Satisfactory sold more than 500k units on EGS

>Coffee Stain’s net sales were SEK 83 million. Their performance in the quarter was notably driven by a successful Epic Games Store promotion of Satisfactory.


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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf but they said they only sold 9 copies!!

>Steamcels say your game can only sell if it's on Steam
>Game isn't on Steam
>Sells 500,000 anyway


Add the Epic exclusive payment and the game is a HUGE success

>trolled steam drones with tweet about selling only 8 copies on EGS
>steam drones actually thought what they sold that much and started to celebrate, posting on news sites and reddit about games failure to sell
>steam drones brain was too small to realize that was a joke and they got dabbed on

Absolutely based Coffee Stain blowing the fuck out of Steamcels

Attached: factorio.jpg (754x699, 66K)

Hey jannies and mods, wanna get cunnystorm for this thread too?

Why are Steam drones such creeps?

Based cunnybro.

Shills fear the cunny.

>tim's weenie pays for 500,000 copies up front
>admit to only selling 7,374 copies on their storefront

I am not even a steamdrone you spamming niggerfaggot. I'm just tired of your endless egs spam that's been going since December 2018.
Alright mods and jannies, the last warning. Delete this spam now, or your friendly advertisers will run away from this place.

Reminder that epic bought 500k and the game sold around 7k.

Jannies! Mods!
Wanna some cunny?

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So Risk of Rain 2 sells 1 million copies x $20=$20,000,000

But factor in Steam's 30% cut, and it's down to 14,000,000

But Satisfactory sells 500,000 copies x $30=15,000,000

And you factor in Epic's 12%, that's down 13,750,000

So in the long run, Satisfactory will make way more money than Risk of Rain 2, especially with the cash injection from Epic for the exclusivity.

And I'm not even accounting for Gearbox's 10-15% they get from the ROR2 devs (Oops, that's gotta hurt)

Attached: risk of rain satisfactory.jpg (753x905, 146K)

Dump it.

Yup. Here we go.

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>sell 500,000 on EGS with 87% cut instead of 1 million with 70% cut

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But risk of rain developer has a chance to develop another game.

Epic won't sign another contract with shitfactory developer after selling only 7k
and no real person will buy from them after selling out to epic.

They only take 30% on the first 10 million and then it goes to 25%.

Good to remember that risk if rain 3 Will likely do almost as good, risk of rain 2 had a dev team of 3 people, and there won't be a satisfactory 2

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Epic always wins baby

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very based poster posting anime girls

Based cunnybro crashing this thread with no survivors

The joke is Domestic Dog Simulator dev used to post here sometimes and he said the game was successful enough for him to negotiate a lower than 30% cut for his next game.
Faildevs literally dug themselves into a hole by crying about it to the point where Valve automated it with a condition they can never reach.

Friendly reminder jannies and mods.
You don't follow your rules on the spam removing.
I don't follow the

Attached: 15590020516650.jpg (1447x2047, 485K)

I only play mainstream big budget AAA games.

I don't follow them either.*
Autoposting is a nice feature btw

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As a developer whos game also released on Epic let me tell you all something.

Epic gives more promotion to indie games than steam does.

steam is full of filth like hentai vn bullshit that games from hard working people like us get burried under the sea of crap that steam refuses to moderate.
And until steam fixes this shit every decent indie dev will start releasing their game on epic

And yes before you ask we already made profit. Unlike most spergs, normalfags, fortnite fans, kids don't care about having to install another storefront unlike you steam fanboys, who clearly have Origin, uplay, battlenet running in the background.

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>I don't follow the

like any kid is going to play your artsy trash games, or any indie games for that matter

Tim Sweeney here, this man is telling the truth

>Epic gives more promotion to indie games than steam does.
>And yes before you ask we already made profit


Attached: angry face.jpg (480x480, 90K)

>games are easy to sell on steam
>indie retards start putting literal trash on steam to sell
>trash doesn't sell well
>new launcher
>games are easy to sell because there aren't many games on it
----->YOU ARE HEREindie retards start putting literal trash on it to sell
>trash doesn't sell well
>move onto next launcher

Based cunnyposter, slayer of chink shills and jannies.

Huh? You deleted cunny but haven't deleted spam thread yet again?
Wow, it reminds me of something...

The whole industry stand united behind epic games store. Steam can't compete, it's over

Attached: 4912481851-212.png (2540x1344, 920K)

Why do you treat indie devs like a monolith? Some make good games and some make shit

Guess what? They both ultimately get buried.

the issue is, EGS might even be good to sell indie games since their library is not that vast, at the same time i cant buy games from EGS because it is 4x more expensive than STEAM is for me, so its a no deal

jannie you missed one:

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>Why do you treat indie devs like a monolith?
Becuase they think they are all entitled to sales and at the same time they also bitch about the cut marketplaces take but refuse to sell them without using said markets. 99% of indie devs can be found in the dictionary listed next to "entitled".

They deleted it because we reported it. Stop posting this shit. The thread is on topic. It talks about videogames.

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What the fuck I love EGS shill threads now?

There are some indie devs I love, but most of them I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

Topic talks?
Fuck back off to your dog eating country you ESL trash.

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BASED cunnyposter dabbing on the autistic EGS spammer.

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>You're entitled if you want a store that actually advertises quality games

Talking as a consumer here. I want to see quality games, either AAA, AA or indie

Steam currently buries quality indies because they allow any piece of shit onto the story

>B-b-bbut they don't want to curate

Steam curates games all the fucking time like pic related. What would be the difference?

Attached: 4yvtyghyzag31.jpg (913x810, 181K)

Says the idiot who can't even speak proper English lmao. You're posting off topic pictures. Go away

Steam removed new releases cause it's riddled with trash on a daily basis. I can't be bothered to look for games on steam anymore.

Using reddit to measure that is the most retarded thing i have ever seen anyone in this website say

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Get DABBED on spammer.
Based cunnybros are top tier.

Yeah yeah, right after your social credit score will drop below zero.

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This is what free market looks like. Learn to use tags and filters.

Miyu's tummy is otherworldly

Jim sterling go away your giving an example of shit that doesn't actually happen. Not to mention the games they snatch up aren't new out of nowhere games they only go for ones with a following already that don't actually need publicity

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I know the counterargument gonna be BOo-HOo steamincel or something BUT:
You have 2 platform, platform A is a decade old community liked one where you can clearly see how many people play the game, bought the game etc. Platform B is only around a year old, and use a closed door policy. Not suprisingly, platform B yell it out to the air that the games there sell record high, all of them while having no playerbase. I dont know where I wanted to go with this, but this is just lying through your teeth to make yourself look okay, so your paper castle doesnt collapse in a month

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Friendly reminder jannies and mods. Once you'll start removing chink spam properly, cunnystorm will stop too.

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I want Jack the Ripper to sit on my face and step on my dick.

The reason why Steam is overloaded with shovelware is because you indie faggots kept crying that Valve were too strict with their curation and they weren't getting noticed in greenlight. Now the floodgates are open and nothing is going to shut them again.
The only reason Timmy Tencent even entertained the thought of putting your 8-bit sidescroller walking sim on his burning trash heap of a store is because he's desperate to build a customerbase after Fortnite inevitably dies and he's looking for chaff for his giveaway weeks.
You will fail and it will be all your fault.

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Cull and purge them.

>>Jim sterling go away your giving an example of shit that doesn't actually happen.

Quality looking indies selling poorly happens all the time on Steam

>Only 300 copies sold

>bethesda clearly stated they dont want to lose more fans and side with steam
>gog stated they want people to get the games where they want, also its a storefront
> is actually matters? its a free game place
>EA release no games on epic since they have origin, it would be stupid from them
>Uplay thats a fair point I guess, but they are like a parasite infecting anything they can
>windows store just release their biggest game on steam AGAINST epic

yep, this picture either made by a delusional chink, or just a really bad bait

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>>windows store just release their biggest game on steam AGAINST epic

And Halo Master Chief Collection uses Unreal Engine 4 for the menu, meaning everytime you buy a copy, money goes to Epic.

Oops, you lose again

Attached: epic revenue steam 2.png (714x1017, 58K)

The reason why you keep getting recommended trash is because you keep purposely looking for and buying trash so the algorithm thinks you like trash.
Curate yourself, chucklecuck.

>Shitty Megaman clone
Yikes, glad cunnybros are crashing this shit thread.

What video games for this feel?

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>tfw new to PC
>honestly don't care about having epic storefront next to steam
>already have other storefronts so one more isn't going to change anything

Steam just seems to hate competition.It might not be a monopoly, but it's very close to being one.

>retro indie game 4 this time its megaman
Oh my god user. The game didn't sell well because people didn't want it. Theres so many better games out there to fill that itch.

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>Steam just seems to hate competition.It might not be a monopoly, but it's very close to being one.

It's not even Steam/Valve, it's their deranged fanboys that hate any sort of competition

Attached: accurate steam comic 3.jpg (800x800, 199K)

>Steam just seems to hate competition
How exactly do you come to that conclusion, when Steam itself has done basically nothing in response to anything Epic does?

>steamcells spamming loli to try to derail the thread

And all bought by epic games.

You don't account for the reducing Steam cut as the money piles up. However that Satisfactory sold so much absolutely baffles me, I don't like EGS at all but I genuinely think they might have sold more due to it (probably due to exposure to the Fortnite playerbase), simply because I cannot think of another reason it would sell 250k let alone 500k. It's literally Factorio but much shittier.

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Do you shills even look at the games you cry about being victims?

Survival of the fittest, epicunt. The strong prosper. The weak get buried.

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They count the sales that epic bought.

This is what a developer with soul look like who is happy anyone played their game at all.
Statisfactory devs are faggots that only make games so they can get a paycheck and clout on social media.

>normalfag "developer"
>calling other people normalfag
Sure thing my dude.

Attached: 213124115.jpg (1280x1803, 417K)

>The weak get buried.
Like Valve is getting right now you mean?

Lads, I want to discuss the Tienanmen Square Massacre.

Yeah that looks decent, Steamcel. I'd have let it on Steam in 2010, back when Steam curation actually meant something.

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Hong Kong is going to make Tienanmen look like a joke

>Bethesda and Microsoft desperate to return

Yeah, sure is getting buried.

>Survival of the fittest, epicunt. The strong prosper. The weak get buried.

That's pretty ironic, Steam drone

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>Steam just hates competition
Considering valve has done nothing while epic has taken multiple jabs at valve and their client shows valve doesn't care if there is competition for steam.

Valve is just self aware people don't like inconvenience in a client designed for convenience. Hence why back when other clients prior emerged there was backlash over it.

That looks like shit, thankfully you weren't in charge of Steam in 2010 and won't be in charge of anything but your own dick for the foreseeable future.

I hope SOMETHING big happens. News has been boring for months. A lot of big shit used to happen up until the 90s. Then the world just kind of calmed down.

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You misunderstand, it's a multi-store world now.

I'm still waiting for the EGS to get a concurrent playercount tracker.
Since it's not on their roadmap, it looks like it'll never have it, which means I'll never buy any games on their platform (largely because the only non-Jap games I buy are MP games, everything else I just pirate).

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>and won't be in charge of anything but your own dick for the foreseeable future.

Hilarious considering you won't even be in control of your own dick after you're chemically castrated based on what you're spamming

You always leave out the part that he got a job at Capcom after this.

Why do mods allow these threads flagrantly breaking rule 3 and global rule 2? These threads are literally nothing but
>Steam drone oh no no
>Chink chinky!
>Ree steam drone reeee

BASED cunny poster dabbing on EGS chink shills

Money equivalent of x copies of games. How else do you think they calculate exclusivity money? You don't have a source, you just don't want to belive it's true

Sorry, I'm not a Eurotard or a chink, so I don't live in a country where loli is illegal.

Attached: 360.jpg (1792x1344, 758K)

>EGS shill calling anyone else a spammer

Anyone saying that this isn't how exclusivity is paid for is lying out their ass. Companies love to fudge numbers for their investors

Because he's astroturfing.

Because valve knows piracy is their biggest competitor. They don't give two shits about other stores because those guys have to trample over each other to get close to valve.

Thats just how these things work. They only sold about 7k copies but they are allowed to show the full 500k because thats the amount that epic bought.

Successful devs don't make videos like this

Attached: file.png (736x110, 72K)

The condition was preorders user, not just cash.

holy fucking based, I love these steam meltdown threads, keep it up user :)

...what? that's not what i asked for.

Again, this goes back to your Steam drone conspiracy theories because you can't believe a game outside of the Steam ecosystem could succeed like pic related

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he is onions and a boy


>it's just how it is dude

The ooblets devs confirmed that Tim was just buying units in order to get them on board before they went on their condescending tirade and got flak for doing so.


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Mods don't care about the rules. They only ban things that personally offend them, like when they see anyone mocking leftypol.

Well, you are getting the money when you sing the deal. So it has to be based around preorders.
Coffee stain noted arond 9kk $ from netto sales revenue so the number is confirmed to be legit.

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Cunnychads RISE UP

>literal who resetera faggot
so this is actual the power of steam drones eh I mean steam trannies

Sure, source?

>chink thread is still up somehow
Wow, mods really are defending these threads, aren't they?

The only threads mods/jannies actually bother doing their jobs with are threads that scare advertisers away and ones that make fun of them. Literally every single 'rule' of Yea Forums is broken daily by threads that are alive for hours and reach the bump limit.

You can't silence the voice of the future. And future is going to be epic

Attached: rate.png (738x669, 186K)

Defending what? It's video game related.

>The condition was preorders user

Sounds like a mistranslation; if it was supposedly EGS, everyone knows they pay devs an upfront for potential Steam sale losses

He's full of shit and doesn't have it

see They secure exclusivity by purchasing x amount of copies of the game. They buy the copies in bulk with the condition of the devs being exclusive to their platform.

Exactly so Valve will focus on the bigger issue and provide a service that gives a storefront with fair pricing to help cut down piracy while everyone else attempts to dig a it with their consumer practices or just outright attacking other competitors.

This has generally been their priority since the birth of Origin.

The ooblet devs posted it themselves on their blog when they announced that they were being bribed and took the money

Then I guess it's time to help jannies earn their "pay."

Based Epic protecting us from harmful pornographic drawings

>korean interview based on assumptions, translated by resetera
kys coping subhuman

could you post it here?

Yes, we all know about the upfront payment based on potential losses from not being on Steam. That's nothing new

>tranny boogeyman
>sale numbers spam for months
>somehow considered a videogames
Don't you guys have dog to eat?

That we know, you claimed that tim was buying copies. You are yet to prove it


Great for them but the question is , how much could have sold if it was avialable on steam ? theres really no way to answer that question so i dont really understand whats OP's point. Is he trying to pepertuate the OP is a faggot meme ? being disingenuous for no good reason? ( i doubt he is getting paid for this)

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epic helps them by funding the development, they dont buy games prehand brainlet

Not him, but what the fuck do you think the quote "they offered us a minimum guarantee on sales that would match what we’d be wanting to earn if we were just selling Ooblets across all the stores" means?

Attached: file.png (656x403, 50K)

Keep rollin rollin

Around 50 000 copies i would say. Steam is really bad these days

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Epic should he rewarded for what they do well, their game engine. And shunned for what they do poorly, like shopping carts.

they need to sell 1 million units to make almost the money they get when selling on epic

>they offered us a minimum guarantee on sales that would match what we’d be wanting to earn if we were just selling Ooblets across all the stores

Falsifying sales figures is actually a crime. It can result in huge fines and even prison time.

Although an indie developer might be stupid enough to do this, I doubt Epic is.

... but this is what we've already known since EGS started doing exclusives

>Epic should he rewarded for what they do well, their game engine

Bad boycott. I thought you guys were against all things Epic?

Attached: pheonix point epic rpgcodex.png (1476x645, 106K)

are those actual sales or the cash epic gives to developers as part of the exclusivity deal and covering minimum projected sales?

no one ever actually says where the profit comes from and when asked there is just silence.

for people who do not know how epics exclusivity deal works and why so many actually do it.
epic pays developers twice.
once to be exclusive to the epic game store, either for a set ammount of time (borderlands 3 for example is only exclusive for 6 months then it goes to steam) or for a permanent time. longer exclusivity nets more money.
then there is another part. epic will guarantee sales to developers. lets say a developer thinks its game would sell 900k copies on steam and gog combined. epic then will ensure the developer gets the money equal to 900k sales. if a game lets say only sells 15k copies on the epic store. then epic will pay developers the difference to make up the minimum expected sales.

i dont know how the minimum sales are calculated but if developers can just bullshit about expected sales they can get a lot of money from epic.

back to the point of satisfactory though.
is it money from actual sales or made up difference from epic that they treat as real sales?

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Origin and got are the only digital distributors that got off the ground by themselves. Uplay still leeches off of what online store ubisoft chooses. Epic still lacks numerous features that even EA's store has and is an obvious open beta. While Bethesda's store is a travesty.

La ley es la ley user, ahora tengo que inspeccionar tu pene!

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>buying games prehand
when their game flops, epic pays them so they dont go bankrupt

Put all the devs in separate bubbles coz they don’t give a shit about either platform, they just want shit to sell and then put all the shitty game journalists icons with egs and there you have an accurate depiction

I think it means minimum guarantee on sales? We know how that shit works from phoenix point. Steamtrannies got mad after egs success so now they try to deny reality

It wouldn't be falsifying if Epic actually just bought a bunch of copies.

Basado. Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'.

Epic is literally just buying the copies from them and giving them away.
Go on, lad.

Counts as sales its not falsifying anything

How they guarantee an amount of sales without purchasing copies?

you don't deserve more promotion, you're not some morally superior, creatively pure darlings of the industry

most of the time your games are shit and you become worse than EA the second it promises vast monetary gain

back to elementary school steam drone
or wait here another one

it means they'd pay them the equivalent of what they'd be wanting to earn on all stores, up front.

>pay for a good product that is an engine

Attached: 1532085529189.png (811x561, 580K)

>How they guarantee an amount of sales without purchasing copies?
by giving them the money
>would match what we’d be wanting to earn

If Satisfactory sold so well why is it never talked about anywhere outside of these shill threads.

>game releases
>epic guarantees them an amount
>game sells well ( most likely see satisfacotry)
>game flops
>epic pays them until they reach the guaranteed money

Attached: Screenshot_20190418-171624_Firefox.jpg (1920x518, 479K)

Yea Forums hates epic

Lets just assume fake ids and open up indie studios to get those epic NEET bux

Yea Forums never talks about Fortnite and I know that's a success


Who the fuck would buy an Early access game on Egs?

You don't need to ask this question, just look at this thread. You mention anything epic related and you get raided by steamdrones

>Who the fuck would buy an Early access game on Egs?

Same question but about Steam

People died while waiting for Kenshi to be finished

Proof they only give them a lump of money and aren't buying sales?

>epic helps them by funding the development
Strange how all the games they bought exclusivity for are already finished.

Attached: 1523724812464.png (800x600, 105K)

Their games could never get to epic store. No wonder they defend steam.
Just look at this shit


>We got cash money for the exclusivity deal

Don't ask for proof when it's possible that it could be provided, Steam drone - you might win an argument for once

>assblasted over a 1996 game being resold on steam

>made up difference from epic that they treat as real sales?
100% sure his is exactly what happened. They sold a few thousand copies and epic then gave them the money equal to what they expected the game to sell. There is no doubt about it.

Attached: boomer dante.webm (600x360, 2.8M)

the official statement is that they don't buy games to boost sales number, so now you have to prove that wrong

Wow, a 1996 game looks like shit


No one hates epic, they made UT2k4 for fucks sake, they’re just shitting all over everything on pc, now it’s one big console war faggotry solely because of egs
Just look at this 2011? That's the year Skyrim came out LOL

>100% sure
how can you be 100% of something when you have no proof? sounds delusional. are you fanboying a store?

What is happening is what happens in a shop that sells physical goods. Epic "buy" a certain number of copies of a game then sell them on the store.
If a game is $20 and Epic buys 100k copies, what happens is this. Epic gives the developer $1.7 million (12% cut), then sells the game on the store. For every sale under 100k copies sold, Epic keeps all of the money, none of it goes to the developer as Epic gave them the money already.

I hate Epic for abandoning PC during gen 7 so they could shill their console shit then trying to muscle their way back in now that PC is profitable.
Thankfully, the only people defending Epic are console converts, who'll be fucking off back to consoles once the PS5/Xbone2 release.

>Artifact: Failed
>Dota Underlords: Lost 75% of its playerbase in 2 months
>Steam VR: Failed
>Steam Machine: Failed
>Steam Greenlight: Complete Joke
>Steam Mobile App: Nobody uses it
>Steam Proton: Stagnated and has no interest.

EGS always wins.

Attached: 1531028464948.png (800x894, 41K)

user, this is literally just a video of him saying he got paid for it. When you sell something you get paid.

>thinking that any post by tim sweeney is credible source
Oh boy. Just like the EGS wasn't spyware?

A statement made without evidence can be disregarded without evidence. Tim's source is literally "wow satisfactory sold a lot of copies" with nothing backing it up beyond Epic saying as much. If Valve tried to claim that Artifact sold hundreds of thousands of copies, people would be rightfully skeptical.

Just imagine bros.......

Everyone abandoned pc gaming then, you know what valve was doing? They were porting their games to consoles instead of making games on pc.

No but the game really had no marketing behind it besides that one trailer from the E3 pc gaming show. I am also fairly sure that people only really play Fortnite and don't touch other games on that platform. There is just too much negative feedback associated with epic games to make a sales figure like that for a game that isn't Fortnite on the epic store to be real.
I am all for competition but lets be realistic about things here. Epic probably paid them another premium so they'd announce that number so more people are inclined to actually take the epic deal.

>>thinking that any post by tim sweeney is credible source
he is a source from the company
now prove what he said is wrong

Rollercoaster tycoon world is on Epic despite a 56 metacritic rating

>Oh boy. Just like the EGS wasn't spyware?

It's not a spyware. You must be one of these people who belive it is because it's using certificates right? Guess what

Attached: retard.png (1024x307, 318K)

Remember that time he said he wouldn't poach kickstarter games anymore then proceeded to do the exact oposite of that? Sweeny's a known liar user.

>Proof they only give them a lump of money and aren't buying sales?
goes hand in hand with
>A statement made without evidence can be disregarded without evidence

>timmy tim tam completely left pc after shits of war flop on pc
>volvo continued to publish pc versions of their games
Uhuh, sure thing stinky chinky, valve left pc for sure back then.
Go eat a dog you scum.

>you know what valve was doing?
Making Half Life 2 Episode 2
And TF2
And Left 4 Dead
And Portal
And Left 4 Dead 2
And Portal 2
And Alien Swarm
In fact, 2006-2012 was probably among Valve's most active periods, when they were really pumping out games.
Meanwhile Epic was shilling Gears of War trash, that they had to sell off to avoid going bankrupt.
As far as I'm concerned, they can fuck off back to consoles and take their consolenigger zoomer fanbase with them.

Epic is based

Attached: DtTmNrwX4AEZhUs.jpg (841x783, 120K)

>prove that a known liar is lying

Hes not a credible source, user.

Oh yeah its totally normal for a software to peek through the files of a competing software on your computer

I remember satisfactory being $5 at some point

Right, which makes you an idiot for doing the exact same thing you're admonishing others for now. Hell, this is ignoring you taking someone that's on record lying multiple times as truthful at face value as well.

prove what he said is wrong

>Scanning the entirety of your competitors' user's data
>Not spyware

What's the point if it's going to be on Steam by the time it's actually released

I'm listening and considering the official statement from him and the developer. What are you listening to that makes you think they're wrong, what information have you found that makes you think they're lying?

>Oh yeah its totally normal for a software to peek through the files of a competing software on your computer
Prove that any packets with any info not concerning friendlist was sent to epic servers. Then i will agree with you, untill then you're just a moron.

i know this is bait and all but tariq is impressively retarded, even for a nigger

>dude just trust a habitual liar with a vested interest
Maybe he shouldn't cry wolf, no one other than his conspirators, his chinese overlords, and the gullible would believe anything that comes out of the sewer hole he calls a mouth

I'd unironically buy it before some of the "quality games" on Steam

Attached: lsdriver steam direct greenlight.jpg (1438x1320, 223K)

prove what he said is wrong

Tim having an agenda to push and an infantile attitude



Epics store shouldn't have even been doing that.


>>prove that a known liar is lying

He doesn't lie more or less than Gaben, Steam drone

Attached: 1544409250805.jpg (1275x676, 115K)

No I asked you what information you've seen that makes you think he's lying about the sales.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist now.

Every other major platform allowing you see how many people are playing a game right now, while EGS does not. That Tim has been caught lying before, that multiple devs have came forward stating that they've been offered to have their games sell a certain amount of copies.

By all means though, keep pumping money into Enron. Their shareholders said everything is fine after all.

>It isn't spyware!
>W-well searching the friendlists and wishlists of your competitor isn't spying!

>because h-he's mean
lol peak steamtard logic

i like how the pile of games just says "game" because they can't cite any example

Years ago epic wanted to do what uplay was doing, buy they decide not to support valve monopoly. That info is required for synchronizing launchers. It's not even in there anymore, so i don't see the point of this conversation

I don't trust him either but hes smart enough to keep his mouth shut in the face of a self made controversy unlike tim who literally cannot stop sucking chinamen dick

>multiple devs have came forward stating that they've been offered to have their games sell a certain amount of copies.

>Every other major platform allowing you see how many people are playing a game right now, while EGS does not.
It's funny, even fucking EA games let you see how many people are playing them.
Meanwhile EGS doesn't even have player stats for ANY of their games, on ANY site.

>shit thread is still up
So, jannies and mods, how much you've been paid?

Attached: 1564498342950.jpg (974x1442, 422K)

Its like arguing with one of those indian scam callers now. Your source is shit go away.

user just the whole
>The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file.
that they admitted to was way more than they should have been doing.

I don't see how that image is relevant? They wanted the game to be a lot more than it was and they wanted to work with richard garfield? I don't even know why you're bringing up Gabe in this conversation

>epic drone's argument is now just to keep focusing on an irrelevant subset of games released on steam when despite there being trash the amount of quality video releasing on steam still dwarf epics shitty platform
genuinely grasping at straws here guys, what's next arguing that having more games than epic is bad full stop?

Reminder that their popular free games failed to even hit 300k copies given out, yet somehow games that are copies of other games somehow all manage to sell over 500k exactly

Who are you quoting?
Anyway, you should provide source or kill yourself.

>valve monopoly
How many, shill?

Attached: 1548898689353.jpg (500x372, 55K)

You better be happy that valve is putting money in new projects moron. Otherwise you had stifled progress if at all.

Phoenix point, ooblet and samurai showdown(?) devs

That information can be gathered from the steam API which is what Epic should have used. The fact that they bypassed it means they were gathering more information than they should have had access too.

>>Reminder that their popular free games failed to even hit 300k copies given out,

>Allison also shared figures for how well the free games offered every two weeks have been performing. The first title, Subnautica, was downloaded more than 4.5 million times in its first two weeks, and the current free title -- Monomi Park's Slime Rancher -- is on course to beat this.

>Epic Games revealed the store's user base has grown to more than 85 million PC players.


>g-go away stop asking me for proof

Proof that I said that?

.>Buy a game
>Shortcut on desktop
>Click it
>Game opens


Attached: bc8095cc.jpg (1080x1080, 392K)

>It's not a spyware.
>Prove that any packets with any info not concerning friendlist
I'll provide sources the second you do.

funny how it sold over 500k and noone is talking about other than shill threads about sell numbers like this one
what is this game anyway? nobody knows because only 7k people really bought it

Attached: 47genders.png (389x288, 107K)

Is EGS shilling a new epic shitposting meme?

Attached: 1534035926086.gif (250x251, 1002K)

I would drop all arguments that EGS defense is mainly shills if Epic added a concurrent player counter for the games on the platform.
Until then, I'll be ignoring any and all sales figures.

>Epic buys shit-ton of copies as part of their little safety net contract
>”Wow guys! Look at how much we sold!”

Fuck Tim Sweeney, and Fuck Tencent.

Attached: 447F7E79-A8FF-4958-8A18-66F60F5815BC.jpg (542x540, 19K)

we're on so many layers of irony here that poe's law is in full effect but also not in effect but then also back in effect again i have no idea what the fuck is going on

Didn't the steam spy guy end up working at Epic

>Price maker
>barriers to entry
Hell yes
>Firm is itself and industry
No, but that's the dream of steamdrones
>Full control over supply
>downward sloping curve

it's arguable, but it's not unreasonable to call steam a monopoly.

Not that you know anything macro you fucktard, so don't bother replying

literally read your own post again

>>Full control over supply
are you fucking retarded? selling on steam and other platforms is allowed

He's just a straight up asshole and acts like people should like him despite his actions and behavior. Fuck that.

Man that 10% of a playerbase downloading a free game sure is alo-
>TF2 has 50m at least

Let's not talk about how Factorio, a game with far more social media presence which tends to be a significant factor in sales, somehow only sold double of Satisfactory despite it both being the 'original' and being on a significantly larger platform.

Prove what I said was wrong.

>price maker

Talk about falling flat on your face at the first step.

Thank good we have our old friend steamworks, making it impossible to sell on other storefronts. Not that other storefronts are big enough to matter anyway, i wonder why

Did we surpass SUCC? Was that even possible?

post more prisma ilya pls


>barriers to entry
literally no and that's what everyone is shitting on them for
>Full control over supply
Both the ability to sell outside of steam, plus the ability to sell steam keys on third party websites (which valve gets zero money from) say otherwise.

>steamworks, making it impossible to sell on other storefronts.
no it doesn't you can just take care of the connectivity yourself like tons of games do, you don't need steamworks for your game to work in multiplayer you fucking shill

>implying Valve set up the 60$ standart
>dude lmao Valve is not letting anyone! What do you mean there were other stores around even before EGS?
>dude lmao only valve sells games
Eat a dog.

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Not gonna work my nigga.
These threads under the protection from jannies and mods. They will not be deleted (including this thread we post in) unless it's really messed up.
Fuck jannies. Fuck mods. Fuck gook Hiro.

You can get paid?

Attached: 6761A717-DEF8-4C82-B2FD-B31B2DB45375.jpg (680x425, 73K)

>>barriers to entry
>literally no and that's what everyone is shitting on them for

I see, you are a total moron just like every other steamdrone in this thread.
>Barriers to entry are the legal, technological, or market forces that discourage or prevent potential competitors from entering a market.

The whole outrage about epic is literaly one of the barriers to entry the market. It was the case with origin/uplay anyone in fact.

Hans, load the CP cannon in Minecraft.

The previous five or six were all pruned.

Attached: fag5.png (2204x2603, 2.13M)

if you want more then post her yourself, farewell

Attached: 1542543076183.jpg (2077x1814, 1.26M)

Attached: fag6.png (1514x3850, 2.21M)

>steamdrones getting assblasted each and everytime

>The previous five or six were all pruned.
And yet here we are.

Not the mods' fault that this autistic nigger spends money on proxies to raise his social credit score.

>implying they got paid
Hiro probably just gave them orders and they cling to them to not lose at least this little power they have in their sad, miserable lives, that is ability to ban people and remove posts on vietnamese stonecraft imageboard.

Attached: 1480879426586.jpg (573x1024, 58K)

>keep spamming the same threads nonstop for attention
>keep doing the same thing over and over expecting shit to change
>try to pass off Steam users as the insane ones

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>Halo Master Chief Collection uses Unreal Engine 4 for the menu
Why though?

What If someone reproduces cp images in Minecraft and sells the servers?

Attached: b89m_400x400.png (400x400, 99K)

343 is legit incapable


Simply pathetic. Both on this autismo and retarded jannies/mods. This place really needs a complete overhaul of moderation staff.

They die.

It's like an incredibility extreme case of irony.

You do realise that you are being played by the market right now, do you? Even if you take this as your shitpost opportunity, you are playing into their hands.

Are you saying steam hasn't been improved sine 2004?

And yet I, who almost never play new pc games, have played a few games that basically had no working multiplayer outside of the steam version, because surprise surprise, devs don't have infinite time and resources to throw you a bone just because you don't want Gabe's drm. They need to get a working game out and they don't care if you can't play it anywhere else. You just support it or treat it as a non-issue because its on "your" platform, no different from a console fag.

>Devs use Steam's tools for multiplayer instead of making their own
>This is somehow Steam's fault
What's it like being retarded?

question is how would they reproduce vidoes with sound in minecraft?

>Half-Life 1
>Half-Life 2
>Portal 1
>Portal 2
>Counter-Strike Global Offensive
>Team Fortress
>Team Fortress 2
>Day of Defeat
>Garry’s Mod
>Left 4 Dead 1
>Left 4 Dead 2

It's edited dipshit look at the original

No matter which corporate dick you suck, you are still sucking. The worst offenders are "good guy valve" belivers obviously, because they legitimately belive they are somehow righteous

No matter how much autism this made up war fuels, just remember Gabe still hasn't said a word or even acknowledged Timmy a single time in the 9 months his store has been up. There is no war, just fanboys shitting the place up.

Attached: 557031873865.png (386x382, 167K)

All of those are owned by Valve.

>Tim Weenies Buy for 500k copies upfront
What a bunch of fucking retard, do they think people don't remember their fucking dark alley deal or some shit?!

Attached: 1563736277767.jpg (414x451, 53K)


The skinny AIDS nerd constantly attacks Gabe, but Gabe doesn't respond because Chads don't give a shit what betas think.

>Valve's games that they personally developed are exclusive to Valve's launcher
Why aren't you crying about Fortnite being exclusive to Septic Gay Store?

Now send 40% to china.

You do realize that gaben is dying, right?

Attached: 1621809.png (599x799, 708K)

>road to 500 replies (again) by spreading the truth
>loli spam tries to ban the steam drone killing epic chad

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for a game that "didn't sell at all" it's weird how big the community is on reddit
all fake accounts and posts i'm sure

What the fuck is that eye

but really why are you lying ? even vg talks about it

Attached: well.jpg (383x263, 8K)

Or maybe he just have multi-million business to run and can't bother himself with a guy who is just loud and obnoxious, but is barely doing a dent in his business.

epic sells unreal tournament on steam, that's pretty funny.

>The whole outrage over another service providing a subpar service and only competing because it is actively denying you the ability to purchase products elsewhere is a barrier to entry
I didn't know you created your own barriers of entry for an industry.

i attempted sarcams, i'm sorry.

>90k members
>Literally only 7 sales

So everyone really does pirate epic store games


Attached: 1565344070764.png (787x1117, 950K)

some illuminati black eye shit

more like
>bought out the ips
>made them steam exclusive
its much worse than what tim is doing

is Satisfactory the only game that sold anything on egs?
They never show other stats

It's the black death symptom. Gaben didn't want to go to the other side alone, he invested most of steam revenue into bringing black death back

>90k members
>27k online

Attached: REDDITTURNINGARROUND.jpg (920x965, 73K)

>"We'll put our games on Steam if they lower to 12%"
What games?

It's one of the barriers to entry, this one was created by steamdrone mentality so i belive you are one of the people behind it. Don't blame me for your actions

What you mean? factorio sold just 1.5M copies?

Shitnite. That's it.
Pray to the gods this won't happen. Epig Gay Store and shitnite does great job at keeping zoomers off Steam and other platforms.

they both did

>Steamcuck! Steamcuck bawkaaa!!

Attached: Novogen1 (1).jpg (500x500, 64K)

world war z sold like 700k+ copies user

Attached: wellll.jpg (730x158, 27K)

and died 1 week later

it sold 700k, pretty good on a shit platform right?

Just like mordhau

and ?

We'll never know because the EGS doesn't show concurrent players, unlike Steam.
I wonder why that is.

so 700k players got bored after a week?

They don't want people to see how dead all the games on their platform are.

What a failure

It's strange, I never a single person playing any of this shit

i have no idea user, but 700k is a good number right?

Steam does not show real concurrent players numbers. Valve is manipulating thesee numbers. Just like egs is manipulating sales numbers and just like in egs case i don't need to prove it.

Didn't they pay a streamer to shill the game for 2 days before the Twitch viewers went from 30K to 200 when it came out?

Actually, I can use a game like KAG or NS2 and compare the playercount from the server browser to the playercount shown on Steam.
And in both cases, they match (or are off by 1 or 2 in KAG's case since it's not only available on Steam).
So tell me user, why doesn't EGS show us concurrent playercounts?

>I never a single person playing any of this shit
We all know why no one plays the games yet they talk of huge sales

Attached: bribes.png (606x147, 10K)

>EGS sales Account for approximately 30% of sales
>EGS Sales have "beat the numbers on the playstation store and microsof store"
>Beat two competitor, with 30% of sale
Hahahahah even their fucking Math doesn't work, like their store!

Attached: 1523583471429.jpg (705x700, 119K)

>So tell me user, why doesn't EGS show us concurrent playercounts?

Retard, read that again.

Not gonna lie these obvious shill threads are getting too obvious. Not only that but 88 users and over 300+ posts?

Very clear astroturfing. And it's also boring. You ain't getting any money from me because I closed my Epic Account because of the anti-consumer practices and general incompetence of the store. And the Astroturfing reeks of the same shit film studios do when they dabble in Identity politics. Which is a very good way to turn me off ever wanting to deal with you.

So do me a favor and go fuck yourself. And also I use GoG and Steam, no loyalty just someone who doesn't like shitty storefronts.

They're not counting physical sales, because I guess those just don't count now.
I'm sure the split was likely 40-50% PS4, 25-30% PC, 20-25% Xbox.
So the lower end of PC sales for multiplats, considering most games on PC nowadays sell better than they do on Xbox.

Yep. EGS managed to sell 700k copies of a boring game.

if it's true yes

Because they don't have that feature?

>if it's true
what do you mean?

Why use GoG? It's anti consumer, just like egs. It does not have all of steam features

It's very easy to implement and even EA and Ubisoft do it, so why doesn't Epic?

Microsoft store and xbox sales are different

> he thought samsho will sell million copies
Based retard

Attached: 1565884389114.jpg (627x731, 113K)

Store doesn't have the capability yet, it's really bare bones.

You mean they made steam?


>epic gives a sale guarantee
wow that is new user, so where is your source about all the egs buy bots...oh wait

It wouldn't be hard to implement.
And it's not like they have GoG's excuse of the launcher not being necessary to ever play one of your games, so I don't see why they don't have a count showing online users and users in certain games.
I also don't see it on their roadmap, I wonder why that is.

why it's bare bones? it hasn't been operating that long. steam was slow too. pretty easy to understand.

They may not have all of Steam's features, but the lack of DRM more than makes up for it. Their review system is better too in my opinion

Ask sweeney on twitter. They never introduced it even for fortnite before egs and they have millions concurrent players.

Origin was more functional than EGS is now when it came out in 2011

But Steam had concurrent playercounts all the way back in 2004, when it was just Valve games.
There really is no excuse not to have something so basic.
Hmm, almost like they want to hide something.

its unhealthy and kills games, Im sure even gaben regrets it.

>There really is no excuse not to have something so basic.
it is if you're focusing on developing features that are more useful to players instead.