Do you think he fantasizes about killing Kojima for stealing his work like that hack steals movie ideas?

Do you think he fantasizes about killing Kojima for stealing his work like that hack steals movie ideas?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If he wrote all of those metal gear games he's just as guilty of ripping off movies as Kojimbo is.

imagine being a big enough retard to fall for the fukushima meme

Is this an American?


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Why did he quit writing Metal Gear games? Whatever happened to him?

it is not a meme, the problem is nu-mgs fans suck off Kojima as some sort of savant who single handedly wrote the franchise

Fukushima wrote all the political and deeper aspects such as the patriots and backround to the franchise and Kojima wrote the stuff with snake and raiden etc

That is why after 4 the series got so ridiculous and over the top without the backround shit.3

I have been following the series since MGS1 and anyone who grew up with them knows this

No one knows. He was listed as a writer in the first trailer for MGS4 and then disappeared.
Now he works for Sony.

Not true at all.

Kojima's ego grew too big.

I've always noticed that most of the work in Japanese games is done by guys who never become famous. Almost every Japanese "celebrity developer" is given false credit and never really did that much at all.

>it is not a meme
>proceeds to post a load of bullshit that just proves it is a meme

kojima did all the good stuff Show me a greater moment in vidya than this.

>That is why after 4 the series got so ridiculous and over the top without the backround shit.3
But MGS 2 was ridiculous.

there isn't its KINO

I like Kojima but get annoyed that people think Death Stranding will be some storytelling masterpiece when it be an even bigger shitshow in terms of story than 4

I love Kojimas madness, but also love Fukushimas political intrigue

who was that famous game composer who got caught out as being a fake and it was some other dude who wrote all the songs????

yes it is. Listen to the Audio cues, the writing, the camera changes. Kojima is a cinematic genius. Kojima was given building blocks and he built an empire out of it.

yes, because of kojima

the whole thing with Raiden and the colonel being an AI was written by fukushima, its literally in the credits of the game

He wrote all the codec calls on top of the scenario along with Kojima

Kojima did not write pic related

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I always though Kojima was more the "artistic director" the one that conducted how the camera and flow of the scenes , cutscenes as well as the artistic visual choices to set the mood or particular moments in the game (Just like how MGS3 color scheme that feels like an old movie). While Fukushima made the more deeper aspects of the story in cooperation with Kojima for some parts.

I dunno i like to think it worked that way.

that is how it worked user, Kojima has always been a director and did not sweat the small details

as evidenced by everything hes done post-Fukushima

This sums up le fukushima meme. Some user thinks up some shit about Fukushima and Kojima based on no evidence at all then another retard happily accepts his thoughts as fact.

at least im being honest.

why do you refuse to belive that Kojima didnt write the series by himself WHEN ITS LITERALLY IN THE FUCKING CREDITS?

Kojima is a game designer first and a writer second

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autistic retard

His revenge will be the tears of Kojimadrones when Death's Stranding reveals Hideo for the Lucas he really was all along.

>posts proof
>you are autistic

this is your brain on Kojima

>Fukushima wrote all the political and deeper aspects such as the patriots and backround to the franchise and Kojima wrote the stuff with snake and raiden etc
is their actual source on this claim or did you just pull it out of your ass?

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This is now a thread for the unsung heroes of MGS who picked up after the stinky Hideo shits and made it the franchise that we loved until Hideo's ego got too big and he started thinking he was the one who made it good

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>wrote the majority of the lore, story and writing and scripting for 8 years

i guess he was just paid to stand around while kojima did all the thinking himself right dipshit?

heres how this stuff goes in japan

They rent an office. Kojima has some ideas. He tells people under him to expand on his ideas. They bring the ideas to kojima to the next meeting. Kojima reads their ideas. Then they come up with new ideas. Kojima is still the big brain behind everything.

>Fukushima wrote all the political and deeper aspects
Again with this fucking retarded shit. The fucking guy who created an engine for Snatcher and Policenauts because he hated people tampering with his work and wanted to have total control is not going to be happy playing second fiddle to some literral who that didn't even work in the two first metal gear games. That doesn't make any fucking sense. Kojima would have fired Fukushima and do everything himself even if it was shit.

He got into a fight with Hideo and killed him. Fukushima went on the run and is probably in SEA on some rice farm.

Yoji Shikawa doesn't get enough credit for coming up with a lot of the cooler aspects of the series.

A lot of interviews/notes have shown me that a lot of MGS's "cool" aesthetic and concepts were directly influenced by Shinkawa, wherein he'd actually step in and tell Kojima some characters don't feel "cool" enough. Case in point: Shinkawa came up with the idea of Gray Fox becoming a Cyborg Ninja, or Otacon being a tech wiz with stylish hair/looks. For the latter, Kojima just wanted Otacon to look like a generic otaku, but Shinkawa insisted that he should at least look presentable and "cool" for the player.

There was one Dragon Ball composer whose music was replaced in re-releases of some DBZ games, I'm not sure if that's what you were after.
>However, the original soundtrack was replaced by reused music from the Budokai Tenkaichi series (as well as a few from the first Raging Blast game), due to a series-wide plagiarism controversy surrounding series composer Kenji Yamamoto in 2011.

Autistic retards are the only ones who bring up the Fukushima meme. He wrote codecs that spend an hour explaining what had been explained in the last 45 minute cutscenes, hardly a genius.
The real problem of MGS writing is Japanese culture, beating you over the head with the same information over and over

>le Cuckshima meme

Are you thinking of the Onimusha composer or something?

He went nuclear, they are still dealing with the fallout

He heard Kojima's ideas for MGS4.

too redpilled

I mean just look at this shit

Kojima did not write the codec calls Fukushima did

>wriiten by (((William Shakespeare)))

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Murata and Etsu > Fukushima
and both seem to still be at Konami, i'm curious about the future MG.
probably won't be announced this year, next year seem more probable.

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He went nuclear and ruined the ecosystem of Japan

Kojima left his team so they could do MGS4.
Unfortunately, they are incompetent so he came back. Same thing happened with Rising until he gave the idea to Platinum.

I'm still curious how would have been MGS4 if the initial game happened.

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No, Kojima returned because the team, Konami and him were receiving treats, see it was because of the fans.

and MGS:R could have been completed with one more year of dev. the story was done. and it wasn't done by the older guys (only younger team members), Kojima may have cancelled the game to have more people on V.

Doesn't matter if Rising had a story complete. They couldn't find a way to make the game anything more than a watermelon cutting tech demo. It was never going to be released as a kojipro game, Platinum did a pretty good salvage job

Fukushima wrote his version of MGS1's story, it is called "In the Darkness of Shadow Moses", reads fucking great.

>the whole thing with Raiden and the colonel being an AI was written by fukushima

so Fukushima is responsible for a plot twist in MGS that was so bad it ended up raping the series? Since MGS4 had to revolve that stupid shit

Death Stranding will be Kojima's Tempest.

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MGRR is still a fantastic game.
but i would be curious if they manage to "finish" the old MGS:R project. Etsu seem to still be at Konami and he wanted that.

dunno but i always wanted an excuse to post this

I'm an incult, what was the deal with Tempest?

Everyone fucking knows fukushima co-wrote the games, what that user is talking about is people talking like they know the exact things each of them worked on and the quality of their contribution based on assumptions about which things they wrote.



>overwrittren crap

It can't be just any coincidence that mgs4 was as bad as it was and this dude vanished at the same time. This dudes writing shows how much more grounded he is than kojima, ghost Babel and snake tales both show that. They had to have had some sort of falling out. Why doesn't anybody ever ask kojima about where Fukushima is?

>watch youtube video going in depth on MGS franchise
>Claims to be a mgs fan
>never once mentions Fukushima

thats what annoys me, 1-3 was Kojima & Fukushima

Kojima is a hack by himself, he is a great game designer though, just not a good writer which is sad seeing as its almost as if hes embarrassed by this

Happens everywhere, not only Japan
Look for example at that bitch jade raymond taking all the credit for Assassins Creed when she was just a producer

Fukushima worked a little as a QR guy at Sony japan studio, but nothing new since 2016/2017.
If we are lucky he may have returned at Konami like Uehara did (main programmer of MGS1-2-3 + helped with 4), but i doubt it.
There's still some talented guys beside him and Kojima , who are still at Konami.

MGS3 was Kojima + Fukushima + Murata
the holy trinity.

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I think Konami killed him for Jokima because Jokima was mad that Tomokazu was getting some recognition in MGS titles.
We never heard about Tomokazu after MGS3, he doesnt even exist past 2005.
I think all info regarding Tomokazu was deleted from the internet. All you have is his name

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He does exist, unless a guy have the exact same name as him.
he's just a very minor guy now.
his supposed last work as 2016, and he wasn't important at all.

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>from MG writer to QR guy of "everybody golf"
what the hell.

He's never worked by himself. The closest he's ever got to doing that was with Snatcher and Policenauts. Everything he's done since then has had a co-writer or two.

AFAIR he was in MGS4 and there were plans to kill Solid Snake and Otacon, then there were disputes about the plot and he disappeared since then.

wft was he doing from 2004 to 2013? and is he still at Konami?

Demon Edition is bullshit.
but i still want an announcement...but it's probably not for this year...just a year to wait i guess...

But we all fucking knows it won't be a real new game but a remake...

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you know who else I hate more than Kojima? Fags who praise him like a god.
Untalanted fags like this retard who is making a "movie" and wont stop riding his dick

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He left Konami during MGS4. well, nothing was reported, but he probably did that since he was listed in MGS4 at first back in 2006.
absolutely nothing was reported from 2006 to 2013
it's like the guy changed his profession, just like the MGA guy who became a mobile phone salaryman after the failing of Neverdead. (he still have some ties at Konami however. he was asked for a new MG game, but he refused.)

Did he fuck some bigwigs wife or something?

wtf is in demon edition?

I bet he fantasizes of seeing sunlight after breaking out of pachinko labour camp

Jordan probably won't even do the MG movie.
even the Bioshock movie was more advanced than the supposed MG movie. and the Bioshock movie was canceled.
Pachinko are made by Konami amusement, not Konami digital entertainement.

Worse, he probably disagreed with vice president kojima.

some meme rerelease of MGSV fags have been pushing

Why IS Kojima so ashamed of being a good game designer though?

He so desperatly wants to be a big time hollywood director but his talent lies in game design, all the interesting tech stuff in the MGS games was Kojimas ideas, maybe not the deeper story elements hes credited for but easily the cool shit like the melting ice or dozens of other examples in the games

a shitty Yea Forums rumours about a reworked MGS5, that a lot of people believe, including some medias for some reasons, to be announced at Gamescom.
but it's 100% fake, even if there was a gamescom announcement, it woudn't be that.
Kojima became the vice president in 2011, it was before.

What does he do these days?

That's why i'm afraid of Death Stranding.
Kojima is a genius game director, but he desperately want to make movies.

He isn't? Don't know why you'd even think that when he's constantly saying that he loves making games and wants to try to do new shit that can only be done in games.

and yet Death Stranding look to have less gameplay than all the previous MG games...

Not really, looks like it's going to be a heavily gameplay focused game much like MGSV.

It's just a joke. Isn't he MIA since snake eater? We don't know anything about what happens with this guy

zoomer detected

He has said he wanted to leave the MGS series since 2, he literally said he made 4 because the fans forced him too

5 he made solely to test out his game design ideas, its why MGSV is pretty much a MGS game in name only

>he said he didn’t want to do MGS any more. This is the same thing as saying he doesn’t want to work on video games.

The fuck does any of that have to do with what I was saying? He was sick of working on the same franchise, he's never said anything about not wanting to make video games anymore.

Anyone remember when some fucking retards on Yea Forums genuinely were tricked into thinking Hideo Kojima was 2 guys

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Reminder that Kojima has a wife & kids

>contrarians pretending some no name co-writer that wrote a few codec calls and later made 2 forgotten GBA and PSP games was some sort of mastermind

Why are you all so pathetic to hate on anything and anyone popular?

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Better question is why he wants to be a writer so badly, he's an awful writer, he's good at general themes, but he thinks his need for perfectionist level explanation of everything translates into good writing, when the ideas he wants to present are surface level at best, and he goes off on a tangent about the local flora and fauna longer than he does the theme he wants to present. I don't know if murata is also a shit writer or if he's just a yes man, but whoever was filling in the gaps during mgs 1-3 needs to come back. MGS PW and V are just a bunch of themes with almost no payoff, and 4 is just let's throw everything in the pot and mix it all together: the script


no its actually knowing the franchise and the people behind it not some faggot zoomer or youtuber who sucks kojimas dick to sound like they have good taste in vidya

*has a wife and her kids

>that one severely brain damaged autist who fell for the co-writer meme

off yourself


>made 2 forgotten GBA and PSP games
Didn't even make them, just wrote the story of GB and co-wrote MGA.

Nincels like the abuse. They say stupid shit so people will tell them they're a dumb faggot. Some people are bottoms in every aspect of life. It's just what it is.

Reminder that (most of) games aren't made by one person.

Reminder that most books are written by one person.

I don't read books so idk.

He has stories he wants to tell. People seem to enjoy them and the standard of writing in games is incredibly low so it doesn't really matter anyway.

gamers are dumb as fuck

its like all these fat nerds asking fro Half Life 3, they LITERALLY BELIEVR Gabe makes them by himself when most of the writers and devs left years

Yeah, that's fair I suppose.

Reminder that there only one director.

So to clear it up for you autist. If some chimp comes along and wants to write some codec about political espionage and le data collection, the director (Kojima), decides wether you get green light or not.

If your co-writer Fuku-literally who tier-shima would have all the fetch about the entire MGS universe he would have done it by himself but he didn't did he?

Literally fuck off my board and never post here again.

Wow, all the games he didn't write on are garbage


Why do Kojimadrones get so mad when you say that he didnt make the games literally by himself

go watch some Yongyea you faggot

Complete bullshit, fuck off retard. Fukushima wrote some codecs and that's about it. Kojima wrote the main plot, cutscene direction, and main codec segments.

>Kojima wrote the main plot,

no he didn't literally look at the credits for the first 3 games he co-wrote it with Fukushima

Why is this so controversial? I really don't get it

Nobody thinks this except anti-kojima niggers who want to force it so they can shitpost easier.

>hur dur kojima drone
>why get so mad hur dur dur

Go fucking hang yourself after being fucking told. Spastics like you have no say and never will have say in anything because you don't grasp the simple concept behind hierarchie in development.
Hell you probably never finished a single project in your pathetic life.
As a co-writer you are less worth than a programming monkey. So don't pretend like he is the one who is the mastermind behind it all. You are a fucking degenerate stay in your place.

It’s controversial because kojima is a hack

SEETHE harder faggot, Fukushima wrote the best part in the entire franchisealong with the philosophical shit Kojima WISHED he could write

Go back to MemeGS4

MGS from 4 onwards were trash and only propped up by konami advertising money

People mad at this Fukushima thing out themselves immediately as zoomers who either started the franchise at 4/5 or never even played the trilogy and just watched youtube walkthroughs

You have zero proof that he wrote that specific part of the game.
That's the fucking irony of le fukushima meme. You just parrot a convenient half-truth which has now been accepted as fact by an astonishingly retarded board.

>Fukushima has writing credits on the MGS games with story that has self-awareness and goofiness that actually help the serious aspects of the games and keep them from being pretensions

>Soon as he's out of the writing credits, MGS becomes a humorless, retarded, self indulgent mess without any kind of realization how fucking stupid is all is since it takes itself 100% seriously. Death Stranding looks even worse in that aspect.

What a coincidence.

Murata > Fukushima and Kojima

The fact that retards are unable to see this is hilarious

> h-he just wrote the codecs
> 90% of exposition is in the codecs

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he looks like abe from gccx.

also I never thought the writing in any MGS was really that spectacular, they're all very over the top and campy. 5 is the worst by far don't get me wrong, but none of them are exactly literary masterpieces. The gameplay held them up.

>Fukushima wrote the codec calls
>that is literally in a codec call in MGS2


Ok retard
Wow wrote 2 shit games!

Now pretend that AC!D is some well written masterpiece now contrarian

Wrote some, nice cope hipster

Yongyea is that you?

> kojicuck calling people hipsters

the acid2 story was pretty good...

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Kojima is heavily overrated as a director.

Even his own team was aware of that.

why do they get so mad?

I really do not get you kojicucks

Its in the literal credits of the games thart Fukushima wrote the codec calls

oh wait you never even played them and just passively watched youtube playthroughs like most of Yea Forums

Here's a real leak
MGSV port for Switch and Stadia
new MG project in developement but no other informations, for next gen.

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Kojima is a lazy hack that takes credit from other peo-
>"It was hugely frustrating making games at that time for me. I wanted to control everything. So, after the second Metal Gear launched, I developed my own scripting engine and decided to work on adventure games so that I could have complete control over when the animation played or when the music triggered. That's when I developed Snatcher and Policenauts. It was a way to take creative control back from the programmers."

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Sure it’s not splinter cell?

I doubt dogs and the "!" are stable of the splinter cell serie, and the ubisoft ceo teased the next splinter cell is a mobile game.

So he did everything for his programmers to not have any creative freedom? that's pretty bad right?

>no u are mad ;.;

Said hipster that hates kojima so much that you try to discredit him so much that you will praise literally nobodies in the credit scene

>This interview made about during a time where game development was a team effort of 6-10 people somehow describes his entire career in the AAA industry of today

Kojima can't afford and can't pull the "I do everything xD" because anyone thinking that's even remotely possible is fucking retarded.

you sperg lord kojima nut huggers sure are ate the fuck up over every little thing.

stik to writin yer metal gear rumor wank stories

>hates Kojima

I love Kojima though, why are you autsits unable to comprehend nuance, just because I said that MGS was also written by Fukushima doesn't mean I HATE Kojima

have sex

Demon edition = MGS 4 + 5

fucking neck yourself

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Nobody's claiming he produces his new games alone, but he's still responsible for the majority of creative decisions for them.

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If Fukushima was so great, why was Snake Tales so fucking dogshit?

Because he's not.

>another fukushimafag thread
i hate this re-run