Ion Fury


Attached: ion logo.jpg (780x483, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:!P342QSzS!4pkf6pEWt3F9iUr9bSEkeFtQQFjHimWNjsX8O-3BgJU

Here we go boys

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I hope they wont stop with one game
We need more futuristic FPS games

Attached: yeha.jpg (300x300, 24K)

It's not up. Stop repeating your lies.

Attached: IF.png (689x524, 309K)


Steam chads win again.

>he fell for the GOG meme

Jeść gówno kurwa!

zrob mi loda za 50 euro

Someone upload the linux executable please

>enemies are rad admech looking murder cyborgs
>main character is a reference spewing cop inforcing permanent martial law
i'd rather play as the other dudes 2bh

>retardposter cant spell

I take it your setup.exe files are stored somewhere in the Seattle region whether you like it or not?

Attached: Capture.png (261x358, 16K)

I'm playing with PS4 controller lol

This game is shit, I know this because it has NO DEMO

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Me too haha wanna cuddle and jerk each other?

Nice try fag but this is like the only game ever where your argument falls apart since it has little to no DRM.

What do you mean? All of the DRMfags are already getting their free 2 hour demo from their favorite pneumatic assfuck store.

Screenshot of Shelly from a leaked build if the upcoming sequel!

Attached: mamabear.jpg (706x1000, 71K)

CUTE but where's the dick

mega when

How long until SFM porn of Shelly is made?

I want to ruin that toned body by impregnating her

Go to cs rin ru
Please anyone?

Why only 5 guns?

muh dicc

Mastrubating to sprites is a lost technique that needs to be revived

>it has little
So just the tip it's ok then.

How do I extract my non-steam offline installers from my no-DRM steam games?

how'd you fare bros

Attached: fury_2019_08_16_00_27_27_287.jpg (1920x1080, 848K)

post gog version link

The game is planned to release on consoles and had to be tailored to gamepads with its limited buttons.

>game teases you.
God i love this shit.


This game is TAUNTING me

insult me more shelly

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But old console fps like turok or perfect dark had shitloads of guns before the halo only 2 guns bullshit.

so... is it fun?

well duh

peak soul

>game taunts you
ugh... that's so 1999.

also fun is a buzzword
the game does not need to be fun to be good
The better question would be does it have a good story?
How are the rights of minorities and pansexuals represented?

Who else is a wagie that won't be able to play until later?

It's artificial fun.

>Cashmachine says "Shake it baby!" with a robotic voice and hands off loads of coins if you interact with it.

I'm loving this game already


It's 11 bucks man come on.

Pretty sure the console versions will have a weapon wheel or some crap. The real reason the guns are not that many is because they didn't have time to properly flesh out and polish the most crazy ass gun ideas for release, and they are probably going to be featured in future expansions, whenever they come out. Probably in time for the console releases.

Kotaku is gonna freak !


Man, Ion Maiden was such a better name, it works on so many levels.

Is it really up or are you literally pulling my leg? My update is scheduled for tomorrow.

Attached: GhIJQb3.png (1572x111, 31K)

Then just post it if it's so cheap

>say my name
she has a name that won't get the developers sued?

click the arrow pal

Press the arrow button on the right you dummy

nigga just click the download button on the right.

wew user

>20 bucks

Shelly is cute!
I want to suck her dick!

Attached: 1565794260259.png (784x504, 212K)

Ahh, finally... home.

Attached: home.png (1480x1332, 254K)

Well shit, thanks. I'm dumb.

I know right? Think about the endless groaning inside VP when they found out starting a legal war was out of their options. You've known and referred to your project countless times a certain way, and then comes some out of the woods bullshit that is forcing you to throw away the identity you've given to your precious project for 4 fucking years.

You can call me Shelly and suck my!

It's not fun just tedious.

It's posts like this one that keep me coming to this shithole.

zoom zoom

Actually it has a demo
And it's in fact shit. I'll try the final game again but fuck what is this shilling?

GOG still has it as in development.
They must really hate consumers with a brain huh.

because it's

Going to play it after I've eaten dinner. What difficulty do I go for? I played the preview campaign on ultra viscera, but I hear the game is fucking hard and I honestly don't know if I wanna be frustrated when playing it for the first time.

Just go for Wanton Carnage and do Ultra viscera on your next play through.

Give your thanks to people like this user.

Should have been an EGS exclusive. Would have gotten 10x more gaming press coverage and Yea Forums front page full of threads.

Attached: 1562546581026.jpg (850x1202, 160K)

Ultra Viscera is basically one tier harder in the final release, Wanton Carnage stands between WC and UV of the preview campaign.

I just learned.
they send the 1.0 version to gog at 4:15 cest

gog is located in poland, and there is a national holiday today.
sooo.. expect gog version probably tomorrow

stay mad paycuck

just pirate it

>Are you a real player?

has gamergate taught them nothing



Those are dime a dozen, though.

Thanks, man. I’ll go wanton

Name a dozen.

It did. That's why it says player and not gamer.

those worthless Polaken Kurwaken can't get their shit together. Meanwhile Steamshitters are already playing the game.

Honestly? FUCK being an honest and supportive paying customer. I will just pirate everything from now on.

Attached: fuck you Christopher Lee.jpg (400x450, 73K)

Destiny 1-2, Doom 4, Etermal, Wolfenstein Young Blood

god damn worthless potato fucking poleshitters

Attached: GOG staff hard at work.gif (237x207, 1.7M)

Those are all terrible

>can name only 5
>they're all trash

Bez przerwy! Piractwo jest złe! Proszę o grę - będzie dostępna wkrótce. Proszę! Mamy rodzinę do karmienia, nie rób nam tego. Nie piruj gier GOG, pirackich gier EGS! Jesteśmy facetami, którzy robili gry Wiedźmin, często jesteśmy twoimi braćmi!

Attached: 1671094abb5fc7703470fa508113111a[3].jpg (236x282, 14K)

>day off on national holiday
I work at a casino and they laugh at you if you ask for your day off on holyday, i better start working on video games i guess.

I must have missed something, what the ultrasonic radar things for and how do you use them?

It's had a demo for literally months you fucktard.

It gives you a CS-style minimap for a short while.

>Only 90 MB

Wow, shit is compact compared to what else is on the market.

Shelly a qt

Attached: 1563026982986.jpg (1594x1594, 254K)

Where's the free download link?

>Watched a bit of the civvie video
>He has bowling bombs at one part
>Reach that part without them
>Now hunting around like a retard unable to find them
Oh god.

It's based on a source port of a 20-year-old engine and all of its music is using samples.

This is not a gamer game. Stop.

>Find them right after I posted this
Fucking typical, they weren't even hidden.

In Europe every goddamn holiday is a day off. And Poland is a religious country on top of that.

No it's fucking terrible
You barely get any ammo and most of your weapons are useless
The large open areas fucking suck because of all the hitscanning enemies that can fucking hit you even behind walls, not to mention they see you before you can see them.
The secret areas are way too hidden and most of the time not even worth it
Not to mention all those godawful 90s pop culture references that make me cringe and this bitch never fucking shuts up with her shitty one liners
0/10 Shit game Should have cancelled it like it was originally planned

Attached: 8f9f00f6834ef51a45cf36d339ec0586.jpg (326x302, 27K)

>this entire post

Attached: please stop.png (446x357, 168K)

It runs on a modified version of eDuke32, and it doesn't have any actual audio files for its music to pad out the filesize.

>reviewers are unironically complaining that it's not cinematic enough, doesn't have things like objective markers and story logs

Attached: C_5d2ACVoAA05m4.png (400x400, 294K)

Here's the link btw!DpUUDY6C!TXSAqzC4rDsh-sNEdG9PVhI2_gN2TdjS1ib3WKsLC2c

user here disregard my previous post
I suck meaty dicks and this game is perfect
I look forward to replaying the shit out of it on higher difficulties
Going to get it on all platforms when it comes out
10/10 all of my childhood in this

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Fuck off nuTomoko
I stand by what I said

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I can imagine Paweł, the pierdolec kurwa who is usually responsible to unlock new releases and updating the front page, is too busy eating kiełbasa and drinking TYSKIE, getting shitfaced with his zdzira

Attached: news-events-drunk-polish-man-invades-a-small-polish-town-58488888.png (500x686, 121K)

>IGG Games

>tfw secretlet

Attached: 1541217013959.jpg (437x501, 46K)

You're the one to talk, at least the anime adaptation stopped before deus ex machina acquaintances spawned up like mushrooms and she became queen of normalfags and /u/ crossboarders. I like the manga design more, but the anime one is perfectly fine and still pure and unadultered, i.e. still queen of Yea Forums.

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Does it look good on a crt?

It's alright; enemy variety, weapon variety and level variety so far is weak.
Loverboys alt got nerfed witch fixes my main concern from the beta.
People complaining about difficulty are scrubs.
Make sure to set the render to classic, disable videos and auto-aim.
So far it pretty good.

It's dated garbage that feels like it was made thirty seven years ago.

Attached: Capture.jpg (238x62, 4K)

>Take the storytelling, for example: nowadays, we often get radio chatter, logs to read, cutscenes to watch and environmental dialogue. This is virtually nonexistent in Ion Fury.

>I’ve spent far too long trundling around Ion Fury’s neon-dusted streets and supervillain bunkers, dipping in and out of rooms like a millennial robbed of Google Maps. Or any kind of map, as I first believed. I didn’t think to comb through the keyboard buttons in search of one, and Ion didn’t think to prompt me to.

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Did you get your pre-launch early copy yet?

Attached: IF.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>disabling voxels

Attached: 1565783406104.jpg (600x496, 41K)


enjoy your cryptominer bot-zombie rig, faggit zoomer

Attached: 1555082973988.jpg (394x473, 61K)

it's a virus anons don't trust him

>4 secrets are still missing in this area...

Fuck off gman.

Shut the fuck up Civvie

Attached: 1441543200857.jpg (266x355, 23K)

Even with clipping is still a pain in the ass to find.

Why would you disable voxels? That's a Build Engine feature. Sure it wasn't in DN3d but it was in SW and Blood.

>disabling auto aim in a build engine game

>classic render
Why would you want view warping?

You're not dumb....

non-virus link straight from darkzero!P342QSzS!4pkf6pEWt3F9iUr9bSEkeFtQQFjHimWNjsX8O-3BgJU

kek this one has even more viruses in it

What does classic render do?

>not a single enemy in the game has a properly functional hitbox
So glad for steam refunds, I can't believe you people shill this stuff for free.

Attached: 1524093172234.gif (244x248, 113K)

Uses software rather than the hardware accelerated openGL

As someone that sucks at secret hunting this game is incredibly offensive. I think I'm just going to give up and play it normally instead of running around everywhere like a retard.

wow, this is actually interesting
im going to DL it right now

I was under the impression that it does this? Changes to the renderer that DN3d uses. ie. no vertical distortion and can't look straight upwards because it's not really true 3d

Attached: 3d vs pseudo 3d.png (1229x1237, 1.73M)


Attached: KG6DAiCh.jpg (878x665, 45K)

Beat the game normally before secret hunting like an autist

>virustotal shows 0 results
>windows defender shows 0 results
>malwarebytes shows 0 results

you're attempts at false flagging are desparate, i can't even download your file because it's such a obvious virus it deletes immediately.


Attached: 1565821866279.jpg (1326x642, 260K)

whats wrong with IGGgames anons?

the package criptominers and malware into their the games.
their ads contain cryptominers and malware.
they killed the original good old downloads because they wanted to do scene releases as well as gog and retro stuff too. it was a thread to the igg guys.
plus the guy running igg games is a known scam artist from asia with a record.

The cliffhanger in this game is that Hezkel was your father all along.

Stop shilling this garbage I can't believe you people pretend to like this.

miners can't be detected by antiviruses user..

to counter my drunk vision. I'm a chronic semi-functional alcoholic. without screen warping I get easily disoriented

Don't reply to low quality bait retard

>the package criptominers and malware into their the games.
Gonna need some proofs on that.

literally in this thread.

because a bitminer isn't a virus you retard


Where? How? I'd pay 11 bucks, but not 20 or more.

why does every indie game have to be so fucking cringe nowadays?

>Walk into a new area
>Crossbow sounds start

Okay fake gamer.

So does Ion Fury have your typical Duke Nukem-esque jump scare facehugger shits?

i just downloaded this from igg prior to opening the thread, how fucked am i right now?


The FBI is on the way.

your pc just contracted blue waffle.

i've downloaded multiple games from IGG in the past and never found any malware or crypto miners after regular scans with different programs

Like this?

Attached: if2[1].jpg (1460x821, 285K)


Attached: soyggames.jpg (1211x625, 92K)

Yep! Like those!

is this really worth 25 burger bucks?

can someone make a thread on /vr/ to trigger them?

Is that a single map or episode? That is a lotta stuff.

the game not being on gog right now is inFURYating

Attached: 1560715413199.gif (500x281, 572K)

>forced to play as a woman

there was one already, got delet

kys virgin

You DID buy the game from 3D Realms' site, right?

Attached: 3drealms.jpg (1211x509, 145K)

I bought it today on happen stance so im not too upset

literally download any of their releases and fire up tcpview + procmon

episode, maps do hl style loading into eachother

no, g2a

Ohh neat. Thanks user.

The darkzero one? Get fucked xD

Your computer is gonna make mustard gas.

Thanks marketing dept, I would have forgot if you didn't tell me.

No weapon variety no buy.

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I've uniroincally been waiting for this shit since 2015:

I want to punch someone in the nuts for this.

Might as well pirate it at this point, faggot

What did she mean by this?

kys tranny

She shoots ventilation holes in people.

God i want her to talk shit to me

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>believing some mental faggot's ramblings on twitter

Kek falling for the jews and their crusade to kill key selling sites.

Well, wait is soon over

>game doesn't have enough ammo
>the weapons suck
>it's too hard
>ugh cringe 90's references
>so sick of these retro shooters
s-schwacked XD

Attached: 1546853361350.jpg (638x1000, 86K)

Are you still here, user?
this got released 2 hours ago, I think it's just a matter of hours

>Listening to shillman lives

Anyone got any screenshot comparisons of the modern vs classic renderer?


found the casual.

movement is as important as gunplay you turdboi

Imagine paying 25 dollars for less than 100mb of data

pretty boring. map design is unfocused and uninteresting.

i'd probably just go back to brutal doom

>disk usage: 90mb

im gonna compress it x16

Weak bait.

Attached: 1557855071436.jpg (720x303, 27K)

I got it for 15 Euro on GMG. Its ok so far.

I'm waiting for the 16MB fangirl repack

Weren't NES games like $50 in 1989 money even though they were less than a megabyte?

quality posting

Does it have multiplayer?

...That's the worst attempt at Polish I've seen in a while.

Wern't handjobs from your mom like 50 bucks in 1989 money even though she's got more forearm hair than a sailor?

so the official nuretro boomer shooter ranking is

Dusk >>>>>>> Ion Fury >> not playing video games > Amid Evil



Haha, no.
Amid Evil > Ion Fury >> Dusk >>> (you)



Amid Feces is the worst shooter in the last 5 years

>hurr this game is hard t. journos
Literally just point and click at the enemys head. This is a cakewalk.

Attached: file.png (1593x894, 424K)

Ign admitted they use cheat codes to finish it because it was too hard and there were no quest markers. Why are journos bad at video games when is their job to play games every day

>Amid Feces is the worst shooter in the last 5 years

Attached: file.png (1593x894, 441K)

Nah. Amid was great. Choke on a dick faglord.

2 main reasons. The weapons feel very very weak. Not fun to use. That is the most important aspect of a shooting game. Second the enemy variety is slow and everyone is a huge hp sponge. You cannot feel powerful in a shooter if enemies take a long time to kill.

The game is boring to play.

Okay fagmanlives

someone upload GOG version to mega

I didn't have an issue with that in Amid Evil, and I dropped Hard Reset for those exact reasons.

Tacodemon poster has some explaining to do

It's not out on GoG.

I hate it when games never manage to do red dots right. How difficult can it be to understand the concept that when you draw a line from your eyes through the red dot, that's the spot where the bullets will hit?

Attached: dot.jpg (399x417, 31K)

Attached: 1559896728742.jpg (539x452, 53K)

NuuM > Dusk > Hedon > Ion Sneed > Amid Evil > Devil Daggers > Sigil > Overload > Shit > Strafe

Attached: 1565364721674.gif (756x792, 70K)

>turn off v-sync
>tearing up the ass
>turn on v-sync
>framerate is choppy

Why does it have to be GoG? I downloaded from these anons and its wor

It's just isometric perspective bruh.

Attached: wink.png (225x225, 4K)

Adaptivesynclet BTFO.

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This is a pretty good list, though I'd drop NuuM and Dusk down and move AE and Overload up a bit.
Strafe is truly garbage, that goes without saying.

>using non-freesync monitor in the current year

Look at the lighting in the game, shadows are locked and there is nothing that supports a dynamic perspective. What makes you think a 30 year old game engine would support your aspie needs

Damn, someone beat me to it.

Attached: fury 2019-08-15 09-43-19-31.png (1920x1080, 358K)

WTF are you talking about? The only thing you need to do to make the red dot sight accurate is to not show the dot on the sprite because from that perspective or any perspective seen in any frame of the sprite animation it's invisible. Because it's pointing forward and the game has no aiming down sights.

How do I get on the other side?

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come ooon gog i want to playyyy

>that absolutely uncharismatic voice and lines

Disappointed with the reviews so far. 79 on metacritic. I was expecting a 90.

The ammo issues are real god damn, also weapon variety is shit and half of them feel like shit to shoot.
The SMGs feel dogshit with their DoT and they run out of ammo instantly with a huge reload time.
The crossbow is bad and surprise surprise no ammo ever.
The only decent guns are the revolver and the shotgun/Glauncher.

At least the levels are nice and open.

You'll reach it eventually

Anyone else notice that?

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Ion Fury is not just GOTY it may be one of the best FPS ever made up there with Duke himself. Holy fucking shit this game is good and I say this as someone who hates her current redesign.

Attached: worry.jpg (199x255, 32K)

>Up on 1337
>sketchy as fuck
>yep it's a virus.

Come on, someone put up a proper copy.

You mean you are disappointed with the slack jawed beta boy reviewers that cant handle the game.

won't be buying new releases on Gog anymore, fucking polish fags

>he actually downloaded it

Attached: 1565845843415.gif (400x471, 289K)

Buy it poorfag


>people should work on holidays because i want my new toy NOW!!!

>love the build engine games
>utterly hate MC, her redesign, her voice lines and weapon selection

Attached: 1557541966878.gif (200x147, 1.18M)

Nope. My money is for investing, books, booze, expenses and tobacco, not vidya.

Goddam the shilling is hot for this game.


Ah, a fellow man of culture.

Attached: 1113062027a.jpg (480x480, 34K)

>Love build engine games
>Want to impregnate Shelly, love her lines, think the weapon selection is great

Attached: 1528529853312.gif (480x360, 2.37M)

yeah, lots of people work on holidays, who gives a shit, give me what I paid for on time you gay ass pollack

>Not looking at controls the moment you boot the game

These faggots

>Shelly Doesnt Lose her Arm
>Bombshell is a ingame joke now


>game reviewers being competent at all

Fuck you dude. I have feelings too.

They gave it away for free though. Now I feel bad because it's probably the most money-worthy walking simulator ever made

Any cheats for it yet?

Dumbass here.
I understand that 2.5D is all rays and what not, but how does height work?
Like, how can a room be multiple stories if it's all the same line(s) going up?

Now this is what a female action hero should look like.

Why do people say the weapons are bad? The reload sounds are nice and chunky, the alt fires are cool, and getting headshots feels nice.
Also pissed me off that shillman shat on the xbow, when the alt fire just destroys everything.


alright fuck this. I'm refunding this on gog.
last time I bought digital. fuck gog AND fuck 3D Realms.
no money for you bitches

It's up on GOG.

No new weapons from the demo - really disappointing. Where's my plasma launcher

It's up on gog now

Attached: gogion.jpg (427x281, 35K)

So Hedon isnt a meme? Isnt that the futa orc game?

>Like, how can a room be multiple stories if it's all the same line(s) going up?
By never having two spaces that are on top of one another visible at the same time. The Build engine can fake the transition between areas in order to create an illusion of things being upstairs but the graphics renderer can never visually represent those two spaces simultaneously.

the mines are new

>wait a year just fine
>cant wait a few more minutes
Manchild. Fuck off with your money we dont need it.


Attached: 1543274937653.jpg (299x400, 37K)

>yellow cultists
>red cultists
>shotgun guys
>flying bots

Is that the entire enemy roster? Feels kind of underwhelming to be honest.

Attached: radiation testing.jpg (562x702, 50K)

Can't quite tell who this is supposed to be. The Thy Flesh Consumed would lead you to believe it's Doomguy, but it just looks too different for that to be the case. I'm kind of thinking Prisoner 849 / Gina?

Attached: fury 2019-08-15 10-03-30-65.png (1920x1080, 497K)

Music is good too

>no cheevos
it's shit

add Project Warlock

Huh, so even if you're supposed to able to see the next story it's not actually accessible until you hit a script area or something?
That's cool.

map design is terrible and too many hitscan enemies, im going back to doom 2 with the brutal doom modification

just force 60fps on it and tie v-sync with fps rate

>At launch achievements are currently not integrated into the Steam backend.


Attached: wow.gif (300x174, 1.13M)

the mines are new

Might be thinking too hard on it.
Looks like a generic character sprite that was watching an in game reference to DOOM.


Attached: get fucked.jpg (1235x743, 188K)

The weapons are fine. Its just missing something.


Grow the fuck up already you subhuman Xbox 360 kiddie

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I'm blind, does this run at 144 fps? I know Duke 3D and Blood Fresh Supply did.

>t-that doesnt count

Yes, there's an option for it.

gr8 b8 m8

fuck off epicfag

I played Hedon and liked it a lot. Didn't see any futa orcs though.

>give enemies rocket launchers and acid spray
>don't give the player a rocket launcher or acid gun

Ok, have fun with the viruses then Br niggers

The engine is even non-euclidean. You can have hallways that make a 90° turn left and then right and the hallway that continues from that is the one you came from. You can have corridors that go through each other and never intersect. You can have a room that's a 720° circle and DN3d does in fact have a bonus level that is like that.

Devs really had the time of their lives working on this

Attached: ionfury.png (879x35, 59K)

Maybe but I haven't seen any generic npcs, dead or alive, yet and this was in a secret area.

I'll just wait until the GoG version is up.

>turn on v-sync
>still can see screen tearing

What the hell is going on?

Isnt this just normal mode for journalist?

>think the weapon selection is great
I'm sorry.

Take this discussion to /vr/

Is it worth $25? No shill responses please, is it actually worth the money right now or does the volume and quality of content not justify the price?


Attached: bash the 56 percent.webm (640x362, 2.42M)

>don't discuss video games on Yea Forums
Kill yourself

Buy a freesync monitor

its too hard. going back to fortnite

Found it, thanks

Apparently GoG didn't bother to change all of the icons

Attached: Capture.png (210x201, 68K)

Any torrents yet

Of course it doesn't count who the fuck cares about fucking mines are you serious

torrent THIS *grabs dick*

Doesnt matter. Its a new weapon and you are a nerd.

Attached: 20190815185921_1.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

get dabbed on I bet you're one of the devs or something for defending this stupidity

Why is the grenade ammo for shotgun not the same button? Why does it use its own slot? oh i know. So that it looks like there are 9 weapons ingame.

It's hard to rank the really tbqh because all are pretty great (except Shrafe obviously), but each has some noticeable flaw.
Dusk is easy as fuck except some huge difficulty spikes.
Amid Evil suffers from tiny enemies roster in each chapter and sometimes annoying platforming.
Overload has sterile art style making all environments blend together.
Sneed's weapon roster is underwhelming with three fucking grenades and animations locking you from weapon swapping.
Hedon is trying to rival Hexen in "where the fuck should I go" department still not even remotely close lmao, requires wiki to understand what the fuck items do and weapons should've went through a couple more design iterations. Like crossbow's alt fire exists only to counter shield bitches and two grenade typed could've been combined into just two fire modes same for Ion Sneed's shotgun.
Nuum's progression is pretty obnoxious at times requiring you to carefully manage enemies if you want to max all mods, exploration suffers from earlier parts of the level sometimes being locked and some unskippable cutscenes are pretty annoying.
Yes, it's futa orc game (although no futa cocks or even tiddies in the game). But it's still pretty good boomer shooter with great atmosphere, level design, weapons and enemies. And amateurish /aco/ tier art style but that only adds more SOUL.

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Whats the point of the cluster pack when you have the bowling bombs?

Had some feeling but "Laputan machine" saved it for me.

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damn the first level looks good, ok I'm actually gonna play it now

Have fun user. We worked really hard on it.

What is NuuM?

The weapon roster is underwhelming as shit

Man the secrets in this game are over the fucking pale.

They can't. There's a term for what you're referring to that I've long since forgotten.

>GoG version doesn't have cloud saves yet
>doesn't have overlay yet
>doesn't have achievement yet
Holy fuck I dodged a bullet by getting it immediately and only as the offline installer. They won't be able to poison my copy with the unnecessary shit now

Attached: a bib a toot.jpg (245x224, 17K)

Oh yeah. I forgot to ask you guys, did you know that GoD is back up? It doesn't seem to add new gog downloads but it has over 2000 all available thru google drive.


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It's decently long and the level design is great, tons of secrets alternate paths and so on.
Weapon selection is very poor and out of that poor selection half is actually worth using.
Enemy design is pretty good, fuck the spiders though, but again very poor variety.
You will be using the revolver and shotgun for the entire game because the rest of the weaponry is either shit or never gets any ammo.

I'd say it's worth it for the level design alone even if you will be fighting the same enemies with the same weapons from the first level to the end.

Isn't it a honeypot now?

Galaxy 2 fag here
disable the overlay if you plan to alt tab out of the game, otherwise you return to a black screen.

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>mfw the RPS guy felt offended by this

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Seems like Ion Fury isn't afraid to pull punches and start up controversies. I like it.

Why is no one talking about the music. I think its really good.

Are you serious?

Music is kick ass

>don’t make ion fury threads, you’re killing off my astral chain consolewars!

It's solid but I wish it was darker. It's too upbeat for me.

Damn that looks like shit

I dunno. Its not really doing it for me.

>Sreen tearing even with freesync on


Attached: 1458666411065.gif (659x609, 1.63M)

>the Bombshell from Alien Armageddon mod ended up having a way better weapon roster and a design far more suited for a trashy Build game

Attached: 1534671827512.jpg (800x640, 163K)

>1.3k online

Is it good/bad?

>crappy weapon and enemy variety
I think I'll refund it and buy duke nukem 3D: 20th anniversary world tour instead

>Trying to tell how good a game does by who is playing online

On a release day yes it's one way of telling

>Big Bill's Hell's Cars poster

its too hard


Yeah it tells you about the game's marketing.

>Has couch toggle but not run toggle

But the demo had run toggle?

Attached: 1414433968513.jpg (422x422, 48K)

Also consider that most who would buy this are working right now.

Your mod is garbage dude.

It's really not for non-AAA releases.

Fix her shit dyke design,

The amount of shills in this thread is astonishing.

>HE doesnt KNOW!

>new game gets released
>anons talk about it
>retard: "SHILLS!"
Like clockwork.

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That looks fucking awesome!

Where to find the gog version?

I'm glad you like it. We worked really hard on it.

Attached: Mark.png (1920x1080, 124K)

How to spot a assblasted Smashfag pissed that their thread was locked.


For real? Wonderful.


btw can this be played with the mouse or controller?
or is it the one where you use arrows to aim

>cake is a lie reference

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Attached: 1543871795272.png (1000x1000, 528K)

Seethe more smashfag

Attached: BLEH.jpg (270x180, 35K)

But it has viruses

Attached: 5676688.jpg (1010x490, 118K)

You're not supposed to play first person shooters with a controller, you fucking inbred monkey.

this type of game has literally been done to death 100s of times in the last year. this game is mediocre at hest and the only people sucking it's dick this hard is the shills on Yea Forums.
all blatant shills

>new game comes out
>wow this is cool
>fucking shills stop promoting it

Attached: 565677456.jpg (300x168, 12K)

dont be this cruel mates, just upload it

Pinky promise

support the product, get a job.

Attached: 567456568.jpg (360x360, 20K)

>reeeee variety
t. game journo

Okay which one of you faggot put a pizza on my roof?

Attached: Pizza.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

It's not cool though you shill faggot. Nothing at all original. Dusk shits all over this trash game and that games barely decent.

The shilling ITT is as obvious as the Hunt and Squad threads, Jesus.

go make a thread about it no one gives a fuck

this. and every post complaining about shilling has the same automated replies within minutes. something's up here.

Does it have controller support?

you're not supposed to be alive with a brain as small as yours, but you are

Kill yourself.

>Newfags try to fit in by screeching about shills

Not yet.
Also, see

I mean he's right but damn son

I'm just a grumpy old boomer who was yearning for this kind of game.
we finally got it today and the game is actually very good unlike all the indie trash in recent years with few exceptions. you can call me whatever you want.

Why do people shit on Sigil so much I thought it was pretty good

In Redneck Rampage someone was always hiding six-packs of beer, bottles of whiskey, moonshine, cow pies and pork rinds on roofs. I'm glad they've now been able to tie a pop culture reference to an actual game design feature

It's not allowed on /vr/, you spastic.

>n-newfag! hes a newfag!

Attached: IMG_20190806_155442.jpg (480x360, 20K)

It is very high quality but I think people dislike it because it's very high quality fuck-you-type level design. Also they've gotten used to the fact that in Doom 1 everything under Ultra Violence is not worth playing and only Nightmare is hard. Romero decided to make UV actually difficult this time and people didn't like it.

PSA: if someone bitch about SHILLS, spy on Resetera Discord, look at kiwifarms/STAwful or look at the number of recently locked smash threads on the Yea Forums catalog.
Ever since the KyoAni arson, those niggers have been Agressively shitposting everything that Yea Forums likes it or even forcing garbage wojak memes like the JizsBrain meme.
Fortunately Hiro and the mods god wind of it and banned them, now those niggers are more agressive and seething about it.

Attached: The Real shitposters behind the forced wojak memes in this board.png (720x701, 111K)


From now on you will be called Ravioli Extravaganza

Kick Ass Duke >>>>>> Alien Armageddon

>You still have 6 secrets left in this area

Attached: giphy[1].gif (640x360, 241K)

I honestly thought Thy Flesh Consumed was harder and more "fuck you" than Sigil

Are you not familiar with RPS?

What's astral chain?

imagine typing essays spending your entire day coping with the fact that the game you backed for 50 dollars is garbage, and now instead of playing the game you sit in this thread sperging at anyone who calls out the obvious shilling.

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What does !!quid crack!! do? I'm picking up those cans, but don't see any difference.

it means you are playing the pirated version of the game

They used to be so great years ago. The site I trusted most.

Wtf happened man.

I pirated the demo and haven't bought the game yet.

only boomers use gog. boomers like this type of game. boomers want to see more of such games. no boomer in his right mind would sabotage himself and his boomer buddies by uploading it so some pesky zoomer can get it for free and won't even say thanks
go buy it, faggit. support the devs.
if this game was trash I would say fuck it, but it's actually really good. the faggots who made this deserve to be rewarded.

Attached: boomer4life.gif (500x500, 97K)

big if true

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>Get to the 3rd or so level, the small one
>Missing 2 secrets
>Found a switch for one
>No idea what the fuck it's even doing
God dammit. This map isn't big how the fuck am I missing them.

TFC is only more fuck you because its difficulty curve is all over the place. Sigil gets harder as it goes. TFC starts hard and then swivels back and forth

>pirated the demo

Attached: Inigo_Montoya-56afa47a3df78cf772c70554.jpg (768x432, 43K)

Everyone except John Walker left.


Attached: tommy.gif (500x280, 1.97M)

The pre-release demo was only for people who bought early access.

>the never ending lame oneliners
oof, they really did themselves a disservice, game is cool tho

>imagine being a nolifer discord tranny who neglects that it suffers from mental leftist disease to spread lies and bullshit on a taiwanese starbucks imageboard

Diversity hires, Zoe quinn + anita, brainwashing by media and the state of College Scholarship in the US that is infested with Junkie Iphone commies.

mix all of that with a bunch of losers who never had the spine to score and uses Feminism to try get to fuck a girl, or a woman who is literally a unhealthy landwhale and asks herself why no one is talking to her, if she has the personality of a bitch and decided to play games to find a man, and Voila!

Gaming Journalism post 2007

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but.. why would you pirate.. a demo? and not the FULL GAME?

I knew these fuckers browsed here.

Attached: D26D4E1D-4B57-456E-ABA9-585341ACFE24.jpg (1600x900, 246K)

>consistently good and interesting level design
>actually intelligent enemy AI
>a variety of subweapons with their own niche
>actually well implemented progression system
>enemy visibility is good
>has a NG+ mode with rebalanced enemy placements to feature higher-tier enemies earlier on
feels very good to play in terms of movement and kinaesthetics
>features some unique memorable shit that's rarely ever been done before
>manages to tell a story without getting in the way of gameplay at all

man I fucking love video games

how hard is it for you to grasp that people like different things

This was over a year ago.

Attached: file.png (363x481, 9K)

Not him, but it was early access, the full game didn't exist yet.

I assume this is a reference I'm missing? Was hidden in one of the secrets.

Attached: Body.png (1920x1080, 330K)

You children are so motivated on spoiling everything for everyone dontcha?

This was in a bathroom in that room.

Attached: Head.png (1920x1080, 258K)

haha I knew it. they are /ourguy/. Buying the digital deluxe edition right now.

Get out of the thread if you're worried about spoilers.

turns out he was the cancer all along

Amid Evil is much better than all the games there, problem is you need actual taste to appreciate, something which redneck trash will always lack.

The ending was already spoiled user, now im waiting for Ion Fury 2 with Shellytoko

Attached: 1995 motoko Gits movie.jpg (564x783, 57K)

>when you forget which -chan site you're on

Pretty sure that's from the movie Hardware.

too expensive for what it is; also I just talked with one of the devs on twitch he acted a bit of a dick sooo... nope.

Why the hate for the SMG? A small burst is enough to kill most lowtier enemies and its great for damage over time against stronger monsters.

runs out of ammo.

>too expensive for what it is
You should have bought it when it was 8 dollars off, also pretty sure it's cheaper on GOG. What did you ask for reference?

It doesn't feel like the bullets go where I'm aiming.

same price on gog

I found just the thing for you Yea Forums.

Attached: Dr.png (1920x1080, 130K)

Well no shit, even the sights have been calibrated about 45 degrees to the side and 45 degrees down

>secrets: 10/29

Attached: 1557469006380.png (482x427, 79K)

Torrent where?

The weapons have an almost Counter Strike-style recoil, where the guns will kick upward from where your crosshairs are pointed.

yeah this, you gotta pull down with the smgs.

>this entire post

Attached: 1265731771192.jpg (600x455, 35K)

>needing p2p sharing to download 90mb
I don't think your 286 can run this game

>play in wndowed mode
>alt tab out
>come back and mouse is fucked
>only way to fix is to restart the game


It's hard for me to appreciate its "Doom 1 stuff only" approach.

>those fucked up ladders
>fall damage

Attached: 1564462954147.jpg (720x720, 34K)

>new episode for doom
>why do they not use doom 2 things

>Trump joke

Time to refund.

I'm missing so many secrets, I feel guilty passing by. Finished Zone 1 now, liking it.

comfy soulful office, also I love how many voxels there are, I noticed there's even voxels for the little buttons in elevators and shit. Pure kino.

Attached: 562860_20190815194649_1.png (2560x1440, 699K)

>I don't think your 286 can run this game
Well fuck

Excellent bait.

Attached: 1557854549920.jpg (665x615, 36K)

>leave cover
>get instantly shot
uninstalling this shit

I'm pretty sure kids still learn the "tear down this wall" episode in schools right? I'm not american and we spent a ton of time on cold war leaders.

>dude so hardcore difficulty fuck yeah every enemy is hitscan and levels are fuck huge open with no cover so you always die haha us old gamers so hardcore
What a shit game. Fucking hate boomers.


Exquisite bait.

>All those Rise of the Triad quit screens

Damn boy

Aw fuck yeah.

But there are no hitscan enemies, what are you talking about.

There are no hitscan enemies. The projectiles are just hard to see and quite fast.

zoomer please go to school its a ghengis khan reference from when the mongols tried to bring down hte great wall of china

It absolutely is from Hardware which is a great film and you should watch.

Attached: c4a1c976ca00e3c0b3f0fe895db3db1e.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

here you go, no torrent but direct download

goo._gl_ /_HGUfVR

obviously you need to remove the "_" in the link

While on the subject:
Im pretty excited to play this game, and im sure its gonna be fun, but anyone else REALLY disliking the delivery of the lines?

This shit is supposed to be duke-nukem-esque but the delivery is so fucking bad its doesnt even come close

>Finish the first episode
I like it and I'm digging the OST.

trump is a shit president

Attached: roof_pizza.gif (499x251, 901K)

im always strafing and died 3 times on the first level

Best ones the Yanks have had since Reagan.

Sounds like you should go back to Fortnite.

I love how clueless zoomers are. They just grab the first thing they find to get fake social points

(formerly Maiden)

slowpoke mode activated: it's out on gog.
time to play the shit out of it

there is a torrent from some release group I never heard of before so meeh...

sounds like your trash game has hitscan weapons

>since Reagan.
So he's shit then

I did all of it except the plunger and the remote
bigger != better desu

strafe harder

Attached: 1543106796227.jpg (1175x1559, 135K)

Duck now and then.
>Hear the dreaded CHKCHKCHKCHK of the arrow guy loading up
>The fly over my head
>Blow him away with a shotgun to the face

Fitgirl has it
So enjoy the miner.

>The crossbow is bad

It's the best gun in the game you absolute mongoloid

Can I actually go into the whore houses/ strip clubs you see in game?

For 10 seconds, then you are out of ammo for half of the level.


Attached: ok.png (164x236, 66K)

How are you running out of 70 shots that can each onehit kill an enemy within 10 seconds you ingrate?

I trust FG more than IGG
also has NMS; I got scammed buying it from G2A for the multiplayer; turns out you have to have friends who play it, you can't simply be matched to random players.

igg is literally uploading scene releases


No, he's pretty good. Reagan in turn was the best President the Americans had since Eisenhower.

What game is this modding, user?

> being this new