Why can't we discuss this game anymore without the Sarah-cunny retards and anti-cunny retards derailing these threads?
What the fuck is their problem
TLoU Problem in Yea Forums
neither you nor the cunnycrew want to discuss tlou.
just wait for a new trailer or something
fuck off Neil
You forget that the only thing people will do is bitch about lesbians and "strong" women in the game
Because there is literally, no joke, nothing else to talk about. The first TLOU was the biggest zoomer bait out there.
This isn't really a great game to discuss on Yea Forums. It gets mocked constantly as an interactive movie. No offense, but this is the kind of game normies love to talk about, not imageboards.
Jew nose
That is all
Because it's the only worth the game has
a good chunk of Yea Forums liked tlou and we had actual on topic threads for months, mostly about multiplayer or if joel did the right thing or not.
Why does nobody ever talk about the atrocious AI in the first game?
shut the fuck up
Is yakuza, mgs, or ff games not games than?
or the disappearing throwable objects
>a good chunk of Yea Forums
more like neogaf tourists
you are the tourist you fucker.
Yea Forums was so surprisingly positive about tlou that it drowned out the incredible amount of ahitposters spoiling the ending in every thread
it's not even released yet,there's also nothing to discuss about a normalfag movie like this
>Yea Forums was so surprisingly positive about tlou
the problem is Neil Kikemann. they had to shove contemporary special snowflake first world problems and MUH STRUGGLING GAYS MUH MINORITIES into a post-apocalyptic setting of all things.
I can guarantee you no one, and I say NO FUCKING ONE would care about some lgbtpq or lack of transracial genderfluid non-binary afroblack transfemale woes when mankind is a the fucking brink of extinction.
fuck that turbokike, fuck Naughty Dog, fuck Commiefornia-Sony and fuck #TrannyCensorstation
How many copies do you think TLoU 2 will sell?
Would you say 10 billion?
Yeah I loved TLOU but even I can see from a mile this new game is going to be fucking shit.
The Sarah cunny shit is legitimate pedophilia. You can’t use the “its stylized!!!” Excuse. She’s a realistic looking child.
Seek help
Masturbate to healthier things.
cinematic trash about moving ladder and pushing trashbins
naughty dog can't make fun games
Even the DLC for TLoU was pozzed beyond belief.
>let's shoehorn in a negress love interest who basically apes all the lessons Joel has about needing to survive, but she'll tell it to Ellie in a flashback first haha wouldn't that be great
One gives into your manhood. The makes you weak and feminine.
>needing to survive
She literally accepted losing her mind and dying at the end of the flashback.
>The other makes you weak
Around 7.5 million, it will not catch up to Spiderman