they call him Dovakhin - WYVERNBORN
They call him Dovakhin - WYVERNBORN
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I can't stand this retardness. The distinction between Wyverns and Dragons only existed in the study and analysis of medieval heraldry (the symbols on heralds and flags). In popular culture, there was none. You could represent a dragon either with 6 or 4 limbs.
It's big, scaly, flying around, breathing fire and fucking shit up. Call it whatever you want after you stab it in the face nine million times.
You could but then you'd be retarded. Dragons have 6 limbs and a nice long cock. Case closed.
Wyverns look retarded and not imposing at all
much better, thank you
Well it can still eat you in one bite, is that imposing enough for you?
on the level of a big wild beast, but not a huge realm wrecking calamity, intelligent and with unparalleled magical aptitudes
if skyrim dragons are bothering you so much that you cant stop making worthless threads only to complain, you seriously need to purge your thetans.
You know what people who underestimate wyverns say? They say "oh god, help me, I'm being eaten by a wyvern".
It's like the argument that >fast running zombies aren't zombies because they're infected not undead
The definition of a zombie and a dragon has been changed.
I just noticed; the dragon has silly looking thumbs.
bump this is important
No, it's retarded; GIVE UP!
Op is right, Bethesda did a massive oopsie
Wyverns = Overgrown bats.
Dragons = Magical creatures in essence, since their body proportions wouldn't even allow them to fly without mysticism involved.
Bethesda did nothing wrong.
Only fuckin nerd faggots care about proper names of variants.
Also, wyverns are a type of dragon, but dragons aren't a type of wyvern, you proper faggot.
So I guess the depiction of a saint slaying a dragon is wrong too, if only /tg/ neckbeards had been around in the medieval ages this mistake wouldnt have happened
it's the artist's fault. he named it wrong
Blame the painter for being an idiot.
The most famous picture got it right.
who gives a fuck?
Skyrim sucks. Stop talking about it.
Did people back then actually thing dragons were real? Or was it just a story telling kind of thing?
Wyverns are lizards that can fly and breathe fire, so they're dragons.
A snake is a snake and I don't fucking care if it's a viper or anaconda.
>he listens to D&D for his fantasy creature categorisation
Jesus wept man, what about asian dragons with no fucking limbs then?
That's what Elder Scrolls dragons have looked like since before you were born. 1996: Daggerfall's dragonlings (later retconned to be unrelated to dragons to be fair), 1997: Battlespire's complete dragon skeleton, 1998: Redguard's actual live dragon you talk to and fight.
In The Elder Scrolls universe things are called whatever they're called. Calling them by another name would just be objectively wrong. Their "dwarves" are tall steampunk elves for fuck's sake, if anything should tickle your conventional-fantasy-autism that should be it.
they're called wyrms
>the fat sweaty fuck who won't shut up about skyrim's dragons not ACKSHUALLY being dragons
Better than insectborn
There is a distinction between Wyverns and Dragons. They're not interchangeable.
I happen to be an expert in this field.
6-limbed dragons look fucking retarded.
Accept it and move on.
No, Todd, I will not.
They look way better in porn if they have six limbs
Not only that, but I belive only in english language. There was no distinction in other european countries.
I know this is a bait thread from autistic Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls tranniew but Elder Scrolls Dragons have always looked like that since Redguard and Oblivion with Martin Septim turning into the Avatar of Akatosh to banish Merunes Dagon. Dragons are lesser aedra created in the likeness of Akatosh with Alduin being the firstborn.
>muh /tg/ dragons
Oof, weeb trannies btfo. While we're at it why can't slant eyes make good background lore?
cause for example dark souls lore is based on superficial perception of western culture with no real understanding
But why do weeb trannies herald it like the second coming of christ when in reality it's more dry and soulless than a microwaved tv dinner?
>that pic
you know whats really strange? people call most elves tolkien-ripoff while in reality, the vast majority of elves in fantasy are extremely far removed from Tolkiens version, seriously, DnD elves are nothing alike the elves from Silmarilion. I guess warhammer Asur have more similarities then most others, but are still quite different
Wyverns are a subtype of dragon
But drakes are not dragons. Dragons have wings.
This is another image from Redguard.
traditionally, elves were like 6 inches tall in Western stories.
Elder Scrolls Elves are the most far from Tolkien elves and the only thing they share is name only. Take the Dunmer living in an ashy shithole like Vvardenfell making armor out of bug Chitin and Bonemold, riding giant insects like Siltstriders. And then we have other elves like the Aylieds who did unspeakable Dark Elf evil in such angelic and pearly white cities, the Snow Elves who were ruthlessly slaughtered by Atmoran Nords and lastly the Dwarves which should have been their own species and not elves.
>6 limbed catlike lizard wizard? Dragon
>4 limbed scorpion bat lizard? Dragon
>8 limbed giant monitor lizard? Dragon
>4 limbed stag god lizard? Dragon
>2 limbed fairy lizard? Dragon
>4 limbed blue haired anime boy? Dragon
>4 limbed concept of time? Dragon
>6 limbed angel? Dragon
>6 limbed flying squid? Dragon
>4 limbed hooved animal that's actually just a fucking horse? Dragon
>6 limbed president of the united states? Dragon
>A fucking clown? Dragon
You see, "Dragon" is quite a big group. You can't just say something is not a dragon just by appendages number.
fuck wyverns
>I'm gonna crawl towards you like a bat!!
Skyrim *Clap* Dragons *Clap* Are *Clap* Dragons *Clap*
Cute feet
Who cares, you can kill it all the same.
I know the dragon is pathetic and weak looking for symbolism's sake (christianity triumphing over evil) but it would be far more impressive if the dragon was giant and strong, as if to emphasize that righteousness can triumph over evil, no matter how dreadful it may be.
Actually, they're not Dragons or Wyverns. They're called Dovh.
What is wrong with you?
Based. Read the fuck out of it too with my friend when I was still a kid.
based dragonfucker
every dragon is a wyvern
every wyvern is not dragon
pic related
>D&D fag from resetera discord still trying to force mods to close ES threads
what the fuck are you talking about
discord trannies shill epic games all the time
Discord trannies are also shilling BD3 since Wizards is now Tranny friendly company with diversity hires along with larian.
D&D has been garbage ever since Wizards started this shit.
Wyverns are just called dragons in tamriel you autistic retards
hmm didn't know about that
also for some reason trannies are mad about cyberpunk even when it's gay friendly
>he says things i dont like, i must associate him with some social group
how are people this autistic about wyverns
wyverns are a type of dragon retards
Because CP2077 dude is a redpilled black guy that predicted this on the original PnP rules.
its insane how this shit is accurate now.
>memorized the dragon alphabet in the book (just english but different characters)
>would actually write secret messages using the dragon alphabet
D&D was literally the worst thing that ever happened to fantasy
fuck that system and fuck everyone who uses it like it were a god damn fantasy dictionary
It ruined magic, it ruined dragons and it produced the most retarded fantasy setting out there in the form of fucking forgotten realms
friendly reminder that you should not take these complaints seriously, as they are the furry dragonfag's equivalent to complaining about ugly western women/forced diversity
Actually kill yourself, fucking slob