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Meanwhile, Trump wants to ban games. Why can't Bolsonaro be POTUS? Why did we have to be suck with a fucking stupid globalist boomer?
a hehehehehehehehehehe
Bannon bet on Trump being easy to manipulate in favor of his politics but didn’t realize that meant neocons could manipulate him too. Y’all got cucked hard lol
so what does this mean? cheaper videogames?
I think so for the BRs. A PS4 there costs like $600 or something.
I mean, he reduced 10% of the taxes, might as well do nothing.
>10% of a R$2000 console is nothing
can he cut the fucking amazon too?
Yes, do nothing and lets keep paying for those ludicrous taxes. Any tax reduction is welcome.
>Says minorities are basically zoo animals
>Cut gamers taxes
All presidents should be like him
Based. Leftists and faggot activists seeth at him so much.
Why every single gringo has become so obsessed with the Amazon ever since Bolsonaro was elected? I have never seem anyone in the world give two iotas of a fuck to the Amazon but now suddenly no one can stop talking about it. The Amazon isn't yours, deal with it.
That's right, it's nothing. You can find consoles for less than R$2000 on amazon br.
Any tax reduction should be welcome but what bolsonaro's doing is ridiculous, and it seems to be working with no-brainers like you. Dumb user.
How easy is it to fuck women in Brazil?
>drumpf aumenta a taxa sobre produtos vindos da china deixando tudo mais caro
>bozonaro reduz o imposto do vidya no bostil
>tudo vem dos am*ricornos na mesma
>preço não sofre diferença, nada acontece feijoada
Such a shame that hiro banned c brain
But isn't it only for brazilian games?
Still just a small change, but he did tell us that in advance and that he wants to cut them off more. Based.
I'm not a fucking huehuehue whose music is made by goblins
Chora mais, esquerdista de merda.
Why can't Trump be BOTH pro vidya and guns?
Those two go hand in hand and he would win forever.
whatever,i pirate everything on pc anyway
>wow, based aa fu-
>50 to 40%, 20 to 16% and 40 to 32%
Sorry but it's fucking nothing.
At this point I'd rather be less taxed on anime figures. Pretty sure retailers will find an excuse to keep prices the same.
>"Any tax reduction should be welcome"
>he reduces a tax
>sweet, thanks to the tax cut I have 20R$ left to buy something extra!
>buy a coke and a sandwich
>no money left
It's a good initiative, but it's a shitty cut that's insubstantial.
mama eu
coping esquerdista
Based retards.
>he unironically think games will go down from 200/250 to 100
I fucking wish
>im-fucking-plying huemonkeys buy video games
i dont play on shit plataforms, so, dont really matter for me
>panem et circenses
welcome to dictatorship.
>huehues buy games
wtf Yea Forums told me you guys were based pirates
No I can assure you, almost no here buy games.
since it cannot be measured, i stronly believe there are more "gamers" in Brazil, than the entirety of the USA.
this also correlates nicely with how violent Brazil is
Those taxes are coming out of UNE funding btw
while thats great for the hues that means more lag from the brazilians
br here, will keep pirating vidya idgaf lmao
I’ve heard about the importance of the Amazon and how bad deforestation is for it pretty much all my life huehue, people are just very vocal about it because you retards voted for a crazy boomer who wants to sell it to his banker friends
You just need to be well-off by Brazilian standards and not be Quasimido ugly. I also recommend looking outside the bug cities. A lot less inbreeding in Brazil, so lots of cuties around the brazilian midwest and south.
We also have a surplus of women, so don't feel bad for " stealing" them.
it's not fully yours either retarded hue
It's a start. I don't like bringing up " what about Lula, Dilma, PT..." but it's more than they did for the gaming market than 14 years of PT administration.
Because guns cause mass murders of white people.
Bolsanegro is also a globalist, he's selling all of Brazil's infrastructure to kikes (Americans) and turbo-kikes (Israelis).
>20 BR bucks for a coke and a sandwich
That's rich neighborhood prices, user. If you have to pay that for a simple coke and sandwich, you are living well off, user.
>outside the bug cities
>imploring there's such a thing in monkeytown. If anything he's tricking jews into buying something, quite a feat
The white educated middle class has always been absolutely obsessed with the Amazon, only ghetto negros don't give a damn about it.
Buy games on console*
They actually buy a few games on PC. Nuuvem is an example of a Brazilian PC game site that is doing quite well with a mostly BR consumer base.
brb moving to Brazil
>My name is Pedro and I'm from Rio de Janeiro. I say fuck them all.
>h-he's just tricking the Jews, not collaborating with them!
>j-jokes on you, I actually don't mind dying for Israel!!
>actually, Jews are based!!
Globalist kike get out of Brazil.
>>j-jokes on you, I actually don't mind dying for Israel!!
MIGA spouting retard are unironically the most retarded blackpiller group to have ever existed. I mean 3 years of spouting this shit and neither Trump nor Bolsonaro have started a war.
There's literally nothing wrong with jews.
still on ps2, huh
>neither Trump nor Bolsonaro have started a war.
why would they? Everything is going according to plan
Kike puppet out of Brasil. You'll regret going after Brasil once the day of the rope comes around, Jew.
>incoherent babbling
Is anti-semitism also a symptom of this mental derrangement, or is it the cause?
>hurr durr MIGA die for Israel in their war
>*based chad Trump and Bolsonaro supporter comes forth*
>they didn't start any war thus it is impossible for them to MIGA
>*kikes depress braps to death*
why are kikes so pathetic?
Fuck off zionist, Brasil is for Brasilians
>more BR's on psn
delicious schadenfreude.
Why is he wearing Lederhosen? Is he descended from Nazi refuges?
No, that's jews.
>50% to 40%
Meanwhile the rainforest is being burned, natives are being killed, black people are dying in the slums and right wing extremists spout hate crimes on the internet without any punishment. I'm honestly ashamed for Brazil
basado pirata dos sete mares
>natives are being killed, black people are dying in the slums and right wing extremists spout hate crimes on the internet without any punishment.
wtf that sounds based I like huehue now.
hopefully this means you guys can afford more than one console now and we don't have to put up with console war threads anymore.
>wanting more BR huehues laggers on PSN
Consoles should get outright banned in Brazil.
no lol
retailers will just eat the difference
>black people are dying in the slums
>implying it wasn't happening all the time before
This. People dying in the slums is nothing new and they never have a shortage of people to die anyways.