Is it ever okay to react like this?

Is it ever okay to react like this?

I mean if Ace Attorney 7 is announced at TGS I'll probably be pretty excited.

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if youre alone in your home with no one watching sure

As long as you're out of the public eye it doesn't matter how much of a faggot you want to act like
Just don't embarrass yourself with a recording or stream

It's OK to be passionate about things, even embarrassingly, if you have your life put together.

The problem is that acting in a shameful way and having your life in shambles go hand in hand

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when it's finally done and you can show /r/nintendo

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this is a kids room, r-right?

Yes. Samsh and WoW classic you are justified in baseding out.

t. soiboy


>a game you really want and are hype for is announced as coming
>stop what you're doing
>look up trailer
>oh wow... cool I can't wait
>click off and go back to whatever you were doing before
all those retarded over the top reaction fags are a meme and they only act like that for an audience. 99% of them wouldn't do anywhere near that without a camera watching them

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Does anyone *actually* react like that?
I mean other than attention whores who do it on camera for the views.

Yes, it's okay to be excited.
God, what the fuck has happened to this planet.

That’s how I reacted for the NFS Heat trailer but I feel like something niche like Ace Attorney getting another installment might ramp up the energy.

I wish I could be excited. I don't know how to be

The people who react like this are Nintendo fans with immature tastes who are embarrassing themselves over games that do not demonstrate the high level of development on other platforms, instead getting excited for superfluous shit like the franchise it belongs to.

No it is not

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I guess certain game reveals can excite me but I've never gasped or started jumping around the room like a disabled child

Yes. You faggots need to stop chastising people for being excited or passionate about the same hobby this fucking board is supposed to be dedicated to.

There's ways to be excited about something without looking pathetic. Look at football players celebrating goals, for example.

Stop acting like the fucking N64 kid. You're not 4 anymore.

why do nu-males think you can't be excited about anything without forcing an obnoxious slack-jawed, bug-eyed reaction? this year has been full of exciting announcements for me and i would never think of reacting like those youtubers to any of them.

I have to stop myself lest Yea Forums hear about it and I lose all the respect I’ve built up.

Do whatever you want, just don't upload it on the internet.

How does any of that affect you?

Does that somehow make Yea Forums worse for you to use? How?

I'll never understand how people can put more than a few pop culture baubles in one room. It's so gaudy.

>is it okay to show excitement for something you're passionate about
The fact that you have to ask this depresses me

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The closest I've come to this in over ten years is when PSO2 was announced for a western release, but it was more surprise than excitement. It caught me completely off guard.

the most i do is smile and feel an urge to talk about it with people who like said franchise, and that's only if it's unexpected, so almost never.

i never open my mouth wide and wave my hands around, in fact, i think all those people are acting for twitter likes and retweets

If that’s the case why has Yea Forums turned it into an insult if they know it doesn’t actually apply to the non-streamfags?

because a large portion of Nintendo posters do in fact act like the twitter cringe posters

Smash is the prime example, they pretend to be hyped about anything.


No, you give them too much credit. They really do have no shame.

>lol showing emotions, lol being excited and passionate about something

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even the people who spammed the plant?

It's always okay to do whatever you want as long as you are genuine and not an unattractive slob.
People don't judge you for what you do but for what you are.

>passionate about fucking video games

You will never amount to anything.

>You will never amount to anything.
Dont project you lifeless shell

Why is that a point?

>Caring about media determines success
Spoken like a true burger flipper.

You. You aren’t allowed to be happy about anything.

Testosterone any inhibits emotion that’s not rage or the thrill of victory.

There's nothing wrong with actual enjoyment. The problem with them is that its a falsified overreaction and celebration, that's part of where the crazy eyes meme comes into play. I mark out all the time for things but it's genuine excitement, so it doesn't have the same effect

give me one (1) reason to not act like that other than making Yea Forumsirgins deliciously salty, which is a plus

Well put aniki

Getting angry over something stupid is just as lame as getting hyped about it. Adults know how to control themselves.

Yeah, but the spam got annoying, as with every character smashposters cling to

Everybody reacts in their own way

However, Nobody genuinely reacts like the jewtube react channels, they obviously only do it that way for their audience

If Nintendo ever announces a true successor to Thousand-Year Door I'm gonna be jumping off the walls like a 7-year old on Christmas day and there's nothing you fags can do to stop me.

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