fucking ign
Fucking ign
They're not wrong.
They have shittaste and never tried to adapt
so this is fake right?
Because it's pretty funny
gothic on day one was unplayable trash. of course you would know that if you weren't a retarded zoomer
No matter where you are, no matter who you are, if you like Gothic you're a brother. Have a fantastic day, friends.
Central european hands typed this post
>is an unplayable mess at release
>"GOTHIC has enough good ideas to be a great RPG in a year or two"
>is fixed within a year or two and becomes a great RPG
>wooow IGN btfo how does it feel to be so wrong
It is they actually gave it an 8.6 which is fair because of all the jank
I've always wanted to try the games but the gothic autist that keeps spamming threads for years and invading other rpg threads makes me think those games are unplayable garbage and only liked by autists.
If you dont want to play a classic because of some autist on imageboard thats your loss
So this is the power of German engineering
Is it really worth forgiving devs releasing buggy ass games so you can feel superior to a fucking video game journalist?
that description makes no sense “in a year or two” like what? with more development time? also a 1.9 seems pretty low for a game that “could be a great RPG”
gothic was a shit fucking game you only like it because you had it as a kid, it was awful and had 0 soul
Gothic got 8.6 from IGN
Damn since when has IGN been so based?
Reminder of the God Hand case.
Or the God Of War 4 case.
>inability to pick up items
I played the german unpatched release version, as a child, and had no problems in the game whatsoever.
how come IGN was always staffed by incompetent rejects that could not find any other job?
>inability to pick up items
did someone cut off his hands?
Post the image with the Party Babiez review.
You're so fucking stupid it hurts. The game released in 2001. Even many boomers haven't played it then. Especially when you consider that kids didn't get a new game every other day and getting shit illegaly on the internet back then wasn't as widespread and easy as nowadays.
Fucking moron, holy shit. But it's funny that it is almost always the retards calling others retarded. Dunning-Kruger-Effect working at its finest.
>inability to pick up items
That means he couldnt beat the game or get any far really, how did they ship this review?
Morrowind was buggy as well, just gothic 1 had better and articulate map structure and the feel.
TIL IGN is based
Any game that has dynamic difficulty starts at a 5 and can only go down. There's literally no reason why someone shouldn't be allowed to just stay at the bottom or top.
And yes, I think Kid Icarus Uprising is shit, too.
I'm on the reviewer's side though
You literally are allowed to just stay at the bottom or top, it's called easy and hard difficulty respectively.
vietcong was mediocre game honestly. I remember the river level on the hard difficulty being nearly impossible. I'd be getting shot by enemies literally underwater and out of sight. The multiplayer was fun, but...the singleplayer was underwhelming .
Peer Schnieder might be one of the biggest corporate cock suckers out there. Gotta pay for those 3 fucking kids and your big house huh Peer? You faggot.