There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya. The fact that sex sells isn't a wildly new concept that is absolutely incomprehensible. Tits and asses and thighs and midriffs keeps my eyes glued and interested. What, are you sacred of those things user? What are you, gay? Or is it you fear the judgemental views of your brainlet peers and joined this stupid crusade against tits and ass to feel morally superior? Before you go on any of your inane drivel do mind you're sharing the same board with people who unironically believes "old game good new game bad" and that story in game absolutely doesnt matter. Now post more vidya waifus.
There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya...
Other urls found in this thread:
what about gameplay?
It's true but you sound like a gamer to me, m8.
don't post uncensored mouthpussy on a family friendly board
>you sacred of those things user?
Brain so full of cum that he can't even type properly. SAD!
fuck off incel
>hurr based
Youre preaching to the choir here you pussy. You arent special or intelligent. Yet you wont post this anywhere where your ego wont get stroked for free by fellow SemenSkulls.
Yeah theres nothing wrong with it but you don't need it. Also putting sex in everything is degenerate and very ttanny3/faggot esque as theyre disgusting horny creatures who thino only of cum and sex. Youre falling down the slippery slope. Have self control.
What can you even report this thread for? Technically it's video games and I don't see any fitting categories
Nothing wrong with putting titties and ass in games. It only becomes a problem for me when the discussion of the game revolves around the character's ass smell instead of the actual game.
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I start drinking
Makin' my mind slow,
That's why I don't fuck wit any cunn-po
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me needs more semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Fuck off cumbråin
>The fact that sex sells isn't a wildly new concept that is absolutely incomprehensible
But it is bullshit. There's no evidence that sex sells and plenty of evidence it DOESN'T sell. Sorry, incel, there's just not enough of you in the world to be worth targeting as a demographic for anyone but small, niche developers who can't compete with the big guns.
I mean Tits & Ass are fine but if that's all the game has. Pass.
T&A + good gameplay (like Endless frontier) or good story (Automata) is the best combo
Okay now this is based.
Seething trendposter. I've seen your kind with havesexdilatetrannycope posting. You're picking up new words and pretend they somehow alleviate your opinions to a whole new level. Gamer is such a basic bitch insult someone from 2009 could've said it in some random forum arguments. Stop latching on trends and buzzwords!
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I start drinking
Makin' my mind slow,
That's why I don't fuck wit any cunn-po
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me needs more semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
>stop latching onto trends word
Shut the fuck up nigger
There is nothing wrong with it. There is something wrong with you, your head to be specific, since you feel the need to post about it all day every day.
This tbqh
I like it because it makes women and kikes angry
>"hurr me post vocaroo that means me right!"
someone already posted that pasta zoom zoom
True, but there's also no reason to continue playing a game that doesn't have satisfying gameplay.
Oh goodie a new thread! Alright faggots which one of you wants a piece of my buzzwords that I got in stored.
I fucking hate both extremes of this meme.
I like to talk about video games and I like to talk about lewds a lot as well. Why does it have to be one or the other? Just let everyone talk about what they want. You can't stop people from posting sexy girls and you can't stop people from wanting to talk about video games.
Have Kids Cumbrian
You quite literally could do both of those things, though.
>There's no evidence that sex sells and plenty of evidence it DOESN'T sell.
This is objectively empirically wrong and this post must be bait
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I start drinking
Makin' my mind slow,
That's why I don't fuck wit any cunn-po
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me needs more semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
>tfw you learned that you can get your dopamine by shitposting and baiting
Feels good to play both sides.
w-what's the prerequisites for being a gamer?
fap twice a day?
This is what I do. I ignore everything else.
This wouldn't have happened if you talked about cute girls on the boards that are specifically about this topic and let Yea Forums be entirely about video game discussion like it's supposed to be.
What he said.
Also sex appeal is fine and dandy as long as gameplay, story and anything else that can make a game better as a video game aren't compromised as a trade-off.
That's some grade A thrussy right there.
have a quick fap and come back, you'll feel a lot better
personally i'm laughing, reminds me when tips fedora was in full swing and managed to stamp out off topic atheism arguments.
hurr durr
semen memory goo
what set off the retards this time
I spat my drink out.
Cvmbrain posting is my new favorite thing.
Fucking this
>mfw I've been calling porn lovers as jizzheads on one side and calling no porn fags as trannies on the other and I get dopamine on who gets buttblasted the most
>Researchers have often attempted to answer the question, ‘Does sex sell?’ In this article, we present a meta-analysis of studies that used an experiment to test the effect of sexual appeals in ads on memory, attitude, and purchase intention. Our analysis revealed a significant positive effect for sexual appeals on ad recognition and recall (weighted Cohen's d = .38, p < .001), but the effect on brand recognition and recall was not significant (d = .09, p = .30). We also found that the effect of sexual appeals on attitude towards the ad was not significant (d = −0.07, p = .26); however, additional analysis showed that males (d = .27, p < .01) evaluate ads with sexual appeals significantly more positively than females (d = −.38, p < .001). Finally, we found a small significant negative effect on brand attitude (d = −.22, p < .05), but no effect on purchase intention (d = .01, p = .94).
I wish that were me.
This but unironically.
People like you are the biggest hypocrites, you always shitpost on how there's literally nothing wrong with object characters but then get extremely butthurt when a game has character designs that don't appeal to you in particular.
If it's fine to have cum begging sluts then it's fine to have a non binary genderqueer hamster that needs no man. But nope, you get butthurt like a pathetic soccer mom when that happens.
Is this vore
Yeah, no shit. Where do you think Michael Bay got his billions? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't his dialogue.
Truly we are the men of culture.
I like how ever CB poster is casually ignore that most married men are just the same
if they spent some time doing a job that uses strength and endurance instead of posting on an imageboard all day, they would know just how often women and sex comes up in conversation
I guess it's just a bunch of low-test losers who think everyone should be as asexual as them
absolutely based
Posting that image in more than 1 thread
A strong focus on tits and ass in a video game generally means lower quality story and characters, but a larger focus on gameplay. It has its place, but so do games that focus on narrative.
Your brain is so overloaded with cum you can't even string a coherent sentence together.
>Where do you think Michael Bay got his billions?
From the violence. That's what people love.
It's not difficult to determine what sells in video games. It's pretty consistently violence and sports topping the charts and has been for decades. It's not sex.
funny how automata is a story driven game then huh
>yep, how's the weather been?
Nothing about that post is incoherent, you brainlet.
the fact that they need to abstain from porn to avoid depression just shows how genetically inferior and beta they really are
Yes it’s from the last page of a comic where she eats 9S
and yours is so overloaded with estrogen that you can't see a woman without feeling offended
I know, I'm saying I do as well. I'm saying both people that constantly complain about others posting lewds and people complaining about people complaining about lewds by posting more lewds are retarded.
>being a CB kills creativity and reward centers of the brain
>all anti-CB OC consists of just wojaks and derivative pasta
Wow 2B you really are daddy's little slut hahah
Oh what's that? You love it when I touch your little pussy there hahah
I like it too to be honest, you 2D pussy feels so nice
Want me to penetrate you baby
Yeah I'll penetrate you
>if I complain enough about something then it'll go away
that sure is how Yea Forums works
>There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya.
There is when it's all you're looking for. That's a mental disorer. People play video games to play video games. If you play video games looking for porn, you're fucked in the head.
Funny because it's the cvmbrains that always get offended at literally every woman that is not clothed like a slut.
As usual, you're missing the point so badly, it's embarrassing. Stop embarrassing yourself, user
The irony is that statement is applicable to both sides.
My man.
What about feet?
The reality is that your buzzword spam will die down while anime and lewds will always exist.
bro that was cringe
how many threads are you gonna post this in?
The reality is that your anime and lewdposting will eventually be seen as the infantile, room temperature IQ posting it is.
I view buzzwords and lewds the same: methods to get (You)s.
Have sex
Can umm someone cum inside my brain pls? I need dopamine
I'll give you a (You) instead, should be worth as much.
Is this cvmbrain humor?
How embarassing...
Wait you guys might be onto something. I think I have a problem in my head?
Can you clarify it for me?
2B you're gonna get it you little cumslut
You know you want it
You want daddy's big fat cum dispenser
Yeah of course you do my little cum darling
You're gonna get it right in your fat minge
This gamer shit is hilarious. I’ll kind of miss it when it eventually dies out.
Why haven't all those buzzwords gotten filtered except cumbrâin?
>he's in multiple cumbrain threads
Shut up tranny /pol/ loving nazi faggot go back to tumblr reddit :^)
Get btfo
T & A can be nice, but it doesn't define a game. Gameplay, story, C & C, etc are more important imo.
> infantile, room temperature IQ posting
Says the guy who's spamming wojaks.
>story in game absolutely doesnt matter
this is true though
Wtf this is based guys this guy is based
Yea Forums approved
Jizzheads btfo
It’s even filtered holy shit
keep dreaming dude.
I, too, really miss the times of rage comics and leejun. And advice animals.
I know you nazi incel roastie feminazi communist resetera 8gag christian puritan tranny schizo redditors are trying to destroy anime and video games BUT WE WILL DEFEND OUTSELVES.
Stay back!!!
Your attempts to oppress us gamers has gone on long enough... and now you want to take away our anime girls... not today tranny nazi feminist tumblristas...
I have just initiated GAMERGATE 2.0
Enjoy getting destroyed
Is that...
user I lurk in 23 diffrent threads. thats like 10% of this board rn so of course I would notice someting like this
Seething Jizzhead
It's just 2b
Not much wrong with it but at the same time it's not a necessity, it doesn't improve games in any way
>no benis
This is why 9S is superior.
Reminder, cümbrains.
The only people who get off from forcing their shitty vocaroos are autists from /r9k/
You’re probably being ironic but this board was in a better state back then.
Sorry lad I'm in my climax on my 10th masterbation session.
Pretty relax and chill right now bucko.
why would I care what some used up roastie cunt has to say? maybe if she's 12 I'll be interested
The r9k tranny poltard reddit Q LARPer feminazis?
I am and it did, but that poison was only marginally better than this one. I prefer no poison whatsoever.
How can cümbrains even compete guys?
>cope still not filtered
>seething still not filtered
>dilate still not filtered
>yikes still not filtered
>incel still not filtered
>have sex still not filtered
>but c*mbrain is
Every fucking time I hear the voice of a Yea Forumsirgin they ALWAYS sound like this. Every fucking time.
Goodnight guys.
This cvmbrain meme has had me laughing all night.
Well they stop posting porn guys we did it.
We saved the board they finally see the error in their ways. Probably went to go outside and have sex for once amirite lads?
I made a millions dollars and i'm banging a supermodel right now.
there is something wrong with that black line on her tongue tho. God damn toobes get that pube out of your mouth
Man this new meme is just too funny. The best thing is that literally every sex focused thread has now cvmbrain at the center of discussion. It's literally the same how gameplay discussion threads were always derailed by cvmbrain posters.
It's so fucking hilarious, if you can't defeat them just make them taste their own medicine. Fucking love how the cvmbrains just can't stop crying. Years of gameplay discussion derailment just to get now killed by this shitty meme.
Mixing sex with violence rubs me the wrong way. War is the ultimate test of strength and fortitude and this is the sort of experience I want:
I think it struck a nerve with a janny or two
trannies seething
I thought you were singing Disturbia by Rihanna
No just the faggots from /r9k/ because they're pathetic enough to do this
>please stop dabbing on us..
why are you making shit up, you can't be that retarded that you think pictures actually "derail" threads, you can still talk about gameplay, if no one wants to talk about it then they won't talk about it whether there's pictures or not
if anything the picture dumps are there to keep the threads alive so people who want to talk can come and discuss
but of course you don't care about that, you just want to spam a buzzword
just cramming everything with tits and ass for the sake of having tits and ass is cringe and just lowers shit to anime tier. Lowest common denominators everywhere defending this gay shit, just look at porn retards
>tfw high IQ and don't buy games just because it got ''sexy anime girls''
The jizzbrain meme is literally resetera tranny eunuchs trying to sanitize this board like they have been since they invaded over gamergate. Suck a cock you niggers.
That line is 9S’s bandana
Till you cry and break.
G*mers needs to be purged.
>So unsuccessful in the real world that they have to rely on video games to satisfy their pathetic primal instincts
Its becoming embarrassing to play video games in public because of these damn incels that want big tits in everything. Xenoblade 2 didnt have to be the way it was but here we are.
Literally go have sex with a prostitute, its not the end of the world.
Did they think this would actually work though? How could they not see that?
absolutely seething tranny
i'd tell you to jerk off, but you probably chopped your dick off
where do you think you are?
Just the same how people keep discussing sexy characters after the thread gets derailed because of the cvmbrain meme, right? The meme becomes the center of discussion and everyone just talks about it. You're too retarded to see something so simple.
It's the same as when someone starts talking about politics in a gameplay thread. Taste your own shit.
>sexy girls bad
>spamming wojak every waking hour good
Please just eat a bullet already.
No it's not you fucking cuck. You say the same shit about Yea Forums and how it's turned into /soc/2? No, you don't. So shut the fuck up and go back to your hentai boards and stay there.
I only hate it if people start ERPing
>christfags did this
>trannies did this
>/pol/ did this
Your brain on cum
Why do Americans have such a vendetta against Christianity? I wouldn't be surprised if you're from Plebbit, but even so it seems that any time someone wants you people to better yourselves and live up to your potential you lash out at some stereotype of Midwestern American Christianity. Hilarious.
>Till you cry and break.
I'd start posting cropped porn before i would stoop so low
I literally laugh at all the jizzbrain subhuman losers that play gacha and waste money rolling trying to a get a fucking jpg of an anime girls. I can't help but feel superior to you all.
>the triggered christfag kneejerk response
not really, active threads stay being active and if you start spamming threads that are on page 9 with 2 posters then no wonder that 90% of the thread will be your spam
Literally every thread where the cvmbrain meme gained momentum it was impossible to talk about anything else. But fucking enjoy the next few months with that shitty new meme that doesn't bother me at all since I mainly post in gameplay threads.
Muh toxic masculinity and my soggy knees
I hired an escort last night and it was great, really
rent free
imagedump threads are generally inactive, they have dumps to keep the thread from sinking to page 10, any posting will increase the activity by 1000%, are you really this new?
by which you mean you post in tf2 threads and whinge about politics
Why the fuck would christfags even come here in the first place? You're a drooling retard.
>frustrated and seething that they literally can not cum anymore
Checks out.
mm feet
>not even denying it
you don't know about 2016?
>There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya
Yes there is. It panders to YOUR sexual urges and not SJW's. Get rekt nerd lamo
It's no secret that prude sjw trannies and altright /pol/tard christhipsters have their views against sexual imagery align literally constantly.
>Screenshotting your own posts
two sides of the same coin
I like tits and ass in my games. Just not all of them. Fan service is only good when used correctly. To much makes it boring.
Bambi sleep
have sex you retarded weeb nigger
Fanservice is fine, but shouldn't be the main selling point.
whoever made that shitty image was mad lul
Proof is all around you. Also
>muh cümbrains lack creativity!!
>let me post this wojak edit number #245633, that'll show them
absolutely based
Ironic that wojaknigger post about other people's brain being ruined.
good thing r/donald isn't invading this site, you people are literally the same
You are literally a nigger.
Is this only for men or is the sacrosanct of women's sexuality also something to be abhorred?
>being butthurt by lewds on an adult website
Are you freaks even human?
Yeah, and the tits and ass is when people go to the bathroom. No one is in there because he films and casts women the way he does.
>he thinks I'm American
That r/Donald forum isn't invading a site that has always had a political forum, retard. Did you get here this year?
No-one is buying your revisionism.
That's not a real problem at all. You want a discussion, start one or go somewhere else.
love anime
love tits
love ass
love cunny
hate smegheds
simple ass
OP here, thanks for the keks. The only thing I'm unironic about is riding on trendwords. If you care about the board you should cease that shit and articulate your arguments without it.
who are you even trying to fool here?
everyone knows that you retards have multiple discords that you use to raid Yea Forums
Why are you still forcing the narrative that /pol/ is behind that c*mbrain spam on Yea Forums? Fucking embarrassing.
>jews jews jews niggers degenerate jews no fap wojak
>not /pol/ btw ;)
who are you quoting?
Back in my day we had a word for that: PWND
That's pretty based.
>/pol/ has the white arm
Where is the gamer posters on a RED BOARD like /pol/?
I forgot there's a time when words like pwn and n00b were used unironically and is not cringe. Those were simpler times.
I'm in a severe state of cognitive dissonance with this. More images of my waifus being saved, but I would like to talk about video games.The average gamer spammer is severely autistic but not incorrect.
>we don't spam our own board with garbage so it's not us ;)
everyone knows that you guys have multiple discord servers, stop with this pathetic farce
no dont be reasonable. you have to pick a side between the turbohorny gigafappers and tibetian monk nofap /pol/cels. so which one is it?
cry more
Lack of tits and ass isn't an excuse to not buy a good game either though gamer.
Where is your proof? How come it's only Yea Forums being spammed when /pol/, Yea Forums, /fit/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /jp/, etc.. has almost the same amount daily nsfw threads?
>have sex
How do so many Yea Forumstards want to give up wizard powers?
There are plenty of other places where you can discuss videogames where the mods are homos.
Take a guess.
it's the most active blue board so /pol/ discords have always tried to colonise it, but you know that very well discord retard
you'll have no complaints from me
Oh, I remember, you got btfo so hard that you just left this thread to save face.
gamer. have sex.
you actually brought that thread up where you said this
>I already told you I was in multiple pol discords
you literally admitted that there are /pol/ discords that raid Yea Forums, how retarded are you?
I repeat again, where is your proof? /pol/ also have their own share of nsfw posters because it's a fucking red board and yet there's barely any c*mbrain posters....
thankfully proof is provided for me right here /pol/tard openly admitting that there are multiple /pol/ discords that raid Yea Forums with their garbage
That's not me, again, where is your proof?
Lol, this guy has so much ejaculate in his skull that he went full pedo.
This is your brain on cum everyone.
Kids with leukemia?
and it's literally you defending /pol/ while declaring that you're from a /pol/ discord
what a fucking colossal retard, you idiots can't hide yourself for half a second
I like tits and ass, but OP is an insecure faggot. Let the anti-fapping whiners whine and have their superiority complex and enjoy the T&A the way you always have.
what is there to criticize kids with leukemia tho?
Where is this so called /pol/ discords gamer posters that barely exists on the board itself in the first place?
How come you can't provide any proof?
>while declaring that you're from a /pol/ discord
I never did, it's probably you replying to yourself.
Come one provide a proof now.
>turbohorny gigafappers
Have been Yea Forums's demographic since the mid 00's. If pics of sexy women offend you then you need to go back to your transgender discord safe space.
The difference is that there is actual merit to sharing art. People will share pieces of their collection so others can add to theirs, a mutually beneficial process where they may find new pieces or even new artists. As art spreads so to does its influence, resulting in more (and hopefully better) art. Meanwhile intentionally bad posts full of bait and buzzwords only exist to get attention onto themselves. What's worse is it attracts more bait, resulting in a bunch of low quality posts that exist for no reason beyond the sake of it. That's not mutually benficial, it's just cancerous.
they look dumb with their bald head
>i-it wasn't me
except it was, too late to start backpedaling on your slip ups
you retards are always very quick to give yourselves away so what's even the point of hiding, everyone knows you're from /pol/
> he posted it again
no need to pretend you're an oldfag. you wont ever fit in.
You had a good enough point until you came here, you blithering fucking idiot.
Discussing and posting video game characters is, in fact, related and on topic for video games. I don't give a fuck what you think about the intent or the content, that is a plain fact.
Rethink your wasted life as you wipe your sopping, sodden eyes.
The this upvote and this gold fellow redditor
So where is your proof? Why can't you answer me directly?
says the wojak spammer
I love how you sperg out when someone calls out you personal false narrative.
This comic still just throws me off because of the fucking age lines on the mom, indicating that she's old enough to be wrinkled, yet she's still dressing like a teenage prostitute from the 80's. What the fuck kind of parents are these?
>not even platinum
Cheap fuck
everyone knows your agenda, why bother hiding it? if you think you're the warriors of a just cause then why do you always have to sneak around?
Has Yea Forums reached critical mass? Whats with this recent influx of degen justification? What brought it on? I thought we were always just perverts.
t. someone that has never been on Yea Forums prior to 06
fuck off election fag. you will never own this board
now you just gonna post the same thing over and over and deny everything until I have to go and work so you can declare that you "btfo" me right?
well don't worry the next thread I'll call you /pol/tard raiders out again and then you can start this farce over
People who buy games for T and A are always the most obnoxious faggots to speak to
just watch porn and jack off you retard, normal people dont need a boner 24/7 in order to enjoy things
inb4 >discord tranny or whatever gay buzzword is popular now
>redditor attempting to call everybody else a redditor
Straight for r/the_donald playbook, well done.
>writing allover your post like a Buzzfeed author trying to force-feed everyone their beliefs
Very cool.
but also ban everything that's "degenerate" right?
dumbass /pol/tards
>blue boards
>only a single /pol/ post that not even about Sadpanda
>taking a screenshot of your own post to falseflag
Now lets take a look at /pol/'s archive about sadpanda since you moved the goalposts now that got btfo, shall we?
>a teenage prostitute from the 80's
From 2013, actually.
it's not recent by any means. newfags have just gotten scott free doing whatever they want on this board for years and now that they've grown accustomed to posting character dump threads they think it's part of the board culture, which it at this point sadly is. it has nothing to do with "degeneracy" or other /pol/ lingo. it's monkey see monkey do.
>that's allowed on blueboards
Having fellatio as a fetish is the greatest thing ever
You do know there are plenty of screens from your commie subreddit floating around proving that you're the ones raiding here, right? They also have a plethora of posts made by your "comrades" claiming that your agenda is to make people believe that /pol/ posters are from r/donald themselves.
You lost before you even began.
So do you, the reasons for you and them being bald are different but in both cases it's not the person's fault
>until I have to go and work
You're a neet spamming your narrative across Yea Forums. Just admit that you got btfo since you can't provide actual proofs.
in all seriousness though your dopamine pathways have been chronically exhausted due to constant exposure to internet porn which acts as a superstimulus, the destructioin of these pathways may be connected to highly elevated levels of serotonin which at chronically high levels fuels depression, promotes cancer growth, and can also lead to sexual and erectile dysfunction
>haha you guys are spunk minds getting turned on by attractive woman. Quit being obsessed with sex loser virgins.
>Also faggot
>Bases whole identity and personality around a sexual fetish.
Just the newest underage newfag wave of activity.
who are you quoting
now that you mention look what I've found there, hmm, very interesting indeed
as many as screenshots about r/donald raiders, you people are the same thing
no need to project, I can call out you idiots all day, alas I don't have that and I'll have to work in 10 minutes
I know it's hard to imagine but not everyone has all day to spend here
but feel free to declare "your victory" over it, even though you haven't changed my mind, or anyone else's mind that you're a /pol/ discord, make sure you call on your buddies to spam reply to my posts like this, that'll make you seem less suspicious for sure
Literal chimpanzee ITT
Some big tits and asses in vidya aren't porn
Responding to posts in a sassy fashion doesn't help your case that you're not a plebbitor, plebbitor.
Do you also want women outside to wear hijabs so they don't "exhaust your dopamine"?
>everything I don't want to acknowledge is a narrative
Mods are subhumans and they know it
>no argument
cool, well since you can't comprehend it otherwise I'll give you a notice:
service announcement over, see you next time /pol/tard discord raider
>now that you mention look what I've found there
>panda threads are allowed on /pol/ during the shutdown
>while it's getting deleted on Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Why did you ignore that most of /pol/ like sadpanda?
Now how may c*mbrain results showed up on /pol/ compared to Yea Forums?
>I'll have to work in 10 minutes
You got btfo again and leave since someone called out your false narrative.
>Someone posts a thicc thigh thread
>Haha you cumcel. Spams thread to hell
>Post bara,shots,trap, bait thread
The entire joke is that they're furry weebs.
>everything I don't want to acknowledge is a narrative
Cope forever, lel
talking about which vidya girls you think are cute is talking about video games. you may not like it but it's true. saying we shouldn't talk about girls we like from vidya because there are other boards dedicated to talking about girls is like saying we shouldn't talk about which cars are fun to drive in car games because /o/ exists, or like saying we shouldn't talk about games with good scenery because /out/ exists.
>Yea Forums has imploded so hard that we're at a point where simply liking sexy female characters will inherently cause spam because it's a meme to shit on everyone
Yeah just like the lost time when someone called out your bullshit on Yea Forums.
Based nuancechad.
those are mod protected Yea Forums heritage threads. no amount of reporting will get them deleted, though individual posts that are too risque will get deleted when reported.
>this entire post
Yep, Reddit indeed.
I can't believe this many people fell for that reddit meme. I hope most of them are just the people trying to force the meme and not actually dumbasses that adopted it over here.
Only on Yea Forums.
So? Still doesn't have any actual proofs to provide?
There's a difference between just talking about lewds and being completely retarded about it. It's one thing to have a normal sex drive, different thing to be a furry diaper analvore fag, an actual tranny or "playing" gatcha.
It's just the same mentally ill shitposters circlejerking
>talking about which vidya girls you think are cute is talking about video games.
it's about as much about vidya as discussing about a game you watched on youtube. we have enough of these posers who actually dont play video games on this community like twitch faggots. we dont need waifuposters either. name another hobby or interest that has as many tertiaries and secondaries as video games.
dilate cope black niggers
we're in zoomer leddit hell
Proofs to what, retard ? Be happy that you deserve my (You)
I think this is totally wrong. Most christfags on Yea Forums did grow out of it initially, but they also grew out of that edgy atheist phase that comes afterwards.
You think you're so smart and mature but we just see you and cringe.
You say that but the obsession with FUNNY WORD HAHA in this boards culture is part of the problem, "zoomer" and "reddit" being part of the whole thing.
I think people are more talking about the quality of those threads with the gamer meme. Most of those are just shit threads. Look at . It’s an absolute dog shit thread and there’s not even any discussion of vidya, just spamming images of some moron’s waifu.
I thought you're gonna leave now for *work* lmao?
Liberals won.
It's more like you're socially vulnerable retards who will go along with whatever is popular. Literally everyone with an IQ above room temperature throughout history realized what religion was (a fraud written by rich faggots.) Einstein wrote about figuring it out when he was nine years old.
you're not wrong, it's also poe's law and the hyper ironic insincere nature of the people attracted to this place
it's not like shit threads on Yea Forums are a scarcity even if you ignore the fanservice threads. Yea Forums has always been 96% shit threads 3% decent 1% good. whether it's tits, console wars, or pepe/wojak threads, Yea Forums is always going to be mostly shit threads. making more shit threads talking about how shit other threads are doesn't solve the problem, it just makes it worse. just hide or ignore threads you don't like, it's the most functional thing you can do.
Haha fucking epic
Futa is not gay
>panda threads are allowed on /pol/ during the shutdown
>while it's getting deleted on Yea Forums and Yea Forums
The biggest offender was Yea Forums's stupid sticky.
why allow shit low effort threads to be made in the first place? I've just let it happen for a decade and hid threads that are garbage and it has reached the point when I have hundreds of threads hidden. why do I have to endure this ever deepening sea of piss?
you don't. it's your choice to keep coming back here. Complaining about it isn't going to make it better either way though. If you actually want to improve Yea Forums there's only one way to do it, but you aren't going to like it.
You have to actually post good threads and make interesting comments in other good threads. Ignore shitposters rather than replying to them, and just focus on the positive things you see.
Sex sells? Here you go bro now stop bitching
You have no arguments yourself, just pointing fingers and can't even answer a simple question directly.
The fact that you even posted this only shows how insecure you are because you got identified in a fucking mongolian throat singing board.
You would think that Yea Forums couldn't possibly get worse every year, but it somehow does the impossible. Honestly think Yea Forums has the worse userbase on this entire fucking site.
I wonder who are these fucking "people" that instantly latch on to these new words and spam it? I feel like it's a raid by discord faggots because of how fast it's spammed.
Shh, don't question it.
You are a non-ironic gamer
I’ve seen it spread to other boards, people will straight up off-topic post just to tell you you’re le gamer xdd, funny thing is you report it and they get their shit deleted while your mildly lewd image stays.
>I wonder who are these fucking "people"
>cites research into sexual content in advertisements
>not sexual content in the actual product
so you didn't prove anything.
Nier has great gameplay
I just want the /e/ and /h/ content to be posted on /e/ and /h/, is that too much to ask for
>but those boards are slow
they're slow BECAUSE their content is being posted literally everywhere else you dumb fucks
Woah.. the Jews are censoring anime titties on a video game board.. I never thought of it that way.. this is so deep..
>There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya
Sure. But there's also LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with me making fun of you for spending 60 dollars per unit to masturbate. Semencranium.
>I want
Nobody cares, kill yourself
they're called memes
this is what happens when your little inner circle has it's boundaries inverted
It's Yea Forums content too, because they are images of video game characters. Discussion and the posting of images are not mutually exclusive. One can exist without the other. If you do not like how image boards work, there are other websites that may be more to your taste.
But I would had preferred old style tifa with big bazookas. and the redesign didnt even stop people from fetishizing her just the same
>wanting more rules
ResetEra is more your speed.
seeI dont mind the eyecandy but it is just another open invitation for posters who dont play video games
>Newfags trying to pretend that their cancer is how the site always was and not the force destroying it
Yea Forums was never for cumbråins, it was for SANE people that happened to like anime and Japanese culture. The NSFW boards were made literally to quarantine your kind.
So is this entire board existing at all because of its notoriety, what's your point? By your logic we should just delete Yea Forums, hell, all of Yea Forums. I know a lot of you fuckers would want that too.
Of course you will never change your mind because you just want to spread your shitty OC screencaps and false narrative across Yea Forums.
No that user but those rules already exist. Cuckmods just don't enforce them.
Imagine coming to Yea Forums, a board that has _ ____ __ ____ ____ _______ as a phrase, and pretending it hasn't always been lewd. Fuck off, you historical revisionist.
and that's fine. whether you like it or not Yea Forums is an anonymous image board with only one requirement, that you are over 18. as nice as it would be to make a place just for people who play videogames, that has never been the intention of the board. If you want to create a place just for people you think have played enough videogames maybe you should make your own discord, subreddit, or IRC channel where you can invite people who've passed your gamer test.
It's not really the posting of lewd girls that's the issue, it's the fact that a good half of those threads are just porn dumps that happen to have vidya characters in them, than threads discussing vidya in any way or form, if there's any discussion at all
I don't give a shit about "quality of discussion". Tits and ass don't harm a game's quality, if the game was shit it won't be saved by them, and if a game is good it is either a neutral or enhances the experience, hell, making an attractive character can help to make a game more memorable
Speaking in hyperbole and making up fake scenarios where tits are comically shoved in the player's face without proper tone and setup is disingenuous.
my point is that captcha on this board should be replaced with 1 chapter of ninja gaiden black
>the amount of deleted/filtered posts ITT
The amount of sales they gain from appealing to tranny fetishists most likely outweighs the people "outraged" and think it's propaganda.
Talking to people you made up in your head is a sign of schizophrenia, user.
Your fetishes are bad and you should feel bad.
>roasties and guilty losers demand men stop being men and find tits and ass attractive
the fuck is this pathetic shit
are you seriously trying to force men to abandon their natural instinctive reaction to the female body?
that's some seriously subversive kikery that only a modern communist could support
>Tits and ass don't harm a game's quality
Except nu Yea Forums will bitch if a game DOESN'T have tits and ass. There are too many newfags flooding in that don't care about vidya and are more interested in talking about porn.
Discussion and the posting of images, again, are not mutually exclusive. It's an image board. If you have a problem with NSFW dumps, you're right, they should be deleted. But if they're SFW, and of video game characters, it's fine. If you think image dumps are bad, then you better think that anyone dumping an Artbook should be banned too.
I agree
>his idea of being a man is rubbing his tiny worm while watching cartoons
Rome is burning.
wordfilters for every new buzzword
bring back the good ol days
>c*mbrain posters this desperate to keep their shitty forced meme going
The only times I've seen that bitching being extremely prevalent was when it's entirely justified, like FFVII remake Tifa. Otherwise it's a minority.
>being a man
>a male reaction to the female body
not always the same shit, but you can't have one without the other
Only zoomer trannys use the "gamer" meme. Nier and Bayonetta are fucking awesome and they have a great gameplay.
why do you have so much staked on how other people choose to live their lives that you come to Yea Forums of all places and take a moral position against them?
if we go by the book then they should be deleted because it says on global rule 6 that:
>Please refrain from posting the following:
>Irrelevant catchphrases or copypasta
any thread started with "buy her game" "play her game" "what are some games" and the many variations should be deleted because its low quality low effort spamming.
>lewdposting will eventually be seen as the infantile
Nope. Straight man will never allow it. Deal with it.
>a literal tranny tripfag
Yea Forums really went to shit huh
Real men can control their reaction to the female body, knowing that they and the object of their affection have greater dignity and such things should be kept private.
What you speak of is not men, but hairless monkeys.
>/pol/ did this
That's what trannys says, hypocrite.
>rent free
But no one cares about you. Suicide already, transvestite.
Why do you feel the need to get out of your containment board and pollute Yea Forums?
Question, has DOA ever outsale any major fighting game yet?
You sure could but all that means is those threads just won't use meme phrases, and will still exist. I do agree on the what are some games threads though, because those for the most part are not on topic regarding video games. That extends past dumps of ecchi pics though.
>ffvii remake tifa
Bad example. She's MORE fetishized now. Shrinking her tits only to add a schoolgirl skirt and thigh highs.
As long as my thick girthy cock functions, I will continue to stroke myself to the fine and beautiful design of the female form, in animated form.
why don't you go back to your containment board where discussion about "porn and jews and whatever else ruining society" belongs.
it is kept private
and that doesn't mean you have to shout down media that appeals to them with female attractiveness
the way you talk you would think you'd understand that a responsible man could appreciate and consume media that has sexy women in it and not be controlled by it, but here you are acting like it's some terrible influence that has to be erased
and that's absolutely fucking childish, pathetic, and stupid
Same brother I had to quit my job because for some reason I can't stop jerking off and I spend almost my entire day edging and cumming
I'm here for the video games. Not politics. Not your autogynephilia and role play.
Recommend me some good JAV or hentai anons, i going to fap 1 session before sleeping
Yeah too bad porn spammers aren't reasonable at all, they are almost all the discord erper types whose entire social interaction is based around porn or sex
>muh trannies
Yea Forums really went to shit huh
>jacked off everyday of this year
>Starting to unironically get mild headaches and feel dizzy
>Even when I feel like this I will never succumb to censorship and will take control of my own life and will fap in moderation for now.
Suck it spammers
If you ignore them, they will stop posting.
you can't judge people by the kind of shit they post here
once again you people can't separate the internet from reality and anything that goes down anonymously on the internet is a 1:1 representation of how people actually live their lives
it's perfectly normal for guys to want to see sexy women, and it's amplified here for obvious reasons
Why are all jap trannies so cute?
>implying internet and reality aren't the same thing for porn addicted neets
Me again
Just drank some water and feel better
Suck my dick some more spammers
All true, but as your image illustrates, what we really need is more throats and tongues in video games.
I was watching this thread with pure indifference, but I am now irrationality seething at the fact that the board uses 'underage' as an insult but also happens to act like underaged retards, being cucked by schadenfreude and the halo effect this hard, literally believing everything is 0s and 1s. I cannot cope with how shit Yea Forums truly is. We've reached peak levels where communication is nothing but a joke. All this evidence with how the psychology of man works but we still decide to let our egos develop into a cancer.
>everyone who posts women is a porn addicted neet
>the internet is real life
the shit I've been saying is incomprehensible to you isn't it
so you post random crap just to troll people on anonymous imageboard? wow you're very mature sorry for calling you names.
There is something wrong with taking over a board by spamming ecchi porn for months on end, however
This, especially explorable ones.
>One day this image will be a relic from an age long gone
>so you post random crap just to troll people on anonymous imageboard?
at least half the people posting the latest buzzwords do it for (you)s and nothing else
>here for the video games
>do nothing but complain about quality of threads and posts on the board
If you don't like it, either filter keywords, or fucking go somewhere else.
This doesn't actually work, unfortunately.
If you don't do anything they just post more porn.
If you do do something they post more porn.
Wolfenstein and Rangarok Online are ecchi spam? Did you ever look at the results you got..?
>If you don't like it
Just because people spam it doesn't mean it should be aloud you stupid nigger
Real talk user, give No Fap a try for a month.
I was feeling lazy as fuck with no motivation, decided to try it and holy fuck it was great.
I've fapped since though, but it's worth a try, it gave me a lot more energy.
Are you so autistic you can't separate a picture from a post?
then self moderate and openly ridicule them with buzzwords like gamer... oh wait.
I actually have been thinking about it, and I think they might have a point
Both sides do
And I'm not talking about morality here, I couldn't give less of a fuck about people wanting to jack off to vidya characters, I did it plenty and will probably keep doing it, I'm talking about the sociological impact that medias (not just video games, but actual medias, with movies and cartoons and whatever the hell you want) have had on the world in general, a bigger impact in some culture than others, for obvious reasons (their accessibility being the main one)
See, your brain, as a human, not just as a male, is wired to find a mate, you want one that looks attractive, that's normal, you want your kids to look good so they themselves have an easy time finding a mate, so they themselves can mate and can perpetuate your bloodline, your genes
But two hundred years ago, people didn't have the same expectations as now, now kids are basically brainwashed to find a certain kind of woman attractive, of course it doesn't mean much because people end up with wildly different tastes still, but back then you basically had to find your woman/man in your town or somewhere close because that's how people lived, you couldn't drive two hundred miles in a few hours to find a better mate
And let's not talk about the effect this had on cultures, see japs and chinks preferring white mates over their own
Then why post that picture with that post?
Why is Yea Forums so different from the rest of the site? Seemingly half the people here hate the other half, there's no somewhat unified board culture aside from EA bad.
>then self moderate
4channel has been neutered and is only here for ad revenue. Gookmoot couldn't give less of a shit about it
So, if you put yourself into the body of a 3 or 4/10 girl, which is most of what this 'movement' is made of, then it's easy to see how this has a negative impact on your potential future and/or prospects, because they would've been 6 or even 7/10 two hundred years ago (because men from their areas simply 'didn't know better')
That works the same way in reverse too, mind you, if you look at the 'inceldom' (or however you want to call it, I'm not here to discuss semantics) then you'll find that most of these men don't actually 'look' that bad, again most of them are 3-6/10s and they definitely wouldn't have had any problem finding a mate two hundred years ago
Now, I'm not saying we should go back to sticks and stones in caverns, or that we should 'lower' our expectations back to ''normal" levels like the average screeching feminazi wants, I'm not a shrink, I do not know what would be best for everyone involved and I'm not sure we COULD go back anyways
there's literally nothing wrong with grinding though.
>There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya
I agree, even attractive faces would be enough rather than the average western goblin that's become so common
>Now post more vidya waifus
Go away
To show that people like OP are the same people defending trannies and furries. There, you happy you got spoonfed wittle guy?
>Yet another jizzhead thread
The other board I use is /m/ and it's almost just as vitriolic in there, only slower.
nigga that goes for the whole site
/pol/fags hate literally everyone that doesn't subscribe to their ideologies (left or right or even center)
Yea Forumsfags fight over DC/Marvel and Comics/Cartoons all the time
Yea Forumsfags fight over Anime/Manga all the time as well
Not him but I feel like you can, most of the anons here that complain about the lack of tits and ass only care about that they never talk about the game, how it plays, the story,etc. Only about how much they love [insert waifu here] tits and ass and how much they wanna fuck her when it comes to censorship only care about is if the sexual tone get censored. Anons showed this with Xenoblade Chronicles X where all religious references were censored along with the T&A and anons only cared about was the T&A.
If it's genuinely offtopic then report it. You can be informed to what is and isn't based on your success with that.
And the same people talking about Ragnarok Online and Wolfenstein..? I see the man with the big brain has arrived, everyone make way.
Please get off my board
I fap too much and I want some more
And more and more and more and more and more and more until I bust
Make a big old messy
And the janny cleans it up
>half the people here hate the other half
And here we see an expert shitposter in his natural habitat
I wish i was as based as u
too much new people in too short of a timespan. reason for the surge of new users were gamergate and 2016 elections. newfags posted random shit and other newfags see that random shit and think that is board culture.
no one fucking lurks anymore just post random shit because everyone else does that.
>If it's genuinely offtopic then report it
i just saved all the hot girl pics in this thread and i'm going to jerk off to them right now just to spite all of you obnoxious redditniggers destroying my board, fuck off and never come back here
I think it's funny that cumbråins get so offended from us saying it they made a whole thread to whine
It's just discord trannies getting mad that even though they have mods on the inside this place still hasn't been completely destroyed
wave to the board custodian everybody
>j-just ignore the problem!
Kill yourself.
I get offtopic shit deleted by mods all the time, just because what you think is off topic isn't doesn't make me wrong.
if it's a minority of people think it's a problem why should rules be put in place to cater to them?
I can't believe how much c-umbrain triggered people here.
>I get offtopic shit deleted by mods all the time
And look at the state of the board. There hasn't been a quality thread in months, over half the board is below 15 posts and the top non baitthreads are all over 8 hours old
>cvmbrain gets filtered within A DAY
>if a minority of people is allowed to flood the board with spam and knock on topic threads off the board why should anything be done
Look at any board that's not /pol/ or Yea Forums and you'll have your answer
All the top threads are literally /vg/ discord threads
Because video games are a huge medium but there isn't a western/Japanese split in the boards like with Yea Forums. The two clash a lot which causes topics like this one.
literally obsessed with trannies. go back and jerk off to your tranny stash, faggot.
>not filling your brain with cum and then applying your sexual lust to drive you to fulfill specific goals that aren't inherently sexual but you tricked your cum filled brain into thinking are
I am the cum of my brain
Are you honestly implying "discord tranny" isn't drawn from reality? Do you know how many boards they've taken over?
>I am the cum of my brain
I need a copypasta of this, asap.
>waifu, fetish, sexy fanart, etc on Yea Forums
standard stuff
>waifu, fetish, sexy pictures etc on Yea Forums
no problem
>waifu, fetish, sexy fanart, etc on Yea Forums
no issues
>raifu, fetish, sexy pictures etc on /k/
kinda weird but it's normal for them
>waifu, fetish, sexy fanart, etc on Yea Forums
You could have sex with a real woman like me instead of looking at porn games. But not me specifically because I’m taken already.
Haha totes bro someone needs to make a meme of this!
Full Engrish, too.
>raifu, fetish, sexy pictures etc on /k/
post it
As many as /pol/ did I guess
>every single board should only be porn
I just want a gamer version of the Unlimited Blade Works chant. Is that too much to ask?
Does /pol/ flood boards with swastikas and talk about killing jews in threads that make it to bump limit?
where did I imply "only"?
>I want 2B 2B
Have you been on Yea Forums in the last year?
/bant/ unironically
/pol/ is a part of 4ch
Your shitty revisionism will never work
I started on /m/ and moved to other boards as I went, still stopping by /m/ as well.
It's no where near as vitriolic as Yea Forums or Yea Forums. You actually get the sense that Anons there genuinely enjoy what they're talking about.
Yea Forums does everything in its power to not talk about video games, and it will regard extended conversation about non-mainstream games as "shilling" and try to move it to /vg.
Yea Forums spends much of its time trying to make itself look like the best of the best, and setting up mental pyramids where they themselves are at the top. Many don't seem to enjoy anime itself, but the sense of prestige that watching anime give them.
If sex sells why do people complain about it
hit to close to home for the sans compensation internet workers
Who are we selling Yea Forums to? Advertisers?
for every board besides Yea Forums they all get deleted pretty quickly
Part of nu 4ch, or at least tries really hard to be yeah
>imagine seething so much you make this image
>I get offtopic shit deleted by mods all the time,
No you don't, otherwise 300 posts would be gone from this thread.
>There's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG with wanting tits and ass in vidya
No, but there's everything wrong with accepting games that only delivers on tits and ass but fails in everything else. Ironically your picture fits the bill for that skirt blowing simulator.
Unironically kill yourself OP and don't bother with a reply, I'm out after this truth bomb.
literally yes
>trannies posting on /k/
Tell me something I don't know
Poor lad. Remember all the time you waste here.
EVERYONE jerks off OP
EVERYONE Likes sex
You don't need to talk about it all the time, we get it, you jerk off, jerking off is fun. But holy shit, get some fucking hobbies.
I was 14 once too and remember how I felt like I was smarter than everyone for looking up sexual deviant shit too, but once my hormones died down and I stopped being horny 24/7, I realized just how boring sex really is.
I don't dislike fanservice in games "because I'm afraid of my judgmental peers" or "to feel morally superior", I dislike fanservice in games because its lazy, boring and pandering. It makes me feel like the devs think I'm a fucking idiot that will buy any shit game they slap giant anime tits on.
I want interesting characters, cool designs, fun stories and locations. Games that focus on sex to sell are almost always so fucking banal that it makes me want to scream. Everything is so cookie cutter and generic, 99% of intentional "waifu" characters feel like a random selection of stock personalty/hairstyle/haircolour combinations that get pulled out of fucking hat.
SJWs are fucking hypocrites because ultimately all they seem to give a fuck about is that their dumbass fetishes are pandered too and respected by the public as well, but that doesn't mean I'm going to agree with you just because they don't want tits in games either. Their reasons are fucking stupid, but I still think low effort pandering is fucking trash for brainlets.
this is from a giantess vore comic where she eats 9s
don't worry OP, money talks and those SJW shits bankrupt companies
Einstein was an autist who did lsd and married his cousin. Not important to you two's conversation at all but I've been looking to tell someone that for weeks.
If you want to jerk off thats fine, everyone does it, we all like it. But why do you NEED to do it with a bunch of fat autistic guys? What makes jerking off so much better when you do it with a bunch of dudes telling you about their boners? What do you get out of posting porn on Yea Forums and getting replies like "HNNNNGH MUH DICK" "OH GOD I WANT TO LICK HER ARMPITS SO BAD" "GOD I'VE CUM 3 TIMES ALREADY PLS STOP~"
You aren't here because you like videogames, you're not on a crusade against anything or trying to fight or stand up for anything. You're just a weird little faggot with a perpetual boner addicted to instant sexual gratification. You're not losing a 'war' against SJWs, no one is trying to stop you from jerking off, you're just fucking obsessed with your own dick.
Get a hobby, go outside, make some friends, stop playing with you dick 24/7 and giving greasy men in their mid 30s a play-by-play while you do it on fucking Yea Forums.
I heard an user fucked a doe once.
After your shitty whining thread was left alone did you really think that there would be no backlash?
/pol/ is so old now that you were probably in your pre-teens when it began. LOSER!
you aren't here to discuss video games, you're here to crusade and try to astroturf a site into being reddit 2.0
is that why /pol/ is one of the newest boards?
Your point?
With how much off-topic garbage is up right now, I have a hard time believing a mod made that post.
perfect booty graphics and great gameplay are not mutually exclusive.
there's a 2 day old nearly 500 post one on Yea Forums right now
they flood boards with complaints about "sjws" and call people who disagree with them trannies
/g/, for example, has a huge anti-rust circlejerk because some retard who wrote a book about it is a neo-"""marxist""" or something, even though it's completely fine as a programming language
I can't believe gookmoot made a board last month that has open racists in it
Imagine typing that out.
>no argument because he knows it's true
If people were posting actual porn we'd have a problem. Your definition of "pornography" is far too loose, and that's why it's obvious that you're bullshitting. Radical types always abuse and misuse labels in an attempt to forcefully change public perception on things they don't personally like.
that jew profile says it all
yeah fourchan is nothing like reddit this is the hardcore anarchist site where anything goes. no rules xd everyone is anonymous we can all post random shit and not get banned for it (like on reddit)
Then why isn't he moderating the rest of Yea Forums?
So anything political is flooding? Does that mean since this board is full of anime picture that it's being raided by Yea Forums?
But you are? I'm in the Sonic Mania & Ion Fury threads right now.
lol what the fuck are you doing?
have you been here for more than a year? It's the same shit it's always been. On and off in amounts when some new sexy character in a new game there's new surge.
>On and off
No it's been a constant flow for a couple years now
I meant on and off being flooded. There's always some amount, but there's times when there's tons more like when Nier Automata came out
GB2 >>>/reddit/
>that image
I KNEW it was fucking furfags pushing this shit. They HATE anime girls and will do everything in their power to ruin threads that have anything to do with them. Of course they had a field day with this whole "gamer" thing, which perfectly explains how it got so cancerous so fast.
These are my favourite games, what are yours?
I can enjoy games even when they don't have big titty anime girls, or kids in lingerie in them.
I also enjoy looking at porn and jerking off, but I do it privately in my own time without telling Yea Forums about it because its something that takes like 15 minutes once or twice a day and doesn't dictate what I do with the rest of my day.
I do come to Yea Forums to talk about games, however I also happen to be getting really tired of seeing endless streams of constant lewd threads all day every day. At any given time there will be half a dozen or more threads dedicated to jerking off made by weird little gay kids like you that NEED to talk to other guys with boners while they jerk off.
Cause lets be real, those threads have the same images, every day, all day. The same people posting the same images, they're already on your hard drive. You didn't need to post them to look at them, you don't need Yea Forums to jerk off to 2B, but you do it anyway. Why?
What is so different from jerking off to the images alone? What is it about knowing that the guys that you're describing your boner too are also playing with their dicks while they type? Do you just really like being such a huge faggot that much?
You claim to love tits and ass, but its weird to me how you seem to care more about greasy cocks.
Actively posting in lewd threads on Yea Forums is probably one of the gayest things you could do, you're basically one step away from taking HRT and asking for eboyfriends in steam threads.
>furry shit
You realize dedicated game discussion happens in vg more than v, right?
Yes and those are discord trannies. Pokemon got a new character and a group of autists at one point had 7 threads up all dedicated to that character's porn. That's called a raid. What's weird is after a raid the raiders are allowed one thread where all they do is circlejerk about how cool they are for carving off a piece of Yea Forums just for themselves.
What is the appeal of this fetish?
well, he asked for an example
/pol/tard zoomers are definitely the source of that particular circlejerk
>dedicated game discussion happens in vg more than v
Only because /vg/ regularly raids Yea Forums so now people are going to /vg/ to get away from them.
There's no need to attribute malice to what is just pure autism.
>post stupid shit
>"go back"
>call out stupid shit
>"go back"
user, furries and anime waifufags/lolifags are basically the same thing.
Both of them use their fetish for profile pics, both of them congregate in groups based on what they jerk off to, both of them flood communites, both of them ruin discussions by spamming their gay shit that no one else wants to see, both of them act like the only reason anyone finds them annoying is because they're a "normie that doesn't get it".
Just because your shit is from Japan doesn't mean you're not just as much of a fucking faggot as furries.
Hating furries wasn't just because they're weirdo faggots, there are lots of weirdo faggots on the internet, its their obnoxious culture that makes them hated.
And waifufags that constantly jerk off together look an awful fucking lot like the furry community to me. If I was to photoshop furshit in place of lolis from a Yea Forums thread you probably wouldn't be able to tell that it was doctored.
If talking about politics is flooding then posting ecchi anime pictures on cooldown is too.
>he doesn't know
Surprised it took till the end of the thread for someone to post it.
Also extreme domination mostly.
nah you come here to whinge, but keep bitching about anime on Yea Forums reddit loser
>call out stupid shit
>while posting stupid shit
Imagine kissing a girl, but instead of just feeling her tongue in your mouth, you feel it all over your body simultaneously and can hump her tongue while she licks you all over
This is the most accurate post I've seen on Yea Forums in years. Hilarious, because the ass-hurt image dump faggots are going to screech about your post. Same faggots calling anyone that calls them out for what they are trannies, but all the meanwhile they treat every jerk off thread like an ERP circle jerk.
And you still haven't gone back.
You weren't here in 2010.
Woah there buddy, settle down now.
Mods shouldn’t have to filter all of them, I mean they’re only getting paid in hot pockets.
Imagine how many times this user has made this post over the past several weeks
All you do is mash the attack button and move around. If it didn't have a kino story, nobody would've cared about it.
That's the first time I've made that post. Kill yourself, faggot.
what the fuck is a lady centipede
I'm not bitching about anime, I like anime. In fact, here is my 3x3 from Yea Forums.
What I'm bitching about is waifugarbage weebshit and the weird little faggots that jerk off to it in groups at all times of the day on Yea Forums.
mucbrain has a political agenda similar to cuck in preparation for the next election and is being forced by the same bots as last time. that's the difference.
It had serviceable gameplay. I found the strengths were in the shmup sections and 2D camera trickery stuff more than the standard 3D action parts.
>There aren't organized raids to alter board culture user
>Go to sleep
>aren't you tired?
I sure am sleepy
>mods deleting cümbrain posts
lol, hits too close home?
besides, video games are for children, they shouldn't have this vulgarity in them.
Its more likely that it got filtered because it started getting mass spammed in off topic threads one day and the mods probably got sick of it
you can read a playboy magazine with the boys without jacking off, user. That's what the vidya waifu threads is usually, unless you're weird and actually fap to ecchi images.
21st century anime IS waifushit.
Its primarily a very extreme version of femdom, dehumanization/objectification, and humiliation. Vore is just like any other snuff fetish, but with the submissive party being objectified as food.
>you can read a playboy magazine with the boys without jacking off, user.
Thats fucking gay though, why would you hang out with your friends and decide to all look at shit that will give you boners?
Why would I ever fucking do that?
Did you not realize how fucking gay "You know, its just like hanging out with the boys shoulder to shoulder reading playboys together :)" was when you were typing it?
>instead of dealing with off topic threads, the mods remove anyone that calls them out
Yea Forums deserves better.
>it's only filtered because it showed how the mods weren't doing their jobs
he seemed like the kind of neo-leftist retard that cares more about tranny rights than alternate economic models
thats a good 3x3, what're bottom left & right?
You know I could go and shit up those threads out of spite now but I'm not an autistic cancerous dicksucker like you are
so the purpose of those threads is to blueball people? is this some kind of cuck thing? I'm not into cuckoldry myself so I dont get the appeal.
>cowshit beepboop
oh boy a toonamishitter, stay on reddit you subhuman, never come to this site again
I feel like the people who spam cum.brain never actually report anything themselves.
anime has always had waifushit and fanservice, It wasn't the stuff that was exported to the west back then, but you're pushing a false narrative by ignoring that it existed and was a significant market back then domestically.
Bottom left is Vagabond and bottom right is 20th Century Boys, easily two of my favourite manga
user, I....
You are admitting you are a faggot since you think more about your friends than the playboys in that situation. It’s a litmus test for faggotry.
>astroturf a site into being reddit 2.0
That would be /pol/ doing that my friend
Excuse me for wanting people to talk about VIDEO GAMES on the VIDEO GAME board.
You mean you never went through your dad's porn stash, take a mag and show it to your pals at school? I understand that Yea Forums(nel) is a place for losers but c'mon.
No you don't, you want this site to be r/gaming
No, I'm saying if I wanted to read a playboy I'd read it by myself instead of whipping it out when I'm hanging out with the boys.
I'm saying I wouldn't even consider looking at porn with my friends because thats gay as fuck, the only reason to watch porn is to get a boner, why would I do that with my fucking friends?
If I'm hanging out with my buddies we're going to play some videogames, MtG, D&D or some shit, not get boners together like a bunch of weird faggots.
I like how trannies were still upset about this. Like there you go, here’s your trans shit.
>both of them act like the only reason anyone finds them annoying is because they're a "normie that doesn't get it".
I am literally here saying that furfags hate it.
>Hating furries wasn't just because they're weirdo faggots
No one but furries says this about themselves. I have seen furfags on here unironically call lolis "normie shit" because they were human girls.
Your gaslighting isn't going to work here, furfag. I'm onto your shit.
Doubt its christfags to be honest. I think leftists just panic because our modern society created a lot of hikkikomoris, which according to perfect ideology shouldn't happen.
Same way they started popularizing the word incel or have sex. It gives them power, or so they think at least.
I don't know about "with the boys" but that's how I treat those threads. I either get into the art or the discussion, but not often not simultaneously. Same thing on Yea Forums if there is one of those mixed threads.
If you can’t concentrate on the porn, and instead think of your friends, than you are a faggot.
Yup SJW faggot.
>Look how weird I am, I fap to girls!
Why weren't you aborted?
>hello there fellow niggerhater 4channers
so are the nigger word droppers redditors?
You have to go back.
>lolifag desperately tries to convince himself he's more sophisticated than furries
>still deluding himself into thinking that everyone who tells him to fuck off is just a furry running a covert astroturfing campaign because everyone on Yea Forums is his friend that likes the same things he does and couldn't possibly think he's an annoying loser with shit taste
Says the fag who defends "This is my wife. Isn't she cute?" OPs.
oh shit vagabond has been in my backlog forever, only heard good things about it. Never heard of 20th century boys but if its half as good as the others listed I'll check it out. Thanks user.
we got the exact same taste
If you're just going to pretend your friends aren't there and focus on the porn, why do you need your friends to be there?
Are you so addicted to porn that you just make your friends awkwardly wait for you to finish having a boner with a thousand yard stare?
dopamine doesn't destroy pathways hahaha wtf are you on loool
Stay the fuck off of /tg/ you faggot, no one wants you there.
Fucking christ.
>defending furries
You trannies are weird.
Reddit was used by /pol/ to gather more votes for Trump this is true. But none of these are regulars. It was stuff like shareblue and correct the record who popularized /pol/. Before that it was the fappening that brought in countless of normalfags.
You're just a seething democrat that can't handle losing.
Alright if nobody else is going to ask then I will. Artist?
You just proved my point. You LITERALLY just provided an example of exactly what I said: claiming you're better because you're "weird" and that something like loli is "normal." Fuck off, furfag.
That is some seriously specific denial. Almost as if you're projecting, just like that earlier post was by conflating furfaggotry with weeaboos.
I'm not defending furries, I'm saying lolifags are just as bad but no one ever has the balls to come out and say it because "HURR IF YOU DON'T LIKE LOLI YOU DON'T BELONG ON Yea Forums xD"
>still can’t get guys out of its head
It’s alright faggot, someone will accept you
This is Yea Forums retard. MtG is SJW now.
I'm the same fucking person that was conflating furfaggotry with waifufags. And again, not "everyone that likes anime is as bad as furries", just the waifufags and lolifags. Those are two specific subgroups of weebs that are just as hated and obnoxious as furries.
>MtG is SJW now
prove it faggot
WHY look at porn with dudes, if you have to completely ignore that they're around you and pretend that you're alone for it not to be gay?
Do you not see how fucking much you're trying to make this sound like just a cool chill straight thing that normal guys do?
Why the fuck aren't you just looking at the porn by yourself when your friends aren't around?
Don't cry user, you're not a normalfag. You're too autistic and stupid to be one.
>still defending furries
SAD. If you can’t put a lolifag down without uplifting a furry, you are faggot.
nothing wrong with loli. though taboo things should remain a guilty pleasure. just like furries in fursuits is mega cringe, seeing cunny threads is kinda awkward.
I bet you're the same user in the other thread who was crying about how cunny threads get deleted.
They made some cards with black chicks so the whole game is exclusive for SJWs now.
I will however say that I'll never stop being salty over how unfairly they treated Garruk just because some fags on twitter got upset without knowing why he was about to punch Lilliana's bitch face into a bloody pulp.
Garruk deserves better, he literally did fucking nothing wrong.
MtG is still fine though, anyone saying its SJW probably unironically thought Gamergate was a good idea
I won't give a single shit about the quality of this board until pepe and wojak are banned on sight
I'm not saying loli itself is bad, its just a drawing I don't give a fuck.
I'm saying the lolifags are bad, I'm calling the people that shove loli in everyones faces huge faggots on par with furries.
Whatever makes you feel better furry faggot.
Remove all 3.