>cast reflect on you
>cast reflect on enemy
>cast fire 2 on enemy
>reflects endlessly
fuck you ff7 you gamebreaking piece of shit
>move against a wall or corner in any low poly game
>fall out of bounds
fuck you every 3d game on the ps1 and n64
>t. hasn't actually played FF7
nigger, every ff game only reflects once. in fact in ffviii edea made a point to cast reflect on herself then cast magic to herself so that all of her magics can't be reflected back
>reflects endlessly
Not true. It goes back and forth something like 4-5 times and then stops.
No ot doesn't , reflect only affects magic once, once a magic has been reflected it won't reflect again
Why are you such a liar OP?
>powerlevel characters to 60+ before Temple of the Ancients
>break game
Not only do spells only reflect once, but barriers wear off fairly quickly in FFVII.
>powerlevel characters to 60+ before Temple of the Ancients
doesn't that just mean "grind"
>grind limit breaks in train tunnels under Shinra building
Virgins grind. Chads power level.
>He doesn't build up speed against a wall for 12 hours to escape his dimension toward a more favorable QPU
The only acceptable grind spot is post-game Northern Cave. If you need to grind before this, you're just compensating for being a shit player on a baby difficulty game.
>grind in a jrpg that is already super easy
>now it's even easier
i replayed this recently and grinded in mideel first chance i got to level up some materia and get omnislash ASAP
all it ended up doing was making what was already pretty brainless combat even more boring. wait until the very end to grind, ruby/emerald are the only things you would need to grind for anyway
>acceptable grind spot
people make a point to make the game harder because at level 28, initial equipment, no items, no materia, is too easy for them.
>fight zombie boss on train
>it dies in one hit to a revive item
fuck you ff8 you piece of shit
>Get new party member, Vincent
>His limit break makes him uncontrollable but do lots of damage
>Actually heals the first boss you encounter after getting him so much to the point you need to KO him in order to beat it
It's a place to grind for the sake of completion. The only stuff left is the final boss and endgame junk.
Why you playing it in mexican
Wait is that true? Even in FF5 you can't reflect twice. In fact the game straight out tells you that you can cast reflect on yourself and target yourself with offensive spells to get around an enemy's reflect.
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