But it's okay when Valve does it.
But it's okay when Valve does it
there's a big difference between a community marketplace and an official store with a fixed price dumbass
How many knife skins have you purchased on that market place, pcbro?
zero because im not a fucking moron
No, it's not.
>im not a fucking moron
>defending valve
I'm not sure about that, user.
>170 dollars
Doesn't even look good.
Yeah, and Valve have sold things on their official stores for over $170 before so your point isn't valid anyway.
>origin exclusive
Most of this board disagrees with that statement and even then valve does not set the prices
Hardware and wedding rings.
In game weddings being expensive as hell is industry standard
>valve does not set the prices
True, they only set the 0.001 drop rates.
>Apex Legends
Show me the 170 dollar microtransaction.
How many lootboxes do you have to open to get the skin you want in Overwatch?
Smite has a seasonal chest gimmick where you have to roll 18 loot boxes to get the "special skin" at about 5.99 per roll.
Skins alone in fortnite cost up to $25
Is it stupid? Yes but this is the world we live in now, sorry guys you missed your chance.
not if Glorious Gaben get his 30% cut on every transation
they heavily influence the prices through rare items that come from slot machines with real-world money buy-ins and they take a cut from each sale. they may as well set the prices
he's comparing it to TF2
you're not as clever as you think you are
Read the full conversation retard.
>Reading comprehension.
Retards, he is claiming Yea Forums defends valve for similar things
Which is in no way true
except they don't. Items with same drop chances are not made equal and their value is entirely market driven.
Nobody at Valve intentionally said "Imma gonna make dis knife cost 200$", it's a value set by the offer/demand law.
Sure, it's fucking dumb and they're making fat money off it, but it's a micro economy, not a shop with fixed prices.
If you're not going to link or quote the entire article, you're just shitposting.
honestly, if some retard wants to pay $170 for a skin, let him. as long as microtransactions aren't pay to win I don't care
>apex legends
Who? Who cares?
>and they're making fat money off it,
If the player gets the item, then sells it to another player, how is the developer/publisher financially benefiting?
in valve games, the community actually defines the price for items.
Valve takes a cut from each sale, but in effect the community is ultimately responsible for the price of items on the marketplace.
valve takes a cut from every transaction in the steam market
*when Star Citizen does it except thousands of dollars instead of hundreds
Of actual currency, or virtual currency? For example, WoW skims gold off the auction house as a legitimate cash sink. Like that? Or are the transactions made with dollars/eurobux/whatever?
actual currency
Valve market tax.
10% of the market price goes to gabe, 10% to the game developer. (For CS:GO and TF2 that's valve, so 20%).
This is why developers make those dumb ass cards, users will buy and sell that shit generating free money.
Note, some of that 20% in cs:go and tf2 goes to the original item creator. I don't know the exact share, but some creators make 6 numbers a year off it.
And? People are responsible for their selling and buying prices.
valve doesnt do it, the supply and demand of the valve economy does it underage faggot
Read the conversation you dumb moron, he's making an informational statement, not criticizing
the original comment was a negative spirited one towards Valve. look it up.
Why are they ripping Skyrim assets and selling them
That's not even the worst about it. You need to buy 24 lootboxes ($7 a pop) for a chance at a skin you might not want and only when you have bought 24 can you actually purchase the axe for $60.
It's totally retarded but a fool and his money are easily parted so I'm sure they're still make bank.
Do you have to get all the possible items or do you just have to buy 24 boxes before you're allowed to buy this skin?
It also let you send a "marriage" message to everyone playing the game
You're required to buy 24 lootboxes, you can't purchase the axe directly.
Although the funny messages brought by that around every server were priceless, so there is that.
>you have to buy lootboxes first to be able to but the axe
I really don't understand why EA has become the go-to target for making fun of microstransactions when Valve has been running a virtual casino through TF2 since 2010, and has made it a staple feature for each of their games since then. (DOTA 2 and CS:GO). Hell, they even tacked on cosmetic micro-transactions in Portal 2, a feature everyone made fun of because it was a primarily singleplayer game. They haven't made a major singleplayer game since, because they realized they can make much more profit off of loot boxes than they can with a singleplayer game.
>Apex Legends
You're not clever at all.
You don't understand because you have the IQ of a negro. EA ruins their games in order to force lootbox mechanics. Valve lootboxes were added to fund their free games, or at the very least they were added in a tasteful manner that actually made the games even more popular. Same with Overwatch.
It hasn't blew up until EA's Battlefront 2.
>Lootboxes gives upgrades and perks
>Game is pvp so this is straight up pay to win in a game that costs $60
170 burgerbux doesn't seem all that micro.
Because with Valve's shit, I, the consumer, can make money selling the shit to retards, which I have, upwards of $300.
With EA's shit, I can't, so it's objectively shittier.
Tehy're both dumb and shitty, but EA has been pushing to see how much they can bend the customer to fuck him before the spine snaps
Each time they try to top their previous scam as long as it makes them profit
>they were added in a tasteful manner
Holy shit the retardation. Yes skins saved CSGO from irrelevancy for a while but if you seriously approve of games having micro transactions, especially games like csgo up until recently and overwatch that you had to buy, you are a fucking idiot.
>defending customers is defending valve
Yes I do approve of Overwatch having lootboxes that retards can buy so that I can get every hero and every map absolutely free on top of getting free lootboxes every single day. That is a BENEFIT TO ME, EA lootboxes are not a benefit to ANYONE. KYS underage outrage fag who wants to hear himself talk.
How low of a price is needed for the transaction to be considered "micro"?
$170 is way past micro
I paid $35 for a DotA skin for Crystal Maiden
It was worth it for the feet
Now you're retarded
>have played tf2 for years
>tons of useless crates in inventory
>decide to pay 30 nuyens in keys to open some of them
>get some rare stuff
>resell on community market
>get 150 in profit
>buy some games and taunts/cosmetics for my favorite dudes
Steam is based, you can't do any of that in Ebin Memes Apex shit
It's not the price that's micro, it's the content
>I can get every hero and every map absolutely free on top of getting free lootboxes every single day
Tf2 does the exact same fucking thing for FREE. And before you say it, the only reason updates have been so infrequent is because the number of people still working on the game could fit in a phone booth.
That's great for TF2, I'm not sure what your point is. I never said anything bad about TF2. I think their lootbox system is great. And also it wasn't always a free game btw underage. It had lootboxes while being paid before.
>I'm not sure what your point is.
Lootboxes in overwatch or any full priced game are inexcusable and unjustified. They could easily fund future updates while making the game be free to play.
>It had lootboxes while being paid before
Sept 2010-June 2011 that's less than a year. What's overwatch's excuse?
Anyone got screencaps of the messages?
Just don't buy it.
A good majority of community traders collude to set prices and actively discuss market rigging
You fell for the sunken cost fallacy. Most of the items you get are cents on the dollar in returns. In the long term, you're only making a fraction of what Valve's made off of you.
>what is trading
What a drone. People sell accounts nowadays for most big games.
Overwatch wasn't full priced, it launched at a reduced price just as TF2 did. And there is no way they could find free characters and maps without lootboxes, how do they fund it? With the power of friendship? TF2 doesn't add characters and never have, that game barely gets any content and it's also an old mess that actually gets features removed to free up resources for retarded hideous particle effect hats.
Good goy
Based no argument retard.
>Overwatch wasn't full priced
It's not free, therefore it shouldn't have lootboxes or mtx.
> how do they fund it?
With game sales OR mtx, not both.
>TF2 doesn't add characters and never have, that game barely gets any content
Again, because there's barely anybody working on the game. Has NOTHING to do with lack of funding.
>it's also an old mess that actually gets features removed
>It's not free, therefore it shouldn't have lootboxes or mtx.
I disagree. I want more games to add lootboxes to fund free characters and content. It's better for me and for everyone that has self control. In fact, I want to see cosmetic lootboxes in all fighting games as soon as possible so I can stop wasting money on characters and stages.
The golden enigma gauntlets were pretty pricy to get if you had the vidya schedule of a normal human being
>Sold 2 Series #1 crates for £100
Feels pretty nice to play the market, thank fuck I had my authenticator.
Graphical downgrades to make for the polygon count of the hats since the interns stopped enforcing the polygon limit on the community workshop. You conceded to his point of the game being dead developmentally which doesn't refute it.
Tf2 wasn't free before having loot boxes. Let me restate it because you're handicapped. You're eating shit out of Valve's anus.
>Tf2 wasn't free before having loot boxes
For less than a year. What's overwatch's excuse?
I, for one, accept price-gouging. I give Puffy Vulva all my money so I get a little bit of money in return so I can give them more money.
Loot boxes are a terrible practice and justifying them is mental gymnastics. Tf2 makes Valve more money through the hat system and shitty Mannconomy. As long as they keep adding hats every few months, the servers stay up as a steady flow of tismo bucks comes in. OW is socialist in it's model.
All in all, I wish games placed more emphasis on actual gameplay elements
What an actual scam.
>t. ex-skin buyer
>farily generous
>gives out a total of like 20 free packs and then you can only pay for more
>fill the loot table with shitty trackers and intro lines to make getting stuff you want even less likely
I like the gameplay a lot but nobody should act like they're anything other than incredibly greedy with this game.
name a single skin in a Valve game that's anywhere close to that price range and where the price is set by Valve itself