
>your country
>its best game
>how you'd rate its gaming scene overall

>Pic related
>Talos Principle
>4/10, which is still pretty good, all things considered

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you even have anything besides croteam?

Off the top of my head, we have Starpoint Gemini, Gas Guzzlers and Doodle Jump

Ours is pretty shit honestly. We had Gothic, then Anno, Daedalic adventure games, spec ops the line
For our size our vidya industry is pathetic, the french shit all over us

> Belgium
> Fucking nothing


Attached: 0206_-_CwPCbGR.png (500x500, 205K)

>I can't choose

Un-ironically more innovative than anywhere else but there's always room to improve. Not to mention how gaming worldwide has taken a nose-dive recently.

When things grow too big it stifles innovation and uniqueness in favour of spreadsheets and concessions.

>SW Rouge squadron
>Lair (believe it or not, it's a good game)
>Realms of Arkania
>Drakensang 2

>Witcher 3
>5/10, endless Gothic nostalgia, but I can dig that
At least CPR put us on a gaming map

Probably Commandos
5/10, commandos and old classics were top, but the most recent things are indies like Blasphemous, Gris and TemTem which besides the former don't inspire much hope.

Attached: a0liPUN.png (817x669, 272K)

>pic related
>Anno 1603, the one that started the series

Ori and the blind forest was breddy gud aswell I guess

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>pic related
>other than mordhau and talking tom its pretty much non-existent.

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>Probably Commandos
I really don't understand people prefering 2 over 1

>>Drakensang 2
How's the Drakensang series for someone who actually plays DSA?

>pic related

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Commandos 2: Men of Courage
3/10, too many young indie "entrepreneurs" with no real ambition beyond 2d pixel platformers.

Also what the fuck, why not Serious Sam? Talos Principle is nice but it surprises me you didn't chose SS.

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>zeno clash
>2/10, it is mostly league of legends circlejerking and pokemon nostalgia

>Pic related
>3/10 mostly shovelware but was better years ago

Attached: BanjoKazooieRender.png (350x350, 118K)

What about Divinity Original Sin 1/2?

Sam and Talos are two of my favourite games of all time, with number 3 being the Serbian Underrail. It was a pretty close call.

>some shitty edutaiment game that I don't even remember the name
>1/10 there's literally nothing
Argentina at least had Scratches

>Not pic related

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3/10? What about TW, GTA, etc?

>beyond shit unless you like hidden object games

Attached: 522.jpg (500x533, 66K)

Rares best game was Battletoads Double Dragon tho

>pic related
>LA Noire

Attached: aussieshitpiost.jpg (800x450, 53K)

>don't know, one half seems to be shovelware and the other half isn't even 100% Dutch

So a perfect representation of the country itself! Nice!


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>Mount & Blade

Attached: download.jpg (788x1024, 91K)

Space Rangers 2
10/10 scene in mid to late 90s, but it got worse every year getting to absolutely shit in mid 00s and it stayed shit tier since then

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All I know about vidya in the netherlands is that you had a really talented HL2:DM mapper

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y is he wearing lederhosen if he is austrian and not bavarian?

Doesn't have any.
The only fighting game locals are for Smash even in the bigger cities, so I'd say it's shit based on that.

Because Lederhosen are a form of traditional austrian clothing aswell? Austria and Bavaria are more similar to each other than bavaria and northern germans

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>same as you, OP
>I don't play Croatian games

Are you still recovering from WC2018, user? You don't remember Psygnosis and their games?

>Momodora 4
>2/10 barely anyone does anything good.

I haven't played a single one of our games.

If Talos Principle is our best game yet you rated it 4/10 then we must really fucking suck.

How's Serious Sam?

I'm jebeni kreten, that wasn't you rating the game.

>be a Serb
>doesn't like Super Momčilo

>gorky 17 aka odium

Croteam's only good game was Serious Sam


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Oh I ment the franchise in general, not the first game specifically

Probably Crysis
4.5/10 German games suck

Play Gothic 2, man.

play gothic 1 instead, its much better

Play Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 anyway, but Gothic 2 is a much better game than Gothic 1.
Seriously, when was the last time you played the last third of Gothic 1? The game has great atmosphere, but it is seriously running out of steam especially towards the end.

But you will enjoy Gothic 2 a lot more if you already played Gothic 1. However, if you only get to play one of them, play the second one.

>GTA:V, specifically online

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