Just shrink me and shove me inside your asshole already. I've seen you do it to Liara so no excuses.
Manliest jaw in vidya
looks like someone stuffed mashed potatoes into a jumpsuit, get some taste faggot. she looks like michael jackson. tali is the most popular specifically because you cant see her face and everyone else is ugly as sin because bioware cant model or animate for shit. lastly the game is overrated basic bitch scifi.
Why so gay?
> everyone else is ugly as sin
What are you talking about?
>Mfw mashed potatoes
I'll take a side of those mashed potatoes, if you don't want them
plainfaced chiclet teeth fishbulb head with grooves
Still better looking than any girl you've been with... Oh, wait, I bet you are a jealous female
Kino taste my friend.
nah I fucked an oxygen deprived downie wearing a babylon 4 shellhead costume once
kys footfag
Babylon 4 went 1000 years in the past , and was Stolen by Ambassador Sinclair and the crew of Babylon five. Also, Mibari were pretty cool, for being boneheads
well close enough, minbarbie were all space elves whiney fags desu that show went from 1/10 to 10/10 every 10 minutes
Too bad she'd rather pursue her autistic shadow broker career than submit to Shepard's cock.
Come home earth man
>wanting blue babies
Dios mio, el ogro de Thessia...
I liked it, but you are right. It's like different people were writing each individual scene ,and the actors were cheesy and bad. But it really had a feel, like you were watching a space videogame like Wing Commander . Also, Freespace took a lot of liberties from that show
yeah the plot is surprisingly entertaining but everything else is mostly terrible
It was strange how they ended the shadow war so abruptly ,and it was very anti-climatic. I'm thinking they were affraid they were getting canceled , but IDK
I think it was a budget issue or something
Fuck off michael Jackson Tali’s gonna be here soon
Did Chuck end well? I dropped it a few seasons in
I’m going to spoil it for you, he sold the store to Sneed
>looks like a horse crossbred with Michael Jackson
Table-dancing tart...
I actually like Mass Effect 2.
>Didn't romance her but befriended her a great deal
>Final scene with her on Earth where she melds minds with Shep and shows her leaning on his shoulder
Sweet as fuck. If she wasn't an alien, I'd wife her.
>went against my better judgement as a teen to fug her
No regrets.
Mass Effect but only with girls under 12 would be so good. I would call it Cunny Effect. And no saving the universe, just sex with children 24/7.
King of Pop
>goes on a rampage against the biggest intelligence agency in the galaxy after the head of it fucked with your corpse
>couldn't live without the idea you mightn't be alive
Didn't even romance her in one, dropped Ash for her in three.
What even is this dere type?
>mass effect sfm slowly started reducing in quantity and quality after 2015
Feels pretty bad man.