well i dont know how a girlfriend would act do i?
Humans are mammals. And mammals enjoy having the skin where hair/fur follicles are to be touched and rubbed.
And Tae, definitely Tae.
Don't fuck my daughter please...
But please fuck my daughter...
Japanese women do
>dude humans are no different from every other mammal on a carnal level!!!
how's highschool
What kind of person would embody the Happy Squirrel Arcana?
Man, you gotta think about it logically.
I knew a girl like this. She was a huge weeb though.
what makes you think so?
Woah that's pretty redpilled, unironically
They literally aren't.
You're not special.
Based Platonist user.
>Implying you're special
I do.
But I'm a bit coocoo in the head.
t. never felt the joy of headpats
do you know how ugly weeaboo girls are?
Back in June we had a thread like this using essentially the same example and an user made a great point. Reposting anons point here. Pic related.
>tfw you never will head pat and hug Futaba
Why even live?
As apposed to how ugly weaboo boys are?
Joker's design upsets me. He looks like a complete loser, yet all of these girls want his dick.
I had a gf in japan, and she actually did want me to pat her head.
You live to see those catgirls user. Persona might not be real. But in the future, Nekopara can be.
How are you so sure?
How else are people supposed to self-insert?
i dont care about about boys faggot.
>500 iq hacktivist but also a MMO gamer and pop culture afficionado
I really like Makoto.
fuck reddit niggers
It's the glasses. He looks perfectly fine without them.
>there are people here who have girlfriends
what has my forum gone to
you proved my point
Correction, girls exist that act like this, but they do NOT look like Futaba. This post is correct, but indirectly. Lonely virgin teens (like me in 2000s) grow up thinking girls who are cute/sexy are also awkward just like me, guess what, they are fucking unicorns. If you expect to find one like that (especially as an awkward loser yourself, possibly ugly too) then just give up. Waifus exist because awkward losers never grow up and accept reality, they become shut-in failures, and they cling to imagination as their sole release. I'm one that accepted reality and moved on, but I know those who didn't, they live alone and are either comfortable as being alone or they are fucking miserable. Make your choice user, but don't bitch if your literal one in a million perfect girlfriend doesn't exist or does exist and doesn't like you.
They're literally just for fashion too.
Soceity creates incels
Incels create a means of escape from that shit
If society didn't treat young men like shit then incels wouldn't exist
no you didnt
No american girl acts like this. But outside of america women are more free to express their weaknesses. And neet girls by the way is an ancient greek standard for female behavior.
nothing funnier to me than women getting upset and emotional about fictional depictions of women and not realizing how irrational and hysterical they are
I actually did.
She wasn't very pretty, but I told you the truth.
>Do women like being treated like children?
Yes? Women have always been condescended to, nowadays we just try really hard to mask it while still doing it.
complete lie
Because you'd know?
I'm not sure I'd want to live in the nekopara world. There is some shady stuff going on in the background of the plot. They say that the cat people are just people shaped cats. But that's clearly not true since they mostly act like people with their own sentient thoughts and wants. yet they appear to be seen on the same level as animals and don't have any independence or rights. They talk about groups of renegade cat people forming gangs in the streets and how there's a serious problem of stray cat people living homeless in the streets.
Agreed, straight young white men are the most oppressed group of all time!
My sister does, and sometimes she wants to sit on my lap too
ugly girls dont count
So by society you mean girls that won’t fuck you right?
Fucking incels I swear. The fact that chad(s) are fucking all the girls while morons like you are genetic dead ends is proof evolution exists.
Is this a furry thing?
stop watching anime
Sounds like a girl who spends a lot of time on a computer
I don't watch anime, is just a cute thing to do between siblings you loser
Even ugly girls can be cute.
no its not, its sick pedo shit
Its funny how this statement is actually 100% true
Why did you post this fact like it's supposed to be ironic
they don't say it but they still like getting a headpat
>wasted trips
oh that better be sarcasm at least
>ugly girl
>If society didn't treat young men like shit then incels wouldn't exist
Chad is creampieing girls and living his best life, maybe stop being a self loathing cuck and join him you snowflake?
Shut up retard white straight young men are literally discriminated against these days
Go be a whore away from here
Sure thing Brad, you're totally oppressed because people get upset if you say the N word.
I'm not even white and I agree
If you've only been in a public situation with a girl, no, you'll never see a girl act like this.
But in a private situation with a damaged, shy girl, this is entirely the type of thing that happens.
People mask themselves in public. You do it, you don't talk about the porn you watch in public, cringe at people bringing up memes in a social setting, memes you laughed at before and enjoyed in private.
Let's be honest, you haven't seen a real girl act anything remotely like this because you haven't been with one.
You'd be happier if you would realize the same.
Cuteness isn't beauty.
my ex did. it was an act because she was too shy and brain broke to form a real personality and just wanted to be liked. she wanted to be liked because she didn't have enough of a personality to do anything with her life and thought having a boyfriend would fix everything wrong with her. if you find a girl who acts like that, she knows exactly what she is doing and will try to get away with everything up to and including murder. she gets out next year. the judge bought the act too.
This is actually correct on some level. Toxic masculinity creates a situation where a guy who hasn't had sex is the lowest of the low on social ladder. No other group is actually considered okay to make fun of publicly, so in that sense, incels are the most oppressed people in society.
That's not to say they aren't responsible for their own situation and getting their shit together, just that we as a society should give them more empathy to help them deal with their issues instead of ridiculing their shortcomings.
Based, and redpilled. Why do "real" girls act like 80 IQ caricatures while cliche animu girls who are polite and attractive are supposed to be less "real"?
I dont want to have sex with some random chick you retard
I dont like people they're all annoying
>Having a girl sit on your lap is pedo
Lmao, so I should go to jail for every kiss she gave me on the cheek?
We're the highest sexual value men can have, stop being such a genetic failure, cuck.
Good thing she isn't real then
haha funny random number meme
>ugly girl is cute
Video games aren't real life.
>everything up to and including murder. she gets out next year.
I can't believe user fucking died
>I dont like people they're all annoying
Then what do you want? Cry about how you're poor and ugly on Yea Forums all day? That will show those sjws!
>should give them more empathy
Nah, I think I'll go ahead and continue not having any empathy for murderers and terrorists. I dare you to try and say that shit in front of one of the fathers who lost their child to an incel murderer and see what happens.
I fucking hate this retarded headpat trope.
Sounds like you're the one who needs to stop watching anime user.
yeah they do sometimes
but you really want to avoid them bro trust me they usually end up being low-self-esteem turbo sluts
Women are people only in the name
>girl-touchers trying to police anime and videogames for "realism"
>Everyone talks about how much visual style the menus have
>It's just an anime about a generic Japanese highschool student with a harem of cute girls
Is this game really all style, no substance?
You, bitch, take that back. Futaba is a fucking gem!
>People mask themselves in public. You do it, you don't talk about the porn you watch in public, cringe at people bringing up memes in a social setting, memes you laughed at before and enjoyed in private.
So you could say, you put on a persona to face the outside world?
I dont want people
I care about others because i understand them but im content with the life i live now
I will never have sex because no one meets my absurd standards and i personally dont care if i do or dont. I dont plan on reproducing or interacting with other people.
I can go outside and talk to them just fine but i get nothing out of it.
What i want is for people to care for each other. I hate seeing people being upset
Know a girl exactly like this, learn to hang out with weebs.
>he's never met an attractive weeb girl
I feel bad for you.
You're not fitting in well, Chang. I know you r/asianmasculinity people have your whole "just be white" thing but it's not accurate irl.
If you want to preach your ideology about how all women want to fuck all white men then at least don't pretend to be white while doing it.
Holy shit ghosts can post on Yea Forums
Yea Forums is haunted
Women are retarded so there are probably some like this.
>everyone can be captain of the football team
Oh yeah no
Lib ownz the pubs by making sweeping generalizations.
"Its racist to make sweeping generalizations about 13% of the population "
>toxic masculinity
Stopped there. Isn't it also possible that society's overindulgence and overemphasized views on sex and sexual partners may be to blame for this, instead of simply one sex? Women are more likely to shame the sexual past of men than the other way around, especially younger men, and society reinforces the idea that sex with partners may equate to social success, further isolating people with limited to no sexual partners. I think it's stupid to try boiling this down to one key issue, there seem to be different facets to it. And don't even give me the whole "incel" shtick, I'm married with a kid on the way so that shit won't really work with me.
>all male virgins are murderors and terrorists
gee i can't imagine why "incels" would start to feel hated and oppressed with people throwing shit like this around.
>Media paints women as more emotional and romantic than men.
>The opposite is true in reality.
Why don't women feel love like men do?
>trying to play the suffering angel who just wants people to care for each other
You were crying and calling people retards two posts ago you complete retard lmao.
Western society believes in everyone getting a second chance. Incels likely wouldn't rise up as much as they do if the message was "you need to get help, but that's okay" instead of "pathetic loser kill yourself hahaha"
The only way to combat hate is by empathy. Hate breeds more hate. And incels are probably the hardest people to feel empathy for(as they're completely responsible for the situation they are in themselves) but only with empathy can we hope to remedy the situation.
I guess you better seethe about women online all day that will take away your inceldom.
How about face rubbing?
I used to write so much about "society" in high school.
Those weren't me.
How am i supposed to ensure that someone isnt gonna randomly jump into an open conversation like this
You said incels, not virgins. It's like how I hate ISIS members but I don't hate Muslims.
Most incels are virgins but most virgins aren't incels.
I act like this and so do people i know
I dont watch anime i just like being cuddled and touched
But female weebs think this makes them more attractive(it does)
>Incels create a means of escape from that shit
no, incels will never try and never have to face reality when they can escape
means of escape create incels
Men shame other men for not having sex but at the same time they often come around to help them out and give them a leg up. Women don't.
Fuck off with your toxic masculinity cancer.