Was it ever good? Or did everyone and their grandma play it only because of the masterfully manufactured hype?

Was it ever good? Or did everyone and their grandma play it only because of the masterfully manufactured hype?

Attached: 220px-Half-Life_2_cover[1].jpg (220x313, 23K)

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Haven’t played it but apparently it’s one of the most overrated games. 1 is much better.

Zoom zoom!

>muh boat level
>muh slow parts
>game engine unimpressive compared to games from 2019
worst game, 0/10 only liked by hipsters, HL1 better

It was basically the Bioshock Infinite of its day.

It was superb. Still one of my faves.

it's like this, and the painful stops are the vehicle sections

the entire game is fun as hell today and was MASTERFUL when it released, but those goddamn vehicle sections are such a chore

Attached: bideo game.gif (345x259, 690K)

I replayed it recently and the boat segment was actually one of the more fun parts, it's kino, well paced and has a lot of cool moments.

Car part is still ass though.

Surprisingly Ravenholm is kinda boring now though. Physics stuff has lost its novelty.

City battle is also 50/50 awesome or pure shit.

I agree. I never understood the hate for the boat section; I always thought it was lots of fun. Stopping and raiding enemy strongpoints and clearing out dusty old infested ruins was kino.

It felt fresh, it was the best looking game I'd ever seen, the shooting mechanics didn't feel as noticeably bad as they do today (have you ever played an early ps2 shooter? awful), the story and atmosphere captured the imagination, the physics engine was mind-blowing (just playing with the ragdolls or stacking props was novel enough to be entertaining).

Remember, this clunky piece of shit was considered a AAA game only a year before:
If you didn't play HL2 back in 2004, and you can't appreciate it now (despite it's age), I feel sorry for you.

With the Episodes it's one of the best FPS of all time if not the best.

FPBP. This is the perfect analogy for zoomers to understand.

It's also well paced, lots of moments where you race the enemy rockets launchers and miniguns to find shelter inside the tunnels.

You actually feel like they're hunting you even if it is scripted as hell.

Probably the most accurate representation of the Yea Forums contrarian hivemind captured in one single reply right here.

Played them both when they were relatively new and I played them again a gew years ago. They're nothing special.

HL2 was a little boring to me, but Episode 1 and 3/4ths of Episode 2 are pretty good since they condensed everything they want to tell and show off in a 5-7 hour game

Yea Forums the post

Game is ok, not as good as the original.

Half life 2 deathmatch is fucking great, but the only map worth playing is dm_runoff

Attached: dm_runoff.jpg (800x600, 107K)

Cringe alert cringe alert
Cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe


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>no arguments
He is 100% correct.
2 doesn't even offer much in terms of gunplay or, strategy... or anything for that matter. It was to show of the engine. You can tell that fans of 2 are subhumans just by looking at the hype for 3 had. They wanted a conclusion to a story, they wouldn't have gotten either way. Even 3 was supposed to end on a cliffhanger. No fan of 1 even wanted HL3 after HL2.

It was great and still is IMO

Excellent atmosphere and sound design, and I like how every chapter had you doing something a bit different. The only complaint I ever had was I wish it was a bit more challenging. Also the game is not nearly as cinematic as the haters would say.

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What hype? Where? Certainly not on the internet in 2004 because back then mine took 2 minutes to load a site.

I don't get it

It was good, but HL1 was better.

it was good now if you play it first time it isn't impressive cause every game has stolen and learned how to make games from hl2.
hl2 was like the first real game everyone experienced a physics engine in.


it is good but not had good as the original obv but im wasting my time telling you that

also the facial animations were ground breaking

Which part are you having trouble with specifically? Counting or spelling?

Try harder.

1 is a lot better desu

One of the best western games

Wanting HL3 was always a meme. HL2 fans wanted HL2: Episode Three, which was completely legitimate considering that unlike HL3, HL2Ep3 was actually announced and promised, and then Valve just quietly pretended they never did, never making any statement or comment, which in turn led to the stupid HL3 memes because “the total silence on Episode Three means they must be making a full HL3!”

they said they were done with episodic releases faggot

It has next no to cinematics. You are almost always in control of your character even if all you can do is jump around for 5 minutes waiting for npc to finish talking.

It’s still fantastic.

Yeah, in like 2015.

God damn this thread is filled with zoomers. I played half life in 1999 and it was the absolute fucking shit. No other fps games had the kind of interacting npcs and mission dialogues. Plus the fps mechanics were great for the time. I remember when I supplemented my shitty video card with a voodoo 2 GPU and I could run that shit at 640x480 (the best my monitor would do) and it looked so cash. Half life 2 was good too, but I didn't like the vehicle sections. I recently replayed it and like the vehicle sections more for some reason, maybe I did a better job following the scripting and making the cool jumps and exploding the bad guys.

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