Race & Class rankings

1) Human
2) Orc
3) Dwarf
4) Undead
5) Troll
6) Gnome
7) Tauren
8) Night Elf

1) Warrior
2) Mage
3) Rogue
4) Paladin
5) Warlock
6) Priest
7) Shaman
8) Hunter
9) Druid


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too bad human female only has like 3 good hairstyles

Who gives a fuck about hairstyles you tranny

None this game fucking sucks

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human warrior, prepare to die edition

No one cares about your opinion or feeling you retarded roleplayer.

There are objective BIS race and class combos in classic and everything else is a wrong choice.

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I’m rolling human rogue

I definitely want to go with engineering.

Should my second be herbalism or mining?

Swords OP or picking for diplomacy?

Warrior: gnome or orc
Hunter: nelf or orc
Rogue: dwarf or orc
Mage: forsaken or gnome
Priest: dwarf or forsaken
Warlock: orc or undead
Shaman: orc
Paladin: dwarf
Anything else is wrong and you better be on a roleplay server, tranny.

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Mining supports Eng heavily. Bank all your ores and then level up eng before you enter a PvP zone

Why can't warlocks be forsaken?
Also. What is undead?

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The int bonus on Gnomes for mages is negligible considering how much time Diplomacy saves you. I’d rather have my bloodvine set quicker over having 1 extra frostbolt cast at max level

Human is literally the worst race you can pick brainlet.

I’ve never done engineering before. How does the goblin & gnomish system work?

>good at anything

Fucking moron the best race on alliance is gnome and dwarf.

Best race on horde is undead and orc

>picking PVE racials implying they fucking matter in the easy ass dungeons or raids

Why you want human again? Sword racial? Are you a fucking retard?

Night elf is better for hunter but there's no reason to not go dwarf or gnome for everything else.

I've never played wow before and want to roll undead, but my friends are rolling fucking alliance.

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> he thinks diplomacy isn't broken as shit

>there are people who will min/max classic WoW
Y'all niggers are the cancer that killed MMOs in the first place.

Fuck your ranks, Randy Cowman will live on and if you go by ranks instead of fun you're a fucking LIGHTWEIGHT

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Go play final fantasy retard or at the very least contain yourself on the rp server
>ruining the experience for other people with your feels


I hate them, but Forsaken rogues are strong af.
Based list otherwise.

>What is escape artist.


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>name reserving needs a subscription
fuck, I'm still not sure if I'm going to play this, so I guess I ain't reserving names. By the way, Do I need to pay for the goddamn game again, or is it just the subscription?

Forsaken are undead.

Just the 15 a month sub

You can already install classic, log in, and create your character. You just can’t click “Enter World”


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>tfw my buddy reserved my name for me
feels good

No matter how many facts you give these people, they're just going to ignore everything and keep watching these faked ass private server runs with a billion consumables in ubrs runs

Let them get raped by horde players. They will change their mind around level 23.

what server are the streamers on?

Filatio server


Does WoW have a large tranny population? Never played it but I wanna avoid these freaks bros

>want to be undead
>not sure if I can deal without Ironforge, Stormwind or Goldshire

i just can't fucking decide

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Just avoid all female forsaken or blood elves if you play retail

minmaxers should be killed.

The trannies won and there is nowhere safe for us innocent gamers to go. We should just kill ourselves. Please.

reminder that barrens chat was based

There will be plenty of "girls". Female Night Elf/Human is 50/50: an autistic tryhard or a tranny, nothing in-between.

>female human
>tryhard before EMFH
Get a load of this retail retard

You have something better than all of that. The horde bank roof!!! Horde bank roof is the most kino location in the game.

Orc Hunter = dabbing on literally everyone, especially naruto cucklords

swords, were we go, we don't need diplomacy

Wtf bros why does everyone hate NElves? Is it because of the tranny players? Our lore has already been raped for over a decade leave us alone.

Its because they try really hard to fit in on Yea Forums, it's where you hate popular things like elves and pretend dwarves are cool even though they don't have any lore.

Retail does, but trannies will stick to XIV and Retail because Classic only has 1 tranny race option (nelf)

Earthbound dwarf lore is better than immortal mary sues

It’s as simple as picking which tree you want and doing the subsequent quests. Gnomish death ray is too OP to pass on.

>only has 1 tranny race option (nelf)
You're forgetting about femsaken, biggest tranny magnet after blood elves.

Thunder Bluff and old Org are peak comfy.

NElves were the only option for the "I MUST play a pretty race!" sissies in vanilla.

Femsaken are the ultimate tryhard race. Trannies already look like monsters in real life, why would they want to in game?

Trannies are tryhards you retard, literally all they do while living on welfare is play video games.

I don't understand why we can't have new models in classic, when modern let's you use old shit makes no sense

>ultimate tryhard
>doesnt play the objectively best horde race (orc)

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Trannies are also too emotionally unstable to handle criticism, thus they avoid tryhard groups. Being told to shut the fuck up over voice would send them spiraling.

They spend all day playing but they accomplish nothing.
Saving you from your own bad Pixar taste. Also retail old models got fucked by animation normalization and don't really work like they used to.



I've never played WoW before, at least not enough to know anything about it. I actually planned on picking Night Elf because their starting location looks fun. Is Night Elf trash tier? I plan on playing PVE, not gonna get into PvP seriously - might try it out just for fun though.

Will classic run on my shittop or has it been infected with modern requirement bloat?

dwarf rogue checking in
red eye rapeface and blackbeard ofc

Weren't old character models removed from retail entirely a while ago?

an actual tranny

Just play what you think looks cool/good this obsession with how certain race gives you x amount of dps more than other race is irrevelant unless you plan on getting high ranks in pvp or raid naxx

1: Undead
5: Orcs
7: Night Elves


Playing a female character is tranny as fuck, there is no excuse not to play male in classic when every male model is better.

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>not playing a manlet race
what you insecure?

because blizzard got butthurt that most people did not switch to new model.

Female Undead and Dwarves are better than males

>Is Night Elf trash tier?
Like gameplay wise you mean? Race barely makes a difference, the only one that was really a thing to really consider was undead because (in vanilla anyway, haven't played in years and years so maybe they've nerfed them since then) they had an ability that could break them out of a stun and that could easily make or break a PVP fight.


woah very /tg/-core, this is definetely your own opinion and not you just parroting whats acceptable on Yea Forums

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>paladin above anything
nice meme

Get help tranny

male human looks like garbage unless you play a plate class that covers up that dog shit looking polygon face
you are correct for the rest of the classes though

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>the only one that was really a thing to consider was undead
wanna know how I know youre a shitter?

seething hordelet

>Race barely makes a difference

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>11 more days

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my first character was a dwarf warrior, I made him in middle school during vanilla because I thought being a dwarf warrior would be badass. I'll be making the same thing for classic.
If you don't pick the exact same race/class that you spent most of your time with in vanilla why bother?

No, just not an ugly midget.

>If you don't pick the exact same race/class that you spent most of your time with in vanilla why bother?
>troll shaman
No thanks, I am going nelf hunter.

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Male nelfs look like shit. The female nelfs have so much over them. Good looking models, good emotes, good voice lines. Jesus christ why would you roll male?

Here's the best sex for each race:
HUMAN: tie
DORF: male
GNOME: femae
NELF: female
ORC: male
TAUREN: male
TROLL: male
UNDEAD: female

If you are male in real life you play a male character or you have gender issues you little zoomer.

troll shaman is based. night elf hunter is literally gay

its not classic if Alliance actually wins in AV

>nelf hunter
did you reserve XxlegolazxX?

Can you not separate video games from real life? Your character is not you, nor is it a projection of you. Minmax fags prove that.

>useless roleplay race is based
cringe to da max
Just legolas

dilate tranny

so close

Unironically get help and get laid

Unironically stop posting on Yea Forums

human/undead: major faggot avoid at all cost
nelf/orc: minor faggot but generally tolerable
gnome/troll: mixed bag
tauren/dwarf: bro tier

Only accurate one i've seen so far

Wouldn’t changing my opinion because you say I’m trying to hard be trying even harder?

I would switch Human with Gnome

push tauren and dwarf up into mixed bag and its a pretty good list

>t. human

nice try human male ret paladin.

For me, its female gnome warlock.

Human male warrior actually but I have never met a gnome that isnt a total fag

>Getting stunned so often you rely on an RNG resist
>Being good

Pick one

>human male warrior
literally streamerfag combo. Off yourself

Bros why I lost all my interest and hype for classic? I just tried a vanilla fun server and I feel no interest anymore. Maybe the leveling will bring it back.

gnome are minor faggot tier at worst
humans aren't going anywhere but bottom tier

He picked the Manlet side

>picking the worst race in the game(objectively) unironically


Why the fuck cant Ret Pala just be fucking GOOD? Or at the very least DECENT

>he picked the furry side
Imagine having to pick your race between furry, furry, zoomzoom vurtne fanboy and orc

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Did you even play vanilla? Stuns were broken and all over the place.

>MFW was an Orc warrior originally because I love warriors and shit and Orcs are fucking born warriors
>Now people think im gonna be some stupid metafag

Is this a roleplay list?

People actually play manlets with lore that was made up just for WoW

imagine not playing the chad gnome

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Night elves are the furry race user
>b-but tauren
never had anywhere near the popularity among furfags. There is a reason there is so much night elf horsecock futa

Roll paladin anyway, level as ret (but 11 points in holy for consec, always), wait for blizzard to release tbc and wotlk

Cope, also don't forget trolls are literally a furfag race.
>trolls' bodies are covered in short, soft fur which causes them to appear purple or gray. However, their range of color is even broader as many appear in shades of blue as well as tints of green.

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But i'll never be invited to PUGs

PUT ON THE DRESS (or find a guild)

>anime picture
yeah seething nelf tranny

You know, I've been thinking. Is there ANY class is classic that actually uses a 2h weapon in PvE (as in, smacks things with it)?


Can, but won't because they're only allowed to tank


Can, but won't because they're only allowed to heal


Can, but won't because they only use the ranged weapon


Can, but won't because no spec supports 2h dps


No melee abilities


Can't equip


No melee abilities

So for gathering professions should I go skinning/mining then swap mining for herb once the market settles?

What is the earliest level I can get exalted with Darnassus by as a human?

insecure cucks


Yea Forums says they bad me must obey

Idiot LARPer. Every raid will have eight to twelve warriors, and only one will be tanking at all times. You are right about no one using 2h weapons though, because dual wield is better for PvE. 2h = PvP toys.

It's used a lot for leveling early on, even when you have dual wielding which misses all the time until your weapon skill grows.

reminder that ultimately, vanilla content is easy, and if you look hard enough you'll find a guild that lets you play what you want

DPS warriors are allowed in PUUUUUBGAAAAANG if you know at least one buffoon dumb enough to heal or tank

trannies coming out of the woodwork

>people are actually worrying about minmaxing

the only role that even SLIGHTLY needs to worry about minmaxing in classic is the Tank, and the minmaxing goes as far as "Are you a warrior? If not, you are not tanking raids" and "Do you have a shield equipped? If not, you are not tanking raids"

You can easily do raids with fucking ret pallies as your main DPS if you want to

>itt delusional people that will never clear Naxx

>muh racials
>muh minmax
>muh speedruns
rp and rppvp is the way to go

>want to avoid the freaks
>posts on Yea Forums

I'm still fucking mad human males never got a short, full beard

Instead they get that retarded sideburns+handlebar+soul patch combo that looks retarded, or a full beard that's short everywhere but then 5x bigger at the chin

>BIS robes up to AQ 40 are stylish as hell
Feels good priest bros

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>muh minmax
Unless you're going into a mega autistic guild that's going for world firsts or world records, minmaxing is pointless

classic raids are not difficult at all

In pure minmax terms, Nelves are so-so depending on what you're trying to accomplish, all class dps potential throughout WoW's history has been simmed using Night Elves since they have never had any racials that directly and/or passively alter damage or healing numbers. They're pretty good as rogues since they get improved stealth, good as WPvP hunters because they get a free stealth ability that can be used to ambush, and are good as druids because they're the only race on alliance that can be druids

>human female Rogue
God I cant wait to kill all you fucking hordefags.
Going to speedlevel then corpsecamp you all until you're forced to log off or faction swap.

Thunderbluff if comfy, usually not very crowded and has an auction house a few steps away from the mailbox/bank.

using Night Elves if possible*

Or at least that's what i am told, btw

>corpse camp
isn't this impossible because of layering? They can just have someone from a different realm invite them, causing them to disappear. There was an addon that used to do this in retail when blizzard first had the fuck-awful idea to introduce CRZ


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Oh fuck I didnt even think of that. In that case they should make grouping impossible while in spirit form.
Hope no one actually does that, I've got a personal vendetta since all of my friends betrayed me for Horde.

enjoy being at a disadvantage every fight??

Same bro, it's especially bad as an RPPVP fag. All I can do is run around Grobshire PVPing on top of ERPers.

>”””applying””” for a guild spot like it’s some kind of job
>Not having a large enough friend base and friends of friends to form a proper raid team where people can have fun and play what they like

>maxes out rep
Nothing personnel, orc.
The only issue is that diplomacy becomes a dead racial when you've maxed all reps but I doubt that will happen any time soon.

Thoughts on Troll Warrior? That was my original bro way back when but I'm tempted to see what all the fuss about Orc Warrior is.

Warriors are important as fuck

If i recall, there was a fight that necessitated at least 8 warriors. Warriors are both Dps and tanks, and there will definitely be enough warrior tanks to go around, where did you get this delusion warriors wouldnt be allowed to DPS?

>No dwarf hunter
imagine being this pathetic

I was going to go mage, but I already played one in Vanilla for most of the xpac along with priest (I did priest until after Onyxia).

I guess warlock it is! I've played a warlock before, but it was only for ICC as my guild needed a demo lock for the buff. You still had to farm shards back then so I think I know what I'm in for more or less.

Apparently trolls' Berserking is just a worse Bloodfury (Orc's racial) but that's just what i hear. Also Orc's get a pasaive chance to resist stuns which is amazing in PvP

>dude just have thirty nine close friends lmao

>Orc Warrior
Blood Fury + Axe Specialization

Even easier
>Not having a couple people who can vouch for you to come into a 40 fucking man ran
People who think every guild is going to be running speedrun comps are delusional. Id rather kick the sperg freaking out about the feral druid than the druid himself
>t. Resto shamalam

Troll warrior is alright, berserking actually becomes useful especially leveling as a rage dump. Orcs have stun resist and +hit as a race though so its a pretty easy call from a purely numbers stand point.

bloodfury is one of the worst racials in the game
it only increases your BASE attack power
even at level sixty the buff is negligible

best I could do was 10 other dudes. We still have to find 30 other people so joining a guild seems like the best move

>everyone shits on Troll Priest forever, it's kind of better for PvE
>people making videos about it
>suddenly everyone fucking love Trolls Priest and makes new videos

Such lazy cash-in garbage. You don't even watch the video, you just scroll down to the comment section to find the person that actually knows what they're talking about. And them correcting the Uploader, and getting told 'kk bud'. Just to have the uploader make a new video later with their exact points.

Now that Orc racial actually works, it's too good not to go if you plan on PvPing.

If you're not, just play whatever the fuck you want.

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Again it's just what i hear, but you don't play Orc for BF anyway it's just a bonus

I am though, I just updated it from Undead Rogue to Undead Warrior because I'm not an easily scared child anymore and I'm ready to confront things head on.

>b-but MUH cinematic
Its a bad race and gender combo

>bad gender

user when ranking, people usually use lower numbers to represent better ranks

nelf master race

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noo Yea Forums said we cant like elves!!

they are gay or goblin kikes

>tfw going to exclusively gank dwarves to irritate all the muh dorfs /tg/enerates

Who raped you?


>Bro feral druid every server had that brought Brez, innervate, 3% crit buff and sucked up otherwise useless druid tier
>The 7th """dps""" warrior thats going to be saving dkp for months to try and buyout bindings while still wearing blues and greens as the rest of us enter BWL
I dont think anyone would disagree


dwarvers, orcs and forsaken are the biggest incel gamers

Enjoy your Wetlands run

For the past fourteen years, I have had to read thousands of posts by closeted manlet incels who can't shut the fuck up about how badass they are for playing dwarf and how better they are than all the elf playing normies and stacies. Now it's payback time.

You aren't thinking like a Dwarf would.
2 inches long and with the radius of a pringle's can.

Touches every side of the tuna can except the bottom

No human Warriors/Paladins are. They’re a binch of Chad Larpers who think swinging a sword and wearing plate in a video game makes them a crusader

1. Dwarf
2. Troll
3. Human
4. Night Elf
5. Undead
6. Tauren
7. Gnome
8. Orc

orcs are for labor

They are on the same level as forsaken but your post made me physically cringe.

Did you even play vanilla?

>Can, but won't because they only use the ranged weapon

yea because new animations work only on new models
would look wonky on old ones

>dwarf and troll at the top
Mega chad.

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there is a shortcut now

Why are the two least warrior races for the horde, Undead and trolls, the best looking warriors? Something about their hunched forms taking blows and dishing out attacks just looks so aesthetically pleasing.

Based tier: human, orc, undead
Tryhard tier: gnome
Normie tier: night elf
Faggot tier: tauren, troll, dwarf


tranny hands

>tfw your boomer friends pick Horde like 12 year olds
>tfw you won't get to do comfy Elwynn, spooky Duskwood, relaxing Darkshore, or have all those quests in Feralis
feels fucking bad, man. I've been Horde a few times and I don't care what anyone says; The Barrens sucks dicks. Dirt, mud huts, a few raptors, quill boars and ostrich creates.

Naxx was retarded difficult, to the point where the game wasn't intended to be played like that

Contrast is the heart of soul.

>Blizzard asks people to get off of a realm for the first time
>in a phase where old the most dedicated retards would have active subs or have reactivated for
>the bulk of the players aren't even in yet
oh boy, what will the doomsayers move the goal posts to now?

Just level in Silverpine then faggot

Shame you can't play a Panda you stupid, furry, queer faggot.

>human and undead
>anything but normie

yeah, the one good Horde zone. Doesn't even come close to stacking up. Muh Arugal is gay as fuck

Troll priest ma boi! I like shadow guard.

I swear Yea Forums is the only place where people get this autistic over race/gender choices for video games.

>ranking humans as #1
How bland...

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Yea Forums is the only place on the internet where people pretend to like dwarves and trolls just to be snowflakes

Unironically me.

My friends did this so I made a human mage anyway because fuck playing horde as main. Their zones suck ass.

After I did this, a few of my friends joined me but the majority are going horde because they have better racials. Fuck em.

kill horde niggers

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>No you can't like different stuff or else you are just pretending!

>He doesn't just pick Undead for everything and refuse to play faggot/furry classes like druid/paladin

It's like you retards don't even serve the Dark Lady or something

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can't decide between warlock and mage
fucking hell

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>"You're so unoriginal for not being a trash race because you have braincells!"

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>big castle in fairytale forest
>mudhuts in barren wasteland

will she do lewd things to me if i serve her?

Imagine thinking you can gank anyone with layering, all I have to do is ask for an invite from a friend and poof, i'm on a different realm

We have literally nothing to talk about for a week and a half go easy.

>Hehe... these dps warriors will never EVER be able to respec.....

Night Elves should only take Wetlands run around the late teens-early 20s to run Deadmines

I played both. Warlock can be arguably better in PVP later on in late stage raid gear, but you still likely lose to warriors and rogues

Mage has a hard time with hunters (not the retarded ones that let you deadzone them easily) and locks. Pick your poison.

Mage is better than lock for a majority of raiding. They don't have to worry about threat like a lock and they get FREE hit. When Warlocks GET hit gear, mages are moving over to fire and will feed combusts to a Big Dick mage who will lord over everyone else.

They're both easy to pick up and hard to master. Warlock has more buttons and micromanaging, but mage has a high skill cap as well. Mage is probably easier to get into.

Warlock spends time before the raid farming shards, Mage spends time making large amounts of water at 6-10 a pop (don't remember the amount). In a raid they're both mostly a one button spammer.

Mage wins on utility; portals cannot be overstated in usefulness in Vanilla without a doubt. Soulstone is nice, but blink is nicer.

I would give the edge in most things to mage. You won't regret warlock at all if you go it, but do so if you enjoy the flavor of the class.

Youre not using succubus properly if you lose to a rogue not in t3

Undead and Orcs are what faggot tryhards pick in order to come off as "cool"

But it's like this for every game.

That hand of guldan trinket or w/e breaks charms, most rogues will have it

Enh does DPS with a 2H but it's garbage and they're there to totem twist or optionally nightfall bot (though it's more optimal to let a War OT do this and give the Enh an actual good weapon).

nobody walks around with succy out in the world and the rogue isn't going to wait for you to be out of combat for a fair fight.

Unless you're dueling in front of Org, expect to die a lot to rogues and warriors while leveling. It's just how it goes.

You don't even get Death Coil until 42.

Undead have no stamina limitations and feel no pain, how are they not warrior material?

druid or paladin bros

This is why mages start off stronger for the most part. Warlocks have real issues with threat and hit.

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grobbulus... home....

imagine thinking you can get to level 20 without going through wetlands... wow.

Ironically the races who could sexually enjoy Sylvanas are every one of them except Undead

Oh, last thing; comparing the "burst combos", warlock has to hope for a fat soul crit
mage sheeps, AP->Pyro cast->POM->instant pyro->blast and that's usually death regardless of crit or not.

Hunter probably has the funniest burst combo, but mage/shaman have a stronger one than lock. Mage gets a free cast, shaman gets a free crit.

>the classic male human full beard


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already got mine

>tfw rolling resto shammy on Herod

Alliance stay mad

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>dwarf players
>having friends

Okay but consider magic

enjoy your queues

I'm getting mixed messages bros

because u played private server

Ignore those fags i'll make the decision easy for you. Do you want to heal in robes or plate armor?

If my last two digits are even, you roll paladin. If they are odd, you roll druid. Dubs and you kill yourself.

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Oh no I've been destroyed

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I think you meant, "do you want to heal in robes or robes"

Paladin if you want to be useful, druid if you want to get your tier set quickly

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Let me break it down for you faggot zoomers, retail trannies, and every other normal person here.


1) Dwarf: The best players play this race. They are always chill, know WTF is going on, don't give a shit about vanity just want to be a bro.
2) Human: The Default and also template for turbo chad. A wide variety of people will play this since it's the default.
3) Gnome: Generally played by older people who don't take gaming super duper seriously any more also played by women and children
4) Tauren: Only good Horde race, usually played by middle aged stay at home moms, furries, and otherwise decent players. The closest thing you will get to bro levels of a dwarf on the horde, but with the added detriment that you'll be associated with furfags
5) Orc: Usually played by manlets, soi guzzlers, ftm trannies who need to overcompensate for being dealt a bad hand in life. Will generally not be a shitty party member though. Lorewise are an allegory for niggers
6) Night Elf: Exclusively played by faggots, trannies, closet trannies, and women. Avoid, especially if it's a hunter.
7) Undead: will be the most played Horde race. Generally played by edgy losers, stoners, normies who want to seem cool, douche bags, and try hards who act like they aren't try hards. Kill of sight or avoid if Horde.
8) Trolls: The most useless race in wow. Lanky faggots who smoke weed all day play this class. Trolls also don't wear shoes. The most obnoxious faggots play trolls. If on an RP server avoid like the plague because they will try to ERP you into their cuck fantasies.

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1) Paladin: Warriors of the Holy Light, support. Always there to lend a hand
2) Warrior: Backbone of any group, tanks
3) Warlock: easy to learn, hard to master. Like playibng mage on Advanced
4) Priest: If warrios are the backbone, priests are the heart fop any group.
5) Mage: Default Nuke bot. Boring.
6) Rogue: Will be played by everyone who thinks they are good, true or not.
7) Shaman: Who cares, fuck the horde.
8) Druid: Least played class in Vanilla. Really only good for giving mana to healers and carrying flags.
9) Hunter: Avoid at all costs. The scribes speak of the fables" decent hunter" but I have never encountered such a beast and therefore cannot verify it's existence.

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>1) Dwarf: The best players play this race. They are always chill, know WTF is going on, don't give a shit about vanity just want to be a bro.
this is what incels actually believe

Here's a thought Yea Forums. Why don't you just play whatever race/class combo you personally enjoy. The racials are largely irrelevant because the majority of content doesn't require them. The only way you'll really notice is if you're a top end pvp/pve progression player. Let's face it, you're posting on Yea Forums so you're not one of these people. Play what you like and don't worry about being able to do one 1 extra point of damage per attack. It won't matter.

This is out of date, user. Trolls are the new Tauren. And Tauren are the zoomer race now.

>tfw getting the guilds first BRE and topping the meters in raids as 2h fury and wrecking peoples face as arms in pvp

Don't be one of those cucks that dual-wields like a fucking rogue.

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>this is what incels actually believe
t. Retail tranny who has never played Vanilla WoW.

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>actually thinking WoW classic is vanilla wow

Ur being ironic rite? xD

1. 29 orc twink shaman with meteor shard dagger w 30sp, spellpwr goggles, gloves w firepower enchant, basalt buckler, wsg rings, raptor hunter tunic. wep proc for 109dmg instant.

2. anything else
3. actual turd i just had while typing this
4. any hunter
5. any hunter or rogue redneck wigger that listens to rap or hip hop

I'm just telling you how it was then.

Troll or undead mage?

very nice, thanks for the rundown buddy

>Ur being ironic rite? xD
Wow you're a fucking idiot. Never breed (like that was ever actually going to happen) and stop wearing women's clothing because we all know you ain't ever gonna pass.

That's what I'm gonna do. I wish less people would play forsaken rogue, but oh well. It's well-loved for a reason.

some of you guys are alright, don't go to warsong gulch tomorrow

Gnome mage

theres like 2 viable plate healing pieces before Naxx though, more like do you want to redo your buffs every 15 minutes or 60 minutes

>running SFK as alliance

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muh dorfs are bros has always been a garbage meme spammmed by dwarf playing subhumans
you """people""" are literally the alliance equivalent of troll players

Well we need a new one for classic because we are going to have Fortnite zoomers running around on frost mage gnomes named this.

Attached: zoomers.jpg (1920x1080, 544K)

t. retail tranny elf player

Omgosh you're so rude. Have you tried sex? Might help your temperament.

I agree. I'll make one after a few months and getting the lay of the land.

reminder that Elves are the white people of the setting and people talking shit about them have an active subscription to BLACKED DOT COM and can be safely ignored

>wetlands run is a bad thing

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Does the Gnomish racial Intellect bonus apply before or after gear? This decides my racial selection.

>dwarfshitter actually thinks hes better than elfshitters
lol just lol

i bet he will play dwarf hunter

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>literally creatura'd trolls x magic
I don't think so, boss.

>Warrior: gnome

Fucking dropped

Who the hell could have such shit opinions

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nelves came first. anything else is gobjew propaganda


people who are going to join premades and farm you on the way to rank 14, old man

Gonna go dwarf rogue, herb/alch fishing/cooking. Gonna get them oily blackmouths, sneak around maraudon for them ghost shrooms, wear an eyepatch and cook some nightfin soup. Gonna be peak comfy.

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im going to kill every single one of you especially the gnomes

Just this morning with my wife. You should project a little less, tranny.

Racial stats are a thing you know?

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Gnomelock it is then. Can't go wrong I figure.


>dwarf rogue
An artisanal choice, my friend.


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im ready

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Very good rundown but you forgot one thing about lock. In 5 mans, 10 mans and raids alike you will be the first one to show up, you are going to be everyone's fucking summoning bitch

My best friend that I played WoW with for the first time was murdered by his brother and I’m planning on recreating his undead rogue as a way to cope since we won’t be able to play this bastardized version together.

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Do any brainlet Tauren memes exist? didn't know the poor bastards had the lowest INT score

that reaction is excellent


Tauren are exclusively played by twitch faggots and zoomers now.

Not like this bros .... NOT LIKE THIS

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>ally strengthlets



A level 1 Tauren Druid can only cast Wrath once before going OOM

Think about that for a minute

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>"can't wait to play literally me"

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>was murdered by his brother

>horde mindlets

>"I hate myself so i make myself into a dog-morph!"

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did (streamer) lie about sharding? i cant believe i trusted him

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Good because I'll be CHADlliance so I will enjoy killing them.

You don't actually know how baseline level one stats work. They actually contribute even less than they normally would, since e.g. stamina points you have at level one give you less than 10hp, strength points less than 2ap, etc. Feel free to make level one characters of various races and compare their stats on a pserver or beta if you're in our wait until Classic launch if you distrust pserver data. And even if they didn't, that stat difference is negligible. A difference between gnome and tauren is 10 strength, which is 20ap, which translates to what, 3-4 dps? That's nothing compared to the benefits of racials.

Orc fetish

Hardiness fetish*

Yes, correct, but I would think that goes without saying. All the locks will have a contest to see who can show up early but the latest

>giving a shit about miniscule stat differences in an easy as fuck rpg

They have the strongest racial on horde by far.

What a load of shit.

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>caring about non-agility stats

Don't worry, we've already surmised you have a fetish for hard things in you.

Yep ... just like I remember vanilla *sips caprisun*

Redpill me on troll hunter

>flexes in spirit

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They could shard Classic into a 50,000 different instances and it would still be a better game than BFA.

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You will be the best at throwing things

shooting the shit with the other locks before everyone else logged was mad comfy

>give up orc racials to do 2% more damage in pve on a low damage class

warlock or rogue? will be going gnome.

>shards wont effect me im levelling in a group anyway
oh no...

Stone Talon, Arathi Highlands, Mulgore, Alterac and Hillsbrad. Get fucked.

Really what the fuck were they thinking?

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Imagine actually paying money for trash like this lmao


Stone Talon is rightful elven clay.

It's just a fun reference to the RTS unit, your real weapon skill is the bow mastery which shits on Dwarfags who will be FORCED to use a bow where you relish it, so pick Troll hunter and pepper niggaz from afar

Mad lad

Weren't thinking about their itemization, I tell ya hwut

>Wait like 4 years after the classic announcement
>Thinking we would get something amazing, original vanilla wow
>Instead they copypaste the 1.12 data on top of the bfa client and infraestructure
>Here's your classic bro
>Blizzcucks will eat that shit anyway

Attached: Fanboyo.png (900x900, 157K)

i won't be more attractive to groups as a lock compared to rogue? I want to play during my nightshift so i think rogue fits best as i can stealth when i have to help patients. Never played rogue so i think i should do that even though there will be millions of me running around. I think ally locks will be more rare.

jannies reeeeee

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Night elf rogue it is then.

>Dwarfags who will be FORCED to use a bow

I'm going Dwarf Hunter and I will never use a bow, fuck you. If I can't find or craft a good enough gun for my level, I'll throw fucking bombs instead.

Orc Arms Warrior. Now that's a class race combo.

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both are great i just really love classic rogue
its well worth playing

god i wish a nelf would say hi to me

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he regenerates even when deleted!

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The patrician race/class combo. Followed by Troll Warrior.

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imagine unironically doing less dps than the tank

Gnome is based and I’m an Orc shaman main

Attached: og 2.jpg (388x475, 84K)

>nintenbabies eat whatever they put on their plate
>nobody gives a shit
>snoyboys eat literal every gigantic piece of shit they put on their plate
>nobody gives a shit
>blizzdrones eat whatever acticuck puts on their plate

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>tfw no night elf Huntress or Warden class

Imagine thinking crossbows don't exist


Attached: AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.webm (560x52, 247K)

I think i will try something new this time then. I played warlock back in 2005. Never gave rogue a real try. Should i do mining and engineering? or skinning and mining? i'll be on pvp server so i wonder how necesarry bombs are for world pvp while leveling up.

you look like a fag and your shits all retarded

huntress voice is pure sex

what race class combo do I play to be the most hated person on the server?

Quick Yea Forums Tauren or Orc for Ele/Resto Shaman.

Tauren has War stomp and 5% life

Orc has 25% stun resist and less leeway

The best DPS hunter in the game. The best bow animation in the game. The coolest hairstyles in the game. The best sit animation in the game.

there is NO good gun in the entire game

undead rogue but you'll be competing with three dozen edgy children trying to be le epic troll

gnome warlock

I love watching people cry about "Pixar" when Warcraft has always had a cartoon look and feel to it.

bald gnome rogue

what if I do same things udnead rogues do but on alliance side?

but people shit on consolebabs all the time tho? stupid blizzcuck

no one under 30 is allowed on my server

Attached: gas zoomers3.jpg (704x904, 193K)

>Pixar and cartoony are synoynimous
lmao we got a literal lil zoom here fellas

If you're in a really try hard guild on Horde side yeah. Hunters do raptor strikes in between shot timers because of windfury. Also warriors on Horde side with bonereavers edge.

>all these pvp retards with their meta opinions

Sucks 2 b u

*for raiding

>he gets upset because his rpg about saving the planet from cthulhu monsters and psychotic elves isn't photorealistic and ultra-serious

Gnome or human mage?

>board is 24/7 console wars
>wow no one ever shit talks about console players

holy shit post more webms of Sansa

human (female)

What about human male (female)

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Are hunters really that bad a dps ?
Or is it just that most hunters are bad players ?

Educate me

This could be me in Classic

I'm not opposed to the idea of WoW classic being as shit today as it was back then, including the cancerous graphics


How does one level a Warlock? I know Affliction is probably gonna be my endgame unless Destro completley overtakes it but I have no idea how to level to that point. I know alot of people say Demo is pretty ezmode levelling.


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>lil zoom so seething he can't even tell what the post he's replying to said

Most hunters are bad. Most players are going to be bad but hunter punishes poor play the hardest while simultaneously ninjaing the most gear other people needed. There were a few hunters that were hanging with the mages in the latest points of the game but that was after reaching the breakpoint in gear where the survival spec beats out MM for total dps so its not going to be somewhere everyone gets to.

The term "Huntards" exist for a reason

Demo is good for leveling but when I leveled my warlock I went Affliction mostly and didn't have to much trouble. You have a pet so once you learn to micro your pets skills and you can juggle multiple mobs you'll be laughing

This guy got it right

You're a moron. Why wouldn't you go human on Rogue? It's the best race in the game for PVE due to +mace and +sword skill AND it gets easy reputation gain, bonus spirit for leveling, and stealth detection.

See above

don't fucking steal my armor and weapons you fucking hunter.

t. warrior

hope you guys dont cough in a streamer's general direction

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>MFW I wanted the shitty SM armory axe for memes
>A huntard took it every

>caring about streamers
zoom zoom zoom

don't forget Herod's Shoulder armor.



I remember smithing being absolutely fucking misrebel, even as a warrior, should I just say fuck it and go enchanting?

Excuse me but it has crit chance for ALL attacks ;)

Because racials are worthless in PvE and only worth it in PvP.

>b-b-but my sword skill for 2% extra dps
Wow so the boss dies 0.2 seconds earlier and you're higher up on the damage meters. That was really worth it.

And then you die in pvp because perception is garbage.

and that why i will never accept hunters in my group. Only when i am running X dungeon for exp once i've got all the items i need. Fuck hunters. The nigerians of wow.

>, Stormwind or Goldshire
What a pleb

God classic wow has so much more SOUL. I'll never play retail again. I can have fun with it but upon making my human warrior on classic I can just tell. Were going home bros.

>MFW that one instance (forgot what the fuck it was called, had a shit ton of trolls and shit in Tanaris I think)
>Wanted to make the dumb 2h sword you get by combining the smaller swords
>Huntards would take them every single fucking time
>Had a huntard try to steal the Ironfoe from me after doing BRD a million fucking times for it
>The fucking AUDACITY of him rolling on it
>Wasn't a lucklet that day so I still won it
I never wanted to strangle someone through the internet so hard

So how would sharding have differed?

>if I call everyone who disagrees with me my favorite Yea Forums buzzwords it means I win! maybe next time I'll also post an anime reaction or a wojak...

Uhm, no sweaty, I kill everyone in PvP since I'm raiding with the best guild on the server and have full BiS gear while most people in world PvP are running around in blue/green garbage. :^)

They've moved onto FFXIV recently so don't worry.

Male NE should be exclusively Druid, and Orcs should be exclusively Warlocks.

Kul Tiran Balance Druid

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>Orcs should be exclusively Warlocks

You meant that the other way around right? But still, what about Varimathras? Sylvanas has her own demon, so it's fine.

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Who cares, are you going to be demanding every player you see to post pictures of themselves to prove they're not your demon boogieman?

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>Thalnos population is showing as High

Just how many fucking BRs are there?

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>who cares about the quality of the player base in a multiplayer focused game

A lot of them come close to being good but then it's actually just a shitty wig and you can see the back of their shaven head if you angle the camera down.

Attached: AllianceInNutshell.jpg (518x483, 67K)

>I spend more time crying about people I'll never see in real life instead of playing the game

the HUEs will block out the sun

Oh wow 20 minutes of running and a death will set you back soo much.


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Why the fuck is literally every human player a WHITE character? The fuck is wrong with y'all?

uhhhh bros, are the servers about to be full cap?

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Are there any addons that I absolutely MUST HAVE for launch? Already got Questie and Swingtimer

i got you bro

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Because all the niggers are horde

Not true. Dwarves are fucking snowniggers, Gnomes are disgusting manlets, and Night Elves are LGBTQ+ degenerates. The ONLY real choice of race is Human.

alliance is whites only. no onions allowed

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>alliance is no onions
I doubt it

bros I'm really split between dwarfchad and hooman, since armor doesn't look trash on humans

>stalagg is already medium
>and this is just from people who are reserving characters


Attached: Silithus IRL.webm (480x360, 2.99M)

Does look like shit is gonna explode.


user that's an aerial view of mecca

So what's the server situation? Where is everyone going?

get that red sand goy

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Massive noob here. I'm thinking going gnome warlock. Thoughts?

None at all go get em champ.

succubus could really smother you with her ass

Who /crazed dwarf/ here?

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Go Alliance with your friends.
Does pic related look nice? Because that's what playing horde is like.

Attached: horde.jpg (800x533, 96K)

>tfw you want to be a chad by playing alliance but you need them sick horde racials as a crutch because you're a shitter
...muh orc tho

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>not self inserting yourself as your character in a fantasy land

so how fucked am i if i play ally warlock on a pvp server?

Not at all because warlock is a braindead op class.


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why would you be fucked playing the most overpowered class in the entire game?
if you're an orc warlock you win. period.

its fine, will of the forsaken is greatly exaggerated

I wanna fuck her


>ally warlock

>the most overpowered class in the entire game
In the context of a 1v1 duel with all your cooldowns

>Be in PvP scenario
>Wisely hang back, for you are a warlock who is above everyone
>DoT literally everyone and don't even send your pet in, it exists to serve and protect you

you will do quite well. racials are insignificant to a warlock.

i play horde, you really expect me to be able to read simple sentences?

Attached: deus.jpg (1000x1244, 241K)

with a niche spec that is useless everywhere else

You the type of dude to make a black human female named miakalifaa

time to make a gnome female warlock and RP as a horny fujo that summons sexy demon twinks and monsters to fuck her

The only cooldown you need is death coil and that's on a 2 min cd.
And you're just as good in wpvp.

you'll be fine about 50% of the time

>not futa succubus

undead is the worst leveling in the game.
troll and orc are by far the best
with gnome and dwarf being the second best.

wut? Cannibalize is the best leveling racial.

anyone else autistically try to find the best combination of race + class to have one of each on your account? (plus the one duplicate race because 9>8)

I meant starting zones not racials. my bad, should've fully fleshed out my thought.

>wanting to be in ogreshit
Yeah nah
Tirisfal is top cozy

The fuck are you talking about?
Deathknell to Tirisfal to Silverpine is literally the comfiest experience this game has ever known.

t. homosexuals
durotar is the best.

I'll agree with you on that. Basically there's a gap from level 12 to 18 which forces you to go to xroads. Then again from 20-24 before you go to TM. There's a great new site to layout the optimal quest path.

ah yes, RED ROCKS
shit nigga at least Thunder Bluff has cliff aesthetics

XIVbros weren't kidding when they said wowniggers only care about rushing to level cap so they can raidlog

>best combination of race + class to have one of each

Yeah, it's

>Orc Warrior
>Tauren Shaman
>Troll Rogue
>Undead Warlock
>Human Paladin
>Dwarf Hunter
>Night Elf Druid
>Gnome Mage

All male of course. Priest is either Undead or Human, depending on spec. This is the perfect distribution and you cannot refute it.

Attached: 1559093967273.png (191x376, 101K)

>miles of red sand and boars
>a haunted forest spanning 3 zones with zombies, ghosts, spiders, fanatic crusaders and warewolves


it's just a tool. You don't need to follow it. I'm certainly not because I've done it 50 times.

I dunno haven't played in awhile but I remember the frenzy ability Trolls have being awesome for mages.

sadly this, horde cities are all absolutely nigger tier and horribly designed

IF and SW are top tier comfy

I'm worst race, best class.
Life is about compromise.

For me, it's Troll Shadow Priest.

Attached: Zaduru_TCG.jpg (640x480, 68K)


>all this blabbering about racials
No one even thinks of picking a race based on hitbox and jumping out of bounds to fuck over everyone else

>playing bottom-ranked race as top-ranked class

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>Night Elf


You just can't beat the Night Elf starting zone and Darkshore. They're too fucking comfy.
I wonder if they'll still have the bugged version of the Brushwood Blade. 3.00 speed 1h sword that equips on your back.

the best if you're a mouthbreathing smoothbrained retard maybe. only kino shit ever in durotar was sen'jin village
for you, its not doing anything actually


How do I stick with it? I'm playing on a private server right now, as a warrior, and sometimes going through a dungeon can feel soul crushing.

Actually I'm playing with two other night-elves and we're all immediately fucking off from Darn to make the run to Elwynn. May be comfy but nothing can replace the joy of the human starting zone and questchains with the Defias.

>moves 36 yards away from you
bye warlock maybe next person you come across will want to fight

The Defias quest chain is an acceptable reason to abandon your people, honestly. Also I guess I gotta make that run as well to learn weapon skills. Can't wait to get eaten by crocolisks in the Wetlands.