Hey Yea Forums, I got a PS4 recently and now I want to play a rhythm game. Which one should I get if I want the most bang for my buck?
Hey Yea Forums, I got a PS4 recently and now I want to play a rhythm game...
DJ Max is ball crushing.
miku games barely qualify as rhythm games
guitar hero + rock band are super casualified rhythm games. Taiko is cool but there’s no point in playing it without a proper taiko drum controller
Getting a console to play rhythm games is like getting a phone to play fps
I didn't get a console to play rhythm games, I got a console and now I want to play one. If I bought it just for the games then I would buy all of them, wouldn't I?
Miku Future Tone goes on sale pretty regularly so it has a shitload of songs for a modest price
DJ Max has a higher skill ceiling
>t.osu jungle asian
Project diva and taiko are better on switch, the other 2 are gook shit and western trash. You fucked up, either play OSU on PC orbget a better console
>vitagen reject
>project diva
>better on switch
How? It isn't even out on switch yet and when it does come out, half its content has been cut.
It has literally more content than any other game in the series released to date.
It has half as much content as Future Tone.
Future Tone has 2 fucking songs, you faggot. Mega 39 has over a hundred. Mega 39 has 50 times the content of future tone.
Both Project Diva and DJ Max have free demos I believe. Try em both and see which one you like more. Both are fun and have a good number of songs and difficulties, honestly I don’t think you can go wrong with either.
Any recs for a good taiko drum? I hear the pack-in drum is shit
I like Taiko on Switch. but the PS4 version is so much better, for singleplayer at least.
>Taiko is cool but there’s no point in playing it without a proper taiko drum controller
For me, playing with a gamepad is still fun. Although, I might buy a drum next month since my index fingers feel really tired after a long session.
Run the arcade games on pc or bust.
Is this dejavu? I think I've seen the same post pattern in one thread before..
DJ Max by a mile
>DJMax has never gone on sale once since release
>Plus the asston of DLC
I know it's a niche game but come on cut me some slack
it's less than than half, and FT gets the new songs as DLC anyway