Why yes I love lolis in my games, how could you tell?

Attached: 1565865509419.png (693x601, 247K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does this guy have such a powerful jaw? Is he non-American?

he is photoshop


he based

For me, it's Illya.

Attached: 1538947976581.gif (135x209, 356K)

shota > loli

Change my mind.

Attached: 1528563342225.jpg (711x900, 196K)

Why is there a nigger illya again?

wtf those are my pantsus


Gigachad isn't actually real.

Read the manga.

cant marry and have 12 children with a shota

Attached: deaf3e97d9213bc00110be17532a7911.jpg (1309x1080, 732K)

You are a filthy faggot, that needs a good beating
Change my mind

based and shotapilled

Attached: pit shota.png (394x291, 142K)


do you honestly feel attracted to 12yo girls?

Attached: 1561584615483.jpg (645x773, 57K)

Attached: 1445896715593.png (1264x471, 131K)

to turn honest, god-fearing men into lolicons.
Also quick aside before janny comes in and destroys this thread, a message to my fellow lolichads on Yea Forums. if you haven't already bought either a virgin age admission: hard or a lolinco virgo onahole yet you're missing out. they're too good. I can't stop fucking mine even though the cleanup is a bitch. I just trawl sadpanda for the latest illya or kuro doujins and fuck my onahole until I'm in a drooling stupor every single day. If I could get away with not having to pay bills and buy food I would stay home all day RAILING these onaholes and forgo all personal attachments. If you haven't already bought one BUY IT NOW before the supreme court bans them in the US

Attached: 1547102960617.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

You trying to kill my dick?
Also sauce

yes? im not a faggot like you

Attached: a871c30c1468142a16d57bd175e5e98c.jpg (1444x1500, 1.44M)

only 2d


I wish I had a little sister so I could steal her dirty panties.

you don't ?

Actually 12 is too old for the most
My niece is 12 and is as big as me nearly

8yo actually.

12 is peak.

Someone post the vocaroo
I need my dose

Too bad! Shes stole your boxers!

you don't

lol manlet

Attached: 1556467533122.png (1496x1042, 560K)

Epic joke man! Did you come up with his by your own or did your mommie help you?

Do you honestly only feel attracted to 30+ roasties with cellulite and stretch marks?

>ok but what if dressed like loli
G- wait wait what? hold on I'm going to have to think on this.

Attached: 1554106270745.png (1280x720, 300K)

Daily reminder that "pedophile" is the same as "dogfucker", it only means shit if you let it mean shit.

I like all form of cunny

Attached: 1547766511976.jpg (688x971, 110K)


No you dont
I saw the dirty panties of my niec
and it was fucking disgusting

I wish I wasn't such a bad brother when I was young.

Attached: 1527033416882.gif (330x300, 47K)


Attached: 1564001105929.jpg (909x1024, 60K)


Typical gamerbrain. smfh senpai

I was the happiest at 7 desu. Girls were showing me their pee pees and my parents got arrested by the FBI when I looked for porn of girls my age.

Attached: 1200px-44_Bill_Clinton_3x4.jpg (1200x1600, 451K)


god I wish that were me

Attached: 1560109075609.gif (500x281, 656K)

Because you were just sentenced to 10 years in jail Chad

OK good fuck off
No one wanted resetera shit here anyway

yes, but only fictional ones.
I hate real children and wish to never interact with them ever again, stupid little brats and not the cute kind.
enjoy the (you)

Attached: 1287566473840.jpg (848x480, 40K)


Do you think that its a "condition" just as gayness? or a mental illness. Im honestly curious about your seuality, im trying to understand it.

Attached: 1549754517466.png (512x512, 113K)



desu baka senese user kun

Attached: 1499477_674616619227801_1074551022_n.jpg (896x960, 106K)


>why yes, I'm a pedo and I enjoy consuming surrogate escapist entertainment but she's 1000 years old anyway, how could you tell?

Of course not, user. I'm sure these people are simply ironically masturbating to cartoons. It's a joke ahaha.

One body couldn't contain Illya's power level so she pooped out a negro version of herself that sexually assaults everyone.


I just like youthful looks.

Attached: 1552914596240.jpg (1000x706, 173K)

he's me and i'm American.


All men are attracted to girls who started puberty. This is a scientific fact. You can try to deny it but you still know deep inside that you would if you could.

>is it a condition
>such as gayness
I doubt it
9 times out of 10 I'm cranking my hog to titty monsters and a healthy diet of thick milf doujins. But sometimes my caveman hindbrain craves cunny, and I won't be able to satiate it until I choke my pecker to the finest rustle artwork

Attached: cock.png (478x385, 168K)

loli's have the most tomboy/R trap
so sure, you could say that

>men marry and have sex with younger girls for thousands and thousands of years
>suddenly that stops during the 1920s thanks to feminists
>"uhhhh I can't possibly understand how you would be attracted to something that mankind was attracted to for literally tens of thousands of years bro"
kys frogposter

Attached: 1561778079256.jpg (960x1280, 215K)

I shall not indulge you in your shitposting.

remember when people used to write
instead of this shit
i member

It’s a drawing retard

Absolutely based and making balls touch

Attached: b3b38a9da64ccd4f1f880a4eaaec74e7.png (900x1346, 932K)

video games!

Attached: IMG_1632.jpg (245x412, 47K)

I want to do cute and funny things with Natsuha.

Sounds retraded
Why she wants dick so much?

oh my!

Man, how based can Gigachad get?

I recognize that shota

Attached: 15556268316822.jpg (882x731, 78K)

huehue u cant lewd lolis ecks deee dee i gonna call FBI and post it on Reddit reaaaaaaugh

>hiding and avoiding confrontation
maybe for a rat or other similar vermins

>Actual identifiable child
These ain’t it cheif

Would nofap be able to cure a fetish such as this or are you basically fucked for life?

Attached: 1522675299531.jpg (600x600, 184K)

Of course the Wojack and frogposter is a normalfag moralfag

Why do people post without giving the sauce?

Attached: 786468e.jpg (225x225, 9K)

I've been attracted to little girls since I was a little kid myself so no, probably not

Learn how to use google image search retard

Which one is better?

To speed up your recovery, go into every thread you see and call everyone a cvmbrain or a jizzbrain.

nofap makes it worse

Attached: 1526417539719.png (795x1100, 436K)

just jerk it to what ever you like
but end off on something else, so you can get off to the new thing

you fool!
this is but the normal state of man

Attached: 1533241659065.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

>going to fap threads during NoFap

Sure but we all now what you download from those dark russian imageboards, user, dont try to fool me. 2d is not enough for you

I've been on nofap for a week now and I'm about to beat my dick raw to exhentai.org/g/1202837/264623b139/ so no I doubt it helps


no fap would only make it worse. With fapping I can at least control myself If I stop I start searching for white vans and candies.

>having due diligence isn't based
yikes and oofpilled

Why is she so smug?

hey mister...

Attached: remi sex2.png (1279x1154, 979K)

One definitely looks like japanese shadman aka asanagi

Attached: 23852148_p0.jpg (700x982, 690K)

>loli marriage was legal till 100 years ago since the beginning of earth and no one cared
>some faggots give biggest possible punishment now
What the fuck happened?

Someone should stop this pedophile.

But it is
>implying real kids look like my loli-succubus doujins
shiggy diggy

thoughts on made in abyss mangaka?

Attached: 1530113993821.jpg (640x370, 64K)

American puritans.

It's not a fetish. You'd be weird if you didn't like little girls as much as older ones.


Attached: 1555719134721.jpg (3370x290, 200K)

Truth is all of humanity was fucked from the start
Especially since dying by age 40 was super common


>not condoning pedos makes you a moralfag and a normalfag
this retarded false dichotomy can only exist in the warped mind of a pedophilia loving freak, better get the noose ready soon user

Why is this allowed?
Why arent jews killing this shit?

ahh, pudgy lolis

Attached: 1560605736637.jpg (1158x2060, 591K)

Attached: 1564425602754.png (1200x682, 332K)

He has a medical condition so when he has sex with someone who isn't a loli he dies

Attached: biribiri_Otaku_no_Ore_wo_003.jpg (535x1005, 59K)

We have a better understanding of neurology and psychology now. It's not okay if you want to sleep with underage girls because they're the only thing mentally undeveloped enough to not comprehend just how much of a giant failure you are, user.


Attached: remilia sex.png (976x571, 502K)

Based cunnychad dabbing the reddit tourists

Nice projection guy
Anything that end with .ru I avoid like the fucking plague

is there anything more pathetic than a janitor?

Attached: 1563748206848.png (342x589, 292K)

Feminism, seriously look at some femcel/feminism forums. Literally just go around calling every male who doesn't want to date them a filthy pedo. Even go as far as to call petite girls pedo bait like when belle got banned from ig all roasties were celebrating and calling her fans pedos.

Attached: 5dcba83dcfb420a94f78017d33e4cc78.png (899x1267, 493K)

I'm rising up alright

Attached: Oh-Ouji-sama-11.jpg (632x408, 189K)

>projecting this hard

good taste

Attached: 1539338063909.jpg (1200x1600, 797K)

I wasn't talking about him.

There isn't. He does it for free.

Attached: EBuEtr6WsAI7vPb.jpg (1115x1200, 118K)

why was this deleted?

She is wearing a wedding dress. You know why she is so fucking smug, she gets to leach off her big brother now.

Attached: 1416445703616.jpg (223x310, 37K)

>Think I'm that into lolis
>Try ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/yaer6ivyjjcom7ere in VR after an user recommended it
>Suddenly not so sure anymore

retarded faggots that take the wrong content to the wrong place and then screech when the rules are applied

gamer thread

He takes his "job" very seriously

Attached: 4723b09cfd88ceb3ff7d4915e7d7751a.png (400x400, 19K)

People who advertise the "boomer monster energy" spam without getting paid for.

>and i'm American.

Sorry user...

Goten has a bad fashion sense, thanks for nothing Chi Chi. Trunks look on the right suits Gotenks better, felt like he is wearing his usual sexy Fusion outfit.

>loli marriage was legal till 100 years ago since the beginning of earth and no one cared
fucking lol maybe in the middle east you fucking retard

They're attracted to me just as much. Some retard is going to get in there eventually.


Attached: 1449919413790.jpg (612x612, 105K)

my 6yo cousin kept doing this shit during a car ride, she was sleepy as well, sometime she'd keep shoving her fucking face into my crotch to sleep or take off her shoes and just put them in my lap or up on the fucking seats, it wasn't even arousing that brat was just annoying as shit

Attached: 1565695712269.jpg (639x632, 79K)

>Slowly working through the original VN and don't know shit about the rest beyond webms that get posted here.

Is this that bitch with her gigachad? All I know so far is that she's cruising for a bruising not located within her vagina.

>guys i totally like shota
>im so gay and special not like those lolicons
>posts a loli with a dick
Who are you trying to fool you're basically fapping to lolis.

Attached: 1563488571566.png (832x832, 494K)

That's a boy?!
Not gay but I would

You're right, it was 101 years ago.

funny but also a single case doesn't fucking mean shit

Only a blind retard thinks real kids look anything like hentai lolis

since when the boorus hide content with specific tags without an account?

Pretty good shop for a shitposter

You are on Yea Forums sir. This is the asshole on the internet. Nobody on this site has a job to even lose.

Quit deleting our legal drawings of clothed women.

>single case
based retard

My girlfriend's niece seemed to believe my lap was god's throne or something and it was like having an ever-squirming back of knives on my dick she was so bony. Jesus.

Cool kid though, weird as hell but didn't give a shit.

2d /= 3d
3d children are nothing but loud, disgusting gremlins

What do I have to do for such a cute little girl, filled with the so much love, to sit on my lap like this?

but the real pedo is always the right one

Since a month ago or so.
You can re-enable those tags in the setting even without an account though.

i honestly think this is the reason why there are so many pedo losers here

>You are on Yea Forums sir.
Yea Forums is not some pedo safespace you freak, also im not the mod my dude
you too

most of it is fucking traced you delusional pedophile

>>>single case
Florida just noticed that arranged marriages with children were still legal. It was hardly an isolated case.

I thought it was the tomboy from Yotsuba

Attached: 1478987414035.png (657x527, 47K)

It's 2D so who cares? That said, I'm more of an "actually 1000+ years old" guy myself.

Attached: a27449262509e924f401fa77918eaa7e.jpg (1772x2953, 2.94M)

How new.ru

No, that's just the one that traffics children.

you don't understand user we gotta wait until they become gold digging whores and despise nice guys and THEN they are legal :) it makes perfect sense

It started recently. Funny thing you don't need to register to edit your browsing session account

Attached: D.jpg (242x159, 25K)

go back

>Can't you like laugh or something
Wouldn't it be funny if buried my dick in your "pussy"? Haha.

If it hasnt happened yet it won't happen in this life. Better luck next time, friend.

You are a janigger. You wish daddy gookmoot would give you a promotion to mod along with a steady paycheck and medical benefits. That is not the reality of your life. Have sex, quit moderating Yea Forums.

Attached: 1416513325099.jpg (990x1138, 264K)

>Yea Forums is not some pedo safespace you freak

Attached: 1560178857488.png (594x582, 41K)

I hope you will all end up like him

Attached: 205320_827271.jpg (604x340, 16K)

I still fap to Gotenks getting absorbed by Buu, the thought arouses me. Might be because that kid is ripped.

>medical benefits
care to explain?

you need to go back closet RL pedo

>noooo let me shitpost with my pedo garbage eventhough this is a videogame board nooo otherwise you're leddit
10 bucks says you fags are from 2016

a multimillionaire with a private island?
me too

>I hope you end up like this billionaire who fucked scores of young girls as well as having insidious blackmail on the world's most powerful people
Thanks, user!

Attached: 1491052461728.gif (128x128, 151K)

You mean used as a scapegoat in order to hide a more insidious scheme? Like how the UN tried? We're already there, m8.

Hell yeah.
I could use a couple million Dollar.

Not even worth replying to this shitty bait lmao

It can long term

someone post THAT

all these (you)'s sure are delicious thank you very much

also mod please keep deleting

>there are hag lovers on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW

i hate real kids
fuck you too
don't tell people that they are going to kiddy isle, its mean and rude


It's not too late anons. Through Him you can all be saved.

Attached: jesus.jpg (1196x1600, 2.17M)

Nigga I draw in my free time and i’ve Traced real pictures
There is a night and day difference between CP and Loli same difference as drawing a realism and drawing fucking Goku

Attached: C8F37998-0013-4807-8597-E5632905AAE3.jpg (768x1024, 61K)

Why do you faggots think that lolicons turns a person into a pedophile?
Real children are absolute pests.

That's the same mentality that thinks playing violent shooter games turns a person into a school shooter

Fucking retarded.

Real children are disgusting.
Small, loud, obnoxious, stupid, and their bodies are repulsive.

Anime drawings are completely different

Loli threads were great until actual pedophiles like the ones replying to obvious troll posts like started posting here.

you know, you can fuck off to reddit and make your threads there
its not like you already dont have an account or somethin

In a land where the water is safe to drink, if you sign a magic piece of paper with a pen with an "X" you work 5 days a week and you get company sponsored pooled dental and healthcare that doesn't take a fucking month to wait in line for a doctor for unlike the universal healthcare memers that fell for a scam and now have to flee to the US with a visa to get non-healthcare before the cancer spreads.

Also video games and cunny.

Attached: 1416621490837.jpg (464x448, 75K)

>implying there is anything against marrying young girls in the bible
>implying christians throughout europe didn't do just that for ~2000 years

Attached: 1538086454718.jpg (1088x687, 190K)

t. pedo that tries to hide it via raging against pedos

Imagine thinking this script would make people think you're not a pedo

Pure and teeny

Attached: pit.png (600x800, 600K)

Get the fuck out nigger
Go back to Plebbit, discord, or just fucking kill yourself like you should have years ago

Post the screencap of the loli-hating guy gettting jailed for having CP

>panties on the head
What is this? 90s anime?

>Traced real pictures
>There is a night and day difference between CP and Loli
uhm, can you post some of those pictures you traced

Post flag

Go dilate.

Attached: tr0609.jpg (600x752, 286K)

Have another.

Attached: 1416632787242.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

>In a land where the water is safe to drink

Attached: 1560988586962.png (1770x1202, 1.62M)

you first freak

Hear me out: robot lolis

It's funny how self-unaware christcucks are. There isn't ONE(1(UNO)) passage that denounces it. It goes to show that (((age of consent))) is a farce, created by jealous old prunes.

Is it wrong of me to love lolis AND mommies?

God, I wish I got as much cunny and money as this guy.


>healthcare that doesn't take a fucking month to wait in line for a doctor for unlike the universal healthcare memers that fell for a scam and now have to flee to the US with a visa to get non-healthcare before the cancer spreads
Why are there boomers posting on Yea Forums

No, that one guy who sells water filters that /pol/ likes to meme about. Alex Jones' house.

Attached: 1416638723541.gif (625x480, 2.15M)

>We have a better understanding of neurology and psychology now.
lol, why do trannies exist then?

Nigga Jesus lived when 10 years old brides were a thing and he ain’t say shit.
Love thy neighbor

you can´t beat the cock

Attached: Cantbeatthecock.jpg (1307x528, 368K)


Tomboy Lolis

i hear you

give passage

>n-no y-you're the pedo!
textbook projeciton

Absolutely not. I, too, like oyakodon.

Attached: 1565874253576.gif (271x339, 654K)

It gets it's own tag for a reason user (hint: because it's based)

Did all the pedophiles migrate here now that infinitechan is dead? Christ


what tag

Hey guys, OP made this thread 50 minutes ago.

Where the fuck are the mods?

Attached: 1416672688981.jpg (600x600, 124K)

They've been here long before you got here fag

Attached: 7e5e23729d7ccce0804f4b3420da2645.jpg (562x1000, 50K)



ITT: literal pedos
And you fucks accuse gay people of being degenerate

agh go seek help if you get erection from real children

What a fantastic post.

Attached: 1557144665529.png (723x666, 163K)

Fuck off nigger

>muh gamergate

You have to go back, zoomer.

Attached: 1529436981432.jpg (450x500, 176K)

i agree

That doesn’t make it okay oh my god

I'm just wondering why all the Yea Forums mods died of a heart attack at once.

Did Deathnote kill them all?

Attached: 1416737947966-1.jpg (1024x683, 325K)

>No U

is there a sadder life than that of a pedophile's? Imagine being attracted to an age group that you will never have sex with. Young kids dont want to have your dick. They are busy fucking eachother. they dont care about your pedophilic fantasies

Nofap doesn't do anything. I haven't fapped due to circumstances for months and nothing has changed. What did change was acquiring a waifu I love more than my autistic fetishes.

>That doesn’t make it okay oh my god

Attached: 1561661003058.png (454x520, 13K)

literal gamers

sucking or getting fucked is gay but fucking a pretty boys asshole is based and straight

We don't parade around with little boy strippers, sweatie. :^)




I wish...

Attached: 1529433533338.jpg (694x1066, 114K)

no u

Is it? My bad i thought artstyle looked familiar to Karma Tatsurou

Attached: [Karma-Tatsurou]-Tonari-no-Hiromi-kun--Nearby-Hiromi--3.jpg (455x504, 73K)


Elite gamers, to be precise.


>this thread

Attached: 1548613126976.jpg (600x681, 74K)

They are rising up
Unlike you lmao

based and /f/pilled

>Gigachad is also a gamer
fukken based

male cheetah pussy.

Attached: 1416895802085-0.gif (400x193, 3.14M)

Literally me. I love you, user.

Attached: ctgt-3000014699-good-smile-company-homura-akemi-yukata-version-1565004316.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Took the words right out of my mouth

Nigger it’s been this way since 2006

Attached: 2E74C1A2-77CB-4967-B2C4-493E62D67620.jpg (563x1080, 143K)

This is a pretty good thread. Could do with some more loliposting, but otherwise pretty good.

Attached: Little Girl 6.jpg (320x240, 24K)

>japan has entire event just for shotas
I can't wait to go.

Imagine thinking like this

I thought these threads were for cute lolis, not actual pedos
I want to get off this ride

Attached: 999244B2-D20E-4172-9237-A13C8A1F433C.png (471x637, 324K)

>did all the pedos migrate here

Is 25 and 15 too big of a gap?

Attached: 1527370245997.jpg (240x246, 17K)

ew, an old mad

>E-everyone likes traps, they aren't gay I'm not projecting
>E-everyone likes little girls, I'm not a sick fuck it's completely normal
Just accept you're a degenerate and keep your hands and fetishes to yourself and we'll all be fine. No coping necessary


isn't that natural? unless you are gay

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm as long as you live eachother...

Not in a healthy society.

I think this is a video game character.

This is where I post video game characters correct?

That old man gets more pussy than you ever will in your entire life.

Attached: 1417051249626-0.png (662x681, 80K)

>No coping necessary
That's literally what you are doing with your post though.

Attached: 1562957131371.jpg (811x1200, 106K)

There is no passage. That was my point. Christfags go about, screeching about pedos, entirely unaware/ignorant that there is practically NOTHING that denounces them.

Attached: rms-brp.jpg (850x400, 91K)

yeah, i'm a dog guy, not a cat one

Being a bit hypocritical aren’t we?

Attached: 4EDBB79F-6B3E-4171-B57A-CD9EE32967E5.png (321x322, 3K)

Just don't get caught by the virtue signalling retards.

gotcha senpai

Attached: 1417051249626-3.png (407x436, 21K)



coping with what?

you know exactly why they an hero'd

Attached: TOP TEN DEADLY WORDS.png (899x408, 222K)

Assuming that you genuinely love each other, and that you can provide for her, no.

>implying that current Western society is healthy

So, is there any video games (that isn't gachashit) with cute shortstack girls in it? Asking for my brother in law

Just wait 3 years

Attached: 1331705106107.jpg (410x289, 56K)

How is this thread still up?

Attached: jimface.jpg (435x435, 97K)

What was there?


Attached: 1417194341993.jpg (300x350, 36K)

>implying that current Western society is healthy
That's exactly what I DIDN'T imply. Quite the opposite.
The west has been decaying and declining for some time now.

Attached: 1558574045116.png (900x406, 185K)

what is the name for shortstack boys ?

>man presents stone-cold facts and logic
>you make a post autsitically screeching in a poor attempt to cope with said facts while saying the other person is coping
it's that simple

My new steam profile image.

mods are posting and jacking off to pics in here

janny is in /vg/ dealing with people raging

Nothing forbidden, one might wonder why it was removed.
Get 4chanX.

Yeah /pol/ why?

Attached: 1417617728472.jpg (599x706, 49K)

12 is JS6

What even is a shortstack boy?



by the power of cunny

Attached: 1561467873864.jpg (555x800, 192K)

atte7kusa you fucking dumbass goober

Attached: aae24b30baab691e0cbecf134751bf2a.jpg (1321x1570, 859K)

I would assume a shota with a giant schlong.


Attached: PANIC.png (136x199, 52K)

This entire fucking thread pic related.

Attached: 1417650108984.gif (300x365, 500K)

Disgusting Jewish pedophile

He is literally a woman's wet dream.


Go back

>The west has been decaying and declining for some time now.
actually 2000 years now moralfag

You guys don't know true fear until a 6-year old neighbor tells you to crutch down so she can tell you something then whispers to your ear that you should go to her house when she's alone to do stuff.

I broke in cold sweat, changed the topic, and feared for my life.

Mods are dead post cunny.

Attached: 1417725521620.jpg (625x469, 67K)

>Yea Forums is not some pedo safespace
You're one of us now, user.


mmmmm juicy hips and thighs

Attached: 1565814478964.gif (168x229, 49K)

i really do hope most of the loli posting in this thread is ironic

thats a shota youre a faggot now

Catalog is filled with cum󠛡brain threads.
Euro hours janniggers are demented subhuman shitskin cum󠛡brains.

Attached: 1561736517652.jpg (1920x1080, 1023K)

The longer you have been here, you should know

maybe she just wanted to play legos or something

Judging by how many actual pedos are in this thread, I’d say it’s safe to assume there’s a lot of overlap
Other pedo boards for banned off the internet. I’ll do what I can to get this one banned, too.

dota's got a sticky

seething normalfag

Attached: 840e06040d5d5c7c7bdec5b354b4ce01.jpg (2894x4093, 3.63M)

They're just coming home.

It's not. What now?


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Dick unity


I love lolis, /vip/

But it's TI. That's normal, isn't it?

> I’ll do what I can to get this one banned, too.
Good luck with that, tranny

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And I ironically masturbate to the cunny these based and redpilled and playable characters that have enough sex post ironically.

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>/pol/ is virtue signalling again

>not testing the waters first

Then again, I can see why.
American law regarding sex with minors is fucking brutal.

i love dicks, /wsr/

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he looks like a fucking alien lmao

That’s literally what pedophiles do you fucking tard
At least try to think of an argument

Good luck, we're behind 7 jannies!

Need exact name of that doujin

>cold heart facts
Sure, we used to do a lot of things during those times but we've progressed since then. You can try to justify/normalise it all you want but you will always be alone, men have changed and find older women hot now. I don't even care that some people find lolis attractive it's just cringe when they try to make excuses or try to pretend like it's normal.

hey wats is habening there? :DDDDD

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Nope i think it's the shota from Dragon Age

Lolis are decent gatekeepers. If more games had them, there be fewer secondaries.

Lets post innocent non-lewd animals and just put this cunny shit behind us fellers.

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woah what a puffy vagina


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fur lol e :D

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Wait, if that got deleted does that mean mods are actually here?

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yes, but they still have to watch it and the stream

That is a great idea my likeminded follow 4channel poster that isn't me replying to myself this time!

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Yep. I’m reporting this to the police, fuckwit
Stop taking advantage of people with less developed minds

It's not a doujin

>birth rates are at an all time low across the west
Yeah, progressing right over the edge into the abyss thanks to idiots like you.

Attached: [Muchakai-(Mutya)]-Zero-Kun's-Secret-First-Time-.jpg (1159x656, 370K)

Pairing her with coach was the best thing that happened to her

yes 3 posts have been deleted, maybe more

come back from where you come from, fag

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-07-25-10-58-15-UI.png (1360x768, 989K)

Not quite. The West peaked in the late 20th century.


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yu pebos are dzick :D

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8 replies within a single minute, this is the fastest thread on Yea Forums right now.



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You're a bunch of sick fucks.

I would never suggest removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples. Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours. It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly, then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.

I didn’t know Yea Forums was actual pedos
I thought they were just pretending

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*german pop music starts playing*

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>implying we are not manchildren here with 15yo minds

You type like a woman lmao. Go back to Twitter you fucking faggot

so does anime women.

Can't, you're already completely right.
Cute boys are the purest.

Attached: mfwcuteboys.gif (346x338, 180K)

This is the one thing I wish was banned, defend it all you want fags. You know in your heart it makes you look like creeps



kys him yourself, coward

Now 13 year old girls on the other hand.
And I will go as young as 6 in drawings.

>tfw all the legit onion sites are down

this explains everything

They're just drawings haven't seen one real child photo also they are just fucking with you

How in the nigger loving fuck has this thread been up a fucking hour?

This is a fucking janigger medical emergency right now. We need to get their IP address and call the fucking paramedics. This is real talk guise.

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Yup, I’m thinking this is based


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nothing wrong with 12 although i admit that it's the minimum age for the consent

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I love her

I bet you guys think Epstein was a hero


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>birth rates as a measure of progress
You want to know what kind of nations have high birth rates? Undeveloped ones, the same shitholes I'm sure you make fun of all the time but out of all the things they get wrong their birth rate is the one thing they get right? Sure whatever you say pedo

>Merely pretending


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>trying to take a moral highground
>on Yea Forums(nel)
Call me a pedo all you want, it's no skin off my back.

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No, I fucking hate /pol/
Pedophiles are scum. It’s a mental illness.


remastered gold collectors edition VR ready rerelease when?

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I was looking for that image, thanks


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>caring what others think

This ain't Reddit, faggot.

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Guys, none of my shit has been deleted. There is like 1 janigger just deleting cunny whilst eating a spinach hotpocket. This shit needs to fucking at least stop after we hit the image limit. Right?!!???!?!?!?!?!?

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>being pro-thoughtcrime

cut fet

OP here
I wanted a fun thread
Fuck you /pol/ and trannyera for ruining my thread

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We ain't done yet

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Anti-loli bros?
How do we cope?


>tfw you have friends who always joked about lolis years ago, but now he has gigs of loli porn and while he claims to only prefer 2D, you can’t help but wonder what other mental illnesses he has

God you people are repulsive
Please god let this thread be bait

holy shit based

Attached: finish bear.jpg (2121x2209, 703K)

>go to your room
>open door
>see this
what do?

Attached: 1564594093857.jpg (2500x1767, 774K)

It was shit from the beginning

How the fuck did you correctly read my post and come up with that random dribble?

Did you fall on your phone and had autocorrect type it out for you? Single digiter IQ cvmbrain.

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Formely cunny

>400+ replies

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>implying I'm not the ram onsie

Where the fuck are the mods?

You see, long before the conception of reddit and the massive influx of your peers, we only had a handful of boards, and these threads were quite common.
You know what people did when they saw a thread they didn't like?
They used the hide thread function and carried on with their day. I know right, sounds absurd.

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Me on the left

Mods are letting anons get it out of their system.

kek based

grab and kiss the Iori-looking one

me on the right with the hairbow


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I see you got the wrong door. Loli club is two posts down.

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Post more

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Name me some artists that mainly draw lolis Yea Forums

Did he stepped back and released it?

This was never a fucking joke. This is where we plot and sceme and elect cult leaders to send us on secret missions for Cthulu.

Attached: 1418769803339.gif (500x272, 489K)

Progress is such an absolutely empty term that you fucking knuckleheads throw around as if it magically justifies your worldview. Just look that the US and tell me how much your "progress" has actually lead to something noteworthy, something substantial. It hasn't. The cities are in disarray. Suicides and ODs are at an all time high. The economy is in the shit with only the stock market holding any real value (and nobody owns stocks except rich people). Look up the r-k selection theory on why shitskins have more children.
My point is, progress for the sake of progress is just the liberal manifestation of entropy. We're progressing into becoming a societal septic tank and it's blind retards like you who enable such a thing to occur in the first place.

>I was merely pretending!
Pedophiles don’t belong anywhere except in therapy
You can like lolis. Liking literal children is the definition of fucked tho

>Fastest thread on the board
Based as fuck tbqhwyf

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hes russian bro the nation of strongest men and most beautiful women

Fuck yeah